One Last Time: One More Time

By PeachesAndReam

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Sequel of One Last Time Year 850. The second appearance of the Colossal Titan affected the lives of many. Aft... More

One More Time
Love & Hate
Assault on Stohess
The Burning
Heart to Heart
A Selfish Decision
Until We Meet Again
Letter to the Reader

To you 2,000 years from now

911 31 69
By PeachesAndReam

"But I haven't ... I haven't told her yet."

Levi forgot what his dream was about the moment he woke up. If he was completely honest, it felt like he had been dreaming for a long time and it was unusual since his insomnia would never let him sleep more than three hours.

"Captain Levi!"

He recognized the voice of the young boy almost too well. After basically becoming his nanny, Levi always made sure to keep an eye on Eren which at the moment he wasn't doing a good job. It was strange because he didn't know how he got here, laying under the shade of a tree and alone.

It was peaceful ... strangely peaceful.

Maybe it was because of the tree he planted six years ago when Isabell and Furlan passed away. Now it was fully grown and he couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic.

"Captain Levi, Ms. Maria is waiting for you!"

Eren waved side to side as he tried to get the attention of the Captain, he had already seen him but humanity's strongest soldier looked to be puzzled and even lost at the moment.

The young boy decided to run-up to the hill where Levi was, just to make sure he listened to him. As he reached the top, Levi was already on his feet. To Eren it was surprising to see the Captain like this. Especially since he always looks aware of his surroundings and be ready for action all the time.

But right now he looks lost and there was no doubt that the nap he took made him lose consciousness of time.

Not only that but there was more to Levi's face that shocked Eren with a sense of deja-vu.

"Captain Levi ... are you crying?"




After being scolded and threatened by his Captain, Eren was well aware that he shouldn't tell anyone about what he saw earlier. Especially to Ms. Maria since she was the one to be more prone to worry about Captain Levi.

With everything that was going on, the last thing Eren was thinking of doing was cleaning. If he was being completely honest, he didn't think that Captain Levi was one to be obsessed with cleaning. If anything he thought he would be too 'manly' for that or that would spend his time doing something better like training or something of that matter.

Going back to the old cottage and finding everyone cleaning was actually not a bad sight. It was as peaceful as it can be and it even made Eren feel nostalgic at watching the Levi squad acting so ... Home-like.

Brooms, head bandanas, cleaning out the dust and using newspaper to clean windows. Now that he thinks about it, Eren has been cleaning more than expending time on Ms. Zoe's experiment.

"Ah, you guys are here ... What took you so long?"

She opened the door, brown hair groomed in a ponytail and Scout Regiment uniform. A white bandana over her hair and broom in hand. There were many questions Eren had about Ms. Maria. He had always seen her as a mother figure, especially since she looked after them when he, Mikasa, and Armin were refugees at the Trost's refugee facility.

As many questions as he had, he knew he couldn't ask any of them.

Maria didn't mind cleaning, the only thing that bothered her was that Levi wasn't around because normally he was the one to take the lead on matters like this. Not only that but he seemed more enthusiastic about coming back to the old cottage and cleaning because no one has been there for a while.

"Sorry, it was my fault ... I had a hard time finding Captain Levi," Eren replied as he tried to make an excuse but feeling the brunette's eyes on him wasn't helping.

"Your ears are red, so I know you are hiding something," Maria took a quick look at Levi and when their eyes met she knew that it was better to not pick on the matter. "But I assume it must be a secret between you and the Captain, I won't ask anything more."

"Don't call me Captain, you know I hate it," Levi grabs Maria's broom from her hands and walks away nonchalantly. It was another thing that worried the brunette but she didn't want to ask anything, at least not right now. "Now let's get back to cleaning."

"Fine, whatever you say ... Captain Levi."

"Maria ..."

And most definitely, Eren just couldn't see it.

Just how in the world did Ms. Maria and Captain Levi ... How were they even a thing?




The Survey Corps had a little less than a month to organize everything for the upcoming outside the wall expedition. They needed to set up a logistics base beyond Wall Rose with the hope that with Eren's titan ability, they will be able to take back Wall Maria. On the bad side, they only had newbies to back them up in case things get ugly. Although they weren't the most capable, the Scout Regiment was surprised to even get new recruits at all.

Maria was enjoying her day with her beautiful brown horse. If there was anything that she appreciated about being part of the Survey Corps was that she got assigned a horse just for her. Whenever she had the time she would come to the stables to give him some apples and talk to him.

Now Maria was watching her horse running around freely on the flower fields, smelling the flowers and not completely alone. A black horse that she knew very well gave him company.

"Please make your horse stay away from my girl."

Maria looks to her side and up to find Levi standing next to her as he took a look at his horse interact with Maria's horse. It was a nice scene, watching both horses play around as the sun sets down.

"She doesn't need any boys after her."

"Let them have some fun," Maria says as she noticed that Levi had taken a seat next to her on the grass. "Who knows, maybe even a couple of months we will have a new baby horse."

"Yeah, the idea doesn't sound too good to me."

"Lately any idea doesn't sound good to you."

