As The World Turns (Season 4)

By NathanBanks757

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Season 4 of ATWT is here on Wattpad as we continue to celebrate the history of Oakdale and the character who'... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12 - (4th Of July Edition)
Episode 13 - (4th Of July Edition)
Episode 14 - (4th Of July Edition)
Episode 15 - (4th of July Edition)
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29 - (November Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 30 - (November Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 31
Episode 32 - (February Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 33 - (February Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 34 - (February Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 35 - (February Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 36
Episode 37 - (The Season 1 Finale)
ATWT Preview: Season 2 - Ep.1
Episode 1 - (The Season 2 Premier)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5 - (May Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 7 - (May Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 8 - (May Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 9 - (May Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 1)
Episode 15 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 2)
Episode 16 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 3)
Episode 17 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 4)
Episode 18 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 5)
Episode 19 - (The Hughes 4th Of July BBQ/Part 6)
The Return Of As The World Turns Promo
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24 - (November Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 25 - (November Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 26 - (November Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 27 - (November Sweeps/Part 4/Last Part)
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33 (February Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 34 (February Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 35 (February Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 36 (February Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 37 - (February Sweeps/Part 5/Season Finale)
Aftermath Ep. 1
Aftermath Ep. 2
Aftermath Ep. 3
Aftermath Ep. 4 (Last Episode)
ATWT Season 3 Promo
Episode 1 (Season 3 Premier)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4 (May Sweeps/Part 1)
Episode 5 (May Sweeps/Part 2)
Episode 6 (May Sweeps/Part 3)
Episode 7 (May Sweeps/Part 4)
Episode 8 (May Sweeps/Part 5/Last Part)
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11 (The Hughes BBQ/Part 1)
Episode 12 (The Hughes BBQ/Part 2)
Episode 13 (The Hughes BBQ/Part 3)
Episode 14 (The Hughes BBQ/Part 4)
Episode 15 (The Hughes BBQ/Part 5)
Episode 16 (The Hughes BBQ/Last Part/Season Finale)
Episode 1 (Season 4)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

Episode 6 - (May Sweeps/Part 2)

28 0 0
By NathanBanks757

The Park

Carly watched as Jack pushed their daughter CJ on the swing, waving at her mom who waved right back and smiled. It was moments like these that Carly could just sit back and realize the life she lives had a lot of ups and downs but at the end of the day, Carly has everything she needs. Her life at first when coming to Oakdale wasn't pretty at all as the blonde schemed, scammed, lied her way out of situations and thinking she wasn't going to get in any trouble, when she actually did. Carly was trying to save her own ass, covering her own tracks but it wasn't enough, and then she met Jack. He never changed her or tried to force her to be someone else and despite the mistakes made in their marriages, their relationships from time to time, they always came back to each other. Parker, who was now a detective is going to be father for the first time in his life, and CJ who's growing up so fast will at least experience what Parker went through as a child, enjoying the easy part of life. Sitting on the bench and continuing to watch Jack push CJ over and over again on the swing so that their daughter can go higher, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a homeless woman who sat on the corner of the sidewalk across from the park who laid on the ground in a camp bag.

Carly - "What the hell?"

The homeless lady looked familiar to Carly so the blonde stood up from the bench and started to walk away.

Carly looked over at Jack who noticed his wife starting to get up as Carly looks back at them.

Carly - "I'll be right back, there's something I need to see!"

Jack - "Um...oh...okay. We'll be right here when you get back!"

Carly nodded and smiled a little before leaving the park, then crossing the street when the light turned green. Approaching the homeless woman, she reminded her of someone else back in the day that Carly remembered. Jack, while he continue pushing CJ on the swing watched his wife, not sure of what she was doing. Stopping in front of the homeless woman, she leans over to touch her before the homeless woman grabs her hand before emerging from her camp bag catching Carly off guard.

Carly - "Woah woah woah, relax...relax, I am not here to hurt you miss, I just...wait...Francine?"

The homeless woman, Francine, who's curly blonde but somewhat dirty hair from laying on the side walk that covered her eyes, looked up at Carly, who started to recognize her. Francine started to recognize her as well before letting go of her hand, taking off her headphones and pressing the off button.

Carly - "Francine, you remember me right? It's me, Carly"

Francine - "Carly?"

