Sonya x reader

By tmr10sonya

35.8K 1.2K 774

A story about y/n, a girl who shows up in a box on day only to find herself with no memory and in love with a... More

Authors note
The box
Authors note
Drawings and daisy chains.
The rookie
The maze
The maze (sonyas pov)
The scorch.
Maze (A)
Car ride
At last
A temporary cure.
Without her
The plan
Authors note
Authors note
The plan.
The safe haven!
Our new life
Authors note


1K 41 24
By tmr10sonya

tw: guts..? Cutting something...? Not really sure how to explain.

I was running again. I don't know how much longer I can run anymore. It hurts so bad. Everything just hurts.

I thought about giving up and letting the monsters get me.

Sounds nice.

But no. I have to survive. I have to get back to them. To Harriet and Sonya.

I looked back at the map still making sure I knew where I was.

I took a right. And the straight and then left.

Wherever I couldn't hear any of those things coming for me.

I wonder how the rookie is doing.

I wonder how Mary is doing.

I wonder how Sonya and Harriet are doing.

Jesus cant I just be anywhere but here.

I heard another noise. I think it was just a wall moving. I'm not sure. I started to get really tired. Almost dizzy. But then I found something.

Are those dead ones?

Two of the monsters lay smashed on the floor. I think maybe a wall had hit them or something.

My curiosity got the best of me and I snuck up to one. I kicked at a few of the metal limbs. Don't think it's still alive.
Just then it jerked and I flew back on my butt. I think it was just a reflex muscle or something.

Like a grasshopper. They kinda just kick even if their dead.

It was weird remembering grasshoppers. I don't remember ever seeing them but I knew exactly what they looked like.

But anyways.

I heard a soft steady beeping coming from one of them

My first thought was a bomb. Do these things self destruct? I don't think....

I looked closer and saw a flashing red light coming from inside.

Should I?

I pulled out the knife Harriet gave me my first day. I looked at it for a bit. My eyes watered thinking about her. Thinking about when I cut myself when she was teaching me to carve. And Sonya patched me up.

Stop it! Focus.

I took the knife and cut deep into the monster.

A few things spilled out. A green liquid that looked rather like oil and a few organ looking things, maybe some guts. Not really sure. I found the light flashing inside a specific organ looking thing and pulled it out covering my hands in the oil stuff.

W. C. K. D.


What's that mean? I think I had seen a seven somewhere. I looked at the map.


What's seven supposed to mean. I guess Mary had written seven on it. Not sure why but it was there. I looked up and saw a large '7' on one of the walls next to the letters wckd.

What the hell.

I put two and two together. The creatures were made by the same people who put us here. I also remembered seeing W. C. K. D. On the supplies we got.

I turned around to see if I could find anything on the walls.

Nothing. But the thing in my hands started beeping faster.

What the-

I stopped turning and the beeping was steady again. I turned. The beeping picked up for a sec.

I turned the direction it kept picking up at and it beeped faster I again. This time I stayed there and the fast beeping was even.

I started walking that direction until the beeping slowed. I turned around and found a new direction. I made sure to check my map again and noted where I was.

Eventually I came to a corridor sort of thing and walked through it. As I got to the end I noticed a dead end


I started to turn around but the red light suddenly turned green and a loud mechanical noise arose. At first I thought it was one of the monsters but realized that it was the dead end opening. Multiple doors opened and I walked through them.

I knew I should turn back but I kept walking. The tunnel changed shape into a circle and I came to a wall sort of thing. It lit up and numbers swirled around the screen.

Hmm. I don't think I know any number code. I pushed random numbers. Over and over.





Wrong again.

I was about to give up when the screen turned green.


It opened again and I found a larger tunnel.

Seriously. Are the tunnels gonna end soon? They have no originality.

The door closed behind me.


I banged on it and I kicked it.


Please no. Tears slipped down my cheeks. How was I gonna get back.

I found a way out and now I can't get anyone else out. I'm not gonna be able to save them.

I can't give the letter to Mary and ally.

I can't get back to Amy's body.

I can't see Sonya and Harriet again.

I sat down and cried some more.

Maybe I could find another way. I started walking down the tunnel. It kept going for a while until I came to a door.

Above the door said 'exit'

Are you fucking serious right now.

I opened it and walked in. People were working. I saw a boy about my age. I saw a bunch of adults in white coats.

Are they scientists?

I thought came to me and as soon as I thought it I knew it was correct.

The creators.


I don't want to be anywhere near them.

Someone finally noticed me.


A few people turned their heads toward me.

I looked around for a moment.

I gotta get out of here.

Before anyone could stop me I booked it. People grabbed at me and I swerved around.

I ran into a table.

I smashed things.

I pushed the table over.

I almost laughed at how destructive I was being.

I threw a chair across the room just to get my point across.

I was pissed. 

I stared yelling at them.

"You're all a bunch of fuckers who imprisoned tons of teenagers in a life threatening Situation and for what!" I yelled still running and smashing things.

I smashed into a glass wall.

"You all deserve to die! Motherfuckers! I hope you all rot in hell!"

I screamed at one man in specific but mostly aimed it at all of them.

I threw many punches.

Eventually I grabbed one of the legs of a chair I had thrown and broke it off. I swung it at people and knocked a few down.

The boy that was my age looked at me looking slightly guilty.

I glared back at him. How could he do this to us? How could any of them do this to us?


I screamed. Almost half of the people where knocked out and the others stayed away from me.


They all looked at me. No one did anything. I stood there shaking. Tears started to come out and in less then two seconds my face was wet and I was trembling. Fuming!

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" I screamed. Some people jumped back.

A door behind me opened and I turned around to see many guards with guns.


I had to get out of there. Even if I had to leave everyone behind.

I looked at the boy again. He looked like he was thinking really hard. Suddenly he looked at me as if he decided something. He looks at a button next to him. He looks back at me and nods. I was really confused but realized he was trying to help me. He ran to a wall and grabbed a bag off of a hook. He looked around once more before exhaling.

Hurry up dude!

He runs to the button and smashes it.

A door opens leading outside. Out of the maze out of everything. I know that it could be a trap but if I stay here I'll be fighting for my life. I'll take a chance

I run. The boy holds the bag out to me. I'm not sure what it is but I grab it and keep running. Into my new life. Away from the maze. Away from all my promises. My promise to get Amy out of the maze. My promise to get everyone out of the maze.

Away from Harriet. Sonya.

I'm on my own now.

Hi guys! This is so exciting! Also guess what!? It's my birthday! Yay! Anyways thanks for the votes and support!

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