

37.3K 1.1K 3.1K

A miraculous fan fiction filled with adventure, drama and love. So there is a new cat in town. Will this chan... More

~hello there!~
~i think im in love~
~out of my league~
~its not the same anymore~
~video games~
~night changes~
~never enough~
~welcome to new york~
~can i call you tonight?~
~call me~
~draw me close~
~little dark age~
~war of hearts~
~cupid shuffle~
~so this is love~


1.2K 36 45


Ever since we stepped off of the plane Joella had been eyeing me and adrien weird

I was confused

Along with Felix who had been giving me an odd smirk and adrien a glare

We got to the penthouse of this modern building ,which was owned by the bourgeois, and settled in

Me, Joella, adrien and Felix all shared a condo type area.
We all have separate rooms and a mini fridge

This place is like heaven

I make my way to the couch and take a seat in between adrien and Joella

So.... do you two have something you want to share with the group?


Joella rolled her eyes

Nevermind! You two are too stubborn to admit anything

Felix made his way into the room

So adrien, she is your girlfriend-

No, no it's not like that at all. We are just best friends

I don't know about you but I don't snuggle with my best friends

She was cold Felix! You would have done the same

Felix rolled his eyes at adrien

There was a moment of awkward silence

Oh cool! I just found out Chloe is hosting a late night swimming party tomorrow night after the red carpet. It is on the roof of this building and the color scheme is.... yellow. YELLOW?! No way am I wearing yellow.

Well... I don't have a swimsuit anyways, but I do have some money, so let's just break the rules and all show up in a different color.

How about purple?

Yes! That is a brilliant idea! I will tell Nathalie to take us shopping tomorrow before the fashion premiere

Come to think of it, if guys are going to be there I probably wont swim I will just chill around, I can just wear sweat pants-

Girl! If guys are gonna be there you have to wear the most revealing swimsuit you own!

Ah yes so a T-shirt

Adrien let out a chuckle

Fine! Let's meet in the middle. You wear a bikini but not a revealing one

Eh.... fine

Yes! Thank god
Joella said throwing her arms in the air

Kaili, we may need to go ahead and get to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Sounds good. Goodnight!

Night night you two.
Joella says winking at us

Joella if you don't stop
I reach over and smack her before walking down the hall with Adrien

I stop infront of my bedroom door

Goodnight K

Goodnight A
I say with a laugh

You are going to do great tomorrow, don't let it stress you.

I can't make any promises
I say with a laugh

I'm just across the hall if you need anything-

Joella shouted from the living room

I let out a small laugh waving goodbye to adrien and stepping into my bedroom closing the door behind me

I change into an oversized shirt and some shorts and lay down in bed

I flip the light off and began to get comfortable

After a few minutes I could hear the TV shut off in the living room and footsteps approaching down the hallway, passing my door and entering separate rooms

I sit in silence.

I couldn't get the idea of me messing up tomorrow out of my head so I decided to text my brother

(me: hey.... I don't know if you know, but I'm in New York)>

<(Him:REALLY?!? RIE don't be messing with me?!?)

(Me:I'm serious.)>

<(him:wait why?)

(Me: a fashion premier)>

My attention was shifted away from my phone when I see a sliver of light shine into my room

I instantly jump back and look over at the door to see adrien standing there waving at me

He shuts the door behind him

I flip a light on and he began to squint rubbing his eyes

You are still up?

Yes, I'm not tired

Are you sure you aren't tired or are you just anxious

A bit of both...

So... what are you doing

Well don't just stand there

I pat the bed beside me

He walks over and sits beside me

I was gonna go get snacks but I decided not to... so I came in here instead

I was just texting my brother and telling him I was in town

Cool! What did he say?

He thought I was lying to him but-
My phone buzzes

I look down to see three repetitive messages

<(call me)
<(call me.... please :) )

God he is annoying
I hit the call button

He answers on the first ring

What in the name of the holy god above is this
He holds his phone over to the computer where a photo of me and adrien asleep on the plane is pulled up

Wait- who-

I realized I'm friends with joellas brother.... he sent me the photo

Ugh.... can you not be so protective all the time, he is just a friend.

I'm not sure if he thinks that
I narrow my eyes at my brother before turning the phone to show adrien who was sitting beside me on my bed

H-hi Mr.Agreste...
My brother says panicking

Please, call me adrien

Hi... adrien

Oh wow! So you are so nice to him but so rude to me
I say to my brother

Uh... do you two have to stay in the same room because if you do you better be social distancing!

No, we just couldn't go to sleep so he came in here to talk to me.

Well, are you going to visit us while you are here?

I don't really want to see father or carline

But will you? For meee
He says with a wide smile on his face

Fine, not tomorrow but the day after okay? We can meet somewhere and eat lunch.

