ILLUSION [yoonmin]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

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Au where Jimin stays in a mental treatment center but he doesnt realise he's sick. He lives in his own head a... More

File 1: Illusion
File 2: profile
File 3: patient
File 4: Jaesang
File 5: dinner
File 6: neck
File 7: friend
File 8: vitamins
File 9: scars
File 11: confusion
File 12: break
File 13: pain
File 14: processing
File 15: Memories
File 16: last day
File 17: Sooha
File 18: city
File 19: own voice
File 20:
File 21: session
File 22: change
File 23: goodbye
File 24: packing
File 25: Bloom (end)
NEW STORY: yoonmin

File 10: name

1K 104 11
By YoongiAndHisMochi

Jimin was feeling cold numb and emotionless when he woke up. He opened his eyes which felt heavy even after he had slept...or well....he thought he slept since he doesn't remember what had happened. He suddenly passed out and only could remember that Jaesang was hitting him with the belt. 

He moved his body feeling his back and chest burn painfully when he did so. He whined closing his eyes, resting his head against the wall. his wrists were hurting from being up all the time tied tightly to the heater bar. His whole body felt cold. He was only wearing shorts which had some drops of blood on the edge that was around his hips. the lines the belt left had started to bleed and rolled over his skin wetting his shorts. It had dried now and was a disgusting looking hard material form the dried blood.

He closed his eyes thinking of just going to sleep knowing Jaesang wont let him out for a long time. Not that he knew what the time was. But he had a feeling. the mad was really angry at him before. He wasn't sure if it was yesterday or still today when it happened. He also didn't care. when he was here he would be hurt. He couldn't make mistakes. He would have a little bit of peace. 

But oh boy he was wrong today. the door lock was turned and the door opened.

"Jiminie~" the man said as he walked in. He kneeled next to the boy on the floor holding a knife. Jimin felt fear seeing it, thinking he was going to murder him and he shifted closer to the wall. But Jaesang only cut the tape around his wrists freeing his hands.

"Come on i need you"

"y-you need me?" jimin asked rubbing his wrist where some leftover was from the sticky tape. it was stuck between the little hairs on his arms and he felt it pull when he rubbed over it, so he stopped doing it.

"Pleasure your boyfriend, he needs it," Jaesang said. Jimins face changed to an unpleasant one. the boy really wasn't feeling like it today. Jaesang had hurt him a lot before and his body felt still on fire from the slow healing wounds on his back and chest. But like always Jaesang didn't seem to care.

"I will give you your medicine if you do it, does that sound good?" Jaesang said, putting on a sweet voice. He knew how to get Jimin to change his mind. he knew the boy was sick. Jimin already had a fever two days ago but jaesang refused to acknowledge it. Jimin had asked for some kind of medicine but Jaesang lied he didn't have it. but he did have it, he simply did not want to give it to the boy. Medicine was expensive. He didn't want Jimin to be expensive and make him but more things than the things he needed to stay alive.

So as a treat for his job he would give jimin the medicine he had been asking for.

And just as the boy expected Jimin moved to him on his knees. Jaesang was already sitting on the ground not caring about the dried blood smears on the ground. When he saw Jimin was about to give him a simple blowjob he stopped him.

"Don't worry about that baby boy, I'm already hard for you. I want you to ride me" He said. Jimin sighed and just got up straddling his boyfriend who guided him down. Pushing the boy's hips down on his member. "Move baby, I don't have all day to wait for you," Jaesang said. Jimin nodded, putting his hands on jaesang; s shoulders to support himself who was already shaky. Slowly he moved up and down trying to bear with the pain he felt while doing so. He was already hurt, this could be added to it as well.

"Good, now faster," Jaesang said as he put his hands on the boy's hips.

Jimin gulped and nodded but he couldn't go faster. his legs were already shaking and felt like jelly. He also felt nauseous and felt like he could throw up any moment, his body was freezing and slowly the shaking form his legs moved more into his body. He really couldn't do it.

"i-i can't go faster," Jimin said.

"Yes you can, and you will do as I say," Jaesang said demanding while he grabbed the knife again and put it at the boy's throat. Jimin slightly tilted his head up threatened by the shining knife and tried his best to go faster. He really did, but he couldn't do it. he couldn't feel his legs and he stopped loving completely.

Useless slut" Jaesang muttered and pushed Jimin off him. the boy groaned when he hit his head to the ground. but didn't have time to complain as jaesang already spread his legs open and continued the job. this time doing the work himself.

