the hunt • stiles stilinski [...

By VoidHammings1996

285 22 115

when olivia dunbar thought it couldn't get worse, it did. by a landslide. she thought she'd seen it all, but... More

two • try and try again
three • searching for answers
four • relics
five • no proof

one • memory lost

41 3 46
By VoidHammings1996

sheriff stilinski looked at the boy sat in his office, crouching down to speak to him. i turned towards stiles and scott, raising an eyebrow. stiles had a brace around his wrist, having sprained it after trying to 'gently persuade' some guy off the road. all that for nothing. all the guy stole was tanks of helium. it had been like this ever since mason was rescued and the beast was taken down. there were no supernatural occurrences, so stiles being stiles had set out at every second to try and help where he could.

yet, here i was in the sheriff station late at night because liam and hayden found some kid on their way back to town after their date.

all the two had said was that they were changing a flat tire when a car came out of practically nowhere. no one was driving it, the windshield was shattered. little alex turner was sitting in the back seat, terrified. now he had no memory of what happened.

"why am i here again?" i asked the two boys, my voice laced with confusion.

"just thought you'd, uh, want to know what was happening," stiles said nervously, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"you could have just filled me in tomorrow," i pointed out, shaking my head lightly.

"yeah, but stiles is still head over heels in love with you and he wa-" scott was cut off by stiles sending an elbow to his gut. scott huffed, swatting stiles in the arm.

i shook my head lightly, pushing down the butterflies in my stomach over scott's words. i sighed, asking, "what's the plan again?"

"scott is going to dig into alex's memories and see if he can find anything," stiles explained simply. i nodded lightly, unable to reply as stilinski had came out of his office and beckoned us inside.

shutting the door behind me, i shut the blinds on the window. all the windows surrounding the room had closed blinds, doors locked, and we then turned our attention to the kid sitting just in front of the desk. scott crouched down so he was eye level with alex.

"you ready?" scott asked softly, and alex nodded in response. scott nodded as well before digging his claws into the back of alex's neck. alex gasped, his eyes rolling back as scott's closed. to my right, stiles took out his phone and started the stopwatch.

after four aggravating minutes, scott pulled his claws back. stiles reached forward, catching scott before he could fall.

"what'd you see?" stiles asked, helping scott back up.

"i saw a guy on a horse." scott replied, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

"a horse?" i repeated, eyebrows furrowing.

"he had a gun."

"the guy or the horse?" i questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. the others in the room gave me a blank stare and i shrugged, holding my arms up in defence.

"okay, a guy with a gun," sheriff stilinski blew out a breath, "that sounds like my department, not yours."

"thank god." i muttered, letting out a sigh of relief. i had had enough of supernatural problems for one year.

"what about his parents?" stiles asked, "what happened to them?"

"i don't know." scott replied, shaking his head. "th- that's all i remember. but i got this feeling."

"what kind of feeling?" stilinski asked.

"they're coming back," alex spoke up, answering, "they're coming for me."

despite sheriff stilinski urging us to call it a night, stiles, scott and i met lydia and malia in the evidence lot to dig deeper into the case. stiles was positive this was something supernatural, and he was not giving up. as per usual. we scattered around the car, waiting for the two girls' opinions.

the windshield of the car was completely shattered, a big open hole. it was almost as if something had been pushed right through it. certainly didn't look like something a gunshot would cause.

lydia shared a look with me and we both got into the car. lydia sat in the drivers seat, myself in the passenger. she sighed softly before gripping the steering wheel, shutting her eyes. i took it upon myself to glance around, trying to find anything in the front seat that could help.

"hm." lydia hummed, causing me to look over at her.

stiles shot up behind us, tearing his focus away from riffling through the backseat, "what?"

"this is a perfect shade for me." lydia said, looking in the rearview mirror as she dabbed at the eye show on her eyelids, "i forget the name..."

"you know, i was gonna say something earlier about it bu-"

"can we please stay on topic here?" stiles snapped, shaking his head in disappointment.

"i'm not getting anything." lydia argued, "and neither is olivia by the looks of it." she added, looking me over as she realized i had come up empty handed.

before stiles could retort, a howl echoed in the night air around us. i glanced over at a pile of tires as a coyote leapt out of the back end of the lot, coming to a stop near the four of us. taking the place of the coyote was suddenly a very nude malia. i stepped out of the car and handed malia her clothes.

