The Deaf Mutant

By Raven-_S

222K 4.9K 1.1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie'sšŸ˜±šŸ˜šŸ˜œ
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
I'm Not Going To Die
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
I'm not a good person
Possibilities Of Tomorrow
I Should Choke You With This
She Wasn't Alone

It's Cute

4.6K 118 29
By Raven-_S

Chapter 21 Tony POV
"Hey guys something seems off about this mission"
"Yea I agree with Tony this base is empty." cap siad over the coms

"Do any of you have anything and Nat do you have the data?" Cap asked the team I am starting to be worried why would we be at an empty hydra base

"Yea but there is nothing much here."
"All clear on my end" the entire of the team said

"Okay everyone return to the jet I am on my way I will see when you get here"

I arrived at the jet took my helmet off Bruce was sitting and waiting "that was fast"

"yea I know Bruce something about this mission seems off" I took my suit off and placed it in a case and closed the case. The team arrived one by one and all where here I closed the jet doors and Clint began to pilot us back home

We were about 1hour and 30min out from the tower and everything was quiet.

"Sir you have an emergency message from Y/n"

The team all looked up and waited for J.A.R.V.I.S to continue.

"Sir would like me to continue" "yes J.A.R.V.I.S continue "

"Y/n has placed the tower under lockdown, the tower has been under attack and they need medical assistance." they looked around at each other worried.

"Shall I call for emergency services?" "No JAR we are almost there"
Nat stood up and went to Clint to tell him to speed up.

Nat came back and sat down and started gearing up and getting ready.
"J.A.R.V.I.S can you show us the security footage of the tower."

"I am sorry Mis. Romanoff but I don't have access to the tower scrutiny feed while under lockdown."

Nat rolled her eyes, she seemed agitated or scared no one can ever make out Nat's emotions, no one other than Nat and Y/n.

We finally arrived at the tower and walked out to the platform ready to fight. Natasha pulled her handgun, Steve had his shield, Clint had his bow, Thor had his hammer, and Bruce we'll Bruce was walking behind just in case we needed green.

We walked into the tower with our guard up. We took the stairs to the location of Y/n. We made it to the door and it was blown apart. The door was in peace and there were scorch marks all over the wall

3rd person

The team entered the darkroom Natasha holding a flashlight with her gun to give her a good visual. Clint trips and falls landing on something softer than the floor.

"Och" the team turned back to try and find where Clint landed. Natasha shined a light right beside Clint's head; they see a dead body with blue lips. Nat shined a light on Clint and he was laying on another dead body.

He scurried off the body and grabbed his bow.
"What in Odin beard," Loki said weakly. Natasha follows the sound and the team behind her. She finds Loki lying on the floor with blood all over his face and bruised eyes.

"Loki what happens here?" Tony asked, with Tony not wearing his suit he was just kinda staying behind with Bruce. "We attacked, we fought, something about needing to comply, a lot of blood, and then I passed out"
"Natasha pass me a flashlight," Tony asked, Natasha passed him a spare flashlight and she went off looking for Y/n.

There was something on the ground giving off a small blue glow. Nat walked towards and picked it up, it's a dagger. "Hey Loki where did the daggers come from"

"Y/n made them for me to help in battle, ich stop touching me mortal"
"Loki let them help," Thor told his brother.

"Clint, come with me" Clint walked over to Natasha and helped. They were looking around when Clint stepped on something making a breaking noise. Natasha shines the light down as Clint moves his foot and under his foot is a broken hearing aid and not far away from the broken one is another one. Nat picks it up and looks at Clint.

On the ground are drops of blood they notice that it's in a line of some sort, they follow the trail to find what looks to be a lifeless body but it's, not any ordinary body it's a body of their teammates.

Nats pov

I and Clint follow the trail of blood. We are led into the kitchen and I see afoot. I walk closer and it's Y/n body. She looked dead and she didn't seem to be breathing.

"Oh, my gosh Clint" I dropped to my knees and saw her body. Clint helps me move her body so she's lying down. We are on both sides.

I check for a pulse but I can't feel one. "Does she have a pulse" I didn't answer "well does she"

" I DON'T KNOW, CLINT" I keep checking to see but I can't feel anything.

