Thorns and Roses (Book 1)

By winter_sorceress19

280 8 0

Even by Isle standards, I had a real shitty life. Orphan, raped, starved, beaten, and left on death's door. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


61 1 0
By winter_sorceress19

3rd Person P.O.V:

"You're taking us where?" Gil ask as the prince of Auradon stood before them, his arms behind his back. "To Auradon. You and your friends have been given a chance to live there." Uma shares a look with her crew as her eyes slowly move over to Mal. "What about her?" Uma ask, and Mal sighs. "We've tried, Uma. He is not letting us near her." Mal says as Harry scoffs, folding his arms. "We didn't try hard enough, or she would be safe by now. Mal, she's a part of our pirate crew. We're not leaving without her." Harry says as the young prince looks around at them confused.

"Whatever it is, I can help." He says, and Jay scoffs. "How are you gonna help us save our friend? She's with Gaston, and he keeps her locked away. The last time she tried to escape, it didn't go over so well, and Gaston made her life even more of a living hell." Jay says as Carlos walks over to the window. "You can't help us or her." Carlos says as Evie walks over to him. "Maybe he can. Like Harry said, we aren't leaving without her."

Meanwhile, Gaston was in the basment of his shop as Valerie tried screaming for help, knowingly straining her voice, yet no one could hear her. Of course, for Gaston, that was intentional. "Scream all you want, angel. After you tried to leave me, I made sure this place was soundproof." He walks over to Valerie as he pulls her up by her hair smiling. "Then again, you did bring me joy when I got to chase you around the Isle."

He pushes the ruby princess back on the ground. "I wanna play a game. I heard from a little birdy that my son and his friends are heading to Auradon. Of course, knowing them, they won't leave without you. So, if you can make it to the limo, before I catch up to you, then you're free. And if not, you're mine for as long as I live, and I can do whatever I want to you." Gaston says as he picks up a metal pipe, turning back to Valerie. "Of course, I'm not gonna make this easy." Valerie stands back up, swaying side to side, as Gaston swings the pipe on her right leg and ankle until she is more along the lines of limping than walking. "And just for the hell of it." He breaks her right wrist as well.

Gaston breaks the chains, giving her a 20-second head start before he starts searching for her. Valerie hides behind the nearest dumpster, holding onto her wrist and breathing heavily. "Valerie," Gaston's voice rang out in the most annoying sing-song voice anyone could imagine. She manages to stand avoiding the people in her way, ducking into alleyways she knew he wouldn't be in. Not stopping until the limo was in her sight.

"You can't run forever. Literally and figuritively speaking." His voice rings out on the Isle, and yet, Gaston was nowhere close to catching up to the ruby princess. The limo was only a few feet away, and he was still on the other side of the Isle. "Harry;" Val hurries to the limo as she sees him just standing there with his arms crossed. "We should've tried harder. We are so sorry;" he stands up straight as a familiar blur becomes clear to him, "Valerie?" He runs to her as she falls on the ground. "Hey;" Harry places her left arm around his shoulder, helping Valerie up.

"How'd you get out?" He ask her as she looks behind them. "Don't worry about it." Valerie says as she and Harry make it to the limo. "He's not far behind." Harry realizes as he looks back seeing Gaston. "Hey;" Jay comes downstairs seeing Valerie, "Oh my... Valerie. When did she..."

"I don't know, Jay. But Gaston isn't far behind. Look." Jay turns seeing Gaston push through other villains in a fit of rage. Ben sticks his head out the window along with Mal as they both get a glimpse of it, too. Without thinking, Ben jumps from the balcolny of the home the VKs lived in, landing on his feet. "Dude, how the...."

He raises his hand as a way of silencing Jay. "Long story." Ben says with a slight smirk. Gaston stops in his tracks when he approches Valerie, Jay, Harry, and to their surprise, a very angry prince, Ben. "Give me Valerie, and I won't hurt you." He says as Harry holds her close. "I won;" Valerie practically growled, "you have to let me go." She says, coughing up blood just a bit. "Dear Valerie;" Gaston smirks, "when will you learn that I was lying. You aren't going anywhere." Valerie started shaking a bit, and Ben notices from the corner of his eyes.

"You really are a slimy little rat." Ben says as Gaston turns to him. "Who the hell are you?" Gaston asks as Ben sighs. "Wrong question. You should be asking who my father is. Ya know, Adam, or as most enjoy calling him, King Beast." Gaston looks at the young prince in surprise. "Oooooh, by the look on your face. You're a tad bit jealous." Ben smirks as Jay holds back a laugh.

"Whatever;" he turns back to Harry, "she's mine." Gaston says as he yanks Valerie from Harry's arms, pushing him against the limo. Something comes over Ben as he lunges at his father's enemy without a second thought. The VKs and pirates choose not to stop him as Ben hog ties Gaston's hands and feet together, dangling him from a very sterdy platform. The others run downstairs to get a glimpse of Ben's "masterpiece" as Valerie is once more in Harry's arm. "Get me down from here." Gaston demanded, and Ben only smiles. "Nah, I wanna see how long it'll take your blood to reach into that non-existent brain of yours." Ben says as Gaston spits at him.

"See, my parents are kinda humble. You could do whatever you want to them and they won't care. I'm like that until you mess with someone who didn't deserve what you put them through." Ben starts to spin Gaston around, cutting his hands free at the same time. "For the child of two heroes, you don't act like one." Gaston says as Ben walks to the limo, opening the door for Valerie.

Ben looks up at Gaston with a straight face. "Funny;" he shrugs, "I never said I was one." With that, the Vks, Pirates, Valerie, and Ben hop in the limo, leaving Gaston there like a piñata; leaving the Isle behind to start a chance at a better life in Auradon.

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