Carly smiled a little bit and nodded but couldn't believe that she was seeing an old friend of hers that she remembered long time ago.

Carly " Yes Francine, it's me, I just can't believe that after all this time I would see you here. But, what happened to you? Are you okay? Why are you here?"

Francine looks up at Carly before she frowned, feeling ashamed and embarrassed from seeing someone like the blonde who she recognized before. Carly was surprised herself that she still remembered meeting Francine a long time ago before she came to Oakdale by her own. There were a lot of things that Jack, Parker, CJ, her family and friends didn't know about when it came to Francine. Seeing her again brought back memories when Francine, one of Carly's old friends from back in the day, helped out when Carly had no where to go. She had no mother or father figure growing up, so Francine stepped up and made sure Carly had everything she needed before Carly went on her life. It wasn't like Carly was a baby or a child when she met Francine, but needed some direction in her life where she was an adult. That's where the homeless women Francine stepped in and put Carly on the path of at least decency. But how did she end up here? The last time she saw Francine, the woman was living a very good, normal life, and not stepping into any trouble. The moment Carly got into trouble of her own, Francine stepped in and pulled her aside but to see her like this, for Carly it was sad as Jack watched on still, making sure that his wife was okay.



Slowly getting up, Simon remembered that despite the explosion being over there were still bullets coming into the home right now by someone or a group of people. Jake still held Molly close to him, determined to get out of this situation alive with her and Simon so that they can leave Canada without getting hurt. But there wasn't any guarantee which Jake always understood. When he got shot thanks to Mary, and died, Jake thought he was gone for good and missing the rest of his life with Molly, being a father figure to Abigail, raising his daughters in Oakdale, Jake was supposed to have it all. And here he is now in the middle of a crisis where anything was possible. Molly, despite letting Jake being protective of her, was ready to fight for her life and make it clear that she'll do anything to make sure the man she loves is being protective. But getting out of this jam wasn't going to be simple, as she looked up and noticed the back door which isn't open at all. That could be their way out of here but they didn't know what was on the other side. Thankfully Molly did bring her gun with her, she just didn't know about Simon because the guy could handle himself, but with his brain tumor, he may get injured in that part of his head.

Molly - "There's a door on the other end that could lead us to the backyard. Am I correct?"

Jake - "Yes, but were gonna have to run for it since whoever is firing at us won't stop until were dead"

Simon - "You're right. Were going to wing it you two, I just hope you're ready for this, you too Molly. On my count, we'll crawl over to the door and then open it"

Jake - "And after that?"

Simon - "We make a run for it and run FAST"

Jake and Molly looked at each other then at Simon before all of them nodded their heads. They were on board with the plan, hoping it would work out for the best but anything was possible so they need to watch their backs.

Simon - "Okay, one...two...THREE!"

Simon was the first one who started to crawl to the back door with Jake and Molly behind him. The three made sure to stay low so that they weren't seen or they would be dead as they approach the back door. Slowly opening it, Simon could see no one in the backyard and there was a fence around it so this was there chance. Carefully crawling out of the back door, Simon keeps it open for Jake and Molly who get up before he shuts the door behind them.

Simon - "Okay, were out of there guys, let's get going!"

Simon runs up to the fence before jumping over it and so does Jake. Molly starts run up to it but before she's about to get over, the back door opens and man with a rifle in his hands comes out pointing it at her.

Jake - "Molly get down! Hurry!"

As Molly was about to look behind her the man with the rifle shoots her in the waist causing Molly to groan and scream in pain, falling over the fence. Jake was there to catch her in his arms as both him and Simon were terrified.

Jake - "Molly! Are you okay!? Talk to me!"

Molly - "Does it look like I am okay to you dummy!? God it hurts!"

Simon - "We can take her to a hospital but we need to make a run for it still. Let's go!"

Jake - "Alright, but here, take this!"

