Back from the Dead

By Crazycousins202

10.4K 250 156

There should be more coma!Gregory fics. So I wrote one. Not my cover, I didn't draw it. More

Wake Me Up When December Ends
Living Ghosts
DL-6, State v. Fawles and More...
Miles Edgeworth is a Massive Sap
Dear Miles, What to Say to You?
Home is Where the Heart Is
Trauma Doesn't Just Magically Disappear
I Attempt to Write Franziska von Karma
Franziska Deserves a Better Father!
Two Sweet Old Men in a Coffee Shop
European Dad Jokes
German Winters Suck but it's Worth it if You Can Watch Your Son Kick Ass
Burn the Bridge, Burn the Lawyer
Phoenix Lost His Mind
Why Is Pess Here?
The Edgeworth Genes Are a Curse And a Blessing
Calm Before the Storm
Defending and Offending
Miles and Franziska Go Feral
Maya and Franziska Sitting in a Tree
Earthquakes Suck
Eye of the Storm
Poisonous Flowers
Searching For The Bitter Truth
The Gospel Truth
Miles Calls BS
A Wild Clay Terran Appears
Bonding Over Trauma

Franziska, Miles and Gregory Commit Arson

330 7 14
By Crazycousins202

It was a cold late January day, a rented black car was driving through the snow filled streets of München. The destination? A huge mansion near the suburbs. Yesterday, Miles received a call from Franziska, who was back in Germany, to come to the von Karma mansion first thing tomorrow morning. Apparently the time has finally come for the inheritance to be discussed.

Franziska's mother, Adelheid von Karma, has passed away a long time ago, back when Franziska was 6. Manfred's oldest daughter, Annika, has already made it clear she doesn't want anything to do with her late father, so she took a large sum of money and left everything else to Franziska. Everything ranging from the remaining huge sums of money, the von Karma mansion, the apartment in Berlin, the house in LA, and the 4 mostly unused vacation houses, 2 in America and 2 in Germany.

And so, Miles took his father and drove for almost 7 hours down the highway to meet with his sister. While he doesn't expect to get a part of the inheritance, Miles still has various belongings in that house that he wishes to keep, such as the various letters he received through the years from Phoenix, or his father's old attorney badge that is hidden underneath a floor board in his room, least of all Manfred finds it. But now that the old prosecutor is dead, he can finally return it to its rightful owner.

He nears the mansion and the housekeeper opens the gates. Herr Diener Schnell is a tall, very slim old man with short white hair, a thick mustache and sunny face. He has been in charge of the house with his twin sister Rein, a just as tall woman with grey hair put in a bun and a permanent scowl. 

He parks the car and walks up the stairs with his father, Rein is already at the door, opening it for them and ready to take their coats. They enter the mansion and he can already tell his father is quite fascinated. He can't exactly blame him, since he was the same the first time he walked here. They make their way to the main room where he finds Franziska sitting in one of the velvet chairs in front of the fireplace. His sister, ever the petty one, gets up to greet his father first before she addresses him.

"Miles Edgeworth, thank you for coming. I believe we must discuss the inheritance and how we'll share the sum of money and properties."

"Is there anything for me to inherit? Because last I checked your father disowned me and took me off his will. I was under the impression that I was here to take my belongings away."

"While you are correct that my father has taken you off his will, you are still my little brother and as such I see it fit that I share my inheritance with you. Also I believe papa would have a stroke if he knew that the man that gave him a penalty and the man who defeated him will also benefit from it." she was looking at Gregory as she said this, with a glint in her eyes.

Miles blinked at his sister in surprise before schooling his features. "Very well, if that is what you wish, let us commence. Father, would you like to join us?"

"Me?" said Gregory confused. "What help would I be in this? I'm pretty sure two brilliant lawyers such as yourselves can figure it out."

"While that may be true, the company is always appreciated and I'm sure you would want to assist us in burning all of Papa's belongings in the courtyard." said Franziska with a small smirk.

Gregory put his hand under his jaw as if he was in deep thought. He paused for a few seconds for dramatic effect before grinning wildly. "It would be my pleasure."


The trio settled comfortably by the fireplace with the necessary paperwork. Frau Rein brought them some earl grey and they started discussing the boring part, the money. It was settled rather quickly, as neither sibling cared much about it, a straight half and half. The von Karma mansion was settled just as fast, with a quick "You wanna keep this place, Franziska? Scheiße no!" Any objects of sentimental value would be deposited in a storehouse and all of the portraits depicting Manfred von Karma shall meet their fiery end soon enough with the rest of his belongings. All that remained were the 4 vacation houses.

