By iheartrafe

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john murphy imagines ONLY ! i take requests for other characters by DM who will be put in another story. engl... More

we're back, bitches! -fluff
tease - smut
i'll always be there for you - fluff
truth or dare - smut
stay - fluff
fuck this - smut
runaways- fluff
nightblood - fluff
frustration - smut

caught - fluff

852 15 8
By iheartrafe

Life was tough in the wilderness.
Many animals and grounders encounters happened on a daily basis and your life was only getting harder since you ran away after Murphy got revenge on Bellamy.

You loved him,and he loved you.You had nothing to lose.Except a warm meal,bed,and a ton more security.

You thought about going back to camp many times but snapped out of it.You couldn't leave Murphy and you weren't even sure they'd let you back in.Either way,you'd probably come back for him knowing he'd be alone in the wild,vulnerable and scared.

,,Help me with this,will you?" He says,trying to make the fire slightly bigger for the relatively small animal you caught during the day.

You snap out of your thoughts and get up next to him.

You put on some dry leaves.You both step back and chuckle as the fire suddenly lights up,getting next to your faces.

Grabbing the animal and putting him on top of the fire to get roasted made you a little sick to your stomach.You were way too soft to hunt or live in the wilderness.But you were alongside the person you loved the most so,did that really matter?

,,You're awfully quiet tonight,y/n." And he was right.You could talk all day but since you were so caught up in your thoughts you probably forgot about that.

,,Is something bothering you?Are you alright?" He adds with a frown at your lack of response.

,,I'm fine,love.Just a little worried,that's all." You reply with a small forced smile.

He smiles at the nickname you gave him but tries to hide it and scoots over next to you.

,,You're beautiful." He says lifting a hand up to your jaw and carressing it lightly along your features.

You close your eyes and lean into his touch.You felt right next to him.You felt at home.

Suddenly you feel his soft lips brushing against yours.You quickly open your eyes and slightly gasp only to see him smirk at you.

,,Don't get so excited,doll."

,,I told you to stop calling me that." You say grunting and pushing his arm away jokingly.

,,But you love it." He whispers into your ear.

You jump at his hot breath hitting your neck,making him chuckle.

You roll your eyes over and get up to go check on the food.Almost done.

,,Do I startle you that bad,princess?" He says,his tone changing at the nickname he gave you.

,,Oh my god,will you just stop with the nicknames?" You say frustrated and sit on the other side of the cave,slightly annoyed.

He reaches to grab your legs and does so,pulling you into his lap.
He stares into your eyes and then your lips,kissing you softly.

,,I love you." He says.

,,I don't." You say with a small smile.

,,Yes you do.Otherwise you wouldn't have kissed me back while sitting on my lap." He says proudly,making you both laugh.

You check up on the food again and since it was ready you get it off and start cutting it.You gave him the bigger pieces and kept the smaller ones to yourself.

You weren't that hungry and hey,if grounders ever caught you,at least one should be in decent shape to try and run away.

After you ate you put out the fire and cuddle up next to the boy and under the small orange blanket.You were smart enough to grab one before you left.

The heat of his body and the blanket make you smile to yourself.

You take in his scent which,even with dirt and sweat mixed in you still loved,and kiss his cheek.

,,Good night,Murphy."

He kisses your forehead.

,,Good night."

~next morning~ Bellamy's POV

,,Monroe,Finn,Clarke and me will look out for y/n.The rest of you get to work!" You shouted.

This was the third day of looking out for someone who betrayed you.But it wasn't her fault.She was forced and brainwashed by Murphy and he was the one to blame.

,,Ok,since we went south,east and north today we're going west.Let's stick together as much as we can and get her back home,alright?"

,,Why are you looking for her?She hanged you,man!"A boy shouts.

Anger starts to fill you up as you go up to the boy and punch him in the face.A few people gasp and you turn around to face everybody.

,,Anyone dares to talk bad about y/n and they'll get the same as him!" You shout out loud.

You quickly grab your stuff and leave.
The others rush behind you and you begin your search.

~y/n pov~

Your morning was pretty much the same.Waking up bummed and washing up quickly before waking up your boyfriend.

,,Hey,time to wake up." You say softly.

He groans and grabs your wrist,pulling you into him and onto the hard floor,making you gasp.

,,Murphy,I'm being serious,get up now." You say,both laughing.

,,You're gorgeous,y/n." He says,pulling hair aside from your face.

You roll your eyes and groan,getting up.

,,You just want me to lay down with you.Not gonna work.Your words have no effect on me,boy."

