The Fairy

By SteamFan3830

25.6K 326 267

An unidentified amount of time after Gumball Watterson encouraged Penny Fitzgerald to break out of her shell... More

Author's Note [NECESSARY READ]
Prologue - The Ally
Chapter 1 - The Ride
Chapter 3 - The Darkness
Chapter 4 - The Motel
Chapter 5 - The Hideout
Chapter 6 - The Feelings
Chapter 7 - The Capture
Chapter 8 - The Rescue
Chapter 9 - The Warmth
Chapter 10 - The Sunrise
Epilogue - The Artist
Bonus - Thank you, benjrom11
Bonus - Writing A Fanfiction
Bonus - Illustrating The Story Pt. 1
Bonus - Illustrating The Story Pt. 2
Bonus - Illustrating The Story Pt. 3
Bonus - Sources Of Inspiration
References and Citations

Chapter 2 - The Attack

1.9K 21 39
By SteamFan3830

Work in the city went as smoothly as one would normally expect or desire.

While most of the kids were at school to get the education and lessons to be the generation that makes tomorrow happen, one of the parents takes the time to earn the finances that buys the groceries and pays the bills through employment. Whether it be in an office cubicle or helping to build the city, it wasn't too bad of a usage of time depending on how one would feel about the job itself or it's benefits.

The two examples of work I just mentioned are exactly where the coming scene will take place.

Nicole Watterson was typing away on the keyboard in front of the computer screen in he cubicle at the Rainbow Factory while holding and answering multiple phones at once, as she did routinely on weekdays, barely paying any mind to the radio in a neighbouring cubicle that was playing a newsreel of the days events. No troublesome traffic, no brainless coworkers, none of the family (metaphorically) crafting a recipe for disaster, it seemed this day was finally giving her a much needed break from leaving work to attend to some sort of shenanigan the family always seems to be responsible for.

Further downtown in the city was the site where an outdated structure was being removed with the usage of detonators and wrecking balls in order to make way for the future. On his way to the site to direct the operation was Patrick Fitzgerald, owner of the Fitzgerald Co. Limited construction company. For him, it really wasn't a typical bad day at work either. Just the surprisingly calm traffic and the news channel playing on his vehicle's radio. Didn't seem like anything could go wrong for once.

Back at a certain two-level blue home, Richard was slumped on the couch, muttering to no one about not being allowed to join the field trip to Daisyland. His points like "Technically, I went to this school, so that means I'm part of this school and can join the field trip" were kinda justified (at least to him), but his words were still not strong enough against Principal Brown's unwillingness to deal with his man-child like stupidity. Deciding to shift his focus, she turned on the TV and found the news promoting a movie with really nice special effects (in this world, the boundaries between real and fake are honestly quite blurry).

Further down the street, in green two-story house, Judith Fitzgerald was making an attempt to feed little Polly with the typical 'here comes the aeroplane' trick any parent would use, while the television played a news flash of current events occurring at the moment-"Why are mentioning all these four perspectives randomly and what does the news have to do with any of them?" you might ask in irritation. Well, hold your horses because we're just about to get into that.

All across Elmore, the news received more attention than normal when the following words formed from both the TV and the radio; "Thousands were stunned when the Ferris wheel at Daisyland was lifted off it's supports and sent rolling down the Stomach Destroyer roller coaster. There have been no injuries or casualties reported so far and the cause of this incident has yet to be determined, but it has been assumed that some extraterrestrial drones in the scene may have been involved. Daisyland is currently being evacuated in the likelihood of a larger scale disaster and families planning a visit are warned to stay clear. We'll give you more updates as soon as we receive the details"

The Wattersons and Fitzgeralds in the previous four perspectives I mentioned halted everything they were doing to gasp wide-eyed, for they knew the message behind this news story.

After cresting one hill on the Stomach Destroyer roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, having gained speed from the previous descent, made a fast climb up the next one.

Much like every two passengers on this now-terrifying ride, Gumball and Penny held each other tight, screaming as they would in the event that something like this were to happen. They had no knowledge of the fate that this disaster was going to bring them, but all they knew was that they weren't going to like it. Their lives had barely begun and were now in danger. How could they not be screaming now? Gumball was so petrified he literally whined for his mother while Penny was too terrified to shapeshift into anything.

Only the few who were stupid enough to ignore the very dangers that were obviously present enjoyed the experience, like Tobias Wilson and Banana Joe, who were whooping and cheering at the thrills the ride was giving them.

