Lucky Charm Awards (CLOSED)

Da The_Clover_Community

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Judges Form
Judges Rubric
Tag Fest
Best Title Entries
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Best Blurb Entries
🥳Best Blurb Winners🥳
Best Cover Entries
🥳Best Cover Winners🥳
Best First Chapter Entries
🥳Best First Chapter Winners🥳
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💙Chicklit Entries💙
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Announcement #1
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Announcement #4
Announcement 4
Final Announcement
❤️🏅Participant Sticker🏅❤️
❤️🏆Judges Stickers🏆❤️

💙🥳Chicklit Winners💙🥳

83 7 18
Da The_Clover_Community

Thanks to our two amazing judges Yanzieyy and prinsesia judging this genre and getting the results in as fast as possible. Winners pm the form 'winner's form' to me at the bottom of the results for your stickers, if you're unable to download it. If you didn't win this time, there's always next time.

🥇 First Place Winner🥇

On The Tracks Novel_bae

🥈 Second Place Winner🥈

Perception LynaForge

🥉Third Place Winner🥉

Coveted Tempatation MiniMoxx

🏅 Honourable Mention🏅

The Speculated Novelist happysnowfeet


Books Judged by prinsesia

On The Tracks Novel_bae

Title: 10

Cover: 10

Blurb: 10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 20

Writing: 20

Plot: 10

Originality: 10

Overall enjoyment: 10

Total: 100

Review: I really love the plot, the way you write, and also the characters names. In short I love your story, I really can't get enough of it. I want to read more chapters of your story but it is not yet completed. Anyways, keep bleeding co-author and God bless you!

Perception LynaForge

Title: 10

Cover: 8

Blurb: 10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 20

Writing: 20

Plot: 10

Originality: 10

Overall enjoyment: 10

Total: 98

Review: The plot is really unique, I didn't expect it to be that way. I love your story and the ideas you are showing. Keep writing co-author and God bless you!

Black Wedding Dress 0liviaRose436

Title: 8

Cover: 8

Blurb: 10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 20

Writing: 20

Plot: 8

Originality: 10

Overall enjoyment: 10

Total: 94

Review: The plot is a bit common but nevertheless the story is good. To be honest, I shed a tear while reading the story. I feel like I'm the protagonist in the story while reading it. You did a great job co-author, keep bleeding!

Lost a Fallen King snoweyrose

Title: 8

Cover: 6

Blurb: 10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 20

Writing: 20

Plot: 8

Originality: 10

Overall enjoyment: 10

Total: 92

Review: I didn't expect that your story has a bit fantasy genre. I must say that you have a very great idea in writing your story as an undiscovered author or a hidden gem in watty world. I really love your story, God bless co-author!

Sweet Hearts Forever AmaBoakye9

Title: 6

Cover: 8

Blurb: 6

Grammar and Vocabulary: 16

Writing: 6

Plot: 6

Originality: 6

Overall enjoyment: 6

Total: 48

Review: The plot is a common one but nevertheless you happen to give it a different vibe. I like the way your confident in delivering your story. Keep writing, co-author and God bless you!


Books Judged by Yanzieyy

Coveted Temptation MiniMoxx

Title: 10/10

Cover: 9/10

Blurb: 10/10

Grammar: 19/20

Writing: 19.5/20

Plot: 10/10

Originality: 10/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 96.5/100

Review: The two amazing words for the title are great. And I totally understand why chose it—basing on the plot. On the other hand, the cover portrays a blurry picture with a very simple design but it kinda work personally. Blurb is also awesome. It gives me the main idea and enough to make me turn pages at first read. So the first part of the story thew me right into a very interesting sexy scene. Judging from the choice of words and writing style of our talented author, I knew then that I would totally love it! And I wasn't wrong! Joel is a wholesome sweetheart. I freaking love how you do him. My only wonder is, why didn't he think about using protection when they had sex? I think there was a short thought of the MC talking about it later on in a chapter. But it still didn't answer...maybe I just missed it. Anyway, Aspen's character is very likeable considering how she was raised and what she's going through. It is so easy to for me connect with her. And I also REALLY LOVE how these tiny voices of her mother worked like a some sort of villain. It gave me goosebumps every now and then. On top of that, I didn't notice any major grammatical errors. There were like two confusing words I have encountered, but nothing much to stop me from enjoying every single word of it. The pacing is great although sometimes it felt like being rushed and many things were happening at the same time. One moment I had to scroll back to see if I  was still catching on to what is happening.
Overall, I've enjoyed reading it! The author's voice is so amazing. The prose is so neat and nicely written.