"i don't think they're dead," lydia told her, coming to a stop on the other side of me as i stood beside malia.

ever the optimist, malia shook her head before arguing, "they're dead. probably torn apart. the only thing i don't get is why there's no blood."

"they're not dead." lydia argued back. "if they were dead, i'd sense it."

"if they were alive, i'd smell it."

"yeah, i'm not getting anything either." scott chipped in.

"scott, what are you talking about?" stiles asked, his eyes wide. "you were in his head for four minutes."

"he timed it." i muttered, shaking my head.

"well, it's not an exact science," scott defended. "and he's a kid. maybe he's too freaked out to remember."

"why does it matter if they're dead?" pulling on her shorts, "dead is dead."

"she has a point," i replied, shrugging. stiles sighed, giving me a look as he leaned back against the car. "am i lying?"

"okay, if it's just a robbery, we can't help them." stiles reasoned, "and if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."

"it sounds to me like you want it to be supernatural," i said, my eyes narrowing.

"it's been, like, three months since anything's happened." stiles informed and i blew out a breath.

"yeah, and thank god for that."

"and once a week you drag me out of bed like i'm done supernatural metal detector." lydia added bitterly, "and naturally, you bring olivia along. who, by the way, is not very friendly when you wake her up in the middle of the night to go searching for something." 

"okay, it is way more often than that." stiles agreed, "but y- you can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?"

"what i'm saying is that maybe that wouldn't be so bad," lydia looked between the boys, then to me. before anyone could reply, she was turning on her heel and strutting away. malia followed behind as lydia was her ride home, and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

stiles shook his head in disbelief before turning to scott. the boy merely shrugged and stiles sighed, walking back to the car. he sat in the driver seat, angrily staring ahead of him. scott and i shared a look before walking over to the drivers side of the car.

"you're staring at a broken windshield," scott informed him.

stiles sigh, "there's something wrong with it."

"yeah, it's broken." i answered.

"and it wasn't a magic bullet, either. it was a regular bullet, that blew out a regular windshield." scott began to point at other cars in the lot. "just like that one, and that one, and that..." his voice trailed off as we each noticed something. all the windshields he'd pointed to did have bullet holes in them, but the windshield was still entirely in tact.

just like i assumed before.

stiles picked up a peculiar looking piece of glass, staring at it in curiosity, "magic bullet."


the next day at school, i sat straight on a stool in front of a plain backdrop, ready to take my photo for the yearbook. sydney stood behind the camera, nodding as i gave a bright smile towards the lens.

"hey, olivia..." stiles trailed off and i sighed, slumping my shoulders as i turned to look at him. he looked towards the camera, nodding, "my bad. sorry, sorry. go ahead, look pretty."

i nodded, straightening again and smiling once more. stiles rushed forward again, his index finger pointed towards me as he began speaking again. i sighed, rubbing at my temple.

"that was a good one, too." malia spoke up from her seat at the picnic table to the right.

i got ready for the photo again as stiles backed off once more. i smiled brightly, looking to the lens. just as sydney took the picture, stiles moved towards me. i sighed, glancing at the long line. after two more tries, stiles was still trying to ruin my photo.


"you're still in the photo," sydney informed, getting annoyed by the boy, as was the never ending line of students all awaiting their turn.

"stiles, for the love of god, just wait two seconds." i snapped, shoving him back lightly. he nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets and watched as i got set up again.

"oh, liv-"

"i'm going to hit you!" i exclaimed, growing annoyed.

"why don't you guys just take a picture together?" lydia offered, sending me a teasing smile.


"great idea, lyds!" stiles smiled, moving behind me. i sighed, shaking my head lightly. his arms wrapped around my neck from behind, holding me close to him. i smiled into the camera, raising my hands to rest on his arm as i leaned into him. the flash went off as sydney took the picture and i jumped off the stool.

"you ruined her picture." malia stated, shaking her head as we walked over to the picnic table. she sat on the top of the table, lydia sat next to her on the seat.