The speed and angle of the next hill was enough to send the wheel flying into the sky, still spinning as it flew like a bird. Gumball and Penny were still screaming with their arms wrapped around each other until Gumball made a brief pause to say "Woah, check out this view".

Penny also stopped panicking and took the moment to savour the admittedly beautiful view they got from the altitude this disaster brought them to. They could practically see everything from up there, even beyond Elmore.

"Now, what were we screaming about again?" said Gumball.

"That we're on an out of control Ferris wheel and are without doubt going to die?" reminded Penny with a blank expression and tone.

"Oh yeah. Right" said Gumball before he and Penny resumed holding each other and screaming as gravity brought the wheel back to the ground.

Touching the track once again, the wheel continued down this terrifying ride through loops and twists until another hill sent it flying into the air once more and back onto the ground again.

At the entrance, Miss Simian was continuing her protest against bringing the kids joy and happiness with statements like "Happy kids might look innocent and harmless, but they could start a plague! Their mindless immaturity may even spell disaster or the apocalypse!" And just when she said that, crowds of people and everyone or everything else stampeded out the entrance as the Ferris wheel came barging through, reducing every obstacle into ruin and flattening the ape teacher into the pavement like a pancake. "See what I mean?"

When the dust cleared and the debris and destruction were revealed, Darwin and Anais, joined by Carrie, stopped dead in their tracks at the entrance in time to see the Ferris wheel roll out of their sights. "What's happening!?" screamed Darwin, the only words he could possibly form together at that point.

"I don't know!" responded Carrie. "But I don't think Gumball had anything to do with it this time!"

"How do you know?" asked Anais with a raised eyebrow before all three of them impulsively ducked when small robot-drone-thingamajigs soared over them, most likely in pursuit of the loose ride.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Wait, is that Rob?" questioned Darwin when he noticed a familiar figure on one of the drones.

Down on the highway, the Ferris wheel kept rolling like a soccer ball, flattening every vehicle and sign in it's path. The panic and terror in Gumball and Penny was about to shift to a sudden small explosion that was quite close to them. Turning around, their eyes widened, as if they weren't widened enough, when they saw those same drones from earlier on their tail.

"CAREFUL!" growled Rob in frustration. "WE NEED THEM ALIVE!"

"Command-acknowledged. Aborting-assault-mission" responded the lead drone in it's modern female robotic voice.


"Command-acknowledged. What-method-of-abduction-would-you-like-to-utilise?"


"Anything-that-won't-kill-them. Calculating. Sorry. No-methods-of-abduction-under-the-name-Anything-that-won't-kill-them"


"Just-find-a-way-to-stop-the-Ferris-wheel. Calculating. Sorry. No-methods-of-abduction-under-the-name-Just-find-a-way-to-stop-the-Ferris-wheel"


"Why-don't-you-just-blow-yourself-to-the-scrapyard-where-you-belong. Calculating. Understood. Self-destruction-in-10. 9. 8. 7-"

"NONONO! NOT THAT!" Rob groaned at the stupidity of this robot before relaxing with a sigh and saying "Just select a way to block the path of that Ferris wheel."

"Command-Acknowledged Just-find-a-way-to-block-the-path-of-that-Ferris-wheel. Calculating. Understood. Obstructing-path-of-loose-amusement-ride" said the drone in it's robotic voice before launching a series of small rockets at a highway overpass up ahead.

The explosions brought the concrete structure down to rubble. It may have formed a large blockage that led to a large traffic jam, but it wasn't enough to bring the out of control wheel to a halt. Instead, it created another ramp that sent the runaway ride speeding into the sky once more, landing on another freeway while gradually reducing speed down at last.

When the entire thing finally came to a standstill in what felt like a wide hole, everyone got up to feel the relief envelope them all. Gumball and Penny, as with everyone else, had to deal with the nausea created from that alarming experience, with the latter's aura turning green as she choked back the contents her stomach was trying to reject. Gumball was one step further, leaning over the side to let it all out down the side before shouting "SORRY, MOLLY!" after hearing someone below gasp in disgust.

Right after recovering from her nausea, Penny gasped in horror after looking down. Gumball was a little confused as to why she tugged at his sweater, but he found himself gasping in fear after looking down himself.

The 'hole' they stopped in was actually the gap of that Highway bridge that may never be completed or repaired.

The wheel only just managed to fit between the gaps, so any sudden movements would most likely send everyone onboard plummeting to their dooms.

