Our Own Demons // Raven x Mal...

By RandomWriteTypes

67.5K 1.4K 267

He's an anti hero sent to join the Titans by Batman. She's a young adult finding her place in the Teen Titans... More

The One Who Came Back
The Half Demon
First Run
Old Habits Die Hard
Chaos Before The Storm
Sins of The Father
New Beginnings ( epilogue )

New Face

2.6K 77 5
By RandomWriteTypes

[ Y/N ]

I woke up with a throbbing headache and aches all over my body as I looked around the place. My helmet, thrown to the side leaving just the domino mask. I tried to move my arms but I was secured on a metal chair. The kind you see in the movies where they electrocute you. Not going to lie, it had me feeling deja vu. The room I was in was dimly light besides the wide array of monitors arranged in a corner and what seems to be an operating theater in the other side of the room with tons of contraptions. Then I heard footsteps approaching me, in fact a couple of footsteps.

A man appeared out of the shadows with the two villainess that admittedly did a number on me.

" Hello Red Hood. I have to say I'm glad we finally have a chance to meet. . ."

I didn't reply to his formality instead I just stared at him down.

" Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Brother Blood. This right here who I sure you've met is Chesire. This one is Terra. A fine example of an excellent student of mine. . . .We have been watching your career with great interest my friend. I want you to joi-"

" Look, skip the theatrics and just get on with the torture will you?" I coldly said to which he just chuckle.

" Poor thing. What gave you the idea that I was someone who inflicts pain? Or that you have a choice to refuse. . ." He said as he plugged wires to a generator, connected to the seat.

" I'm gonna get you all. . . fixed. . . up." He said with a smile as he flipped the switch down, sending a huge charge of electricity at the chair shocking me. I gritted my teeth to subdue the pain but it was too much for me to handle so I just screamed my lungs out. All the while he just laughed at me. Deja Vu.

Titans Tower

[ Dick ]

" His communicator isn't showing up on the monitor." Cyborg said as he tried to pinpoint Y/N's location. I rubbed my temples in frustration. I know Y/N is known for ghosting at times but the least he could do was leave a note or something.

" We have to find him. He might be in trouble." I said to him as we both tried other ways when Kori knocked on the door.

" You might wanna come see this Dick."

" Can it wait? We're in the mid-" I groaned before she cut me off.

" It might be Y/N. "

I immediately shot up and follow her to the living room where the TV is on.

Although no one was hurt after last night's attack on Cooper Bank & Co by two murderous villainess, Mayor James Hunt is about to address the public.

" What's that got to do with Y/N? " I asked her. She then pulled up an online video taken by innocent bystanders that were at the place last night when the attack happened. A familiar red helmet figure was thrown out of the building before landing back-first into the roof of a car. A lady in a green suit and another with blonde hair dragged the body out of the wreckage before getting away.

" Chesire. " I said with my arms folded

" Who's the other girl?" Gar asked innocently.

" Well we're going to find out soon enough." I said as I immediately headed to the surveillance room to look through the city cameras. I rewind the footage from Cooper Bank last night, hoping to get an idea of where they might have taken him but there wasn't any traces.

" Hmm they're good. . ." I muttered to myself as I reprogrammed the search algorithm.

[ Y/N ]

I slowly lifted up my heavy eyes as blood slowly dropped from the side of my mouth. I was beaten and electrocuted more times than I could count. I initially thought I was alone but I saw Terra leaning by a wall, tinkering with her armour. My throat was dry as the desert.

" Can I get water or something? I'm dying of thirst." I said as I coughed out more blood. My voice was literally a croak. Her eyes went from her armour to me with a suspicious look. I rolled my eyes.

" An escape plan won't form from just drinking water alright? I'm good but not that good."

She scoffed at me before grabbing a plastic bottle of water and helping me to drink. I savoured every ounce of the water as it entered my mouth, felt like I haven't drank in days. I could've been, seeing as how I literally lost track of time. The room went back to silence as I eyed Terra with a slight curiosity, admittedly.

" Blood put you up for guard duty?"

" What's the matter? Too much for you to handle?"

" Seems to me like he thinks you're expendable."

She gave me a pointed look.

" I know what you're trying to do Red Hood. You're not turning me against Brother Blood."

" So what? You think he sees you as an equal?"

" Yes he does." She answered, crossing her arms

" Newsflash Blondie, he doesn't give a rat's ass what happens to you! I bet he's out there right now, discussing his plans with Japanese lady. That's why he left you out! He doesn't trust you!"

" How would you know?! You've only just met him!"

" Trust me I have a great judge in character. . . You'll see. . . when the chips are down. . . he'll toss you aside like an unwanted toy." I snapped at her before leaning back on the chair to try and get some sleep in an uncomfortable position.