,,Then why are you blushing?" He asks with a smirk.

Your eyes widen as you quickly get away from him and smile to yourself.

After eating what remained of last night's dinner,you both head out to hunt.

Many hours passed and the only catch was a squirrel.You were both pissed and frustrated but you kept your cool.

Suddenly,you hear branches snap not too far away from you.Your eyes widen as you move slowly towards Murphy,glancing at eachother in sign to back away quietly.

,,Bellamy,look!Found her!" You spin around to the direction of where the girl voice was coming.

,,Run!" Murphy shouts at you.

A chase starts to happen as you both try and get away from the group sent out to look for you.You didn't understand why.Did they want you?Did they want revenge?

You couldn't think much of it when suddenly a tired Bellamy appears in front of you,pointing a gun at Murphy.

,,Whoa,whoa,easy there." Murphy said,putting his hands up.

,,There's no way out of this!Let y/n go and you might get a chance at life."Bellamy shouts.

,,Y/n?" You hear Finn say behind you.

The boy had a worried look on his face.

,,Finn.." You say in almost a whisper.

As much as you wanted to hug your friend,you knew you couldn't,stepping up in front of Murphy.

,,Y/n what the hell do you think you're doing?Monroe,get her." Bellamy orders.

Since they all had a gun,you needed an advantage.With a quick move,you grabbed Monroe and held your pocket knife to her throat.

,,I'm sorry." You whisper into her ear. ,,Let us go,never search for us again and she won't die today." You tell the rest.

,,Y/n we all know you won't-"

Bellamy gets cut off by you pressing the blade onto the girls neck but somewhere where it won't be fatal to her,making her scream.

,,Y/n you don't want to do th-"

,,No!You're right,I don't.But I'm tired of you,Bellamy.Everything is your fault! Why can't you understand I left on my own?I'd rather die by grounders than go back!Leave me alone!" You shout,not letting Murphy finish.

Bellamy's eyes widen and tears start to form into his eyes.He was once your bestfriend,and this hurt him more than anything.

,,Alright,have it your way.Hand Monroe ov-"

You all start to see sudden moves around you.

,,Grounders!" Clarke shouts.

You let go of Monroe and everyone starts scattering around.Murphy grabs your hand and you run away from the group in a completely different direction in an attempt to escape the grounders.

,,Are they still following us?" You say quietly while still running.

,,I don't know."

Just after that you see an arrow hit the tree next to you.

,,Fuck!'' Murphy says and tightens his hand around arm and starts running again.

Three tall men corner you and him in fron of a cave and before you know it you see black in front of your eyes.


You flutter your eyes open,grunting.

,,What the hell-''

,,Y/n!'' You hear Murphy say.

You turn your head to face him and you notice Kane and Jaha sitting besides you,all in a grounder basement.

,,Where are we?'' You say facing Murphy.

,,Grounder prison.'' Kane speaks up.

You look at Murphy who just nods.

Your palms started to sweat and your breath started to shorten.You were truly afraid of what could happen to you since you saw what they did to Jasper.

,,Kane,stop.'' Jaha said to a struggling Kane trying to get his foot out of the chains.

,,If they wanted to kill us they would've done it already.'' He adds.

,,Two days without food or water.''Kane says.

,,Come on.How many times on The Ark did we go two days without food or water?This..It's not how our story ends,Marcus.''

,,Yeah I don't know if this is because of dehydration and your eyes stopped working but we're also here.''Murphy says with a sarcastic smile pointing to the both of you.

The door opens and three grounders step in.You scoot closer to your boyfriend as much as you could while the men went over to Jaha,punching him a bunch.

,,Stop!We came in peace!'' Marcus says.

,,We came in peace!Please!''He adds.

You notice a girl behind the men.She was looking at the floor and was holding a vase.

,,You speak of peace while you send an assassin into one of my villages.

,,What are you talking about?'' You speak up.

,,Blood must have blood.'' The grounder says,pulling out a knife.

,,One of you will die here today,by the other's hand.I will hear the terms of your surrender from the men who live.''

With that he drops the knife onto the ground and leave the room.

You notice the girl remained in the room.

,,They want us to turn on each other.'' Jaha finally speaks up after a good moment of silence.

,,They want justice.'' The girl says.

,,Lives have been lost on both sides. That's why we need to end this war!'' Kane shouts,throwing his jacket across the cell.

Jaha steps up and crouches next to the girl.

,,What's your name?''He asks.

,,Lexa.'' She replies.