With Molly in his arms, Jake took her gun and threw it at Simon before the aussie fired a shot at the man with the rifle. The man ducked as Jake ran for it with Molly in his arms still with Simon behind firing his shorts at the guy still before he ran for it too. The man with the rifle got up and began firing the rest of the shots but the three of them were already at Simon's car before Simon got in, opening the back door for Jake and Molly. Jake stepped in carefully before laying Molly next him as she still held the side of her waist where she felt the bullet. Jake told her to stay strong and not go anywhere as Simon started up their car and went back the other way to a hospital so that Molly could get help. The good part about this was that the two of them, well all three of them were alive with Molly now trying to stay alive and fight for her life. She wasn't talking or saying that much, instead she held onto Jake's hand and gave it soft squeeze. Looking up at him, the two of them smile at one another, glad that there were still in this together even though it wasn't the end. But for now they could at least relax a bit before heading toward the next adventure with Simon, who looked up at the rear view mirror and smiled a bit, glad that Jake and Molly were reunited because of the man himself too as Simon drives them still to the local hospital.


Honolulu, Hawaii

Kirk paced back and forth before looking at his watch and realizing what time it is. John and Lucinda didn't have to rush their way back here to check on Kirk who they allowed to stay in their room for the time being. He never meant to try or ruin their vacation, Kirk just happened to see them when they first arrived at the hotel they're staying at and knew that at least they would help, well, except for John who didn't want him here. Kirk was never a big fan of John and always found him judgmental, someone that's a threat to Lucinda and Samantha when that wasn't the case at all. But he was trying to be protective of Lucinda and look out for her since he loved Samantha's sister and who could blame John? Walking up to the window, he looked outside of the hotel and wished he was out there with Samantha right now enjoying the beaches, the waves and everything else that comes with it. She didn't even know where he was and his phone turned off most of the time so that none of those who are after him won't go after her too. But looking down, he noticed the same men came inside of the hotel, the ones who were under the orders of their boss to find him. Kirk stood back and started to panic before taking the pearl out of his box, looking over it.

Kirk - "I know what I have to do now"

Putting it in his pocket, Kirk puts his sunglasses and hat back on before he looked around for a pen and a piece of paper. Once he found them on the desk, Kirk wrote a note to John and Lucinda, telling them that he had to leave but thanking them for at least trying to help. When Kirk was done, the man placed the note on the desk and made sure he had everything before leaving the room. Looking both sides, he closes the door behind him and starts to head down the hallway but before he reaches the elevator, on the other side of the hallway the men spotted Kirk.

Kirk - "Oh crap, better make a run for it"

Kirk, instead of taking the elevator, took the stairs as he ran down quickly and made sure not to stop until he got to the lobby. The men ran down the hallway and started to run down the stairs themselves in order to catch up to Kirk. Reaching the end and straight to the lobby, Kirk passed by one of the bellboys who caught Kirk off guard and ran passed people before he was quickly out of the hotel. Calling for a taxi, Kirk immediately opened the door and got in before telling the driver where to go to a location. He then saw the men in the lobby who noticed Kirk in one of the taxis before the driver turned on the ignition and drove away.

Kirk - "See you later suckers, bunch of damn loses"

Kirk sat back, closing his eyes, sighing in relief but was starting to get sick and tired of all of this chasing around. He just wanted to go somewhere that the men won't find him and relax for a little bit then going to the next location, wherever that may be. A couple minutes later, the taxi stopped at the waterfront district of Honolulu, Hawaii, as he got out and paid the driver the money before the taxi took off. Out of the corner of his eye he could see John and Lucinda from a far swimming to a boat which must mean they were finished with their snorkeling as he thought of at least telling them thank you but shook his head.

Kirk - "Nope, not worth it, just walk away and try to find another place to hide Kirk. You're going to be okay"

But before he could do anything else, he saw a car pull up and the men got out of it causing Kirk to panic again. In a last minute decision, Kirk jumped on to a boat that has some guy cleaning up around the boat before pushing him into the ocean. Saying sorry to the guy, Kirk scrambled to find the keys before he put it in the ignition, then started to use the boat to leave the shore as the men themselves were too late to stop him. But they weren't going to give up on finding Kirk and wherever he was going, as they found another boat before grabbing the person who owned the boat, throwing him onto the platform and ignoring the person screaming, shouting and cussing at them. Looking back, Kirk rolled his eyes in annoyance to the men on to him. They were not going to stop until they caught Kirk, who was getting tired of this chase, so he had to think of something new quickly before he thought on what he could do. Without thinking of the consequences, Kirk jumps off the boat and into the water while boat continued to go wherever it would lead to. Looking around, the only boat he could swim towards was the one Lucinda and John were about to get on and of course, John will not be a happy man seeing Kirk again, bringing trouble to the pairing but that's just too bad.