"no, that one was good." lydia smiled, looking over at me. "your other smiles were so fake, that one was real."

"oh, whatever." i muttered, rolling my eyes and fidgeting with the bracelets on my wrist. i knew she was right, that that was the realest smile i gave for that camera. it was because of stiles, and everyone gathered around me knew it. because i still loved him, but i was too scared to say it out loud. even after three months.

"why would i want to ruin her yearbook photo?" stiles asked curiously.

"maybe because you haven't signed up for your own photo yet?" malia guessed.

"yes, i did." stiles reached into his pocket for a folded slip of paper. he then handed it to malia, who opened it up.

she stared at him incredulously, "it's blank."

stiles' face fell, his hands grabbing the paper, "what? uh..."

"or maybe your sublimating the stress of graduating by avoiding key milestones." we turned to scott, the three around us wore shocked expressions, while i had a proud smile on my lips.

"psych paper." i answered for the others, knowing full well that he had psychology just after i did. i was just glad that he was picking up on the material now.

"hey, the deputy searched the car," stiles said, redirecting the conversation elsewhere. "no slugs, no exit hole. and the address alex gave my dad, it's an abandoned house." we all glanced around, hesitancy written over each of our faces. "come on! missing parents, suspicious guy on horseback, magic bullet. who's coming with?"

"i've got to take my photos," malia said.

lydia shook her head, "yeah, not interested."

scott sighed as stiles looked over at him, "i cannot miss anymore classes."


"i missed thirty-eight last semester." scott continued, "and lydia's mom is the only reason i'm still in school. i can go after school."

stiles looked to me expectantly, "olivia?"

i shook my head, "test next period."

"you know what, forget it. i'll just take liam." we all craned our necks to where we knew liam was sitting, and sure enough, there my little brother was. only problem was that he was very busy locking lips with hayden. i let out a groan, quickly looking away. stiles nodded, looking back at us. "yeah, i'm not taking liam."

"hey, can i get a candid?" sydney asked from behind stiles and i.

"uh, no-" stiles started, but was quickly cut off by scott dragging him forward.

scott yanked on his arm, pulling his best friend into the seat next to him, "yeah, sure."

stiles dug out the shard of glass from last night, "okay, fine. if you can explain to me why this is blue, i'll let it go." scott took the piece, eyeing it carefully before setting it down next to his school books.

lydia's hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling me down. only instead of landing on my own seat, i landed in stiles' lap. his arms immediately went around my waist, and i let out a quiet sigh. my one arm went around his shoulders, my other resting on his arms around me. she just couldn't accept that the two of us weren't together anymore, and part of me loved her for it. actually, a big chunk of me did.

despite me being completely in love with the stilinski boy, i was terrified of getting back together with him. he never gave up on us, just like he said. he gave me space when i asked, and he was more than amazing towards me. i was still struggling with myself to completely forgive myself for the damage i caused three months ago, but i was certainly doing better than before. if i was being honest, if stiles were to ask me right now to get back together with him, i would. because even though i was scared, like stiles told me once, i would always have those feelings. the feeling of worry, of being terrified. they would never go away, but i could fight them off. i could, and i was ready to.

"everyone smile!"

minutes later, i was walking towards my next class. malia and lydia were on either side of me, the two going on and on about stiles and i.

"we all know you two are disgustingly in love with each other," malia said, "why don't you just get back together?"

"and don't say it's because you haven't fully forgave yourself. it's been three months." lydia spoke quickly, preventing me from telling them just that.

i let out a sigh, "i don't know. i'm just scared, i guess."

"of what?" malia asked, confusion evident in her tone.

"hurting him... again." the three of us came to a stop outside of my class, turning to each other.

"look, liv, you're always going to be scared of hurting him." lydia began, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "wether you're just friends or you're more, that fear will always be there. don't let it get in the way of your happiness." the girl squeezed my arm gently, sending me a soft smile before continuing down the hallway to her class.

"she has a point." malia shrugged, "liv, i could feel the happiness radiating off of you during the last picture, and the one of all of us. he makes you happy, stop beating yourself up and punishing yourself over a mistake you made when you weren't even yourself."

"when did you get so wise?" i joked, smiling at her. malia smiled in response, rolling her eyes playfully.