I finally got up after a somewhat decent sleep. To my surprise, a bag of takeout was right in front of my eyes. My eyes trailed the hand of the person who held it as it reached a familiar blonde hair individual. Admittedly I was a little taken aback so I looked at her weirdly for a good 5 minutes.

" What? Got something on my face?" She asked annoyed which made me stop staring.

" No it's just. . . Not to sound ungrateful but torture and kidnap usually doesn't include a takeout meal."

" Well your stomach was making tons of noises while you were asleep and it was getting on my nerves." She replied as she dropped the food on my thighs.

" Umm . . ."

" What is it this time?" She said, turning her head to look at me over her shoulder.

" You do realize my hands are restrained so I can't physically feed myself right?"

" Ohh. . . . my bad hehehe." She shyly said as she took out the beef wrap and placed it near my mouth, making it easy for me to take a bite. I bit off a fairly large amount; I haven't eaten anything for what seem like days. It tastes so good, I immediately went in for another bite.

" Slow down you're gonna choke yourself."

"Didn't think you'd mind that now would you?" I smugly said to her. She immediately looked away to the side.

" Shut up. . ." She muttered softly to which I just scoffed. She honestly confuses me. Usually when a bad person keeps watch over an enemy of theirs, it more likely than not turns into torturing them but she didn't even give it a thought, like she was forced to watch me, forced to be a villain.

" You know. . . I have a question."

She raised an eyebrow, so I continued.

" If you're against me, why aren't you taking this opportunity to inflict more pain on me? I mean that's what that Blood guy seems to want to do"

" Brother Blood will decide what to do with you. . . should you still be stubborn enough. "

" Well good luck with that kid. I'm always stubborn."

There was another period of silence before Terra spoke up.

" You really think you're one of the good ones? Doing what you do?"

" Listen here, I may be on the side of the angels but don't think for a second, that I'm one of them. I'm a killer and I know it. This is my penance"

" But why? Why keep fighting for those who'd turn a blind eye on you when it benefits them?"

Admittedly that had me questioning myself. Why was I doing it? I decided to just switch up the subject.

" What's your name?"

" Terra."

" That's your made-up name. I meant your name. . ."

" T-tara Markov."

" Markov. . . .  You're Russian?

" Markovian."

I was completely clueless what that meant.

" What?"

" Markovian "

Again I looked at her weird.

" I'm not even gonna go down the road of asking where's that from."

She chuckled at my comment.

" It's in Europe. . . . You know I never thought you were like this."

" Like what?"

" Fun. . ."

" Yeah I don't know what you're talking about." I said taking the last bite of my food. She rolled her eyes at me before throwing the evidence away. Before we could continue talking, the door swung open as Brother Blood walked up to me.

" Changed your mind?"

" Answer's still the same, you cannibal. Fuck off."

" Stubbornness. What a disappointing trait to have." He said as he landed a backhand across my face. It was pretty hard as well causing blood to drip out the side of my lips. I could swear I saw Terra clenched her fists in shock as I took that hit. Spitting on Blood's face just made more angrier as he flipped the switch down to shock me. My body shook uncontrollably until it laid on the chair, barely moving once the shock had left my body. In the corner of my eye, I saw Terra had a look on her face as she saw state I was in. She tried to avert her eyes from looking at me in pain but she couldn't. Brother Blood on the other hand wasn't finished. He went over to the table near the operating theater and took something.

As he walked closer, I was able to get a good look at what it was. A combat knife but it was different. It had a very animalistic look to it and the edges of the blade were serrated rather than just plain straight. He walked over to me with a smirk. I braced myself for what's about to happen but it still caught me by surprised how much it hurt.


He stabbed me with the knife, right in the liver area. My eyes widen up and glared down at him as he thrust the knife inwards and then taking it out very sloppily, causing more damage. Blood began to drip out of my body, slowly and steadily.

" You now have approximately 5 hours before you bleed out and die. . . I suggest you make a decision that can save your life." He said coldly as he wiped his hand with a cloth. He then threw the cloth at me before walking away.

" Watch him " He said to Terra with a stern voice who just nodded silently. Tired from the torture that had been going on for days, I closed my eyes once more as I drifted off into darkness.

[ Dick ]

It was late at night as I sat down in the surveillance room with my head in my hands. It's been two days since Y/N disappeared with Cheshire and we still have no idea where he could be. His communicator isn't responding, his tracker isn't coming and none of the thugs in this city knows a thing about it. I was still in my thoughts when Kori came in.

" Hey Dick."

" Kori."

" Anything new come up about Y/N?"

I let out a sigh at the question as I shook my head. The team and I have been at this for days, searching the buildings and streets. I've literally squeezed every single idea out of my head, trying to get a location on him. As I stared blankly at the monitors, Kori began to fiddle with the communicator, in deep thought.