"In all honesty Franziska, I don't care much for the ones in Germany." said Miles. "I am perfectly content with staying at a hotel, so you can sell them if you wish."

Franziska seemed deep in thought before she answered. "...I think I shall keep the one in the mountains. It was mutter's favourite. The other one can go away though. It was simply garish."

"Very well. I'm sure we are both in agreement on keeping the one in Malibu. The one near Las Vegas however..."

Franziska snorted. "Sometimes I think papa bought these to waste money, we can sell that one as well. I see no use in a house near a city I have no intention of visiting."

"I completely agree. This just leaves the apartment in Berlin and the house in LA."

"I am keeping the apartment, it's rather close to the courthouse and it would be a waste to sell it. You can have the house in LA though."

"Hmm...I think I'll keep it. I do not have as many bad memories in it as I have in this one and I wish to move with Phoenix there one day. If that is alright with you."

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Do as you wish with it foolish little brother." 

"Alright, I believe that is all, now it's time." said Miles as he rose from his seat.


The three of them entered Manfred's room and immediately started taking out anything that would be of value. Case files, expensive paintings they will sell later, wrist watches and expensive jewelry. Anything they wanted to keep went into boxes that were given to Herr Diener to store away for later. Then, Franziska and Miles attacked the closet and pulled out all of Manfred's expensive clothing. Gregory, probably the only sane one in the room, suggested they take them calmly to the yard for when they will inevitably burn them. But Franziska and Miles were on a vengeful high, so out the window they went. Next came Manfred's huge portrait of himself that was hanged above the desk in his room. Out the window it also went, but unfortunately it didn't fit so now they had a broken window. But oh well, not like anyone will be sleeping in here.

"Let's throw his bed out of the window!" said Franziska.

"Uh...Franziska, I don't know how to tell you, but that is a king sized bed with canopy. Not only is it heavy, but it won't through the window." said Miles while looking at his sister with a "are you kidding me?" look.

"Technically it would fit if you chop it down with an axe..." said Gregory. That was apparently the wrong thing to say, as a fire lit in Miles' eye and he scrambled to the door and said something in german to Herr Diener. Probably to get him an axe. And lo and behold, a few minutes later the housekeeper hands Miles and axe before leaving.

"You wanna do the honors?" Miles asks his sister.

"Oh, I would be honored." said Franziska. She takes the axe and then swings it at one of the wooden pillars holding the canopy. She takes a few swings before handing it over to Miles who has more strength in arms. However, Franziska von Karma isn't one to give up easily, so she takes out her wip, wraps it around the pillar that Miles was chopping and pulls. Together they make it fall and then throw it out of the window. Gregory laughs as he watches the two of them cheer like small children once they completely demolish the canopy. 

Whatever vendetta induced drug they are on must have gotten to Gregory aswell. Because he suddenly gets the urge to throw something out of the window as well. So he does, he takes one of the empty nightstands next to the bed and tosses it out of the window, breaking it further. Down there it's a slowly growing pile of wood mixed with articles of clothing, all waiting to be turned to ash. He laughs again as the siblings cheer at his actions. For now though, he takes a seat on Manfred's huge fancy chair, content to watch the children completely ruin this room. This probably isn't the best way to cope, but he's not going to try and stop them.

Two hours later they manage to completely demolish the bed and toss it out of the window shaped hole, as there was no more glass left. Next the three of them manage to haul the huge desk after Miles chopped it down in half. Gregory picked up the chair he was standing on, ready to throw it out as well but he gets stopped.

"Hold it!" said Franziska. "Don't throw the chair. I want to put it my office."

Miles and Gregory look at each other before shrugging. "Fair enough." "It is a nice chair." They put it in the hallways so that Herr Diener can prepare it for shipment. The only things left in the huge room were a few shelves filled with trophies and the huge rug. Just like the rest, out the window they went. After this they take a canister of gasoline and drown the pile in it. They give Gregory the honor of throwing the lit up match from the window. The 3 of them watch from the window as the remains of Manfred von Karma burn.

Two hours later, the pile was only ashes and the adrenaline finally leaves their bodies as they realize how tired they've become. It was 9pm so they had a late dinner and an early night. 

"Well that was.......a complete loss of composure..." said Franziska before they were going to depart to their rooms.

"Yes, but it was worth it." said Miles.

"Mmm...Agreed. I shall see you in the morning, Miles, Gregory."

"Good night to you too, Franziska." said Gregory. And with that, they all went to their rooms in the von Karma mansion.

(A\N: Diener Schnell means fast servant Diener(servant) Schnell(fast).

Rein Schnell literally means purely fast Rein(purely) Schnell(fast).

Scheiße means fuck

According to google translate at least...)

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