Red Bird, My Friend MS_Chavez

Title: 10/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 9/10

Grammar: 19/20

Writing: 19/20

Plot: 9/10

Originality: 10/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 96/100

Review: I give your title a ten because it already piqued my interest. And I have a feeling there's something deep about it (or is it a false hope?) The cover looks like the one I can only see in classical films and movies. Both of the color and photo work for me. The blurb sounds weird and the premise isn't really clear. But I thought it's cute because of the chicken and I love chickens. What was there to say about the story? It sounds very light and cute. This is definitely a Chicklit! Unlike other books I have judged, I'd say this is so original. The writing and plotline are also enjoying and quite fun to read. This reminds me of a book I've read about animals, and it's one of my favorites. My only critique would be the lacking of the emotion in the story. Overall, this book is so realistic and very educational. I've totally enjoyed reading it.

The Speculated Novelist happysnowfeet

Title: 9/10

Cover: 8/10

Blurb: 7/10

Grammar: 10/20

Writing: 13/20

Plot: 5/10

Originality: 5/10

Enjoyment: 5/10

Total: 62/100

"The Spectacled Novelist" as a title didn't really sound appealing to my ears. It's just not a book title I would root for. But I only deducted  a point, since it's your call. Cover is so simple. Nothing really special or any efforts or even some drastic designs that could make it look more decent. Blurb shows a little bit of a premise but doesn't sound striking. And the question the end:

"What will happen to her if she has no choice but to get along with him?"

It sounds strange and definitelt not the kind of plot I'm hoping to read. Why does she have no choice other than to get along with him? Couldn't she find another place to live in? If these are going to be the main plot, I think this will be boring.

The first chapter introduced us to our MC with a lot of talking about herself, which I think didn't have anything to do about the plot. The pacing is really slow. Four chapters and nothing really happened other than the MC and a Nerd guy turning on to each other. What makes it also boring is the used of words. There were not much emotions with the dialogues and descriptions. And yeah... the pacing walks like a turtle, and it renders the blurb completely nonsense because I couldn't find the premise that is written there.

I'd also suggest that this story needs major editing. There are lots of grammatical issues here and there: missing articles, commas, spacing problem, tense shifting etc.


"I wished I still remembered.."


"...because we're late because of personal reasons.."

.Since it's indicated that this is an English version, there's some words that you've failed to translate.

"Natasha AT Flora..."

Frankly, I didn't enjoy it. There are lots to consider for this story to be a masterpiece. Please do editing and revision. Don't stop writing. We're all still in progress

The Perfect Collide Nasiim22

Title: 10/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 9/10

Grammar: 15/20

Writing: 18/20

Plot: 8/10

Originality: 9/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 89/100

Review: The Perfect Collide is I think a decent title for this story. It fits into the blurb, cover and the plot. Hence, a perfect score for that. The cover is also looking dope. To be honest, I'm not really a fan of mundane face-claimed photos of two hot couples. But since it looks well made, I give it a perfect score. The excerpt in the blurb is beautifully setting up the mood and what really to expect if I dive into the the chapters. Two main characters are introduced and their personal conflicts, then what happens if they both collide? What I can only critique about is when it says, "...When he's not playing the doctor?" I feel like this question is really weird. "When he is not playing a doctor, he is arrogant. Impulsive. And damaged beyond repair."

Fate Finds Destiny EastCoastPinay

Title: 10/10

Cover: 9/10

Blurb: 8/10

Grammar: 14/20

Writing: 15/20

Plot: 5/10

Originality: 6/10

Enjoyment: 5/10

Total: 72/100

Review: I love your title. It's so cute, and to know that Fate is really a character makes me smile. The cover is also great, but I don't like the color and the type of font used for the title. For the blurb? I guess it's short but it does not have enough hype to hook me. There is also this weird line "...she hasn't met ever..." I think, "she has never met" would still be better.

The story kicks off with this desperate girl praying on some kind of temple or was that a statue? Well I don't really remember. She was begging for this true love to come because she was too old and her family betrayed her. Hence, she went abroad to escape and in hope to find her "the one." So...okay. Oh well, I might have actually spoiled the next Chapters because it's literally told in chapter two or three. I don't know what is the purpose of this prologue other than a few paragraphs for our MC to introduce herself. Considering what you have written in the blurb, I think your prologue is unnecessary.


Winner's Form: Pm me this form


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