" The tracking device. . . Does anything covers it up? Like maybe the signal can be masked by a thick cement wall?"

" No it can't. It's the top of the line tracker with a frequency that can only be detected by our computers."

" Then how do the villains never seem to know where we are at times? Like say in this building." She asked curiously which sparked an idea in my head.

" It can't be masked. . . But the signal could be thrown off with a simple bouncer." I said as I furiously typed on the keyboard. Kori didn't quite grasp what I was saying so she tried her best to read what was on the monitor. I rerouted the satellite to scan for locations where frequencies that were oddly rerouted. A few places came up in San Francisco.

"San Francisco Bank, HighLead Club, Foster's Arms and St Louis Church."

" I don't understand. . . . What do these places have in relation to the communicator?" Kori asked, motioning towards the screens.

" These places are the only ones in this city, capable of rerouting the frequency, meaning the location of our communicators won't show up on our monitors and coincidentally these places are amongst the list of places that have a record except. . ." I said as I pointed to the last location.

" St Louis Church. I'm betting that's where he's being held but we have to check the other places as well to be sure." I finished off, crossing my arms. I then went and gathered the team. Kori and Rachel had the bank, Victor was in charge of the arms shop, Gar has the night club while I searched the church.

[ Y/N ]

I woke up in shock as I felt my feet being dragged across the floor while my body was being supported by another body. I weakily opened my eyes to see Terra constructing something out of the ground. I initially thought this was some kind of hallucination but then she looked over to me, lightly tapping me across the cheek to see if I was awake.

" You up?"

" W-wh-. . . . Where are we? What are you doing?"

"Listen I'll answer all your questions but not now. We need a place to go to so that Chesire or Brother Blood doesn't find us."

" The. . . . T-tower." I weakily said. Immediately a construct was formed and we headed off to the tower. I noticed the wound I had was patched up but still, it wasn't holding on by much. Eventually we arrived at the tower with me still fairly conscious as I override the controls to allow Terra in. Needless to say, she was impressed by how it looks but she immediately snapped back to reality to help me

" Is there like a medical room so I can treat your wounds?"

" Probably but I've . . . never willingly used it before. . . ." I said with my breaths getting heavier. I pointed at a door which prompt Terra to literally drag my body there before laying me on the medical bed. I tried to stay awake but I just couldn't.

[ Dick]

I scanned the room with a build-in sonar scanner in my mask. I noticed a very missable stairway to a floor below the church. Intrigued I went to check it out.

" There's something else at the church. Rendezvous here if you're done with your part." I radioed in as I slowly walked downstairs. My grip on the escrima sticks grew tighter as I made my way to a hidden floor. The entire place was pitch black. I put on my night vision goggles to try and find a switch or a power supply. I flipped it and waited for the light which just barely illuminate the place. I heard footsteps behind me which made me flinch until I realized it was just Starfire and Raven. We cautiously looked around the room, making sure there wasn't anyone inside waiting to attack us. Eventually Beast Boy and Cyborg joined us. I noticed an array of monitors to which I immediately went through for any possible information before immediately sending it to the computer at the tower. I was still going through the stuff on the system when Cyborg called me.

" Heyy umm does this look bad to you guys?" He said as we all closed in on him looking at what he wanted us to see.

On the floor was a shattered helmet with dried up blood stains just next to the chair. I got a better look at the environment. The bloodied chair was hooked up to a large generator, powerful enough to kill someone or even render electronic devices useless. That's probably why Y/N wasn't responding to his communicator but it still doesn't tell us what we need to know about Y/N, mainly his whereabouts. Beast Boy noticed a trail of blood heading to an operating table.

" Hey guys! Look at this. . . They must have stabbed him with something before dragging him over to the chair and fried his brains out."

At first glance, it seemed to be the case but if anything crime-fighting had taught me, it's that things are never as what it seems. I took a better look before drawing a possible conclusion for myself.

" Good eye Beast Boy but I don't think that was the case. The blood is only on the floor which means he was sitting up or propped up at this table when the blood was dripping. If they were operating on him, the blood would not just be in this direction. My guess is he was taken from the chair to here where his blood didn't drip any longer. There's a possibility he was patched up or he patched himself up."

" So what do we do now?" Cyborg asked.

" We head back. I'll go through what I've got from the computer and we'll plan out our next move tomorrow morning."

I pulled Raven to the side as the rest of the team headed back.

" You okay Raven? You seemed a little on edge."

" Don't worry about me. . . I'm fine~" She said with a smirk before flying off. Somewhere inside of me, I didn't really trust those words. With that, we all headed back to the tower.

a/n can't thank you enough for the support. Extremely blessed! Thank you

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