"Tony get these lights on NOW" I ordered. Steve came over to try and help. He tried checking for a pulse and couldn't feel either he put his ear to her mouth to check for a breath sound. "She breathing but barely"

"J.A.R.V.I.S, deactivate lockdown practical" "yes sir it has been deactivated" "and J.A.R.V.I.S turn on the lights"

When the lights came on me Clint and Steve saw the damage that has come to be of Y/n. Her stitches had opened and had new cuts on her face and a swollen eye and ear were bleeding. Steve checked her mouth for breath sounds but they were even weaker.

He began CPR. Pounding on her chest rapidly. "Steve what are you doing?" "CPR her breathing is not strong enough to keep her alive and her heartbeat is weak."

The team begins to gather around her while Steve continued CPR Loki was standing with his arm in a makeshift sling and blood all over his face. It even seems like he cares. wait is he crying

"Steve I am going to go up to the med wing and set everything up and when she has a good enough heartbeat I want you to bring her to the wing."

Clint stepped over to the men to look at them when he said the most horrific thing.

"Hey um Steve these people are hydra."

"I will handle it" Tony walked off dragging one

Bruce ran off up the stairs to the lab after that. He was going pretty hard on her chest. "Steve be careful you might break her ribs"

" Natasha I know what I am doing I am trying to keep her alive. How about you choose, a broken rib or a dead body." he snapped at her

He stopped CPR and checked her pulse and listened to her mouth. Then she started coughing and her body jerked up.

Y/n pov

I felt pressure on my chest and then it stopped. I started coughing and I jerked my body up. I tried opening my eyes but I could see out of one. The first person I saw was Steve and then everyone else. Steve picked me up bridal style and rushed me up the stairs to the med bay.

Bruce was there Steve placed me on the bed. I was in a lot of pain. They hooked me up to the heart monitor then my eyes became heavy.

Nightmare pov

I was in my cell, my bed pushed up against the wall and a tv hanging in the corner. There was a window with bars on it and a metal door. I stood upon the smooth concrete floor and was walking around. Someone opened the cell door. They provide me with hearing aids only they can take out.

"Привет, зима, у нас есть с кем познакомиться, они здесь новенькие " he said in Russian. They want me to meet someone and show them around why I should help them.
"Remember you can go by choice or by force."

We walked down the halls to a room where there were two kids there who looked my age.

"That's Wanda, and Pietro they are twins and they are 11years old they are your age also just started experiments"

"хорошо и" okay and, like what does he want
He opens the door to where the twins were. I walked in and he shut the door behind me.

I look at the twins and they look at me. "Hello I am Wanda and this my brother Pietro"

"He-hello Wanda" she grabbed my hand and pulled me over with her on the floor. "Do you want to play?" she asked me in her rich accent. I shake my head yes.

Outside her window, it was dark now. I have been playing with Wanda and her brother for some time.

Wanda had stood up to grab something then her body fell her brother grabbed her and tried waking her up but it wasn't working

"Wanda wake up please"
"Help" her brother was screaming they came and dragged me away out of the room

"What did you do to her"
"ничего такого," I told him I did nothing. He drew his hand back and hit me in the face. He dragged me to the lab and strapped me to the table and began injecting me with things.

"Пожалуйста, не надо, пожалуйста, извини " i begged him and he wouldn't stop.

End dream
Steve Pov

Bruce Hooked her up to the heart monitor. He told me he was giving her a light sedative to calm her down. She fell asleep fast and Bruce was able to tend to her injuries and gave her pain meds. Nat made it to the room, the whole team was here. I and Nat stayed by her bedside the entire time.

It's been about two hours and the team is back to check on her. Loki is in the other bed beside Y/n sleeping. His face does not look pretty. Y/n started whispering something

"Пожалуйста, не надо, пожалуйста, извини" she kept repeating it. she is sleep talking.

"What is she saying," Tony asked
" she speaking....Russian" nat replied
"She can speak Russian," everyone said
"Wait she can speak" sam seemed amazed
"Nat would you care to translate," I asked her
" she saying, please don't please I am sorry"

Nat responds she started to violently turn in her bed.

