Claw Machines are rigged

By tessalicious2

270 14 2

Nohebi visits an arcade. Who ever wins a prize from the claw machine gets $50. Except, no one can. 100 trie... More

Claw Machines are rigged, I say

270 14 2
By tessalicious2

WARNING: there is a lot of swearing

The Nohebi team went out for a fun time at the arcade for some team bonding. The arcade had the typical games, coin pusher, basketball, the ball up the ramp, car games, motorcycle racing games, and the ever ruthless claw machine.

With the end of the day coming and each team member has won some sort of prize, Hiroo was standing at the claw machine trying to get one stupid toy that would get him 50 bucks if he got it. Oh boy, Hiroo wanted those measly 50 bucks. He was trying for the last 45 minutes to no avail.

At this point, all the team members had been watching for 20 minutes and every time Hiroo didn't get it Sakishima snickered and made a comment.

It was coming up on an hour of trying and everyone was getting impatient and kinda wanted to leave, so they took shots at it.

"Hiroo! Give it up already!! You aren't gonna win you dumbass." Numai was getting ticked because he wanted to get food.

"It's fine that you suck, but I want to eat! You being a stupid stubborn shit isn't gonna change my hunger." Akama was holding his sword up as though he was gonna chop Hiroo's head off.

"Ugh GIVE ME A TRY SO WE CAN FUCKING GO!!" Daishou went and as predicted he failed. Laughs erupted and Daishou glared at everyone.


"My turn!" Akama walked up confidently to the machine. 'Go Akama' was chanted throughout the group, the chant being started by Seguro and Takachiho. As expected, he lost. "Damn!"

"I told you it's rigged stupid" Hiroo said with an accusatory tone.

As each team member went, the money in their pockets got less and less. Next was Numai, followed by Seguro, Takachiho, and Sakishima. All had high hopes then failed. The toy was still in the machine. It had hardly moved from where it started. It was now 2 hours at the machine.

"Can we go?" Kuguri said so emotionlessly but the sound of annoyance was clear.

"Why don't you give it a try if you want to leave so bad." Takachiho was still mad about his loss and would bet Kuguri couldn't do any better.

"I'll get it."

"Oh reaallllllyyyyyyy. Try it then, since you have soooo much confidence, little shit." Seguro said equally as annoyed as Takachiho.

Kuguri put his coins in the machine and grabbed the controller with one hand. With an emotionless expression, he moved the claw over the toy-like everyone else, but he moved it a little to the left and the back. He let go of the controller and pressed the red button on the side.

The machine picked up the toy and dropped it in the box for receiving toys. Kuguri bent down and picked up the toy. Turning around and lifting the toy to his face level to show everyone. Everyone was shocked, so shocked they couldn't move. Kuguri placed the toy in Hiroo's hand.

"See, I win."






"I play these all the time. Can we go now?"

As they walked to the convenience store to get food, they continually asked him questions and argued, mostly still in shock from what happened.

"Guys, I almost forgot. Sakishima, didn't you say if anyone got the toy they would get 50 bucks? Hand it over." Kuguri had the slightest smile on his face.

Sakishima handed Kuguri the 50 bucks with reluctance.

From then on, no one played claw machines.

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