The Park

Francine sat up and scratched her head before she sighed as Carly still couldn't believe that one of her friends, a person who took care of the blonde and looked out for her as homeless. How did all of this happen? Sometimes when we grow to experience the world before doing all the things we should be doing, such as get a job, do this, do that, and then you're good, but that doesn't happen for everyone else. Carly thought at one point herself she was going to be homeless when her mom wasn't there in her life later on but thankfully she had other people like Francine in her corner who was there for her. Francine wasn't a fan of the old Carly back then, the one who made people's livers miserable so much over the years. From everything to stealing, lying, destroying, Francine would be against what she did. She wouldn't judge though as Francine told Carly her past which wasn't quite the same. Francine went through her troubles too but fighting dirty and acting like a fool wasn't going to get her anywhere. But how did she end up here? None of this was making any sense as Jack continued to watch the two of them from where he is right now, a little worried for his wife at the same time.

CJ - "Who's that lady she's talking to daddy?"

Jack - "Oh, just helping someone out CJ. At times we need to look out for one another and make sure were taken care of"

CJ - "Does mommy know that person?"

Jack - "I don't think she does sweetheart but your mom's just making sure the lady's taken care of. It's the good things that define us in our lives"

Now that wasn't the best explanation at all to tell to your daughter but Jack was trying to be at least honest with CJ. Back on the sidewalk of the street, Francine shook her head before Carly put her hand on Francine's hand, who pulled away when it happened.

Francine - "Don't touch me alright?"

Carly - "Okay okay, I won't touch you again, but Francine, how did you end up here?"

Francine - "Homeless and no place to go you ask?"

Carly - 'Yes, that's what I meant"

Francine - "What can I say? When you get screwed out of everything, you have nothing in the end. But look at you, you got everything you need right?"

Carly - "This isn't about me, it's about you Francine, what did you get screwed out of?"

Francine - "I lost it all Carly and found my ass right here on the side walk a couple days ago. Some people who owned businesses, cafes, stores, didn't want me there since I caused a ruckus"

Carly - "Well it makes sense, those who own those businesses don't want homeless people there at all. You know you could at least called me"

Francine - "And come to see you? I don't even know where you lived, but it doesn't matter now. I'll just stay here and rot for the rest of my life until I die"

Carly - "Oh no you're not Francine, you're coming with me. Were taking you to a homeless shelf that's located down the street okay? And then you're getting help"

Francine - "Carly, you don't have to do this for me okay, just leave me alone?"

Carly - "Oh yes I will do this for you. You did so much for me Francine, let me repay the favor alright?"

Francine - "Oh's the least you can do"

Carly - *Smiles* "Good, now you stay here, I need to go see someone very quick before I take you to the homeless shelter"

Carly gets up and walks back into the park before seeing her husband and daughter. Jack wondered what she was talking to that homeless woman about.

Jack - "Everything okay over there? Who is she?"

Carly - "Yes Jack, everything is fine. I'm just helping out...a friend, but I need you to do me a favor. Give me the keys to the car, I am going to take my friend over to a homeless shelter down the street"

CJ - "Are you coming back mommy?"

Carly - "Yes I will sweetheart, be good for daddy okay? I'll be right back"

Jack nodded before the two of them kissed, then Carly kissed her daughter on the forehead before she left the park again with the keys in her hand after Jack gave it to her. As much as Carly was doing the right thing, he was worried about what could happen when she took care of her friend Francine. From what Carly told her husband, Jack felt Francine wasn't a threat but at the same time he didn't know her all that well. So he had to be cautious of what could happen next, but Carly was strong and tough enough to handle the situation. Walking up to Francine, Carly puts her hand out for her to take but Francine looks up at Carly with hesitation written all over her face, not sure if she could trust her or not. But then she remembered all that she did for Carly in the past, and she really needed help, so she took Carly's hand and got up. Helping her with her belongings, the two of them went to Jack's car as Carly got in with her. Starting it up Carly drove away with a smile on her face, happy and proud of what she was doing. Carly is making a difference and helping someone like Francine out. It even made Jack smile herself, knowing how good of a person Carly is and a good mother to her children. But as he watches Carly leave, he hoped she would be okay in the end.



