Kali and Barney are Waiting f...

By AdventureGirl5

3.2K 68 21

Kali's throwing a Christmas party with all of her friends from her past adventures attending. When everyone s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

682 14 2
By AdventureGirl5

The clock soon chimed to 11, as another hour had gone by when...

"Ooooh!" Some muffled moaning was heard, apparently coming from inside the chimney as a familiar voice rang out. 

"Help me! Help! I'm stuck!"

Kali was awoken by the noise when she noticed her Barney doll was missing but heard his voice coming from inside the chimney. 

"Barney?..." Kali said, still a bit groggy. 

"Get me out of here! Help!" Barney's voice called again. 

Kali rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up until her eyes widened when she saw clear as day Barney's feet dangling out of the chimney. She rushed over to help the poor dino. 

"Wait, hold on!" Hiro Hamada's voice spoke, interrupting the story. "How did Barney even manage to fit in that chimney?" He questioned while the rest of the friends all soon nodded in agreement, shocked that Barney couldn't have gotten through that without fracturing his tail at least. 

Kali shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "Your guesses are as good as mine" 

"I'm sure glad I never thought about going down our chimney" Clifford the big red dog smiled nervously, obviously knowing he wouldn't fit. 

~Back to the Story~

"Don't worry, Barney!" Kali said, coming up to the chimney and grabbed ahold of Barney's feet. "I'll get you down somehow!" 

The young tomboy wasn't exactly sure how she was going to do it but she had to try something. She started pulling on the dino's feet but it was no use. It sounded like Barney was starting to weep. 

"Oh, don't cry Barney" Kali said to her dinosaur friend. 

"I'm not crying," Barney told her while attempting to wiggle himself free. "I'm trying to wiggle loose!"

Kali tried pulling some more but Barney still wouldn't budge. 

"This isn't gonna to work..." Kali thought. The young girl started thinking what else she could possibly do. She just had to get Barney out of there. Soon she got an idea. 

"Barney, hold your breath" Kali told the dinosaur. "I'm gonna try one more time" 

Kali knew she was by herself on this, which meant she was gonna have to pull even harder in order to get Barney completely unstuck. 

"Ready?" Kali asked Barney who gave her a muffled 'yes' before she grabbed the dino's feet tightly in her hands. "One... Two... Three!" 

Kali pulled with all her might before she ended falling backwards into a chair and managed to tip it over in the process as well. But, she had succeeded in getting Barney out of the chimney. Barney coughed quite a lot as he was completely covered in soot. 

"Ah, I see what the big guy was doing. He was trying to make a heroic entrance, I like it. Not as great as me but..." Darkwing Duck's voice said. "He is the dinosaur that dances in the night, the relic that came back from your imagination! He is!..."

"Just, let us hear the story..." Gosalyln gave a slight groan to her dad.  

"Thank you" Barney managed to get out to the girl before coughing a bit more. 

Kali groaned a little getting up from the knocked over chair, before questioning her imaginary friend. "Why didn't you just come the way you always do?" 

"Well, it's Christmas Eve and I thought it be fun to slide down the chimney like Santa" Barney admitted with a chuckle before quickly adding. "But don't you do it. It hurts"

Kali gave an odd look, keeping that in mind. She then smiled up at her purple prehistoric friend. "I have to admit I wasn't expecting you tonight, Barney. But it sure is good to see you"

Barney smiled back warmly to the young girl. "And it's good to see you to" He said, before cutting right to the chase. "You know, I just heard from Santa a little while ago. And he wants us to help him with a special job!" He told Kali. 

Kali's eyes widened. THE Santa Claus, the same jolly old man in the red suit who delivered presents to her every Christmas was asking for her help. 

"WHAT IS IT?!" Kali asked, almost too loud enough for her parents to hear. 

"Can you guess?" Barney smiled at her. 

"Oh, come on Barney" Kali gave a pleading smile back to the dinosaur, being on the edge of her seat. "Just tell me!" 

"Well, let me get the rest of the Backyard Gang here before I explain" Barney replied before proclaiming. "I'll bring them all over!" 

With the dinosaur using his magic, the entire Backyard Gang soon appeared in Kali's living room. Kali was happy to see all her friends here, Michael, Amy, Adam, Luci, and Tina. 

"Hi, everybody!" Barney greeted all of his friends. 

"Okay, so basically you're telling us that the Backyard Gang were forcefully ripped out of their peaceful Christmas Eve dreams through a violent portal of time and space to join you and Barney for this top secret Christmas mission?" A teenaged Louie Duck interrupted, sitting with the rest of the DuckTales gang. 

"Yeah, that about sums it up" Kali replied with an awkward smile. 

There was a moment of silence before Garfield spoke up on his thoughts being in that situation, being the lazy cat he was. "Yeah, can I go back to bed now?"

~Back to the Story~ 

"I've missed you, Barney!" Tina, the youngest of the gang next to Kali exclaimed, coming up to the purple dinosaur. 

