
By ChevvyMarie

148K 2.8K 130

Following a family tragedy, Luna discovers her true destiny, one that her mother never wanted her to face. Bu... More



5.3K 165 6
By ChevvyMarie

The drive to the park across town was shorter and just as heart-wrenching the night before. When her aunt pulled into the parking space, Luna was relieved to be still for a moment before getting out of the car.

"Come on, I'll buy you an ice cream." she grabbed her shoulder bag and climbed out the car, her maxi dress billowing behind her in the light breeze.

Luna left her backpack and followed after her. They headed to the ice cream shop not too far off from the trail.

"I'll have maple nut ice cream in a cup please," Evie ordered as she pulled out her wallet. She looked to Luna to place her order.

"French vanilla with peaches if you have 'em." she smiled.

The cheerful woman working the stand nodded and set to fill their orders. While they waited for their stuff Luna got the chance to really take in her appearance.

The paisley dress that barely touched the floor was loose-fitting yet still brought emphasis to her wide hips and decent-sized chest. She stood with confidence like she was almost regal but her calming personality left her seeming humble still. She smiled at the woman as she paid, revealing very little creasing in her face. This would explain why Luna had a hard time guessing how old she was.

She turned to look at Luna, her brown eyes matching her smile through pouty lips as she ushered her out of the store. The long but tight curls blew lightly in the wind as they started down the path, leading through the scenic parts of the park.

"I know you must have a lot of questions for me and I'm ready to answer them but I have something I want to say first."

Luna nodded and continued eating her ice cream.

"I know you must be going through a lot with your stepfather's passing--"

"My father." I corrected.

She skipped right over it and continued. "And I know we haven't seen each other in a long time but I'm here now. Whatever you need me for."

"I don't remember you..." I admitted.

"I know and I don't expect you to, you were only three. I just want you to know that I've never stopped loving you. Not for a second."

"Then why did you leave? Why did he leave? If you loved me so much then why weren't you there?" I asked.

She stopped and turned to face Luna, "Just because you didn't see me? It doesn't mean that I wasn't there, Luna."

"And him? What was his excuse? Was he watching from the sidelines too?"

"No...he wasn't," Evie replied. "But it's not because he didn't want to, it's because he couldn't."

"Why couldn't he? What was keeping him away?" Luna was starting to get angry. She wasn't getting the answers she needed. She didn't know how badly she needed them until then. She'd spent years convincing herself that her father leaving was his business and that wherever he was had nothing to do with her.

But like every child, she was curious and wanted to know where he was and why he left.

"It's complicated, honey. I came here because there's some things I have to tell you. I've been waiting for the right moment and it finally came."

Her eyes filled with confusion. "I don't...what is it?"

They resumed walking. "It's hard to explain cause there's so much to tell you. No matter how many times I go over it in my head it's just not coming outright. So I'll start with a story."

"A story?"

"Bear with me, honey...a long time ago, there was this beautiful tree. A white elk tree that sprouted life from every branch. It seemed like any other tree but this tree was special. It stood as a link between three worlds. Keeping them perfectly balanced. As time went on, that kind of power tempted people and soon the tree was no longer safe. So they harvested the power and tried to hide it in an object but it was too strong. So they bound it to a person and for a long time after that, it's been guarding itself from people who seek it out for the wrong reasons."

By the end of her story, Luna was completely and utterly bewildered. She had no idea what she was talking about or what any of it had to do with her or her father.

Evie saw her niece's expression and laughed. "Oh, honey, this doesn't make any sense to you does it?"

Luna shook her head.

She grabbed her hand, "Come with me."

They scurried off the path to a small pond that remained secluded from random people walking by. They took in the scenery watching the water as a small frog jumped out of the water, resting on a leafpad.

"Sorry, little guy, but I've got a point to make here." Evie said as she stepped towards the pond's edge and leaned down.

She tapped the surface of the water and it rippled and splashed as water lilies rose and bloomed out of the water. A lily sprouted just beneath the lily pad disturbing the frog's rest. He gave an angry ribbet and jumped away to find somewhere else to be.

Luna watched the pool adorned with beautiful flowers and gasped. "You did this?"

She smiled. "Yes."

She remembered the flowers in the cemetery. "That was you last night at the cemetery? You made those flowers bloom?"

She shook her head. "No honey, that was all you."


"Yes. I was always watching you and waiting for you to show your power. Last night when those flowers bloomed, I knew you were ready."

"But I still don't understand what the story has to do with me."

"That power that I was talking about? The power of the tree? It's in you Luna. before you were born it chose you to protect it and now that your power is coming into its own, it's time you learn to control it." she ran a hand down her face.

"Is that why he left? Because he was afraid of me?"

"No! Your father loved you with everything he had, he would never fear you."

"Then tell me why did he leave?"

She stared into her niece's eyes in contemplation. The answer was there but it wasn't her story to tell.

Instead of telling her that, she decided to change the subject. "Close your eyes."

"But I--"

"Close your eyes."

Luna huffed but listened to her. If she really was her aunt, then she was raised to listen and be respectful.

She took Luna's wrist and twirled them so her palms face up.

"Relax. Take a deep breath and breathe away all the pain. Find peace whether it's in a memory, a place...wherever there's peace."

Luna's mind went to a place where she always felt her problems were gone. On the beachfront she could let her problems drift away into the ocean and feel the freedom in the sun on her skin. She hadn't felt that in a while and she was thankful for it.

"Open your eyes, honey." Evie whispered.

She opened her eyes and droplets hung in midair, glittering in the sunlight like diamonds. They floated and bounced through the air, suspended by a power Luna didn't know she had.

"Am I doing this?" She asked feeling a little winded.

"Yes, Luna. You're special, sweetie." Evie smiled at her as she watched the water in wonder.

The moment ended when she felt the blood drip from her nose. When she went to wipe her face, she lost focus and the water came splashing down around them.

Evie pulled a tissue from her shoulder bag. "That's okay, just a little blood. You're okay."

Luna looked up at her with weary eyes and Evie simply smiled. "Let's get you home." 

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