By TheGangstaGenos1

105 4 3

After the events of "Ironman 2" Ben (Jared Padalecki) must protect his hometown from an unstoppable force tha... More

(Prologue)Part 1

104 4 3
By TheGangstaGenos1







[A hand stretches out from beneath the blankets of the bed and goes straight to the alarm clock]


???:"......[Groans while throwing the blankets off him]....

[The boy looks at the clock as it read 7:56am as he groans getting up putting on a white shirt with a black strip staring from around the collar down the end of the shirt,a black hoodie with a blue dark jean jacket attached to it and black Tennis shoes. He walks down the stairs of his house he looks around looking for his parents]

Boy:"Mom???......Dad???.....you here???....."

[The boy goes to the kitchen and looks to see a note on the fridge and goes to read it]

"Hey Ben sweetie me and your dad had to leave early for work today. Your lunch is in the refrigerator, and don't forget to to feed Blitz before you go, and have a wonderful last day at school."

-Love Mom


your grandfather is coming to pick you up for you trip today.

Have fun Luv u♥️

[Ben then sighs as he looks over see a grown German shepherd sitting by his bowl waiting to be feed]

Ben:"yeah I think I got the message Blitz..."

[About 20 minutes later Ben is sitting on the on the floor playing a game with a bowl of popcorn near him]

Ben:"come on come on....ok button mash...that always helps......"


[While jumping up pushing the bowl over the bowl on the ground as blitz goes to eat the spilled popcorn,Ben stop jumping around and looks at the clock and notices that the time says 8:29 as he become shock at the realization. He gonna be late for school]

Ben:"......OH Man I gotta go..."

[While Blitz is finishing the pop corn Ben left, Ben runs back in the living room and snatches empty bowl from the dog and runs to the kitchen puting it in the sink and then books it to the front door with his back pack.]

Ben:"...ok buddy I gotta go... Be good...."

[Ben goes to shut the door leaving but stops and points right at the dog saying]

Ben:"....no dog pageant shows.."[closes and locks the door with the key]

Blitz:...[whines and slumping his head down as he walks away from the door]

[Ben locks the door as he puts the key under the door mat and goes to the garage opening it showing nothing but work tools and empty spots of where two cars would be. As he goes over to a bike resting on the wall as he kicks the kickstand up wheeling out of the garage. He then turns around closing it before getting on the bike peddling away from the house. Minutes later he arrives to the school chaining up his bike to the rack infront of the school as Ben walks in as he passed into the hallway where lots of students are talking, laughing, and getting stuff out of their locker as he gets to his locker and opens it up he looks and sees that someone wrote words like "freak" & "nerd" etc. he hears giggling and fits of laughter coming from the left of him as he looks over and sees two students looking at him and then back at their lockers giggling with each other. Ben exhales looking at his locker before using his jacket to wipe it off and notices it not. It's permanent marker. He exhales one more time before taking out what he needs shoving it into his backpack. About to leave until he hears his name being called]

???:"hey Tennyson!!..."

[Ben stops and turns around looking to the 3 students calling his name]

Ben:"Jt, Kyle..... Cash"

Cash:"it's great to see ya a buddy how've you been??"

Ben:[looks at the ground a bit before answering]"I'm uhhh.....I'm good"

Cash:[goes up to put putting a arm around his shoulder]"you wouldn't happen to have the 'thing' I asked for you to do with you at all would you??"

Ben:[stares a bit at Kyle and Jt until exhaling through his nose looking at the floor again shaking his head]....

[Cash slightly glare at Ben as he went to say something before the bell rang through the hall as students hurried to their class rooms as cash looking annoyed let's go of bens shoulder walking away from Ben]

Cash:"we'll talk 'later' Benji...let's go boys"

[Ben just stands in the middle of the hallway alone as he exhales deeply before turning around going down the hall to his classroom]

(5 hours later)

[Ben sitting in his seat done with his final piece of schoolwork his stares at the clock hoping he can speed up time to get him out faster]

Bens mind:"come on,come on...almost there...."


Ben mind:" oh yeah!.."