Levi knew that Maria meant other things. Like how he disagreed with the idea of having Eren walking around so freely or meeting with his friends. And of course how he still thinks that Maria is not ready to be part of the exploration team of the Survey Corps.

"So, you are still angry that I am not accepting your request to join the Scouts as a soldier?" Levi didn't dare to make eye contact with her but instead, he watched with a bit of jealousy the romantic interactions their horses were having. At least someone was lucky in the love department.

"When the titans breached Trost, I think I proved to be more than capable to take care of myself," Maria says as she enjoyed the grass underneath her. It was strangely peaceful and somehow it felt wrong. "I don't know what else I have to do to prove to you that I am ready to go outside."

Five years passed since Maria came back from the underground city. Many things changed and the one that had to change the most was her dreams and ambitions. She was no longer the same and even now Levi didn't know exactly why she even wanted to join the Scout Regiment.

"Why do you want to join? I want an honest answer."

He had asked this many times before with the hope to get an answer strong enough to let her join. Nonetheless, he realized that no matter the answer, he was selfish.

The last thing Levi wanted was for Maria to end up end dead outside the walls.

"While I was in the underground city, there was one thing that kept me alive," she said as she began to remember the accident of five years ago. "At that moment, the only thing that I wanted was vengeance ... to kill the Ackermans ... but Nicholas beat me to it."

After she came back, Maria thought of also seeking revenge against Elise. But the more she thought about it, she knew that it was impossible at least not with their current situation. Elise was powerful and the government was on her side. It was unknown to her as to why she disappeared but regardless as more time passed she lost the motivation to pursue that.

Not completely, but maybe later.

Right now there were more important things to worry about.

"Honestly that was the only thing that I wanted to do ... I was willing to die for that motive and I didn't think I was going to live after that," Maria takes a quick look at Levi who still kept looking at the horizon. "I don't know what I am doing but I guess the best thing I can do is to help."

"I want to try and keep as many people alive as I can," she continued hoping that at some point Levi would look at her. "And maybe ... If I go out there again ... If I get to know the truth about this world ... I can find another reason to live."

Levi turned his head to look at her and they shared a silent look. Maria had changed so much, still as beautiful as ever but the glow in her eyes was no longer there. Her hair was long and groomed in a ponytail although she would sometimes let it lose. Although it was usually groomed since she started working for the Regiment.

Maria looked nice but it was definitely something she wasn't content with.

"... Back then, you looked happy by just making dresses and dreamt of having a dress shop and a family ... doesn't that fulfill you any longer?"

Humanity's strongest soldier saw how the glow in her eyes came back for the smallest of a second as if the thought excited her alone. But as soon as it came, it went away.

"I have given up on it," the brunette looks down and looks at her hands. The brown sleeves of her jacket bent a little, showing some of the scars that her body had. "After all, how can someone like me ... could ever be worthy of such a peaceful dream?"

He wanted to tell her that she was worthy of that and much more. But the words wouldn't come out. There were many things Levi missed about their previous relationship. Probably all of it but there was no doubt that he wished he could go back to the time in which he could tell her anything without thinking twice.

Maria looks back at him and she smiled softly with the hope that it will help Levi change his mind.

"So ... Will you let me join?"

And of course, Levi wasn't going to change. Because as much as he wanted Maria to move on and start new, he also couldn't accept the idea of her death while he wasn't there to protect her.

"No, remember our promise five years ago? You have to become equally or stronger than me for that to happen ... You are really good ... But still not good enough."

He immediately saw her smile disappear as she stood up from the grass. Using her pants to remove the soil from her hands, Maria placed two of her fingers in her mouth and whistled. This caught the attention of her horse which galloped his way to her.

"Of course," she said. "I was never good enough for you anyways."


"I am tired, I'll say my goodbyes to everyone and then I'll take my leave," she didn't want to start a fight. The last thing she wanted was for her and Levi to be on bad terms so she preferred to leave even if that would make it worse in the long run.

"Are you staying at Lisa's home?" Levi asks as he watched her get on top of her horse. He has also stood up seeing that his horse was approaching him soon.

"That's really none of your concern but if you must know, then yes," she replied and Maria felt her heart break a little as she saw Levi's disconsolate face.

They were growing farther apart and there was nothing they could do about it.

"... What I said a few weeks ago, I meant it," Maria looks down to Levi and as much as it hurt her and him, it was a truth that must be told.

"I'll always stay by your side as long as you let me ... but it's time that you understand that at some point ... You have to let me go."




It was around 2 in the morning and Maria lied about staying at Lisa's home. Well, it wasn't a lie she planned on going to her home after she finished training. She liked going to the gym around this time because no one was around meaning that she was free to wear simple shorts and crops without having to deal with the stares of others in her body.

She kept punching and kicking the boxing bag in front of her as she regulated her breathing. Maria was more than exhausted, recently she had gotten accustomed to training till she passed out. It wasn't healthy but it did help her clear out her mind.

"Levi, I'll leave everything in your hands, I will trust your judgment on everything ... I am at your feet, so please the only thing I ask in return ... Is for you to let me love you now and forever."

The brunette remembers her words clearly. And although she meant everything she said, she also found herself contradicting her words.

"I said I was going to trust his judgment... So why can't I accept the fact that he won't let me join the scouts?"