"Should we wake her up," Sam asked, everyone was gathered around her bed

"She deaf and has powers. Would it be the smartest idea to wake her up from a nightmare," Tony said Nat shook her awake. Her eyes were flashing blue.

Change pov to I really don't know anymore

You looked around and saw many faces and could not comprehend what happened. The dream felt so real. The pain all felt real. You saw the bright fluorescent light and white room. Your eyes finally stopped flashing from blue back to the original color.

You Saw the team have worried looks on the faces. Y/n slid down back into the bed covering her face. Natasha removed the blanket and began signing.

"How are you feeling"
" fine" you responded it was mostly true or not at all
"Okay may I ask you something"
"when could you speak Russian" when Natasha mentioned that your face went blank.

This is not good. How did she know I can speak Russian I barely speak already. Was I sleep talking, no, no I don't sleep talk. But what if I did in front of the whole team. You thought

"Could you guys come back later so I could talk to her alone?" Natasha asked the team and they left.

Natasha helped you sit up. She pulled a chair up to the side of your bed and waited.Y/n looked to the other side and saw Loki on the bed asleep or either unconscious again. That hydra soldier did a number on him

"So what's up with this Russian thing" Natasha signed
"Long story that I am not ready to talk about."
"Well what was your dream about"
"Umm some of the worst parts of my life"

Natasha looks at Y/n. She didn't wanna push anything but wanted her to talk when she is ready. She has no history of her or any background. The only thing they know is what SHIELD told her and the team.

"Get some rest," Natasha added
"But I am not sleepy and I never got my ice cream you promised." The no longer frightened girl argued.
"Fine" Natasha was about to walk away when she saw y/n pout.
"What wrong"
"My phone was damaged in the fight." she signed with a heartbroken face.

Natasha rolled her eyes and knew exactly what she was doing. Natasha pulled out her phone and handed it to you. As soon as she did that a smile grew on your face. Y/n moved over in the hospital bed so Nat could sit with. Nat removed her shoes and claimed in bed.

Y/n unlocked the phone and put on Switched at birth. Turning on the subtitle and getting comfortable in the bed.

It's been a few hours and you started to feel uncomfortable. Your ribs hurt and so did your back. You tried not to move so much so Natasha would not notice.

The phone propped up. You lifted your shirt and looked down and saw you were banged up all around your torso. You noticed your hands were more bruised than before. You placed your hand in the bandage and you removed it. The area you had touched began to fill with pain.

It's throbbing and it hurts. Natasha looks over at you. Hiding your emotions and pain is a skill you have but she only noticed when she saw your jaw clenching. She got and went to find Bruce to tell him the meds wore off. She returned with Bruce and he gave you another dose of morphine.

Natasha told you she will be back later and she gave you the not broken hearing aid and left with Bruce. You sat in the bed for a little while and you looked to your right and saw Loki not awake. Is he dead?

You thought. You used your ice power to create a small snow cloud above his head and have snowfall on his face.

Knowing you're supposed to be in bed. But being 15 and bored is never a good combination. You put in the hearing aid. Swinging your feet over the side of the bed you look at the heart monitor.

Watching as it moves up and down with unison. Turning off the monitor and removing the clip from your fingers. Placing your feet on the cold hard tiles standing up from the bed.

Change your pov

I step on the cold tile and place my hand on my ribs which shoot up with excruciating pain. I started to slowly walk over to Loki rethink everything I am doing.

I am going to wake up Loki, a person who stabs Thor for no reason and he throws Stark out of a window. I stopped and sat in the chair by his bed.

I removed the snow cloud and it wasn't doing anything. They had taken his bracelets. I reached out, grabbed his hand and dropped it, it was cold to the touch.

I did it again and no response, not moving. Oh my gosh is he dead? I got up and I placed my hand on his chest and closed my eyes trying to see anything. Apparently Asgarian anatomy is different from humans. I moved my hand slightly over and I could see it, his heartbeat.

Knowing something was bound to go wrong and it did. Loki sat up in a swift movement, grabbed my hand,
twisting it and putting a dagger to my neck.

We were both standing. My eyes turned blue out of reaction ready to defend myself. My face blank, and not scared by the reaction. He still looked asleep, or dead.