After stuttering in terror, Gumball and Penny looked at each other before realising their only way out.

As everyone else did, with every little baby step by little baby step, they tiptoed slowly and carefully down the side of the wheel, desperately trying to avoid making the ride slip into the deep chasm. The structure creaked and groaned with each step, as if it were warning them not to place a foot forward.

Hopefully, this will not be the end.

Hopefully, they would make it out of this one-"AH!" yelped Gumball like a little kid while jumping into Penny's arms, this sudden act making them chuckle and blush at the same time.

The reason for Gumball's sudden panic? Rob and his army of drones. "It's over, Gumball! There's nowhere left to run! You and the fairy can either surrender or plummet to oblivion!"

Gumball only scoffed in response. "Make us"

Everyone felt an even stronger shudder when the ride jolted downward, an act of evil drones adding more weight by landing on the top. "Don't test me" threatened Rob.

Gumball laughed again, but this time nervously. "How about this version?" he suggested, knowing all too well that it would be useless to counter. "We do this exactly the same as you said. Except maybe take a few minor changes that won't make it any different, like the alternative to surrender is that we get out of here safely with not threat whatsoever. How's that sound?"

Another jolt confirmed Gumball's attempt was in vain. "Will you quit stalling and make up your mind?" groaned Rob with a facepalm.

Time was running short for Gumball and Penny, poking at each other with uncertainty before Gumball noticed a small patch of purple forming on Penny's face, most likely showing her fear. "Wait, I have an idea"

"You have three seconds!" shouted Rob over his shortening patience.

"You have a plan?" whispered Penny.

"Yes," whispered Gumball. "Remember your shapeshifting abilities?"


"Yeah. They're based on how I feel"

"Well, try to feel like you can save us all"


"How exactly am I supposed to do that?

"Maybe try feeling that you're a powerful and mighty..."


"Executing-command. Dislodging-amusement-ride" acknowledged the lead drone, producing a large jackhammer from it's undercarriage and driving it to maximum power into the Ferris wheel.

Within the next second, the ride slipped down the gap and began its long descent of doom within Gumball finishing his plan with "...DRAGON!!!"

"NO! NOT THAT, YOU LEMON!" screamed Rob as if he brain was about to implode. "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! IT WAS A BLUFF!"

"Unable-to-comprehend-commands. Terminating-all-systems-in-5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Have-a-nice-day" and with that, this piece of junk deactivated all systems as it said it would, causing Rob to question how even the Bobert Store is able to make modern technology that actually works.

For a moment, Gumball shut his eyes, believing his life was about to conclude just when it began. That was when he got the feeling that he was the only one clinging to the side of the wheel.

The next moment, he opened his eyes to find Penny no longer by his side. "Penny?"

When looked back up to the summit of the wheel, he couldn't have found the sight more amazing at that moment.

A glowing brownish-orange glowing dragon with antlers was carrying the entire wheel, utilising all the strength she could muster into both her wings and forearms.

"WOOHOO! Go Penny! Go Penny!" cheered Gumball in that sing-song kinda way, indirectly encouraging Carmen, Molly and Teri to perform a cheerleader-like chant to cheer the dragon on.

Encouraged by everyone in peril, Penny, in dragon form, lifted the ride out of the canyon and set it down on the side of the gap it came from, bringing relief upon everyone in their seats. The moment she landed to pant and regain her energy, the students and passengers on the Ferris wheel surrounded her with applause and gratitude, Penny being too exhausted to care.

"Bravo. Bravo" clapped Rob sarcastically, pooping the party. "Just know that this heroic act won't end this. I will get you! And Gumball too! Dennis won't stop until he has you! Both of you! He will get your powers! HE WILL USE THEM! AND I WILL SHARE HIS VICTORY-" his warning was cut off when a blast of flame enveloped his very being. When Penny had finished torching Rob and his army with her dragon breath, he concluded in a dazed and dry voice "And his Dennis racket will be my Victoria. The brave shall hear some bubblegum" and limped away to nowhere.

After that interruption was done with, Penny got back to giving herself a break, slowly reducing her size and features back to normal. Back in her fairy form, she caught sight of one particular kid in the crowd standing closest to her.

"Penny, that was amazing!" said Gumball. "Even better, it was awesome! No, I have no words! There we were, about to succumb to our demise! We were done for! And then, up there, you changed into a dragon and saved us all-"

"Gumball..." Penny began, getting closer to the young cat. Gumball took it as an invitation for a kiss and got closer himself.