[Ben goes up to leave until]

Teacher:"Benjamin can I have a word?"

Bens mind:😩"oh no!!!..."

[Ben turns around and heads to the teacher standing infront of her desk]

Teacher:"Ben I've noticed that last nights homework a couple of students have the excast same awnsers that you have on your paper.....coincidence?.......Ben?"

[Ben ,who was looking at the ground the entire time has not said a word. As he looks back up at her with regret in his eyes]

Ben: "I know it's just I haven't been feeling all that great, but I have no idea with Jt I mean he-And your not buying any of this are you?"

Teacher:[resting her chin on her folded hands] "Not.one.bit..."

Teacher:"Ben has Jt been making you do his homework again??"


Teacher:[stares at him]


Teacher:"ok....I'll have to have a talk with him then...you go have a nice summer ok?..."

Ben:"I will.." [walks to the door to leave]

Teacher:"stay outta trouble.."

Ben:[turns around]"me? trouble?Please! I though you knew me better ms. M"

[After that Ben walk away down the hallway to outside were people are getting on buses or getting into cars as Ben goes to his bike and sits waiting for someone. As the school clears out a bit leaving only him in the lot infront of the school as he takes out a book with the words 'Basic Machines and how they work' on the front. As he enjoys his new found silence he hears something or someone coming from behind him. As he feels someone pull him by his hood as he gets dragged to the fence on the side of the school he sees Kyle and Jt giggling, which leaves cash who was the one pulling him. Cash then shoves Ben into the fence making him fall over.]

Cash:"So we just think its funny to rat me out to the teacher now huh?!?!"

Ben:[looks at the ground before glaring at cash]

Cash:"Aw what's wrong sad you got no one here to protect you??..do-do you need you bwankie and your boddle??? Tell me Tennyson what's gonna stop me from doing this-"

[Cash jumps and Ben rasing his fist pretending to throw it causing ben to jump a bit. While Jt & Kyle are both laughing they don't take notice to someone behind them walking up]

Cash:[laughs a bit]"oh god look at you all brains, oh man....your pathetic"

???:"pretty sure you the pathetic one here cash..."

[Cash, Kyle and Jt turn around and see a girl with red hair .]

Cash:[chuckles a bit] "Gwendolyn...great to see you again"

Gwen:"wish I could say the same thing but then again I really dont"

[Gwen goes to Ben until she blocked by Kyle and Jt.]

Cash:"oh sorry gweny but we need to have a discussion-or not sorry a 'reminder' about crossing me" [he says whiles putting Ben in a headlock]

Jt:[laughs a bit]"yeah tell em Cash-"

Cash:"Can it JT!!"

Jt:[stops laughing]"...sorry"

Gwen:"you have 5 seconds to let go of him or I start busting heads like last time"

[All three boys smiles fade a bit remembering something she had did.]

Cash:[let's go of Ben] "ok ok....you win"

[Cash looks at Ben with an angered yet coy smirk while backing up with Jt and Kyle following along]

Cash:"typical of you Tennyson letting your cousin fight your battles for you, especially a girl at that....let's go boys"

Jt:"hehehe you showed them huh ca-"

Cash & Kyle:"Can it JT!!!/Dude stop talking!!!"


[The three boys leave as Ben, who is still on the ground wiping grass off his clothes, he notice a Gwen's hand reaching out to him to help him up as he looks at her before sighing and grabbing it helping him up]

Ben:"I had that under control ya know"

Gwen:"reeally...where did you have that controlled in that situation?... the part where you were on your ass or when cash had you in a headlock? cause if so that was very much controlled"

Ben:"oh HaHa...whatever...wait why are you here? How are you here?"

Gwen:"duh doofus grampa drove"

Ben:"oh ok-wait...what-your coming too?"

Gwen:"yep...mom said I need to 'get out more'....is that a problem??"

Ben:"well traveling with a MegaDweeb is gonna ruin my reputation"

Gwen:[smirks]"I had no idea that bugger brains even had reputations...come on grampa parked over there"

[Ben and Gwen walk back over to bens bike as they walk as see an RV pull up as it stops as a old man comes out]

Grampa max:"Theres my trouble maker.."