I used my free hand with it giving off a cold-looking mist from my hand. I grabbed his wrist that was holding the dagger to my throat and forcefully moved it down. When he was distracted and not paying attention I used my leg swiftly taking it from under him. Causing him to fall on one knee with his dagger on the floor beside him. I made an ice dagger in my hand and held it out ready to attack.

With my eyes glowing he lifted his head and saw my dagger in his face. Holding my ribs with my free hand and I gestured for him to stand up.

He stood slowly and put his hand up in surrender. He did something to my hand and made me drop my danger and he caught it. I made a new one and at the same time we both put daggers to each other's throats.

I felt vibrations, the team was coming back but I didn't move and neither did Loki. Natasha walked around with a gun pointed at Loki's head; she was telling him to put it down. Staring at each other with my eyes still glowing.

Loki started smiling and this time it wasn't creepy. I smirked and we both started laughing. I have never laughed and made noise. Natasha put her gun down and asked if I was okay. I shook my head still laughing with the dagger at each other's throats. Natasha looked at us surprised when she heard me and Loki laughing even with daggers held at each other throats.

We withdrew our daggers I vanished mine that he took and Natasha walked away worried about what just happened. Loki picked up his dagger and my eyes changed back to their original color. I gave a small smile to Loki and he nodded. I looked at his dagger and it looked cool. He held it out for me to take and I held out mine we traded.

We both walked and sat in his bed. with my legs hanging off the edge swing in the air I examined the dagger. It had Golden designs at the end of the handle and golden and silver blades. I threw it up in the air and caught its light as easy to throw. I looked up at him, he was already staring down at me. I felt happy and my eyes gave off a soft glow.

It happens when I am happy or flustered or just any emotional change that I can't describe. He tilted his head. I guess he saw my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked down. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head so I could look at him. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I opened my eyes and he smiled softly.

In the most kind-hearted voice ever he said.
"It's cute"
I handed him back his dagger and pushed it back in my hand. "Keep it, as a reminder of our first battle together."
"The battle where you passed out after being punched in the nose." I signed

He looked confused. Right he doesn't understand what I am saying. With a wave of a hand, he had a notebook and pin in it. I moved around Loki to sit on the bed against the pillows. I crossed my legs and held my ribs.

I think I broke them. I gesture in front of me on the bed. He moves and crossed his legs gracefully. I begin to write in the notebook. "So you're giving me your dagger" I showed him as he shook his head yes.
" So I can remember the battle you passed out after getting punched in the nose."

I put the notebook down and he looked a little embarrassed.
"In my defense lady Y/n, I had bracelets on my wrists that limited my powers and that included Asgardian strength." he said kaida defensive.

Bruce walked in holding some bags he walked over and the team was standing at the door staring at us.

"What's up with them" " Um nothing, do I have your permission to put in iV line."

" I don't think I mentioned your injuries but you have four broken ribs and you are extremely dehydrated."

Well, that explains the pain. He waited for my answer on the IV I hesitated but shook my head yes.

Loki was watching me closely. I think he was waiting to attack or something. I held my arm out to Bruce he got the tray with the kit set up the bags of I don't know what.

The last encounter I had with needles was at HYDRA and I am kinda scared. Bruce began and I looked away. But he moved his hand back to the tray. He let off a nervous laugh and tried again. This time I was watching him. There's a clear vein and he put the needle against my skin and it......

It broke.

He got up and paced the room a bit. I looked at Loki and he was still watching. I got his attention and he looked at me. The team walked in and Bruce began to speak.

"I can't get the meddle in."he said worried
"Bruce what do you mean" "Natasha I mean I can't"
"Did forget" " NO I went through two needles and they broke when they touched her skin."
He showed them a needle and they looked surprised.

I was bored through the conversation so I began to throw and catch the dagger Loki gave me. I started to feel off but stayed focused on the dagger.

I felt fuzzy and my eyes began to glow. I could tell because I felt my power grow as a course through my body.

I dropped the dagger and looked down to pick it up and noticed I was in the air. I looked around at everyone. I signed "someone get me down"

Natasha walked over and I reached my hand for her to grab. She reached her hand but was stopped by something blue before she could grab my hand. She tried again and nothing.