"I've missed you too, Tina" Barney smiled to Tina with a loving tone in his voice. 

"It sure is good to see you again, Barney" Luci smiled up to the kids' dinosaur friend. 

Barney began singing. "I love you, you love me~" 

"We're as happy as can be~" The Backyard Gang joined in, before everyone was singing together. "With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too~"

"Aww, that's so sweet" Minnie Mouse's voice said. 

"Why have you called us here?" Adam soon asked Barney, before then adding with a confused look. "And on Christmas Eve?"

"I was sent here tonight by someone you've all heard a lot about" The purple dinosaur replied to the group of kids. 

"Who? Come on, tell us!" The Backyard Gang all kept prying Barney, wanting to know until Barney replied.

"Maybe you can tell me..."

Some music then came on as the kids beamed, ready for a song as they began dancing around with the dinosaur. 

"Who is the man in the big red suit?" Barney asked. 

"Could Santa be his name-o?" The kids answered in a sing-song tone. 

"S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! Could Santa be his name-o?" Barney and the kids sang. 

"Who is the man with the long white beard?" Barney asked.

"Could Santa be his name-o?" The kids answered in a sing-song tone again.

"S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! Could Santa be his name-o?" Barney and the kids sang.

"Who is the man with the big red cheeks?" Barney asked.

"Could Santa be his name-o?" The kids answered in a sing-song tone once more. 

"S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! S-A-N-T-A! Could Santa be his name-o?" Barney and the kids sang. 

"Surely, you're parents were awake by now" Farkle told Kali. 

"Yeah, considering all that loud noise you guys were making" Fergus added. 

"Nope" Kali shook her head, stating. "Mom and Dad claimed they hardly heard a thing"

"How is that even possibly?" Felica said confused. 

"Bet 'cha they thought it was just the big man getting a little too crazy from the eggnog" Dot Warner gave a smug smile. 

~Back to the Story~

"Isn't it exciting you guys?" Kali asked her friends. "Santa has a special job for us!"

"But what is it?" Michael asked. 

"Yeah," Amy had a confused look. "What special job can we do for Santa?"

"Well, isn't there a new boy in the neighborhood?" Barney asked. 

"New boy?" Adam questioned. 

The kids couldn't quite understand what exactly Barney was talking about. Kali was starting to think about it until she heard Tina speak up. 

"You mean Derek? He goes to my school!" 

"Oh, yeah! Now I remember!" Kali smiled. "Derek just moved here recently and he's in Tina's and my class..." She then frowned, mentioning. "Poor guy, he just seems pretty lonely most of the time"

"He's the one" Barney replied, before explaining to the kids. "You see, Derek is sad because he's new in the neighborhood and he hasn't made any friends yet" 

"No friends?" Adrien Agreste frowned slightly, knowing how that felt.

"Well he's gotta have friends!" Marinette Dupain-Cheng spoke up, sitting next to Adrien. 

"Friendship is very important" Twilight Sparkle stated, being the princess of friendship and all. "I couldn't even imagine myself without all of my friends"

"He was also worried Santa didn't know his new address and wouldn't be able to come and see him" Kali explained to her friends before getting back into the story. 

After Barney had explained everything about Derek the Backyard Gang knew they had to do something to help Derek. But what? 

"We gotta do something guys! We just gotta!" Kali said, looking quite determined. "After all, you guys were there for me when I first moved here and felt alone. I'll do whatever it takes to do the same for Derek" She proclaimed. 

"Derek needs to hear that" Barney agreed with Kali. "And the best present he can get this Christmas is some new friends. Like the six of you"

"Well, let's go tell him that" Michael suggested. 

"Yeah" The rest of the Backyard Gang all agreed. 

"Okay" Barney said, instructing the kids. "Everybody make a big circle"

The kids formed a circle and Barney and the kids were now all holding hands together ready to go. 

"Now, close your eyes and say the magic words" Barney told the kids. 

Soon Barney and the Backyard Gang were all chanting the magic words that where used whenever they wanted to go somewhere. 

"Shimbaree, Shimbarah... Shimbaree, Shimbarah!" They chanted and soon disappeared from sight. 

Meanwhile, Derek was alone in his bedroom, staring out the window to see all the millions of bright stars in the clear night sky

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight..."

"I wish... I wish I could have some new friends..." Derek said out loud, but didn't expect anything to happen. Boy was he in for a surprise. 

"Awww" All of Kali's friends said after hearing Derek's wish, finding it very touching. That is until Raph ruined the moment. 

"Oh, please that is the oldest, most stupidest card in the book!" The hotheaded red ninja turtle scoffed. 

"Aw, you're just jealous cause it worked out for Derek and never you" Mikey teased his brother. 

"Why not just wish for a dog?..." Everyone turned around to see Charlie Barkin and his best friend Itchy Itchiford ask. 

"You know cause of man's best friend?... We're dogs" The German Shephard guardian angel explained. 