"OW! What was that for?" was Gumball's reaction to a slap in the cheek.

"That was bringing the Ferris wheel here" clarified Penny sternly before giving Gumball a kiss on his aching cheek and smiling. "And that was for making me feel like a hero"

Gumball rubbed his cheek, it no longer hurting after that kiss and instead reddish pink like the other one, and smiled. "Well, then, this is for saving us" said Gumball as he made his own attempted at a kiss-

"GUMBALL!" called a voice that halted everything to a standstill. When Gumball looked behind, he recognised that yellow family station wagon. And out of it came his family, looks of worry and shock plastered all over their faces.

Gumball sighed upon seeing his mother, much to Penny's need to raise a brow. "Mom swings" he said blankly.

"Mom swings?"

Gumball only gestured for her to watch as Nicole switched back and forth from hugging him tightly to shaking him violently to saying stuff from a worried "OH MY GOSH! Gumball, are you alright?" to an angry "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING PULLING OFF A STUNT LIKE THAT!?" and from a relieved "I'm so glad my baby's not hurt" to a furious "BECAUSE IT'S NO MORE MISSES NICE MOMMY WHEN WE GET HOME!" and other stuff like that, all in a motherly force of habit from when Gumball is involved in disasters like this.

"It wasn't his fault this time-" defended Penny before being stopped by Gumball, who held out his fingers and counted down. 3, 2, 1...

Nicole took a deep deep breath and exhaled all her 'mom swings' before saying in a calm voice "Now, what was it you wanted to say?"

"It wasn't his fault this time" began Penny. "Okay, the whole runaway Ferris wheel was kinda his fault, but everything else was out of his hands. Some guy he knows named Rob attacked us with drones"

"It's true," agreed Anais. "Darwin and I witnessed everything"

"AH! IT'S HAPPENING!" screamed Richard in a panic. "MEN FROM MARS ARE COMING! THEY WANT OUR PLANET! THEY WANT OUR MOTHERS! THEY WANT OUR RESTAURANTS! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! FIND A SAFE PLACE TO HIDE AND NEVER COME OUT!" his child-like panicking stopped when his wife handed him a paper bag to breathe into to control his hyperventilating.

"Dad, relax" said Anais, gently stroking his leg to calm his nerves.

"I'm sure they're not martians," added Penny. "All this Rob guy said was that they were serving this 'Dennis' or something-"


"Richard, there are no such things as martians!" reassured Nicole calmly yet firmly, most likely hurting the feelings of a UFO crew listening via satellite intrusion from outer space.

"Mom's right," added Gumball. "They didn't say anything about wanting our planet or something like that. I mean they already have a planet. So why conquer ours?"

"Yeah" agreed Penny. "All they said was something about wanting me for my powers and abilities and-"

"That's all I needed to hear"

Penny's heart sank like a boulder when she heard that voice.

A black vehicle was parked next to the Wattersons' yellow family station wagon. It's owner, a walking peanut shell with a face made up of holes, stood there with his arms crossed and an expression that didn't look happy one bit.

"Dad, there's no reason to be angry-" stuttered Penny as her father stomped closer to the scene.

"I don't want to hear it this time, Penny" cut in Patrick, fury in his voice. "Get in the car. We are going home right now"

"Dad, listen-"


Penny sighed in defeat and made her way to the car. "I guess I'll see you around, Gumball" she said. "Bye"

After she took a seat at the back of the car, Patrick walked sternly up to Gumball. "Listen, kid, I don't know what defence you have, but it's not going to work this time"

"Pat, listen. Whatever you're doing, it's overprotective"

"You don't know what's best for her!" grunted Patrick. "You're not her father!"

"Okay okay, let me handle this" cut in Nicole. "Hello, Mr. Fitzgerald. How about we discuss this peacefully and diplomatically?"

"How about we discuss how much of a nuisance your son is to my daughter-"

"I TRIED TO BE NICE AND YOU CALL MY GUMMYPUSS A NUISANCE!?" Nicole snapped, now an enraged demonic beast, completely catching Patrick off guard.

"Mom, I'd rather be called a nuisance than your Gummypuss in public" said Gumball in a flat tone.

"Oops. Sorry, sweetie" said Nicole, back in her calm motherly form and tone while gently patting her son on the head. "Now, back on topic, Gumball is not the problem. It's your constant gut feeling that something bad is going to happen to your daughter"

"That feeling has been following me since the night she came out of her shell," said Patrick.