Loki stood on the bed " reindeer games get off that bed like that." Stark said. Loki looked ready to either throw him or stab him. He rolled his eyes and walked toward me.

He touched the shield not being able to get his hand in. He jumped off the bed and looked to the team and as kindly as he possibly could he asked.

"Could me and lady Y/n have the room?" "no way-" Natasha looked at me and I nodded my head. She cut stark off. "Yes we can" "well I am not leaving her alone with him with 4 broken ribs."

Natasha gave him a death stare and walked over to him, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out while saying. "Oh yes, you are." The team followed close behind them and closed the door.

Loki sat on the bed where he was before and crossed his legs. "Why have you shelled yourself"

" you know Thor is right you are no ordinary mortal, you" he paused waiting. "You are something else. You know I don't trust people or anyone easily. But you, you have intrigued me. You don't talk, well only once and that was more of yelling. Could you come down please no one will hurt you I will make sure of that?"

He reached his hand up for me and I hesitated but closed my eyes and reached my hand out. I felt my hand touch his cold one and I grabbed it.

Soon enough I felt the nice cousin underneath me and opened my eyes. My eyes stopped glowing. I let go of his hand and wrote thank you on the notepad.

He grabbed my hand and held it, bringing it up to his mouth and kissed it. His lips are soft and cold to the touch. He brings my hand away from his lips and begins to speak.

"My pleasure. I don't believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Loki Laufeyson, God Of Mischief and prince of Asgardand the rightful king of Jotunheim. It's been a pleasure to meet you."

With him saying that I started to have a weird feeling. My eyes begin to glow again a soft blue color. I begin to feel a little heated. Whatever this is I do not like it. I removed my hand from his and placed them in my lap.

I closed my eyes and turned my head. Loki put his hand under my chin so I was forced to look at him. I opened my eyes and he looked into my eyes.

"I said it's cute, no need to hide them." my eye giving off a slightly brighter glow. Natasha walked into the room and Loki removed his hand, while walking towards us she signed.

"If I waited any longer I thought you guy would kiss"
I rolled my eyes laughing a little.
" ohhh someone is nervous" she signed"i am not"
"Can Bruce come in and try again" I shook my head, yes and Natasha came back with Bruce.

When Bruce walked over my eyes returned to their normal color. He sat down getting ready to stick a needle to me. My body stiffened as he picked up the needle. Loki taps the bed to get my attention and I look at him.

while looking at Loki Bruce finishes the IV fast and stands up to hook in the fluids or whatever is in that bag.

"All done," he said happily. I looked at the bag hanging above me and looked at my arm. See I guess that wasn't so bad. I smiled a little happy that I just Concord something.

"Hey get some rest you have been through a lot and have broken a lot," Natasha said while leaving with Bruce. I laid back with Loki still on the bed watching me. It's starting to get a little creepy.

I look at him wondering what he is doing. I pick up the notepad and write, what are you doing? "I am trying to read your mind but you are blocking me even if you don't know you're doing it. Sorry I do not mean to intrude I just want to be able to communicate with you and know what you're saying." he said in a frustrated tone.

I moved over a little in the bed and gestured for him to sit beside me. He looked at me "I don't think that is the best idea." he noted while shaking his head.

I looked at him and tilted my head when he didn't move. I flashed my eyes at him and he moved to sit beside me reluctantly. With a notepad in my lap I began to write.

"Would you like to learn sign language? It's talking with your hands basically me and Natasha and the team does it a lot. Well, except Thor." as I write he begins to read.

He said yes and I signed yes. Now I am not the best teacher and never done this before so I am nervous. He looked confused, his confused face was kinda cute. No shut up he can read minds stupid.

I wrote yes on the notepad telling him what it meant. I am pretty tired and I want to sleep. I turned on the TV and put on Switched At Birth with subtitles. I could feel Loki watching me but stayed focused on the Tv. I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy and hard to keep open. I finally gave in and let the darkness consume me.

Word count:4654

See I am alive. That's the longest chapter I have written so far. I have finals in like a week so I should have lots of time after to update. I hope you are enjoying the story. Thank you for what I think right now is a little over 6k reads so thank you, everyone. Well, that's it and I guess I will be you in the next chapter.

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