Annnddd you are going to be fine, not panicking and you aren't going to ditch us

Nope, me and adrien already planned it on the plane ride


I planned on it, but if I do you can't be annoying or embarrassing... also NO BABY PICTURES OF ME!

Fine fine... is he gonna help you not murder carline

I make no promises jojo-

She won't be killing anyone, don't worry
Adrien says with a laugh

The bourgeois have invited us to the red carpet event

I will see you there then

I don't know if we are going to the fashion show yet but I'm pretty sure we are. Carline is gonna drag us there

I just roll my eyes

Great more to be nervous about

Why would you be nervous-

My father needed a back up model so she is modeling with me

Adrien says with a smile
Leaning into the view of the video call

HAHAHAH! My sister? A model?

She is going to be great
Adrien smiled over at me

She is clumsy... ugly and a weirdo.

Wow thanks bro!
I say sarcastically

She isn't ugly or weird, and we have the clumsy part covered

Okay okay, before you embarrass me more jojo, I'm gonna go.

Okay love you RIE RIE

Goodnight from.... also New York

Haha goodnight

I hang up the phone and look over to see adrien is asleep

I let out a small smile

I didn't want to wake him, he looked so peaceful

I stood up out of the bed making my way to the door before turning out the light, walking across the hallway and into his room

I plop down into his bed and doze off

All I could do was hope for the best to happen tomorrow.

It is a new day after all



Kaili? Hello?!

I twist the door knob to her room which seems to be unlocked

I'm coming in.
I open the door to see a pitch black room

I swear if you are trying to prank me

I hear my cousins voice from across the room

I flip the light on to see him sitting on her bed

Have you seen kaili-

What are you doing in here?

Me and kaili couldn't sleep so we called her brother and I must have fallen asleep while we were on the phone. Where is she?

Well, not on the couch because that is where Felix is right now watching the news
I say with a slight laugh

Well... I have an idea of where she could be, come on.
I signal him out of the room, across the hallway and into his room

I look behind me to see him standing there rubbing his eyes with messy bed head

It's bright out here
He wines

I open the door to reveal a dimly lit room bright enough to see thanks to the balcony doors letting in natural light

I look over at the bed to see kaili curled up in a ball squeezing tight to a pillow

I glance back at adrien who's suddenly wide eyes showed a look of admiration and his blank expression faded to a smile

I shove into his arm nagging at him

He whispers

I'm not doing anything
I say with a smile

I glance back over at the bed to see her sitting up and glancing out of the balcony doors at the city scape below

She looks over at us rubbing her eyes

She says in a soft voice

I look back at adrien to see that he was all red faced and smiley and I swear that if I could just get those words out of him....

All he has to tell me is that he likes her


Okay okay! Kaili is a great friend and an amazingly beautiful girl but I don't think I like her in that way

No! No thinking do you or do you not.

Well.... isn't it obvious. I don't think she likes me back

Wow, you really are blonde

Why do you always say that?!?

I couldn't help but break down laughing.

I ignore his question and walk into the kitchen, adrien close on my heels

Let's wait for kaili to get dressed, and then we have to go shopping before we head over to the runway to get you two all fixed up

I say turning towards Adrien

Okay sounds good.
He says sitting down on the sofa


I finish tying my shoe and walk out into the living quarters

Hey guys, I'm ready.

Okay, let's go.

Joella shoved me towards the door aggressively

Jeez just kill me in the process why don't you.

You would have done it yourself, you are too clumsy for your own good

I am no- AHH!
I round the corner to the Elevator running directly into someone

Are you alright?

I- I'm so sorry. You see maybe I am a bit clumsy-

I look up and make direct eye contact with a boy with blue hair and tan skin

He looked familiar

I-I hello.
I pull out of his grasp and stand awkwardly

Hello. I'm luka, and you are?

I- me- name- haha
I was speaking pure gibberish

I'm kaili DuPont.

Cool! I've heard all about your family!

M-my family?

Yeah! Like how your great grandfather was co founder of our high school and your family comes from a line of super heros-

Uh... are you sure you have the right person?

Yes... I'd recognize those eyes anywhere
He says stepping closer to me and looking into my eyes

I feel myself blush

Hi luka!
Joella says waving at him

I glance back to see adrien and Felix standing side by side with a blank expression on there face and Joella smiling from ear to ear

Ah! There she is! My other sister.


Yeah cause I'm always at your house.... or should I say boat.
She says with a laugh

This is my friend kaili, I see you two have ran into eachother
She jokes

Yeah litterly... but I didn't mind it. We should run into each other more often. Until then-

He leaned closer to me brushing my hair behind my ear and letting out a small smile

He opened his mouth to finish but before I knew it

We are going to be late and we don't want to keep Nathalie waiting!
Adrien grabbed hold of my arm pulling me over to the elevator and aggressively pushing the button for it to open.