,,Lexa...''The man repeats.,,I'm Thelonious.This is Marcus.'' 

,,And we're y/n and Murphy,again,thank you for paying attention to us,Jaha.''You say.

,,Your commander spoke of an assassin in a village?''

,,Yes.Eighteen of our people were murdered.Elders.Children.''

,,We had nothing to do with that.'' Kane says.

,,It doesn't matter.The commander thinks you did.One of you must pick up the knife.That is our way.''

,,And if we refuse?''Jaha asks.

,,Then the commander will use it to slit both of your throats and use the other two as live bait for Pauna.'' She says.

You look over to Murphy and he holds out his hand and tries to give you a small reassuring smile.

More time passes as you all try and think of a new solution.

,,This has gone on long enough.There has to be some other way to resolve this.Something that we haven't thought of yet.''

,,There isn't.''Lexa speaks.

,,She's right.They're not budging.''Kane says.

,,We can offer a trade.These people are primitive,I've seen how they live.Our technology,our medicine.All we'd ask for in offer is peace.''You hear Jaha whisper to Kane.

,,If we truly want peace,they told us how to get it.''

,,Through murder?''

,,Through sacrifice.''Kane says as he steps up and takes the knife.

,,Marcus-What are you doing?''

,,If we don't make a choice-then we'll all die.And the killing won't end.''

You look over to the girl and you lock sights with eachother.

,,Look,we don't have anything to do with them.With anyone at all.Our people banished us and we've lived in the woods since.We promise we can make ourselves useful for you and your people,please just give us a chance.'' You say.

Kane steps up and faces Jaha who takes a couple steps back.

,,There's only one way out of this.''He says,cornering Jaha.

He unexpectedly hands him the knife.

,,You have to kill me.You have to do this.It's our only choice.You need to save yourself and the kids.''

,,Kane,no-'' You try to say but Murphy just grabs your hand tightly and shushes you down.

,,They respect strength.Let's show them ours.''

,,I said no.You did not order the massacre.''Jaha tells him.

,,Not that one.''

,,Marcus-you don't need redemption.The choice we did on The Ark was about survival.We did what we had to do so the human race could survive.''

,,The human race was already surviving!''

,,Then we did it for our people!''

,,Yeah,and now we must do this.It's the only way.''

,,Not gonna happen.''

,,You're a good man,Thelonious.I won't let you die for me.''Marcus says,putting the knife at his wrists and pressing it harshly against his skin.


The men wrestle to the ground as you put your hand to your mouth in shock.

,,Help us,please!''Jaha tells the girl.

,,Please.''You add.

The girl hands Jaha a white cloth.

,,Thank you.''

Jaha wraps it around Kane's wrist.

,,I told you,we didn't come all this way to die.''

With a quick move,Jaha takes the knife and puts it at the girl's throat.

,,I choose to live.''

The grounders come in the cell.

,,Take of these chains.''Jaha orders.

,,Leave her alone!''Murphy shouts.

,,Thelonious,please.She's just an innocent girl.''Kane adds.

You gasp and as an instinct you kick Jaha's leg,making him fall to the ground.He drops the knife and falls on one knee.

You hear the girl speak in grounder language as she puts Jaha face down to the ground in a swift move and the knife at his throat.

,,Okay.''He says.

She says a phrase in grounder language again.

,,Sha,heda.''The grounder men chant together.

You and Murphy share a confused look.Heda?As in,the commander?Who Jaha just tried to kill?Great.

The grounders start putting gear on her.

,,You're the commander?''Kane asks.

,,I have learned much about you.It's clear your intentions are honorable.Your desire for peace is true.''

She turns around and orders something in grounder language again.

,,I've heard the two of you have been banished from your group.You can earn your keep in one of the villages if you'd like,or continue to live in the woods.''

,,This is our chance,Murphy.''You whisper to him.

,,Yeah,thank you so much.'' He says.

She just nods.

,,Later we will talk, in the meantime, your friend will be used to send a message.'' 

,,No! No, please stop! Stop, please!'' Kane shouts.

And with that,the grounders drag Jaha out of the cell.

,,The massacre must be answered.Blood must have blood.'' Lexa says facing Kane.

,,The two of you,, she adds ,, will be taken care by Cago.He will teach you everyone you need to know about our people,villages,way of living and language.''

,,Follow me.'' The man says,leading you both out of the grounder prison.


2414 words

yeah i died for like 2 months so what about it... 

no but fr ill be more active thank u for keeping on voting <3 mwah

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