"seriously, liv." she said, her voice firm. "talk to him. you both want it, we can all see it. stop making us all suffer and just get back together." she practically begged before backing up slowly down the hall. "for the sake of everybody, just tell him you're in love with him and want him back."

"go take your pictures." i replied, shooing her away.

"good luck on that test!" she called after me as she got further and further down the hall. i shook my head lightly, smiling softly to myself as i watched her.

"ready for this test?" scott asked, coming up beside me. i scoffed, shaking my head lightly as i followed him into the class.

"i studied a shit ton but i don't know."

"too focused on stiles, and how you're going to tell him that you want to get back together?" scott asked, a teasing smile on his lips as he took his seat next to me. i let out a huff, shoving his shoulder as i took my own seat.

"shut up."

"on a serious note, though." scott said, his smile faltering slightly, "you guys make each other happy. we've all noticed the difference between you two from when you were together and when you aren't. you're happier together."

i let out a sigh, looking down at my wooden desk, "i know."

"so talk to him." scott urged, "you know how he feels, and you know he's already forgiven you. he wants you back."

"i know," i repeated, looking over at him. "i'm going to talk to him, as soon as we get the chance."


later that night, stiles and i made our way out of the school. after he and scott, and apparently mason and liam, had came back from that alex kids house, he had picked me up and we came here to the library.

he had told me that alex's house was empty, abandoned. his room was there and full one second, and the next it was gone. it was completely empty, almost like there had been nobody living there for years. he said that this guy was there, he kind of looked like some sort of cowboy. he said he shot at stiles when he left alex's room, and when stiles went back in, everything inside was gone. he also said something about a horse being there, which confused me.

"i keep feeling like it's familiar, you know?" stiles said, flipping through the book. "like i've heard it before."

"pensée civage?" i said, "that's french. a lingering thought you can't reach."

"since when did you know french?" stiles asked, glancing at me. i shrugged.

"allison taught me some words, and melody." i answered.

"okay," he trailed off, looking back to the book. "well, is there a french word for feeling an overwhelming sense of urgency and impending doom?"

"féminine une fille phantom." i replied, "it means banshee."

stiles nodded, "okay, well, you and lydia are connected, so what does her banshee intuition say this is?"

i stopped walking, turning towards him with a blank stare, "stiles, i don't know. it doesn't work like that."

"right," he nodded, looking up at me from the pages of the bestiary. "well, what does your intuition say?"

i cocked an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest as i answered, "that you don't have to figure it all out right this second."

"but this kid... this kids got no one. you know, and..." he trailed off, flipping another page, "there's a reason why. there's gotta be."

stiles slammed the book shut, and i froze. thunder rumbled, bouncing around in my head. i felt it earlier, too, as we were leaving history class. a song began playing in my head, words flowing smooth. i furrowed my eyebrows.

"give this man a ride," i whispered, "sweet family will die. killer on the road."

"riders on the storm?"

i snapped my gaze up to him, "what?"

"that's a song." stiles said, "riders on the storm."

my eyes widened in realization, the puzzle pieces fitting together. the song was in my head earlier, and i knew it was in lydia's, too. we had talked about it earlier today. maybe the connection did work like that...

"that's it."

"what's it?" stiles asked, confused.

"the ghost riders," i stated, running a hand through my hair in frustration, "the wild hunt. they come by storm, riding horses, and they take people. lydia told me all about them when she disconcerted parrish was a hellhound." i explained, shaking my head lightly. "it fits exactly what is happening with alex and his parents."

stiles looked at me with adoration on his face, a smile making its way on his lips, "olivia, you are so smart. i could kiss you right now."

"do not kiss me." i warned, but a small part of me wanted him to.

"not gonna, no." stiles shook his head, bouncing on his toes as he stared down at me. eventually, he caved and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my cheek. before i could react, he was running off, yelling out, "did it anyway!"

i shook my head lightly, a smile lingering on my lips as i watched him run off. heat raised to my cheeks, a small blush making its way up. the skin where he had kissed warmed. i watched him run off, my eyes remained on him until he was out of sight.

my phone vibrated in my pocket, and i pulled out to see a text from lydia. eventually, i made my way back inside the school and into our history classroom. the room was empty, not a single person inside, other than lydia martin herself. she sat a desk, staring at the wall with a blank look on her face.

lydia met my eyes, "the song."