[Ben smiles and runs up to him pulling him into a hug, after a couple of seconds Ben pulls away]

Grampa max:"...so.. how've you been kid?"

[Ben sighs while wheeling his bike to the back of the RV tying it up the the rack attached to the vehicle]

Ben:"same old,same old nothing special"

[Ben finishes tying it up and head to the door or the RV with Max and Gwen halfway entering the RV]

Grampa max:"really....what about that uh 'Robot butler doohickey'?"

[Ben's stops and slowly turns around before staring at Max]

Ben:"....who told you about that?"

Grampa max:[smirks while side eyeing Gwen]"oh... no one"

[Ben glares at Gwen who throws her hands in defense]

Gwen:"hey hey hey in my defense.... he is very convincing"

Ben:[rolls his eyes walking into the Rv]

[After a couple of hours of driving, Ben and Gwen look out the window and are amazed by what they see]

Ben:"oh man that's cool.."

Gwen:"Coming from the megadork.."


Gwen:"Maggot for brain's.."

Ben:"miss snots-a-lot.."

Grampa max:"that's enough you two.."

[Max, who was trying to keep his eyes on the road, looked in the small mirror at the two kids]

Grandpa max:"now this summer we're going to have fun and not getting on each others nerves.."

Gwen:"not hard for me... Ben on the other hand..."[while getting her laptop out from her bag]

Ben:"what.. I'm not annoying..."

Gwen:[Stop's writing and raises her eyebrow at Ben]".....please tell me your joking?.."

Ben:"...wow...best cousin in the world laddies and gentleman"

Gwen:[closes her notebook]"Guilty as charge....hey I gotta question for you.."

Ben:[looking out the window]"yea..?"

Gwen:"have you been talking to that one girl still?..."

Ben:[looks at Gwen with an eyebrow raised]"what girl?.."

Gwen:"the new girl at your school?...she started like 3 or 2 months ago?..."

Ben:"....oh you mean Kai?.."

Gwen:[smirks]"Kai huh?..."

Ben:"why are you smirking?"

Gwen:"no reason~"

[Ben went to say something until he heard a snicker. He turn to the driver seat and saw Max with a smirk on his face. Ben then looked at both of them and pieced it together]

Ben:"Woah Woah let's calm down here ok Me and Her are just friends ok?"

Gwen:"sssuuurre 'just friends' "

Ben:"no-dont-dont say it like that!"

Gwen:"...sorry sorry ok you guys are friends I get it"

Ben:"thanks you..."[looks back out the window as Gwen just smirks]


Gwen:"🎵Ben and Kai sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!🎵"

Ben:[slowly looks at Gwen]"mature...real mature...."

Gwen:"Aw is Wittle Benny Embawassed he got a Crush~?"

Ben:"it's not a crush!..."

Gwen:"yeah it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

Gwen:"yes it is!"

Ben:"no it's not!"

[Ben and Gwen keep going at it as Max continues to drive hear it over and over again he shakes his head and sighs]

Grandpa max:"...it's gonna be a long summer"

[They continue to drive and half an hour later come to a stop in a small clearing in the forest where a campfire pit and a bench were set. They stop and set up camp and about 40 minutes night time came. Ben and Gwen were sitting by the fire, Gwen was reading, Ben was playing his Gameboy. Max then came up to the fire with a small bag]

Max:"anyone here hungry?"

[Ben & Gwen both look at each other then up at Max with uncertain faces]

Ben:"yeah....food right?"

Max:"of course food!"

Gwen:"...uh ok then sure we're hungry"


[Max then sits on one of the 4 logs surrounding the fire, as he opens the bag and reaches in as Ben and Gwen look back at each other in confusion, max then pull out a small looking dried up looking worm]

Grampa max:"dried mealsworms, 13 to 25 grams of protein in bite size goodness"[pops the worms in his mouth making a loud crunching sound]



Grampa max:"mmmmmhh...that..[chews some more]..is some good stuff...you guys want some?"