"That was her decision," said Nicole.

"A decision influenced by the kid who cracked her shell" countered Patrick.

"She never really wanted to remain in that shell anyway" argued Gumball.

"That's no excuse" snapped Patrick.

"Hey! Nobody says that to my boy except me!" said Nicole sternly, desperately trying to fight the urge to go on a fury-induced rampage.

"Well, I wouldn't be saying that to him if he didn't cross paths with my daughter!"

"What are you suggesting?"

"I've been keeping Penny away from your son for too long, so now it's time you kept him away from her!"

"WHAT!?" Nicole was unable to comprehend the fact that this walking nutshell was telling her how to be a parent. "You're telling me how to look after my son!? I'm his mother, so I know what's best for him!"

"Then maybe you can prove it by doing what's best for my daughter! Gumball will not go anywhere near Penny again! End of story!" finished Patrick.

"WHAT THE WHAT!?" gasped Gumball, overhearing the fact that his mother was told to keep him distanced from Penny this time.

Nicole growled like a lioness while struggling to withhold her fist from attacking Patrick before letting it punch a small crater in the road. Not wanting to escalate the whole thing any further, she took a deep breath and sighed in begrudging defeat. "Very well"

"Thank you" said Patrick, who turned to head back to the car where Penny was waiting. For a short moment, he stopped, turned to Gumball and said five ten words before getting in. "I mean it this time. Stay away from my daughter"

Gumball couldn't counter. He couldn't argue. He had no words. None at all.

All he could do was watch as the Fitzgeralds' vehicle made a U-turn before vanishing out of sight.

The moment they were gone, Nicole channeled her remaining frustration into kicking the now empty Ferris wheel over the edge of the gap where it landed with a loud [CRASH] that signalled it's demise below. "Who does that man think he's talking to?" snarled Nicole before taking the moment to see Gumball still standing there, unmoving and literally frozen in place with his mouth agape and his eyes wide in shock. Feeling her motherly senses tingling, she knelt down to wrap her comforting arms around her obviously upset son. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't want to do this either"

But nothing was gonna break his trance for a few minutes. Not even Darwin's tap on the shoulder would do the trick. I can't really blame him. He knew Patrick hadn't really viewed the Wattersons in a favourable light, with a particular dislike towards him as you might know. So it was no surprise that this overprotective father would want to create distance between him and Penny, but now his own family was told to enforce that this time. It was enough to suck the words right out of him.

Think I'm dramatising it? Try stepping into his (nonexistent) shoes and experience the scenario yourself.

Back at the Fitzgeralds' house, tensions were through the roof.

When they entered the house, Patrick decided to say something to break the silence, for he knew why his daughter was quiet the whole ride home. "Penny, I know you're upset-"

"Since when did you know anything about me?" was Penny's ice cold response. At this rate, she was sick of her father's overprotective nature taking control of her life.

"Okay, that tone was not called for" Patrick was starting to get fed up with Penny's stubbornness.

"And acting like the whole world is out to get me was?" retorted Penny.

"That's because today proved it was out to get you" argued Patrick.

"Alright, what happened this time?" asked Judith, who had just entered the room with Polly in her arms.

"Dad's routinely need to control my life" snarked Penny.

"You don't know what's best for you-" began Patrick before being cut off by his daughter.

"Will you quit saying that? If you knew what was best for me, you'd let me take care of myself!" shouted Penny, her frustration changing her aura into a heating shade of orange.

"Not if someone wants you because you have powers that could've been hidden!"

"Penny, is this about your shell again?" asked Judith.

"Yes!" grunted Patrick. "Someone attacked Daisyland trying to abduct her for her powers! And it doesn't sound like he wants to give up!"

"Dad, I'm sure he was just bluffing-"

"That doesn't change the fact that you're so powerful someone would want you for your capabilities!"

"Gumball doesn't have anything to do with it!"

"He's the reason you're in danger in the first place!"

"No he's not!" Penny was starting to lose control of her temper, her face going redder and redder with frustration.

"Yes he is!"

"No he's not!"


"NO HE'S NOT!" growled Penny in a deep voice, flipping a table over with her anger-induced strength. A small "ouch" was heard outside from Larry Needlemeyer he was knocked off his bike.

"This is what I'm talking about!" continued Patrick, definitely not happy with his daughter's rebellious behaviour. "He encouraged you to come out of your shell and expose powers you have no control over!"