Molly winced, groaned in slight pain as she watched the doctor remove the bullet before placing it in the metal bowl. The nurse started to patch her up as Simon and Jake watched while they were in the room, relieved that she wasn't going to die or in any kind of major pain from that bullet thanks to one of those bastards, but Molly will live. At least the three of them now can move on and go to their next phase which for Jake was important since he felt like he owed Ryan and Vicky since the first day all three of them met on that day. The Witness Protection Program couldn't do anything about dealing with Carl Hutchin's enemies because there were so many of them, so for the three since Carl's enemies were trying to bring them out into the open, they decided to leave the WPP and go on their own. It was a shame that they couldn't go to their families and tell them because if they did, all of them, their children, etc would be in grave danger. But once Simon, Molly, and Jake find Vicky and Ryan, they could at least come up with a plan. Molly couldn't wait to get out of here herself since she hated hospitals but she wasn't the only one, as the nurse finishes patching her up and the doctor looks over his notes on the clip board before she spoke.

Doctor - "Well Miss Conlan, you can still move and there's not any major injuries so you're free to go. Just remember to not take that off until the next couple of days"

Molly - *Rolls her eyes a bit* "Yeah, I will make sure to remember that, but thank you for all your help. I appreciate it"

The doctor nodded and smiled before he left the room with the nurse to do his rounds. Jake walks up to her and kisses her forehead before leaned his on top of her as the two of them closes their eyes while Simon watched.

Jake - "That was a close one Conlan, you should of moved out of the way much faster than that"

Molly - "What could I have done better? Duck and get down on the ground? I still would have had that bullet in me but somewhere much dangerous"

Jake - "The good thing is you're much better now and safe"

Simon - "Well not too safe, finding you was a close call back at the farm house Jake. What do you think happened to it?"

Jake - "My guess is that it's all gone and destroy when it was bombed. Now it's no more but thankfully Enos and his wife are in another farm house and not close to one you guys found me at"

Molly - "And those rotten men will still come after us, they're not done yet. You think Vicky and Ryan are in any kind of danger Jake?"

Jake - "I hope not but knowing the two of them they can take care of themselves. They're pretty resourceful but we still need to find them"

Simon - "Where's Ryan and Vicky then Jake? We'll need an exact location"

Jake - "The last time I came into contact with them was when they were at the Himalayas. Ryan and Vicky were there before when they were on the run from Grant"

Simon - "Then that's our next location. I'll book the flight and take care of everything, I just need to make a phone call. I'll be right back guys"

Simon left the room leaving Jake and Molly by themselves. Molly laid her head on his shoulder with Jake comforting her, kissing the brunette softly causing Molly to moan a little bit.

Molly - "God I wish this was over so we can go to my room and make up for all that time we've lost Jake"

Jake - "Well who knows? If something happens and we get trapped together, that would be the perfect opportunity for us"

Molly - "I was thinking somewhere else that was less dangerous and more comfortable, maybe private too?"

Jake - *Grins* "That could work but you do know were still in danger right Molly?"

Molly - *Whines* "I just got you back and now we have to deal with these maniacs. Does it ever end?"

Jake - "Not until all the bad guys are taken out Molly, you know how this works. We just need to find Ryan and Vicky, then we'll move on from there"

Molly - "Okay, but, when this is over and done with, you're mine mister. You're not going anywhere as long as I continue to breathe and live"

Jake - "Yes ma'am...I love you so much Molly Conlan"

Molly - "Just like I love you as well Jake McKinon"

Both of them kissed each other passionately again just like when they were at the farm house, glad that they could at least have small moments like these. And as much as the two of them along with Simon didn't have enough time to waste with more people after them, now the three know they need to watch their backs moving forward. Jake couldn't imagine his daughters and Kirkland, even Steven hurt because of Carl's enemies. It made him want to strangle Carl if the man was still alive for everything that he did, even if he was trying to protect Ryan and his children, doing his best to get revenge on Grant, etc. but Vicky would let Jake knew that Carl already felt an enormous amount of guilt for the decisions he made. Ryan as well, since he knew his father more than anyone else did since they first met. As the kiss broke, Simon came into the room to tell them he had the flight booked and they could leave now. So with Molly cleared to leave, they all left the hospital but made sure to be aware of their surroundings just in case any of those men they encountered comes after them. Going to the hotel to get their stuff, Jake just sat with Molly in the back with his arm around Molly, glad that he has the one woman who's crazy enough to still want him after all this time.