She had thought about it for a long time. Why she decided to join the Scouts and at first she thought that it was because there was nothing else better to do.

"The reason why things happen is because we are too weak to stop them ... The reason why you are here ... Is because you are weak."

Maria remembers the words of the man she met five years ago in the underground. His words still resonated with her and even now she understood why she needed to be part of the Scouts. Not only to search for another reason to live but to become stronger.

If only she was strong before, she wouldn't have been raped. If she had been strong she wouldn't have been sent to the underground and she wouldn't have suffered so much.

As she kept throwing punches at the punching bag, she felt how her heart wanted to come out of her chest. How her eyes wanted to close due to the exhaustion but she couldn't stop. This helped her become stronger and she needed that.

If she's strong, then she could not only protect herself but the ones she loved.

She needed to become stronger, much stronger that's why she joined the Scouts, that's why she wanted to join the exploration team.

Because the strength she was seeking could only get it by experience, by killing titans and searching for the truth.

Her legs began to tremble as she couldn't stand anymore. Maria began to feel dizzy and she thought of quitting, of giving up but she took a moment to look at the mirror next to her.

And she again remembered why she had to continue.

Each and every single scar that was in her body. The engraved letters formed the word 'Ackerman' in her back.

She had to continue, to keep going to become stronger because she hated being weak.

But her body completely gave up, making her fall to the ground in exhaustion. Her breathing trying to regulate as fast as it could but she felt that her lungs were about to break if she continued breathing.

She hates being weak.

Maria was never special. She wasn't the most beautiful, talented, strong nor smart. And before, she was completely fine with that. Maria was happy by just living a simple life but things changed and although she didn't care about these things, she could only say that she did care about being strong because that will be the only thing that keeps her and her friends alive.

She will try and keep them alive as long as she can.

But she also had to admit ... that she misses the way she was before.

She misses the time when she had the simplest of dreams and when she was happy by just looking at Levi clean. Maria misses how she was content with her simple life and regrets taking that for granted.

Maria began to blink rapidly, trying to fight the need for sleep. But before her eyes closed she could only think of two things.

That she hates being weak.

And that she hates what she has become.




A couple of days after, Maria found herself in the hospital and it wasn't because she was sick or in anything of that matter. Lisa had made an appointment for Maria to meet a doctor to check on her scars. Apparently, he had been working on specific pills and lotions to treat people from their wounds and scars. And of course, Maria was the perfect candidate for that.

She didn't like the idea of her body being looked at but if this could help other people then she can pull through it.

"Mrs. Ackerman?"

It felt strange for Maria to be called out like that but since her legal change of name, there wasn't much she could do about it. The brunette nodded as she took a look at the nurse who opened the door for her.

"You can come inside, the doctor will arrive soon."

She followed her indications and somehow or another she felt a bit scared about the situation. After all, she wasn't used to being checked up like this.

The nurse took the liberty of taking her body measurements, her weight, and her height. And even though Maria was somewhat uncomfortable about taking off her clothes completely, she found herself in a white tunic and she just hoped it wasn't all translucent.

Maria sat on the edge of the bed, her feet unable to touch the floor and she unconsciously began to move them, slightly seeing how there were even scars on her legs.

The room was quiet and cold with only one window that was letting light inside and for a moment Maria thought of just sneaking out and not coming back but the moment the doctor came inside, the thought went away.

"Mrs. Maria Ackerman?" he asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Just Maria is fine, Ackerman is my husband's last name," Maria smiles a little as she tried to sound friendly.

The doctor had taken a seat on a chair in front of her, facing the wooden desk that was next to the window. He took a pen out of his white coat and some paper out of the desk's drawer.

"Well, where is him?"

"He died five years I go ... I think."

He looked at her with amusement and Maria knew that the way she said it was contradictory to what she should feel. Instead of acting like a sad widow, she sounded happy that her husband was dead. And she was.

"... Alright," the doctor said. "Well, anyway, my name is Lance Kayser and I'll be your doctor for this treatment ... I'll be asking some questions before starting the procedure."

"Alright," Maria says as she took a look at him.

The doctor looks young, around her age, or maybe a little bit older. His blond hair was a bit of a mess and his dark under-eye circles contrasted his green eyes. Cute round glasses that didn't match with his masculine jawline and at this point Maria didn't know for what kind of look he was striving for.

"Ok, so you been married, do you have kids?" he asked.


"Have you been sexually active recently?"

Maria felt heat going up to her cheeks and she even looked away in embarrassment. "Is that information really necessary?"

"The pills I am going to give you are pretty strong," Dr. Kayser said with a straight face as he took a quick look at Maria.

"I am asking because if you are sexually active, there might be a possibility you might be pregnant and we should run a test for that since the pills may endanger your life and the baby's."

"Oh," and as much as Maria was embarrassed, she answered honestly. "I have not been sexually active since ... a few years ago."

"I asked if you were sexually active recently, not whether you had any or not."

Great, someone with an attitude. Now Maria was really thinking of just walking out. She might as well just pick up her clothes and change in the bathroom.

"Since when do you have these scars?" he asked again as he went back to write notes on his paper.