Penny took a deep breath to relax her anger, changing back into her normal fairy form, and resumed her part in the argument. "Okay, maybe I don't have control over my powers. So what? That doesn't mean the world is too dangerous for me!"

"That's exactly what it means!" argued Patrick. "And all the more reason you shouldn't be hanging around with that kid!"

Penny groaned in irritation, guessing he was going to try to distance her from her boyfriend again. "Ugh! Let me guess; I can't see Gumball again for the three hundredth time?"

"I'm saying you can't leave this house anymore!"

Penny's eyes widened in disbelief. "WHAT!?"

"Patrick, are you serious?" asked Judith, barely able to comprehend this measure herself.

"Never more serious in my life!" said Patrick. "We wouldn't have needed to go this far if she had just listened and kept her powers secret within her shell"

"Dad, you don't need to do this!"

"I'll let Principal Brown know she'll be homeschooled from now on"

"You can't do this!"

"We'll set up her appointments on video chats"

"You can't keep me locked up here!"

"We'll take her out with us only when necessary-"


"I HAVE SPOKEN!" snapped Patrick.

Everything seemed to have stopped.

"Mom?" stuttered Penny. "Please don't let him do this"

Judith sighed. "I'm sorry, honey. But your father's right"

Penny felt all hope that she could win this one start to dry up as she turned to her little sister. "Polly?"

Polly only said one word out of randomness. "Daddy"

That was it.

Penny could take it no more.

"Sweetie, it's alright" said Judith, attempting to comfort her daughter.

Penny swatted her mother's arms away, rejecting the hug that wouldn't do anything to help.

Patrick wasn't surprised anymore. "Penny, do we have to go through this again-"

"SHUT UP!!!" screamed Penny, tears welling up in her eyes. The next moment, she flung the door open and made a beeline for the streets to escape from the family that was against her.

Of course, Patrick did say he would keep Penny confined within the house from then on. So you'd expect him to chase after her and make sure she didn't leave. I would too. But he didn't move. He didn't speak. He didn't even breathe. He had never felt so much anger in her tone.

And while he mostly found it unacceptable, some part of him felt justification within it.

Back at the Wattersons' house in the kids', a lot was on Gumball's mind.

"I can't believe this" groaned Gumball. "I'm never allowed to see Penny again and mom won't do anything about it"

"Cheer up, Gumball" comforted Darwin. "It's not all that bad"

"Darwin, did your senses vanish back there?" reminded Gumball. "Mr. Fitzgerald said 'I mean it this time. Stay away from my daughter' in a tone so cold it literally froze my spine into icicles. I can't see Penny face to face ever again. And now mom and dad are gonna make sure of it"

"Dude, it could be worse" reassured Darwin. "Penny could be abducted and you'll never see her again ever. It's not the end of the world."

Gumball sighed. "I get your point, buddy. Maybe I could continue to see her in video chats. I mean, yeah it could be a lot worse. She could be a target for aliens who'd want her abducted-" he stopped right there and broke into a stutter at the last before shouting "DENNIS!" at the realisation of why this was all happening.

Darwin raised an eyebrow. "Dennis?"

Gumball didn't answer his adoptive brother's question, instead dashing to the desk and opening up the video chat. "HELLO!? PENNY!? YOU THERE!?" screamed Gumball frantically, only getting a loading screen in response. His next stop was the Elmore Plus live chat, but his constant messages got no reply. "THIS IS BAD! THIS IS REALLY BAD!"

"Gumball, what is it!?" said Darwin, turning Gumball around to face him eye-to-eye.

"Penny is in danger!" began Gumball. "Rob led the attack on Daisyland!"

"Rob?" gasped Darwin. "I knew it"

"And it wasn't even me he wanted!"

"Was it me?" asked Darwin, quivering in fear.

"What? No. It's Penny"

"What would he want with Penny?"

"Apparently, it wasn't him. It was this 'Dennis' being or something" said Gumball, pausing to giggle at the name again. "Anyway, he wants Penny for her shapeshifting abilities!"

"That's why you can't see her again?"

"Exactly!" finished Gumball. "But that's no longer important right now! Penny is in danger and I need to make sure she's safe!"

"Gumball, you need to chill out," said Darwin. "I'm sure she's doing just fine"

"Darwin, somebody wants to take Penny away and use her powers in a way we don't understand! We shouldn't take that chance!" said Gumball, frantically packing his backpack with essentials as if preparing for a long quest.