Ben & Gwen:"No thank you!!!"

Grandpa max:"hehe you guys are missing out"[eats a half a hand full]

Ben:"kinda the point.."

[Ben goes back to his Gameboy for a minute until he puts it back and pulls out a small note book.When he went to one of the pages he notices that the page were scribbled on and mess up ad sees writing that says
'Have a good summer Benny boy this is for being the little rat you are.'

P.s- 'your dead when you get back I promise you that']

[Ben's gets a heated as he looks at the other pages and flips through the book, every page was written on and or ripped out or glued together. He then throws the book into the woods. Max and Gwen notice this and look at each other]

Gwen:"Ben are you ok?-"

Ben:"Yes!....I'm I'm-...uh I'm uh good"

[Ben pinches the bridge of his nose as he exhales]

Grampa max:"you sure you ok son?"

Ben:"....yeah Im...gonna go take a walk real quick"

[Ben gets up and takes off his jacket leaving him in his white shirt with the black stripe as he walks away into the forest leaving Gwen and Max looking at where Ben was as Gwen looks at Max]

Gwen:"think he's gonna be ok?"

Grampa max:"it's Ben... he'll push through it......."


•=={With Ben}==•

[Ben walking through the forest mumbling to himself]

Ben:"I don't even know why I even bother trying to defend myself against that jerk, and Gwen always fight my battles..."

[Ben continues to walk deeper into the forest as he stops and sits on a small stump and slaps his face in his hands]

Ben:"...why must you do this to me universe...why make me if this is all I'm meant for..."

[Ben then hears a big boom as he looks around trying to the source and hears it again as he looks up and see's a bright green light as it travels across the sky]

Ben:"is that satellite?.."

[The 'meteor' continues to fly until it starts to turn towards Ben as it gets closer]

Ben:".....Oh shi-"


==•{With Gwen and Max}•==

[Gwen who was still reading hears the explosion and looks over and see's a bright orange tint light coming out of the forest]

Gwen:"uh... Grampa max???!!"

Grampa Max:[comes out of the RV]"what in the world was that?"

Gwen:"I don't know but there's something over there"

[Gwen points to the orange tint getting brighter as flame begin to rise out of the trees. As Gwen and Max look in that direction they come to a realization that causes them to look at each other]

Max & Gwen:"...Ben..."[They then run off in that direction of the fire]


==•{With Ben}•==

[Ben who is laying on the ground covers in dirt slowly starts to wake up and go into a coughing fit as he staggers to get up he looks around him and see's nothing but burning wood until he looks infront of him and see's a big crater in from of him as he walks closer to it he looks down and see's a metal pod looking thing as he try to get a closer look he ends up tripping and falling into the crater where a a whole bunch of water that was in the ground began to flow out soaking him head to toe. He gets up and holds his side as he feels a sharp pain as he looks at the 'pod' as he goes to inspect it]

[He touches the surface of it as he immediately jumps back as he burns his hand on the metal. Ben blows on his hand as at the corner of his eye the pod starts to release steam and making noise, he stops blowing on his hand and looks at it as it begins to open up.]

Ben:"I don't think this is a satellite"

[As the 'pod' opens up he looks to see something he never thought he would see in something like this]

Ben:[Confused]"...a-a watch? ..from space??!!"

[Ben looks at it for a bit more until he reaches his hand to grab it the watch starts to spark and lose its glow as it begins to turn in a melting state looking completely destroyed]

Ben:"...wait what?..............


[Ben looks that the little center piece with the hourglass symbol and picks it up to inspect it until he hears an unearthly noise]


[Ben looks to see the device slowly gain its form back until it launches at Ben chest, cause Ben to fly back a bit as the device is swarming all around him and seeping into his body causing him to scream in pain as the hourglass part is attached it self to his left wrist, the Black substance then forms into the watch from it's original place in the pod but more morphed into Ben's skin. Ben tries to get up but is in to much pain but has enough strength to crawl out of the crater as the device continues to form around his body causing him to scream as his eyes began to change]

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