"Since five years ago."

"How did you got them?"

"Knives ... Leather whips ... Metal wire," Maria tried to think of what else did the Ackermans used to torture her but she never really paid much attention. And it wasn't like she actually wanted to remember. "And maybe other things ... I don't remember much."

As she said the list, Maria saw the doctor's face change, his strong demeanor softly died for a second but then came back.

"Alright, I'll be taking a look at your scars now ... Where do you think it's where you have the biggest problem?"

"My legs and my back," Maria replied.

"Fine, let's see your back first," he said as he stood up from his chair and signaled Maria to take his seat. The brunette took a small hop from her bed and her feet touched the cold floor.

As she sat, she slowly untangled the string of her white rob, allowing the doctor to see her bare back just enough.

"You have ... interesting scars."

This is one of the reasons why Maria didn't want to come. She didn't want to talk about the accident. Nor she wanted to remember her torture from five years ago.

She felt his cold fingers softly touch her back as he kept quiet. At the moment the brunette didn't know if he was judging her or pitying her, either or it wasn't good.

After some more delicate touches, Lance came in front of Maria and kneeled.

"I'll take a look at your legs now," he said as he looked up to her to see any sign of consent to continue. As Maria nodded, Lace took the liberty to pick up the ends of her white gown and brought all the way up to her thighs.

He once again proceeded to do the same, touch her skin delicately and whether Maria wanted or not, it was a bit embarrassing. After all, this was probably the first time a man has seen her bare legs since she last slept with Levi.

"Ok, I'll be prescribing you some medication and lotion," the blond man stood up and went back to his desk and Maria was glad that he didn't ask any further questions about how she got her scars.

"Starting today, you will take the medication every day after every meal and use the lotion after you shower. After that, come see me in two weeks."

"Sounds good, thank you, doctor," Maria replied with a smile seeing that his mood had lightened up a bit.

"You can pick up the medication downstairs in the lobby," he said as he finished writing his notes on a piece of paper. "And please call me Lance."

"Ah, alright ... thank you, Lance."

A few seconds passed in which the brunette and blond man stared at each other. Green eyes and brown ones just staring awkwardly, no words said.

"Well, aren't you going to leave?" Lance asks as he looks down at Maria as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"I need to change back to my clothes," Maria replied as she found it amusing that the doctor had forgotten that she is completely naked underneath the white gown. "Unless you want me walking around the hallways like this."

"That would be a terrible sight to see indeed, but you are right, I'll take my leave," the doctor takes a few steps towards the door and opens it but before leaving he turns his head and gazes at Maria one last time.

"And don't forget, meet me again in two weeks."




"I told you for the 100th time ... I don't need an assistant."

"You literally spend all day in the office and even sleep there sometimes."

Levi knew that he wasn't going to get the end of it and that probably fighting with Erwin was futile. But the thought of someone following him around all the time wasn't appealing to him.

It worked with Moblit and Hange but it was because they were a match made in heaven.


"And Maria asked me if I could give you an assistant ... she worries about you too, you know?"

Of course, it was because of her. Even Levi knew that Erwin had grown to like Maria and even had a soft spot for her. Either that or it was because Leah was also pulling his strings from behind.

And even with Levi's constant complaints, he was being dragged to Erwin's office where his new assistant is waiting for him.

"Who in the right mind would even do this job?" Levi asks as Erwin walked with him in the corridors of the Survey Corps facility.

"Don't they know they most likely will get killed if they follow me around?"

"Thankfully for you, you have a lot of fans," Erwin says as he makes a stop in front of his office door. "You will find out soon enough."

And without any other choice, Erwin opens the door to his office allowing Levi to enter first so he could meet his new assistant.

There was nothing new in Erwin's office but the young lady that sat in front of Erwin's desk.

As soon as her eyes laid on Captain Levi, she immediately stood up, and much to Levi's surprise her appearance didn't make him displeased.

She was around 5'1 feet, just around the same height as Petra. Finally someone else he didn't have to look up to.

Her hair was a very light brown almost touching that of blond and she let it loose down to her shoulders. Straight beautiful hair, well-groomed and totally manageable unlike Maria's. Black eyes that contrasted her pale skin and pink lips.

"Captain Levi, nice to meet you," she saluted him by putting her fist into her heart. Although Levi didn't mind, he found it too formal. "My name is Lena Hansen."

"Yeah, I kinda read your profile," Levi says as he watched how Erwin took a seat behind his desk. "I just have one question for you ... I read that you used to work for the Garrisons before ... What made you change to the Survey Corps?

At the question, Levi saw how Lena's cheeks became pink and her salute quickly disappeared. Her eyes diverted his and she was avoiding eye contact.

"Well ... Maybe you don't remember but," she stumbled her words a little as she slowly scratched her left cheek. "A few weeks ago, when the titans breached Trost District ... You saved me."


"I mean, I was already a fan of yours before but seeing you in action and seeing how devoted you were back there ... It really changed something in me," Lena says as she gets the courage to look into Levi's blue eyes. "I would like to keep fighting for the good of humanity ... and you."

Lena was expecting some type of reaction or some encouraging words from humanity's strongest soldier but instead, he turns to look back at the Commander.