This time went faster than normal which Jimin appreciated. Jaesang was short in time having to leave for work. So after he was done he pulled out and pulled his pants up looking down on Jimin. He walked to the sink opening a locked cabinet and took out a box. He red the back for a short moment before taking out a half opened stirp of pills where a few were left inside. He walked back to the boy that laid there a bit limply on the floor staring into space blinking every few seconds.

"Here you go baby, you better get better quick, can't have you die on me" jaesang said he ran his fingers through the boy's head and placed a kiss on his forehead and then his soft plump lips. Jimin closed his eyes when he felt that, he liked the touch. rarely the other would touch him so gently. but when he did jimin treasured it. Jaesang can be kind. jimin just had to change again. that's what jimin was doing all the time, he would chance to fit in whatever jaesang wanted. but in reality it was never good. Jaesang kept changing his words to find reasons to hurt the boy. It was confusing jimin a lot. but that was his plan, he wanted Jimin to give up trying and to just be his little doll.


Yoongi had woken up early today. he was glad he sent out the mail yesterday. It was now waiting for a reply. Today there were some important things on his list to talk about with Jimin. he was taking a new step. He will ask some direct questions. He had a few things to talk about, well actually a lot but he wont flood the boy with questions all at once. If Jimin reacts it will ask a lot from the boy. so he spit them in a few sessions.

He made his way to the boy's floor and to his room. knocking again like always on his door before walking in. Inside to his surprise Jimin wasn't on his bed. But he was laying on the ground. Yoongi got worried and went to him. The boy was breathing but he was very cold.

"aish, why are you on the floor?" he mumbled and lifted the boy up in his arms feeling how unhealthy light the boy was when he put him in his bed. The action shook the boy from his sleep and he looked around confused to what was happening.

"I'm putting you in bed. you're all cold" Yoongi said grabbing the blankets and wrapping it around the body to warm him up. Jimin looked at the raven and smiled and grabbed the blanket, he appreciated the action from the others snuggling into the blankets. Yoongi smiled back.

"Okay that's cute" he said and grabbed a chair sitting next to Jimin's bed.

"Why are you here doctor?" Jimin asked.

"Well im always here at the same time to start the day with you"

"oh, is it that late already?" Jimin frowned and sat up wrapping the blanket around his shoulders to stay warm. on the time he was it was already past nine. he didn't realise it yet.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?"

"i don't know," Jimin said, he really had no idea how he ended up there. "I was going to my room but i don't remember anything after that. my head hurts a bit" he rubbed the side of his head. Yoongi noticed a little bump on his head and already had an idea what happened. Jimin must have passed out in the room and hit his head. luckily the boy didn't seem to have any other damage left from it, but he will call the doctor to check, just to be sure.

"What are you carrying?" jimin asked, pointing at the notepad in Yoongi's hands.

"I had something I wanted to talk to you about, but I didn't know if this was the right moment. We can do it later when you are more awake."

"im awake"

"if you say so, you can tell me whenever you want to stop okay?" Yoongi said. he wanted the boy to not feel pressured in doing this. and could stop whenever he felt uncomfortable or it got too much.

"I have seen your...scars." yoongi said. Jimin just stared at him with his empty eyes. "I can tell they are by abusive behavior. does this ring a bell with you?"

"No, I don't know how I got these. Maybe I got into a fight?" Jimin asked peeking under his shirt quickly seeing the scars on his chest. "or maybe just decoration?"

"Okay..." yoongi sighed and put a cross in front of that question. "You had a boyfriend, am I correct?"

"im not sure"

"does the name...Jaesang make you feel anything?"

Jimin fell silent. He frowned and shrunk into his blanket. jimin didn't know why but he felt a wave of fear hearing that name. Yoongi noticed the change and decided to push it a bit further.

"what do you feel, Jimin?"

"Im scared."


"i dont know"

"Do you remember Jaesang?" Yoongi asked noting down what Jimin's reactions were. the boy shook his head.

"i don't know him. i only know Taehyungie and Hoseok...and you"

"So you have never heard of Jaesang?"

"stop saying that" jimin mumbled hiding more into his blanket.


"I don't like it, stop it"

"Do you recognize this photo?" yoongi asked and took the photo that was pinned to the paper. It showed a photo of the house Jimin was found and saved from, he had received it from his boss when he got Jimin's file.

Jimin looked at it, he frowned and shook his head. "i don't know, is that my home?"

"no it's not your home, Jaesang lives there. you have lived there too. But Jaesang made those scars on your body. Jaesang wants a nice person" Yoongi said. Jimin frowned and shook his head.

"That's not true, these scars are normal, I was born with them, its decoration" Jimin said suddenly deciding what these scars were out of nowhere.