"But her dad said-"

"Never mind what he said! This is serious!"

"But what about mom?"

"Just cover for me!"

"Gumball, I don't know. I.."

"Darwin, how could you possibly put yourself above others?"

"No, Gumball. I want to help, but I..."

"Who's always there for you when you feel bluer than the sky?"

"Um, you?"

"Who's always there to help you find your feet in the mazes and corners of this world?"


"Who's your closest and most trustworthy friend who loves you with all his heart?"


"And who's the girlfriend of the brother who bears these traits in plain view?"


"Exactly! So I ask you to trust me on this. Please..." pleaded Gumball dramatically, now on his knees with his eyes big and sparkly, his adoptive goldfish brother still unsure of what to do.


"Darwin, where's Gumball?" asked Nicole, a look of irritation on her face.

"I don't know where he is" answered Darwin.

"Darwin, we knew that's not true," said Anais.


"You're sweating, you're shuffling your feet and smiling nervously. Now tell us where Gumball is"

"He's, uh, off to school" lied Darwin.

Nicole wasn't convinced. "It's summer break"

"Did I say school? I meant 'pool'. Yeah, that's right. Pool"

"The pool's closed at this hour"

"Yeah, he just went to sneak inside to retrieve a lost flip-flop"

"He doesn't wear flip-flops"

"Yeah, I meant he wanted to....try the.....long lost art...of.....backflipping and bellyflopping at the same time?"

"Ooh" chimed in Richard. "Long lost art of backflipping and belly flopping at the same time?"

Nicole had enough of Darwin's games. "He went to visit Penny didn't he?"

"Penny? Who's Penny? I don't know anyone named Penny" lied Darwin.

To Nicole, those words were the confirmation that she was right. Knowing there was little she could do now, she sighed and simply said "We'll talk more about this when he gets home." And with that, she left the room, muttering under breath "He never listens does he?"

"Is there such art in diving known as the flip-flop?" whispered Richard.

"No" responded Darwin blankly, unintentionally crushing his father's hopes and dreams.

Out on the street, Gumball's heart was pounding like that of a jackrabbit.

His sprint down the sidewalk was so fast and frantic, his legs would collapse and he'd stop right there. But tiring out and resting was not an option this time. Not while his girlfriend was in peril.

He hoped with all the optimism he could muster that Penny win her room safe and sound. He hoped she wasn't abducted or taken away to be used as some tool for world domination. Because if someone were to attack her, if someone were to capture her, if someone were to hurt her, if anything were to happen to her, forgiving himself would be the last thing he'd do-"OW!" Gumball fell onto his butt a after bumping into something.

Or someone as he realised when he got up.

"Hey! Watch you're going-Penny?"

When Penny got up, she could only say "Gumball?" after realising who it was she bumped into.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Gumball before noticing her puffy pink eyes, believing that something was stressing her out. "Did something happen?"

Penny sighed. "It's just my family"

Gumball's face reduced to one that lacked surprise. "Oh, they don't want me seeing you again?"

"No, Gumball. They don't want anyone seeing me again"

Any lack of surprise on Gumball's expression morphed into one of shock. "What the what!?"

"They think it's for the best that I isolate myself from the world" clarified Penny.

"I know your dad's overprotective, but this is ridiculous. All because I might not be perfect for you?"

"First of all, it's not just dad this time," said Penny. "He's turned my entire family against me"

Gumball had no words.

"Second, they now think that the world is too dangerous for me without my shell" Penny was starting to get frustrated just recalling that dispute. "It's like they think I'm the most vulnerable in the world! BUT I'M NOT!" she concluded that part by punching the asphalt, the pain in her fist matching that of her situation at the moment. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, she sat herself on the gutter to relax her frustration.

Setting his backpack on the ground, Gumball sat himself next to Penny and put his paw on her shoulder. "Penny, I'm not gonna act like this isn't cheesy, but I have this to say. The world is dangerous. There are people out there who want you for your powers. It was pretty obvious the moment you came out of your shell and made yourself known to the world"

"Yeah, thanks" Penny's sarcasm made Gumball rethink his choice of words.

"But that doesn't mean you need to hide from it. The only chance you have is by facing it. Think about it. You knew I wasn't going to be  the best choice for a date at that party, right?"