"You are joking right?" Levi asks Erwin and the blond man just moves his head from side to side, negating his questions.

Levi takes a deep breath and sighs and he goes to look back at the woman.

"Look, a stupid crush on me is not going to take you anywhere," Levi says clearly, hoping that his harsh words would make her stop whatever she felt for him.

"You need more than that to stay alive in the Survey Corps ... You need a real motivation. And you clearly don't have that."


Lena wanted to say more but Levi immediately cuts her off by talking again with Erwin.

"This was a waste of time, please call me again when you actually have someone worth talking to."

And without much Levi walks out of Erwin's office, leaving a somewhat broken-hearted woman and his Commander alone.

Lena turns around to look at Erwin and he looks back at her.

"Don't worry, he is like that with everyone he meets," Erwin says. "He will open to you soon enough ... I look forward to working with you Ms. Hansen."




Life in the castle was not perfect even with all the space and commodities that it offers. Not only that but Eren found himself cleaning again. This time Captain Levi had assigned him to pull out the weeds in front of the castle and Petra was helping him around while the rest of the squad was cleaning the inside.

They were both quietly doing their jobs but as they heard the galloping of a horse, their attention was quickly focused on the brunette they knew very well.

Maria stopped in front of them and came down from her horse. She smiled sweetly at the young boy and her friend.

"Maria! What brings you here?" Petra asks as she stands up from the ground, Eren following as well.

"I came to see you all ... and to bring some documents to Levi," she patted her brown bag, implying that the documents were inside if it. "And maybe even to cook something for you all, I am sure you are going hungry with Levi's cooking."

Petra didn't know whether to laugh because of Maria's comment or to cry a little because it was true.

"Also, I invited some of Eren's friends over for dinner. I guessed they could help clean up the castle and as payback, we could eat together," the brunette says as she smiles at the young boy.

"Ms. Maria, I appreciate the thought but do you think this is a good idea?" Eren asks as he scratches the back of his neck softly. "Last time we did that Captain Levi didn't seem too pleased."

"I think the boy is right," at that moment Levi shows up. Gunther, Eld, and Oluo followed him closely. He wore a white bandana around his head and a broom on his right hand. "I didn't give you permission."

"Well, they are already on their way here so ..." Maria walks closer to Levi, very confident about herself. Eren had to admit that he was surprised to see such a thing while the rest of the squad just didn't mind as much. "Let's do this the old way, let's fight! I win, you let the kids clean the castle and then we all eat diner together. If you win, I'll grant you one wish."

There wasn't much to lose for Levi in this situation. Actually, he didn't mind the company of the 104th cadets. However, he did mind that maybe they would go through his stuff again like last time, and the thought of him getting emotional in front of them while he remembers his past with Maria was not on his to-do list.

But if he wins, Maria will grant him one wish. Maybe he could ask her to spend the weekend together. A friendly visit to the lake and sleep on the nearby cottages. And maybe it could rain and there would only be one room in the cottage meaning that they would have to change clothes in front of each other. And at the moment they just decide to make passionate love for the rest of the weekend.

Wait no, that's too romantic. He can't feel like that anymore.

Maybe he could ask Maria to pose for one of the drawings he was planning to make. She would be naked on the sofa, a few fabrics would cover the silhouettes of her curves. He would stare intensely at Maria and she would do the same. Their eyes begging to be touched by the other and he would drop his pencil and walk towards her and kiss her. Make love to her while she moans his name and-

Alright, he needs to stop thinking like that.

"Think about friendly stuff Levi ... friendly things."

It took a few seconds for Levi to think of something more ... appropriate.

"Eat together at a cafe, drink tea and share our bread .. sounds good."

"Alright, let's do this," Levi says as he begins to pull up his shirt's sleeves to his elbows. "Same rules as always."

"You got it," Maria takes off her brown jacket, leaving her only with a white long sleeve shirt.

"Well this got interesting," Petra says as she looks back at her squad. "You all want to bet?"

The idea was ridiculous to Eren. There was just no way anyone would win a fight against humanity's strongest soldier. As talented as Ms. Maria was, there was no way that in her time training she could win against him.


Levi's squad and Eren were mere spectators. They stand as they watched Maria and Levi take different sides of the 'ring'. They were outside the castle and there was a small part that had grass covering rocks. It was the safest place to fight. As much as Eren thought this was going to be a quick fight, his squad thought differently. They were even excited, and this sentiment transmitted over to Eren who found himself wanting to see the fight.

Meanwhile, Maria and Levi stare at each other for a few seconds, it was only a matter of who was going to start first.

The air was dry and it was hot, it was difficult to breathe when the sun was against their skins. They were used to it but still, it was no doubt that the weather was challenging.

The rules were simple. The first person to put their opponent on the floor for more than 5 seconds, wins.

Levi stayed quiet with his arms crossed, his stance was soft. He knew that throughout the years, Maria had become a great fighter, good enough to beat up others but not him. She wasn't that good ... yet.

Eren watched from afar and although he was excited to see how the fight was going to unleash, he was worried about how it was going to end. What if they hurt each other? Or if they end up angry and they stop talking? As worried as he was, the rest of the Special Operation squad looked to not be worried at all and that relieved the young boy to a certain extent.

