The Blood King's Love

By orbitmocha

133K 5.3K 382

Throughout the land of Valon, everyone in their right minds fear the Blood King. He's a ruthless killer, and... More



9.7K 382 10
By orbitmocha

He drags me by the ankle across the floor at first, then tosses me over his shoulder. I let out an angry yelp and begin to struggle and kick in the air, but that didn't faze him at all. He's a tall man and his clutch is strong; he was effortlessly manhandling me, walking me all the way back to my cell. He throws me inside at full force and I hit the cold, rusting metal wall. The pain from the impact was crazy, but I try to keep myself composed.

Goddamnit. I was so close! If only I had woken up earlier...what on Earth is going to happen to me now?

I look up at the king, as he examines the unconscious guard outside my cell. Then he looks away, taking a step into the room. I had forgotten the keys to the cell that I had retrieved from the guard and left it on the floor. He reaches down, picks it up and puts it in his pocket.

He looks the same when I saw him last at the ruins of my village: long, black hair up to his lower back; a dark green and gold robe, jewelry hanging from his neck and rings covering his fingers. It's completely silent as he looks me up and down and examines me. Then: "So, you put him to sleep," motioning behind him towards the guard on the floor.

I pause; this is where the saying "think before you speak" comes into the most prominence into anyone's life. I can't say the wrong thing, since I have no idea what it might do.

"I guess," I say. Brush it off. Don't speak too much. Don't show any weakness.

"Hmm..."He smirks. I almost flinch.

Before I can tell what's happening, he's grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall. "This animal needs a bit more taming than I thought..."

A sweat drop trickles down from my forehead. He's choking me. He's choking me. I can't breathe. I can't take this.

Don't show any weakness.

I look at him with the most emotionless face I can muster. Don't be scared. I mean, be scared, just don't show it. That's your best bet right now. Just be calm, be calm.

The look in his eye is that of evil amusement, and he loosens his grip slightly.

"So tell me, pet...what made you think you could try to escape your cage?" He speaks snidely.

Answer. Answer well. "I...I thought I smelled raw meat." I swallow. "Turns out it was just you."

The Blood King lets out a laugh, but then his face turns serious and he squeezes my neck so much harder I start to cough. "Watch your mouth, dirty woman." He throws me to the ground and I gasp for air, and he kneels down to my eye level. Almost nose-to-nose with me, he lifts my chin as my breathing quickens. "Look at you." I feel his warm breath on my neck. "You're absolutely filthy. Inside and out." I know he's looking at my ripped, bloodied and muddied dress, looking down on me like a man looking down at an ant.  

I try and take the opportunity to throw a punch, but before I can come in contact with him, he grabs and twists my wrist, slamming it on the wall behind me, doing the same with my other arm. So I have to rule out that option.

Then out of nowhere I feel the most horrible thing I've felt throughout this whole encounter; an immense pain is coming from my wound, and I look down to see the king digging his fingers into my injury, opening it again.

I start to panic and scream, and use my good leg to kick him away. That doesn't do anything, but he stops anyway--his job is done, blood pouring out of my thigh and tears falling down my cheeks. He grins, almost proud of himself, and stands back up again, like it was nothing.

"Be careful, my dove. You know who I am. Keep that in mind while you stay here. If anything, I'm your savior. Don't do things you shouldn't, and be grateful that you're alive."

I take deep, furious breaths as he walks out the cell. "So why haven't you killed me yet?" I exclaim.

I can hear the sneer in his voice. "You're a curious one, aren't you?"

He turns, an evil gleam in his eye.

"How charming."

He locks the door behind him.

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