Honolulu, Hawaii

John and Lucinda are about to swim back to the boat together after they just went snorkeling together. It was such a fun experience to see all of the fishes, whales and yes, even some of the sharks but none of them never hurt the pairing. For Lucinda she felt glad to have this kind of memory along with her husband who promised to show her everything of Hawaii in the near future when they come back here again. John felt pleased that Lucinda was having a great time and not in any kind of danger because of Kirk's antics or what he may do. It's a good thing he wasn't even here to ruin their time together of what they have left here in Honolulu, Hawaii. John just couldn't believe that Lucinda was going to let him stay here with them for the time being in their room. Okay, it wasn't going to be that long and John had the urge to throw Kirk out, not just out of the hotel room but also out of the hotel all together. Hell, maybe even out of Hawaii as a whole because he wasn't going to ruin their vacation. Whatever chaos and mayhem he's created, let Kirk fix it, as John and Lucinda are helped on to the boat thanks to the person in charge of the snorkeling along with his assistant before the two remove their masks.

John - "So my darling, did you enjoy yourself?"

Lucinda - "I have had the best time ever, thanks to you that is. I never knew the sea life under the water could be so beautiful and eye opening"

John - "Well when you take a chance and see something you've never seen before, it makes you question if there's more underneath are oceans that we don't know about"

Lucinda - "Yes it does, so John, what else do you have up your sleeve today?"

John - "Now Lucinda, why would I want to spoil anything else? This day is absolutely special for the two of us so nothing will be ruined and spoiled"

Lucinda - "I just wonder how Kirk is holding up"

John - "Kirk who?"

Lucinda - *Frowns* "John please, you know who I am talking about. Hopefully nothing bad has happened to him"

John - "He's a big boy Lucinda, he can handle whatever comes his way. Kirk probably enjoys the chase more than whatever family he has left"

Kirk - "John! Lucinda!"

John and Lucinda look behind them to see Kirk climbing up the boat, completely wet as it looked like he just came off of swimming. John rolled his eyes and shook his head, not this damn fool again, this can't be happening.

Lucinda - "Oh my god, is that...?"

John - "That son of bitch"

Kirk - "Thank god I found the two of you just now. They're after me, we have to leave guys, there's no way we can stay here"

Lucinda - "Who's after you?"

Kirk - "The men I told you about, I saw them come into the hotel. So after leaving the room I was about to use the elevator but they saw me on the other. So making a run for it and completely leaving the hotel, I used a taxi and but they were on my tail-"

John - "And that's when you somehow swam your ass all the way over here, which could mean they might be here any idiot"

Kirk - "I had no where else to go John, they continued to chase me after I stole someone's boat"

Lucinda - "Okay okay, let's calm down, I am sure we can talk to the person in charge of this boat to call the police"

Voice - "I'm sorry...who are you talking about ?"

Kirk, Lucinda and John look behind them to see the owner of the boat with a gun in his hand pointing at the three. It just wasn't that guy, two other people behind him who helped John and Lucinda remove the oxygen tanks, they had guns on them too. They must be working with whoever the main guy that's after Kirk, including those other men who are after him too. This was bad, and John looked over at Kirk like he wanted to strangle him over and over again so that he won't breathe anymore. This idiot has now officially put both him and Lucinda in danger and he won't forgive Kirk for getting his wife possibly killed thanks to him. Lucinda was close to enough to John and even for her, she knew Kirk messed up, she wished this didn't happen, but what are they going to do now? The people who chased Kirk earlier arrived in their own boat before all of them came on to the boat the three people were on. Now John, Lucinda and Kirk were trapped, they didn't want this to happen but because of Kirk's messes, here all of them are. Were they going to be killed off or even beaten into giving them the pearl? On thing is for sure, Kirk may not be all that bright but at least he has something up his sleeve, hopefully.


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