He watched Maria take the first step and quickly launch herself into the captain. Throwing one single punch near his face. She was fast but not faster than Captain Levi as he was quick to bend down and dodge the hit. As he bends, the brunette took the opportunity to throw a kick at Levi's torso but he took her leg and throw her off balance.

"Why don't you just give up?" Levi asks Maria as he looks at her while she stands up from the ground. Her white shirt already dirty. "I promise my wish is not that bad."

"Last time you made me clean the house in a maid outfit," Maria says as she goes back to her fighting stance. "And you could see everything!"

"Does it matter?" Levi asks as this time he was the one to walk towards her. A very nice memory played on his mind. "I already saw everything."

For some reason, Eren felt like he wasn't supposed to hear that. He felt heat going up to his cheeks and he even looked away in embarrassment. Nonetheless, he continued watching for the sake of the fight.

The fight started to become more serious as this time Maria successfully landed a kick on Levi's legs, making him lose balance. But as he was about to fall, his strong hands touched the ground and he did a small flip and he was back on his feet.
It continued like that, Maria would be attacking while Levi was on the defensive. Always knowing where she was going to punch or kick him. Their moves matched, even like dancing. Eren was starting to understand that this wasn't a fight at all.

Maria knew that she had no chance against Levi. Everyone knew that what she needed to do to win was to last as long as him. Just to throw him against the ground.

It was even quite beautiful, they shared the same fighting technique. This was no surprise since as far as Eren knew, Ms. Maria had been trained by Captain Levi but there was a small difference. While Captain Levi's technique was based on speed, Ms. Maria's technique was based on strength. She knew she wasn't fast but she was definitely strong.

Another important thing that Eren noticed is that Captain Levi was never attacking. Even as Ms. Maria was giving him very precise hits on his legs and arms, the Captain never touched her.

And the small thought of Captain Levi not wanting to hurt Ms. Maria was slightly popping in his mind.

And as Levi was getting tired of this, he decided to finish this once and for all. He went near Maria and with his speed, he was fast to grab her by her arm, flip her around and pin her to the ground. He used his right knee to put pressure on her leg, locking her and stopping her movement.

As Levi held her left hand against her back, he took a moment to look at her face.

"Ready to give up?" he asks.

"Levi ..." Maria whispered just enough for him to hear. It was was game over. Unless ...

"You are hurting me."

At her words, Levi went back to look at the way he was holding her hand. Her wrist was way too high on her back, almost touching her shoulder blade.

"Fuck, I am sorry Maria," Levi lets her go immediately and that was his mistake.

Using her free leg and arm, the brunette shifted her weight and made Levi fall to the ground next to her. The brunette was quick to sit on his stomach and grab both of Levi's hands against the ground.

And although he loved the view because it reminded him of something else, he also couldn't believe that he was fooled ... again.

"I win!" Maria said excitedly as she lets Levi go.

"You always win with that," Levi says. "Next time, I won't fall for it."

"Well, that makes seven wins for Levi and three for Maria," Petra said out loud as she then turns to look at her teammates. "Now pay me."

Maria walked towards her friend as Levi followed closely. She was more interested to know Eren's opinion on their fight. The brunette was happy to see that the boy was actually quite excited and his expressive eyes could say everything.

"Well, Eren," Maria says. "It seems like your friends are coming tonight."




The fact that these kids were going to go outside the walls and not her, was slowly killing Maria. Not because she was jealous but because she thought if anyone should risk their life it was an older woman like her and not kids.

The mere thought that some of them may not come back was heartbreaking. She knew she shouldn't have gotten attached but it was something impossible to do. After all, she knew some of these kids since they were in the refugee facility, and some of them she knew since they started the cadet training program. She would visit them on regular basis, especially because her job demanded her to.

She watched from the castle's rooftop the young cadets talking around the bonfire. They were probably telling some scary stories because as much as Armin didn't want to look scared, Connie was good at storytelling.

Her mind quickly went towards Nicholas. Although it's been five years since his death, she still remembers him dearly. If he was alive right now, he would probably be down with the kids. Talking to them and telling them stories, trying to scare them as much as possible and then he would turn around to look at her, smile, and wave.

She missed seeing the mess of his red hair, the freckles on his skin, and the blue eyes she used to love so much. Maria felt a knot form in her throat as she remembered the amazing moments she shared with her past lover. And even now she didn't know what she did to have been blessed by meeting such a kind soul.

"You said you would always come back to me ... So, where are you now?"

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a strong pain pulsating in her left arm. Levi had actually hurt her arm pretty badly but she didn't want to say anything. If there was one thing she didn't want Levi to know was that he hurt her. One because he will blame himself and two because he will think that she is still weak.

The brunette still had hope that a miracle would happen and that Levi would let her go to the outside expedition. But the last thing she wanted was to have a fight with Levi, she didn't blame him. After all, they had made a promise a very long time ago that the only way she was joining the Survey Corps was to become equally or stronger than Levi.

But of course, that wasn't going to happen.

Because Levi's strength was out of this world, so inhumane ...

Just like an Ackerman.