Penny placed her words as carefully as she could. "Well, you certainly weren't the best choice. No offence"

"None taken," said Gumball. "Anyway, you knew the flaws I would have. But you still sent that paper plane with confidence that I would be the one. You get what I'm saying?"

Penny smiled. "Yeah, I see what you mean"

Both of them sat there in silence for a few minutes, chuckling lightly and blushing at how seemingly awkward this was getting.

"So, now that that's resolved, why are you out here?" asked Penny, changing the subject.

Gumball remembered why he took to the streets in the first place. "Penny, I was out here to make sure you were alright! That while 'people could want you for your powers' thing? That's happening right now! That alien Rob is working for is after you!"

"Yeah, I know," said Penny. "My dad's taking these extreme measure to protect me-"

"That's not going to be enough!" interrupted Gumball. "If Rob knows where I live, he'll know where you live! And if he knows where you live, he'll pass that information to Dennis" he took a pause to giggle at how threatening that name wasn't. "And if that information is passed down to him, he'll use it to find you! And if he finds you, you'll be taken away! And if he takes you away-"

"Gumball!" said Penny, grabbing his attention. "What are you trying to say?"

"You need to stay somewhere they shouldn't expect to find you" clarified Gumball.

Penny raised an eyebrow. "And that is"

At the Wattersons' house...

"Any house that isn't yours would be the last place to find you" said Gumball with confidence, gesturing at the home his family resides in.

Penny's expression showed that she wasn't really onboard with this idea. "Gumball, are you sure you're doing this just to invite me to a sleepover?"

"What? No" laughed Gumball. "Okay, twenty percent sleepover, eighty percent refuge"

Penny only shook her head with a little smile as they walked up to the doorstep.

However, the door opened before he could get the chance to grab the handle himself. And there stood his mother, her expression not really surprised upon seeing Penny with him. "Gumball, do I even need to remind you anymore?" she sighed.

"Mom, I know you're mad. And you have every reason to be" acknowledged Gumball.

"Gumball, I'm not mad this time," said Nicole with sincerity. "I'm just worried. You know what Mr. Fitzgerald said-"

"Forget what Mr. Fitzgerald said" interrupted Gumball. "It's Penny we need to worry about now. Her life is in danger because someone wants her powers for who knows why"

"Gumball, I didn't want to do this either. But-"

"Mom, this isn't just about my feelings for Penny!" shouted Gumball. "Penny's safety is at stake and I want to give her a place to wait out the threat!"

"Give her a place to wait out the-" Nicole facepalmed upon realising what her son's idea was. "Gumball, you can't be serious. I'm sure this 'threat' has given up by now-"

She was cut off by Gumball gasping. "Mom, shame on you"

Nicole knew was going. "Gumball, please don't-"

"No! I won't stand for it! Are you putting yourself before the needs of a friend of your son? How do you call yourself a mother?"

"Gumball, you're being ridiculous-"

"Look at this fairy. Wanted because she can change shape when she feels a particular emotion. Her life is in peril, her freedom is at stake, and her family won't listen! You won't listen!"

"Gumball, I'm not playing this game-"

"Please, mom! Please do it for the girl whose freedom is threatened by powers linked with emotions she has little control over. Please do it for the greater good of a friend. Please do it for your son" Gumball finished that with a puppy-eyed pouty face that displayed his desperation.

Nicole just gave an expression that showed how far too often Gumball had guilt-tripped her into giving him his way.

Knowing that he wasn't going to outmatch his mother on his own, Gumball elbowed Penny, asking her to play along.

With much reluctance, Penny's face changed into that of a sad cat in need of shelter from the bitter cold.

Nicole sighed, knowing she was no match for two adorably desperate faces. "Alright. She can stay, but only until the danger's passed-"

"YES! Thank you thank you thank you!" said Gumball, shaking his mother's paw rapidly before dancing into the house.

Nicole then faced Penny. "Does your father know about this?"

Penny thought back to the past few minutes and remembered that argument with her family. "No" she answered truthfully.

Nicole really couldn't believe where this was going. Penny was disobeying her father, Gumball was in on it and she had to say yes to it. "I'll let him know over the phone after I finished getting dinner ready"

"I'll handle it" said Penny as she entered the house.

The tone that Penny used gave Nicole a good reason to feel concerned for the young fairy. It sounded remorseful yet exasperated at the time. It was as if something happened between Penny and her family and she wanted to apologise yet make her point clear at the same time.

To Nicole, it was only a guess.

To Penny (and now Gumball), it was true.

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