As soon as it opens he walks me to the far corner of the elevator where luka is out of sight before letting go of my arm

Joella says walking into the elevator

He totally thinks you are cute!

Wait really?!? I mean I don't know... it doesn't matter anyways because I definitely don't think he is cute.
I say rolling my eyes and looking away from her

Mmmhhmm that is why you panicked

I always panic. I'm me

You aren't panicking now

Only talking to guys

Not while talking to adrie- I take that back..... not while talking to nino!

It's whatever! I don't like him anyways, he didn't seem..... my type.

Well I could have told you he wasn't your type but that doesn't mean anything

Joella! Leave it! I don't like him.

Whatever.... he did say you were cute when I was talking to him earlier-

I say excitedly

Ugh... I mean I don't care!

The elevator comes to a stop and we make our way out to the limousine loading in for our quick shopping trip.



The dressing room was cold

I kept looking in the mirror and situating my tie. Something was off about it.

Plus it helped my fidget, I couldn't stop thinking about earlier... kaili and that boy.... luka.

I could tell by the way he... looked at her.

He liked her; and he couldn't be good for her.

Well.... that is what I tell myself

I hear the door creek open revealing kaili with her eyes closed

Adrien, I forgot to knock. I hope you are decent.

Yeah come in.

She walked in with a smile on her face.

Wow! You look... beautiful- I mean Gorgeous- I mean-

Thank you. Your tie... is a bit off. Mind if I?

Please, go ahead

Being this... I don't know, close to her without either of us panicking in some way.... it just made me comfortable.

Maybe she has actually warmed up to me, I swear that is the reason she panics

There! Is that better

Wow! Thanks, I barely know how to tie a tie. I always have someone do it for me.

The only reason I know is from a 5 minute video I watched to help my brother tie his. He had a middle school formal and father was... well... out of town like always so I had to step up and be... well dad.

That is a sweet story.... I hope that I get to meet your family. Your brother truly is amazing and your family must be the same if they raised you two.

Well... my father just isn't the same anymore and my step mom isn't worth a count.

Oh I'm sorry-

I just wish you could have met my mom...

Yeah. Same here, she has to be an amazing woman. I wish you could've met my mother too, she would adore you.

You want to see a photo of younger her?


Everyone says we look alike

This is one of the old black and white screen cuts from a movie she acted in. It wasn't an old movie, and you have probably heard of it. Solitude?

No way! That is the movie my mother is starred in! I've never watched it is it good?

I wouldn't know, father would never let me.

Oh same here

We should watch it one day, I think my Grammy still has a copy but I'm not for sure.

Well if she does... be sure to invite me over for a movie night
I say with a laugh

Oh for sure.
I watch as she looks to the right to avoid eye contact

You really do look like her. You have her-

We say in synch

I get that a lot....

That is good though.... she was beautiful.
I say grabbing ahold of her hand

Thank you adrien.
She says looking down

I hear the door crack open

Are you two ready?
Nathalie questions

Ready when you are K

Ready as I'll ever be.
She says with a smile

We follow Nathalie out of the room

Is father coming?

Your father is a really buisy man-

But he was free enough to catch a flight and come with us

I'm sorry Adrien, your coordinator will be with you shortly.
She walked out of the room.

I am so done with this family. All I ask if for my father to care.


I feel so bad for adrien... he is worried about his father showing up and I'm hoping for the best.... that mine doesn't

H-hey... I'm here is you need me. I hope your father shows up instead of mine.

Don't worry about it. I'm used to it... and thank you.

But you shouldn't be used to it...
I say looking at the ground

He pulls me into a tight hug

Nothing can ruin this moment, not even my father absence. I won't let it get to me, just don't let it get to you.

I really care about you adrien, and I want you to be happy.... just be happy okay?

Okay... as long as you are here
I felt my heart skip a beat..... I don't know why

Okay, hello I am Pauline McLelan and I will be your coordinator

I jump back

I didn't expect that. I can feel my face get red from embarrassment.

The tall lady looks down at me

Well aren't you just a cutie.
She tucked my hair behind my ear and gave me a pat on the shoulder

Okay we have to make you two stand out from everyone else. You two are obviously close, if you don't mind me asking what is your label?

What does that mean?

Friends, Bestfreinds
Adrien says with a smile

I'm sorry, I just assumed-

It wouldn't be the first time someone has assumed that, right you two?
I hear joellas voice

I turn to see her standing there waiting to greet us

Joella! Hi!
I run over and give her a hug

You look stunning girl!

Thanks! So do you.

Haha! I'm just wearing a sweater!

But you look great. I better get back over there.
I point over at adrien walking back over to where we were standing.