"I have to ask you one more thing" Yoongi said, he wasn't stopping yet. he was to show him all the photos he had in his possession. so he grabbed another photo. It was a photo of the house interior right after Jimin was taken away. a photo of the bathroom to be exact. inside was the floor stained with some bloody spots and on the floor scattered with pills that had fallen on the ground.

"I don't like this doctor," Jimin said, not liking the pictures and the questions. "why are you telling me all this, it's not like that. I'm not sick! i told you before!"

"i know it can be hard but i want to ask you to think and look at it if it makes you feel or remember anything. these are part of your life Jimin." yoongi said. Jimin took the photo looking at it like the raven wanted. but after a minute or two he shook his head and gave it back.

"it's just a messy bathroom," he said.

"really, nothing..." yoongi was confused, he thought these things would trigger something just anything, but it didn't. The only thing that got some reaction was the mentioning of the name Jaesang. That man left the strongest imprint to the boy. But Jimin doesn't remember more than the feelings.

"I'm tired , yoongi," Jimin said. He felt really tired suddenly.

"You can sleep. i will leave you alone for now." the doctor said and stood up. but Jimin's eyes were big and puppy-like looking at the man walking away.

"don't go doctor" he said. Yoongi stopped and turned around.

"do you want me to stay?" He asked. the patient nodded and laid down. Yoongi walked back inside and looked at him while going to sit down. but Jimin spoke up again.


"yes Jimin"

"can i.....can i get a hug again?"

Yoongi was surprised by the question, but he wasn't going to refuse. if Jimin wanted a hug he would give it to him. even if Yoongi was the most fond of taking many hugs, if it made Jimin feel better he will give him all the hugs he needed. "of course"

Jimin smiled and closed his eyes when he felt the man wrap his arms around him. Jimin rested his head on yoongi's shoulder enjoying the warmth and comfort he felt from it.

"will you leave too?"


"others leave after a month or less. don't they like me?" Jimin asked

"It's not like that, they are just not ready to help such a beautiful person as you," Yoongi said, parting from the hug, hoping to cheer up the boy. which seemed to work.

"beautiful, you think I'm beautiful?"

"very" yoongi said, it wasn't a lie he thought the boy was very pretty.

"thank you" jimin felt happy. It was a different feeling than other times. this felt really good. He felt a tingling feeling inside of him making him giggle softly.

"Now you can go to sleep. i will just wait here" yoongi said and sat down next to the bed on the chair.


Later that afternoon Jimin and Yoongi were outside walking through the center garden. it was nice and calm hearing the birds chirp around them. Jimin held a flower he picked from the grass earlier as he walked next to yoongi.

"Do you like flowers, doctor?"

"I do, I think they are pretty," Yoongi replied smiling.

"really? i liked flowers too" Jimin said and twirled the flower in his hand watching the white petals move with his eyes.

"Jimin, you remember i asked you about Jaesang this morning?" yoongi started. maybe talking in a more casual moment would be a better approach.

"i do...'' Jimin said, not liking the other said the name again.

"I think that if you see this Jaesang, who is your ex boyfriend. you will get your memories back"

"he was my boyfriend?:" jimin said confused, he didn't expect a name that brought him fear would turn out to have been his boyfriend. and why doesn't he remember anything of him? who was this jaesang?

"Yes, you can't remember anything, but I think if you see him that those will come back."

"i want to remember but" jimin said and stopped talking and stopped walking. He thought "I don't think i like this Jaesang guy....he sounds scary."

"you don't want to see him?" yoongi asked. Jimin shook his head slowly.

"I see," Yoongi said. The boy was not ready yet. "If you do want to meet him, will you tell me?"

"maybe" Jimin said. Yoongi asked even though he knew Jimin would probably forget this since the name brought negative feelings. jimin locked away all negativity afterwards and he wouldn't remember. or he would see the moment differently than what actually happened.

"Then i won't talk about him for now," Yoongi said. but Jimin wasn't listening anymore.

"look, it's a squirrel," Jimin said pointing at the tree. Yoongi sighed and looked at the boy. Jimin really was so far into his world, refusing to face reality and accept the negative feelings.

Yoongi knew that if the boy kept this behaviour he would have to force the boy to remember and show him jaesang if he wanted it or not. But Yoongi didn't want to force the other. He wanted Jimin to want it. He wanted the boy to go there willingly and see his biggest fear and the main person of his life with his own eyes. to see the person that brought him all this pain. To break the illusion his head was holding up. to break the blindfold that was put over his eyes making him blind for everything he didn't like. 


a bit short update sorry.

very random but if there are any readers of some of my other stories here. i think i improved a bit in my writing. i really put a lot of effort and tought into this. i think im getting better :) yay!

thank you your time and reading again, i hope to see you in the next chapter!


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