It was a stupid theory and it was something that she wanted to talk about with him for a long time. But talking about what happened to her had even become taboo between them. Especially to Maria since she hated talking and remembering about that.

And even if it was just a stupid thought, Maria couldn't think like that. She refused to believe that Levi was related to them in any kind of way.

A strong wind passed by as it moved her now long brown hair. She felt cold and even dirty because tragically, she didn't get the time to shower after her fighting session with Levi.

Even when she was wearing a long sleeve, she felt a bit cold. Putting her arms across her chest and moving them up and down to create some friction, the brunette thought of just going inside, say her goodbyes and leave back to the squads' cottage.

After all, she still didn't like sleeping alone in a new place or without a candle in her room.

Suddenly, she felt something land on her shoulders. A blue blanket that she knew very well. The first thing she gave to Levi on her first night as a house attendant.

"You still have this?" Maria asks as she sees Levi take a seat next to her and instinctively she placed half of her blanket on Levi's shoulders, sharing it. "This is quite old."

"What can I say? It's a very good blanket," Levi says as he is already used to the close contact with Maria. After all, they had shared the same blankets of the same bed many times. "The embroidery is quite unique too."

"Yeah, I sewed that when I was like 13 actually, its a unique embroidery pass down through generations on my mother's side," it was weird to talk about her parents. It's been more than 6 six years since she last saw them. The last time she talked to them was at her brother's funeral and she stills remembers how they blamed her for his death. After that, she didn't know if they were alive or not.

"Oh, but I shouldn't be near you, I think I smell pretty bad," she added. "I haven't showered."

"It's alright, it's just sweat," Levi says as he watches the new cadets underneath them, talking around a bonfire. "But if you really want to, there's a lake nearby where you can take a quick shower."

"It's alright, I'm going to go back to the cottage soon, so I'll just go to the river over there."

Levi didn't like the sound of this. The thought of her being alone in their home just made his heart wrench a little. Not only it could be dangerous but also depressing.

He watched her tremble a little more due to the cold and instinctively Levi moved closer to her body, making contact with her left arm. Immediately he noticed Maria pulling away, not because she didn't want to near him but because she felt pain. She saw her painful expression quickly change back to normal with the hope that he didn't see that.

But he did.

"I hurt you ... Didn't I?"

Maria's heart broke a little as she saw Levi's face change, his eyebrows frowned and his eyes tremble just a little.

"What? Of course not!" she smiled with the hope that she would fall for that. But of course, she should have known that saying that would just make him feel worse and angry.

"I hate it when you lie to me," Levi says as he looks away.
Many things have changed between the two but he hoped that they had some type of mutual trust.

It went quiet again and as awkward as the situation was, they knew that not talking was not an option. They have been through so much together and after Levi broke up with Maria things haven't been the same.

Mostly because Levi told her he didn't love her anymore but a part of her didn't believe that. If she really wanted to move on, then she needed some type of closure. But some way or another, it always felt like the relationship wasn't completely over.

Levi was there for her when she metally wasn't doing well. And he didn't have to. He didn't have to stay around, help her and take care of her. But he did.

"I've been thinking about what you promised me a few weeks ago."

Levi interrupted the silence as he kept looking down.

A small blush appeared on Maria's cheeks as she remembers clearly her words.

"And from now on, I promise I will follow you. You don't have to tell me a reason anymore ... It hurts but I've realized that I am happier being by your side than being with anyone else ... The only thing I ask in return ... Is for you to let me love you now and forever."

She looks away at the memory. A bit of embarrassment overtook her. Maria thought it was going to be one of those unspoken agreements they had in between the two and that they were never going to talk about it again.

"It will be selfish of me to ask you to wait for me until everything is fine or make you wait when ..." Levi takes a deep breath of courage and he turns his head to look at the brunette next to him. "I certainly don't have any more romantic feelings towards you ... I don't want you waiting for me and wasting your whole life because of me."

He lied and for a short moment he hoped that Maria would be able to see through him. But then again that would only make their situation worse.

"You are free to do whatever you want ... So, if you want to be with someone else ... you should do it."

It was painful to hear his words because although she knew a part of what he was saying was a lie, she also knew that a part of it was true but she couldn't tell it apart.

"Does me loving you bother you?" Maria whispers loud enough to hear. This time she takes the time to look up at the stars. "I'll also said that I was going to trust your judgment on everything and-"

"Then why can't you trust my judgment on me not letting you go outside the walls?"

"Because you don't let me keep loving you! You want me to change my feelings for you and you want me to forget you!" she says as she looks down at Levi. "Why should I keep my promise if you are not keeping yours?"

"What promise?"

"You once said that you would do anything for me but even I know that you can't let me go!" Maria raised her voice just a little, showing her frustration. "I told you that I don't need your protection anymore but you still keep acting as if-"

"As if you loved me."

She couldn't finish her sentence and instead, she took the time to calm down. If anything Levi looked like a sad puppy being scolded by its owner.

"You treat me differently from the others," this time the brunette looks at the young cadets, still laughing around the bonfire as their seniors made an appearance. "If you really have no feelings for me anymore ... then prove it by treating me like a soldier instead of your ex-girlfriend."