"Yes..." Kali smiled before telling her friends. "Don't interrupt!" 

~Back to the Story~

Suddenly, Barney and the kids had reappeared in Derek's room, stunning him. 

"Okay, not only did you break curfew but you guys broke into a kid's bedroom in the middle of the night?" Ginger's voice questioned. 

"There's a much easier way to make friends you know" Rocky's voice added. 

"Hey, we were kids give us a break! We thought it was a fantastic idea at the time" Kali's voice defended. 

Tina was the first to greet Derek and soon went around introducing everyone to him. Tina eventually got to Barney, telling Derek he was a dinosaur and the gang's bestest friend of all. 

"Hi, Derek" Barney greeted the boy with a smile. "I'm glad to meet you" 

Kali then came up and greeted Derek. "Hey, Derek. My name's Kali. I know what it feels like to not have any friends, because I was in the exact same spot you are not that long ago" She explained with a frown, but then turned to Barney and Backyard Gang. 

"But then I met Barney and the gang here and they showed me that even though change can be hard, the most amazing things can come out of it" She smiled, being the changed girl she was now unlike her grouchy self when she first moved here before Barney and the BYG showed her the light. 

"Anyway, we've come to tell you that we'd like you to become a member of Barney's Backyard Gang" Kali told Derek. 

Derek couldn't believe this. "Gee, it's great to have a lot of new friends. I didn't think my wish would come true so fast" The African American boy admitted. "It's the best Christmas present I could get..."

"Hmm, seems too good to be true. I'll bet there's still going to be a catch" Shaun the sheep's voice said. 

Derek smiled towards his new friends but soon frowned. "But..." 

"Ha! Told you so!" Shaun smirked. 

"What's the matter, Derek?" Luci asked. 

"Well, I just moved here a couple of weeks ago" Derek told the gang. "And I'm afraid Santa doesn't know where I am" 

The Backyard Gang all started arguing, trying to convince Derek that Santa knew everything but Derek was still in denial. 

"How?" He asked. "How can I be sure?" 

Barney then spoke up. "I just talked to Santa before he left the North Pole" The purple dinosaur explained to the kids. "And he wants me to take you and your new friends to his workshop, so that Mrs. Claus can show you that your name is on his list" 

The kids's eyes widened. They couldn't believe this as they soon began jumping around and cheering with excitement. 

"Again, how could his parents NOT hear you guys?" Cynder's voice asked. 

"Adults these days must be deaf" Spyro's voice said. 

The kids continued cheering until Tina noticed there was still one problem. "But Barney, we're not dressed for the North Pole" She frowned. 

The kids stopped jumping around realizing that Tina was right as they were clearly shown to be in their pajamas and not properly attired for the cold travel. 

"Oh, right..." Kali said, feeling a bit awkward about that now. "What are we going to do?" 

"Oh, I can take care of that" Barney smiled, telling the kids. "I've just learned a new trick. But I haven't tried it yet" He said in a slight sheepish manner. 

"Oh, boy..." Kali mumbled knowing something unexpected could potentially happen. 

Barney came to the center of the room while kids gave him some space in order to do his special trick. 

"Hmm, let's see..." The dinosaur started thinking, before doing a few things with his body. "First, I shake my tail. And roll my eyes. And ZAP!" 

Suddenly, Barney and the gang appeared to be in Hawaiian apparel. 

"Barney! These are summer clothes!" The kids said. 

"Oops! So sorry!" The dinosaur apologized, completely embarrassed. "I must've done that backwards"

"You think?" Kali smirked at him. Although had to admit this wasn't too bad, liking her hat and shades. 

Barney chuckled at her before saying. "Let me try again... First, I roll my eyes. Then I shake my tail. And PRESTO!" 

The gang's clothes were now changed to winter jackets, scarves, ear muffs, and mittens, now being in the right attire they needed. 

"There, that's better" Barney said. 

"Much better" Kali smiled in approval, liking her yellow jacket and mittens. 

Amy soon asked. "Uh, Barney how are we going to get to the North Pole?"

"In my magic sleigh" The dino replied. 

"Magic sleigh?!" The kids suddenly beamed. 

Barney chuckled. "Yep. It's up on the rooftop just waiting for us"

"Wow! A magic sleigh on top of my house!" Derek was in deep awe. 

"But how are we going to get on top of the rooftop?" Michael asked. 

"Like this," Barney explained. "Let's all do my new trick together this time" 

Kali then got an idea as she started doing Barney's trick in front of everyone, telling the dino. "Oh, you mean the... Barney Shake!"

Barney and the other kids laughed at Kali, liking the name for Barney's trick. "That's it"

"The Barney Shake? I would've called it The Dino Illusion attack" Professor Kukui's voice commented. 

Barney and the kids were now ready to do his special trick. 

"Okay..." Barney began and the kids followed along. 

"First, you roll your eyes. Then you shake your tail. And PRESTO!" 

And just like that, the gang disappeared from sight. 

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