Okay, well you two are comfortable with eachother... and I've heard about this ones clumsiness.
She looks over at me
So, the other models for other companies will be enterlocking arms... but we want you two to stand out so, mind if I?

By all means, go ahead

I just nod

She grabs me by the shoulders nearly picking me up and nudging me up beside adrien.

Okay now give him your hand
I was confused

I hold my hand out and he takes it awkwardly

No. Not like that, like this. Adrien, flip your hand this way, kaili enterlap your arm. Yes! Like that!
She stepped back to admire us.
When you get to the front of the runway give her a twirl like so.
She grabbed one of my hands placing the other on my waist spinning me around at a paced speed and making sure to stop me.

Not too fast but not too slow. Make sure the judges see her whole outfit. Then enterlock your arms walking in a small simi circle one final time and exiting the runway.

I just stood there confused

And voila! You are finished and you have stunned the whole crowd and all of the viewers back home!

Back home?

Oh, it's live broadcasted world wide!


Thank you for your time miss!

Merci! I mean thank you.
I mutter

Once she walks away I turn to adrien.

What does she mean by the simi circle and spin and.... I don't understand
I start to panic

Just follow my lead and be sure to smile, not a forced smile though.

I've got that part covered, I was a cheerleader for five years.
I say with a laugh

You've got it all covered, plus I've texted all of our friends from school and told them to watch it on TV for support.

I'm nervous
I say looking at my feet

Don't be. My father chose you for a reason, you are kind, funny, beautiful and talented. He sees that... everyone sees that.

I can't help but blush.

You two are up next!
Pauline announces

Thank you!
Adrien says back

Are you sure I won't make a fool of myself?

I'm positive, as long as you and I are having fun no one else can say we messed up. We decide if we mess up not the crowd, so let's go out there and give it our best. It makes no difference, as long as you put your trust in me I promise you won't fall.

Thanks again. I don't know what I did to deserve you.... but you are the best friend I could ask for
I give him a kiss on each side of his face

He had a look of shock on his face

Oh. Sorry if I overstepped boundaries, my family has always done that more as a charm of good luck than congratulations-
He did the same back.

I was frozen in place

No boundaries were overstepped, it's just... I don't necessarily get that a lot. My family isn't very... well, physical.
He said with a laugh

Oops! Sorry, you've got some lipstick right.... there.
I wipe the lipstick from his cheek

Im not used to wearing lipstick
I say with a laugh

Well... it suits you, but I think you look even better without it.

Mister? Madamozelle? You are up.

I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest, and i knew adrien could tell

Hey remember, no matter what happens out here I've got you. No matter what you've made me proud, modeling is no walk in the park.... I'd know.


I didn't even have to force a smile, cause in this moment... I'm happy

I make sure I have hold of his hand the right way as we take the stage.

As I look around at all of the crowd for familiar faces I spot Joella, Felix, Luka and Lukas.

I wave in their direction

I look a few rows above them and my heart drops..... there sits my father, his new wife, and jojo.

I keep my composure by gripping Adriens hand tighter.

You are doing great.
He whispered through a smile

We made it to the front and he spun me around
I made sure to smile at the camera for I knew people back in Paris would see this

I enterlock arms with Adrien

I glance over my shoulder waving at the camera, adrien did the same.

Once we got off the runway he embraced me in a big hug.

You did absolutely amazing!

I just looked down at my feet

Are you okay?

Yeah... I should have known they would show up.

Hey, it's okay. They were probably so proud!

I don't want them to be proud of me. Ever since he has met her.... they have enjoyed telling me that I would never be anything, or saying "stand up straighter" or "don't wear that! You will never get a good looking guy looking like that!" I just think they don't have their priorities in check...

Hey! Well they just saw you on a runway with only the most famous fashion designers in all of the world. You don't need to worry about what they think, and any guy would be beyond lucky to have you. Cause no matter what you wear, or how tall you stand you are still the most adorable, kind hearted, helpful person I've ever met. No one can take that away.

You know.... I think some of these girls around paris need to check themselves. They are chasing after the model in you while they need to be obsessing over your amazing personality. You are the best!
I nearly jump into his arms

No... you are the best K.
I hear him whisper under his breath

Joella runs up and joins the hug

It really was you two.
Lukas says

Best ones out there
Luka says

You could tell you two had real personalities unlike the others that looked nearly robotic.
Felix says doing robot arms

I can't help but laugh

Thanks to all of you! Without all of that support I couldn't have done it.

Okay, I hate to interrupt this gathering but we must get going and get you two changed if we want to be on time for the bourgeois event!
Nathalie says directing us to the limousine.

By the way the fans cheered us on as we exited the building, I'd say my first and probably last fashion show was a success.

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