"I just want to protect you-" Levi starts but Maria interrupts him again.

"You said I am free to do whatever I want, then ... I want to go with you outside the walls!"

"That's different, Maria, we already talked about this."

She really felt like giving up but she didn't want these past five years of constant training to go to waste. Maria knew that she could be useful out there and even a part of her knew that Levi was aware of this too. But whatever reason he had, it was a good enough reason to stop him from giving her permission to join.

Levi knew that things were complicated and that there were many things he wanted to say but couldn't. He was being selfish because he was putting his feelings first.

Because if he truly wanted for Maria to forget him and move on then, he would be able to let her join the Survey Corps and let her live her life as she wanted. But the simple fact of Maria dying on his arms or her dying without him being able to protect her was something unthinkable.

Before, he let her go because he thought she was going to live a happy and safe life with Nicholas.

But now ... Would he really be capable of letting her go?

"I just want you to live a long happy life."

Levi says as he looks at her, unconsciously his eyes diverts towards Maria's hand that touched the cold pavement. His hand was close to hers and if he wanted, it would be only a matter of moving his hand a little so he could touch hers.

"... I want the same thing for you."

And although he craved to have some sort of affection coming from the brunette, he knew that it was better to stay away.

Things were complicated and they will be until they can figure things out. Well, until Levi actually figures out what he wants to do.

Levi knew for a fact that he was no good for Maria and that he had promises he needed to accomplish before even thinking of telling her his true feelings.

And he just knew that it would be selfish of him to ask Maria to wait for him.

"Anyways, Erwin told me that you refused to have an assistant," Maria spoke again and one of the things Levi appreciated was that she was able to change the mood between them to make them less awkward.

"Yeah, I don't need one," Levi replies as he liked the moments in which they could just act like a normal couple ... of friends.

"Please Levi, if you are not letting me go outside the walls, at least give me the pleasure of knowing you have someone helping you," Maria knew that ever since she started working for the Human Resources of the Survey Corps, she hasn't had the time to take care of Levi as she wanted. Not like it was her job but she enjoyed bringing him a cup of tea from time to time and help him organize some documents in his office.

Not only that but ever since the titans breached Troast District, Levi looks to be more distressed.

"I don't like the idea of having someone following me around-"

And suddenly Maria's grabs his hand, she softly placed her right hand on top of his left hand and although Levi didn't show it, the simple act made his heart jump in happiness.

"Please Levi ... at least give it a try ... for me?"

Levi took a moment to look at her and that was a mistake. She was just a beautiful as when he met her. Her appearance had changed a little, her body and face were more defined and although he missed the curves on her body, she didn't look bad either. It was more that he was nostalgic because he remembers a time in which he loved giving bites and kisses on her cheeks and now her face was more slimed.

Not only that but she had lost a lot of weight after she came back from the underground. Probably because of her trauma and depression.

And he missed her. He missed her so much and the thought that his relationship with Maria would never be the same hurt him but he couldn't show that. He couldn't tell her that.

Maria wasn't the same, Levi was in love with what she used to be.

And was the Maria from the past ... Was there any part of her ... still alive right now?

The glow in her eyes had disappeared and although it was something that made his heart break, he could only hope that some way or another ... the glow in her eyes would come back.

"Fine," Levi says. "I'll do it for you."








A/N: I am so excited to continue writing Levi and Maria's story.

The ending for this story has already been set in stone, I hope that the ending for this book will exceed the expectations of my readers and will touch your hearts in many different ways.

While drafting this story I kept something in mind that my therapist told me.

"Love is like a closet filled with all different kinds of clothes. When you like someone, you only wear your pretty clothes because you want the other person to fall in love with what they see. But the right person will stay even when you wear your ugly clothes."

This is a concept that I will like to explore with this sequel and I think it fits perfectly with Maria and Levi's relationship.

In OLT, Levi felt attracted to Maria because of her appearance. He liked what he saw and how she was ... he loved the best part of her.

But now that she is different and she has shown her 'ugly clothes'  ... Will Levi also fall in love with that? Does he truly love her? On best and worst?

Meanwhile with Maria is different. Maria knew all of Levi, his good and bad side and she still fell in love with him. Her struggle consists of a more personal one. What does she want to do? Does she want to keep loving Levi forever despite the fact that he prevents her from finding a new reason to live?

And is her new reason good enough to give up on the past dreams she had?

Is the fact of wanting to live a normal peaceful life selfish in this world?

Anyways, I don't want to make this too long. I do hope you enjoy this story because I dare say that it will be better than OLT (Or at least I hope so)

Another thing. Originally Leah and Erwin's spin-off story was titled "One More Time" but I changed it to "Once Again" because I thought that "One More Time" will fit better for this sequel's title.

I hope you enjoy the fanart I did for this story! I'll keep making more, I hope you guys like them? If they are cringy let me know and I'll stop lol.

If you want to see more fanart, you can follow this story on Twitter and Instagram.

Twitter: @OneLastTime_1

IG: @onelasttime_olt

One last thing! I am looking for BETA READERS to proof read this story. If you are interested in helping, send me a message or comment :)

Once again, thank you for reading One Last Time and One More Time.

I will see you all next week!

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