"riders on the storm." i nodded, walking over and taking a seat at the desk next to her. "the ghost riders."

"how did you know?"

"connected, remember?" i replied, a soft smile on my lips. "apparently that now includes your banshee premonitions."

"got your text," malia said, walking in behind me. "you said you needed my help?" she paused, noticing lydia. "oh, god. that kind of help."

"something terrible is going to happen." lydia said.

malia walked over and leaned against the desk i was sat at, "okay, what is it?"

"i don't know." lydia replied, looking between malia and i, "that's why i need your help."

"when did you first have the premonition?" malia asked, trying to prompt the problem solving.

lydia looked to me, "a couple minutes ago. we both had it."

"you have them now, too?" malia asked, looking back at me.

i shrugged, "i guess. i was with stiles when it happened." i explained, "we realized it was the wild hunt. the riders, the horses. souls getting swept up."

lydia turned her laptop to show malia the screen. it was a page of the bestiary. hand drawn, black horses were etched onto worn paper, emerging from clouds with riders on their backs. underneath it all were numerous figures, each screaming. one had an arrow sticking out of its back.

malia leaned forward, reading the words, "'those who see the wild hunt beware, for you are already lost'"

"horses." lydia said quietly, shaking her head lightly.

my breath hitched in my throat, realization dawning on me, "he saw them. he saw the wild hunt." i shot from my seat in a panic, "where's stiles?"

malia looked at me with a small frown, eyebrows furrowed as she questioned, "liv, what are you talking about?"

"who's stiles?" lydia asked, looking up at me with confusion written on her face. my eyes widened in fear, panic spreading through me.

i looked between them in a panic. shaking my head, i wasted no time in running out of the room. i ran out of the building, through the courtyard and towards the parking lot where stiles parked the jeep. before i could get there, the stilinski boy was pushing the doors open of the school, stumbling out.

"stiles!" i yelled out, pushing myself to run faster towards him.

"liv?" he questioned, turning to me. his hands wrapped around my arms, the boy letting out a breath, "you know me? oh, thank god. you know me."

"i know you." i confirmed, eyes wide with fear as i studied his face, "but i think everybody else is forgetting."

"hey, do you see him?" stiles asked, pointing behind me.

i glanced back, looking to where he was pointing but nothing was there, "see what?"

"the guy on the horse."

a shaky sigh escaped my lips, tears welling in my eyes, "stiles, if you see them-"

stiles cut me off, facing me. his hands reached up to cup my face, his eyes boring into mine, "i know, i know. they're coming for me. so you have to get away from me right now, okay?"

i shook my head, arguing, "i am not leaving you!"

stiles nodded, "alright, come on." he pulled back, taking my hand in his and beginning to run away from where he had pointed, "this way, this way. come on. woah! woah!" he stopped suddenly, shaking his head and turning around, "okay, this way. keep going."

"where are they?" i asked, worry and fear evident in my tone as i turned to face him.

stiles looked around frantically, "they're everywhere." my eyes landed on the jeep, and stiles began tugging me towards it, "come on! olivia, don't look at them, okay? don't try to use your magic, they'll take you, too. do not look at them."

"i won't, i won't!" i yelled in response. we both climbed into the jeep, slamming the doors shut behind us.

my vision began to blur, tears pooling in my eyes as i breathed heavily. this wasn't happening. he couldn't be taken away from me, not again. stiles fumbled with the keys before pointing them towards the ignition, shoving them inside. but as he looked up, he stopped.

"what are you doing?" i asked, staring at him with wide eyes as he took his keys out, "we need to go!"

he shook his head, turning towards me, "there's no time. olivia, i'm going to be erased, okay? just like alex. you're gonna forget me."

i shook my head frantically, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears. my voice cracked as i spoke, "i won't. no, i won't. i won't."

his face softened and he reached out for me, his hand landing on my cheek. his thumb wiped away a tear, his eyes soft as they locked with my own, "liv, you will. just try to find some way to remember me, okay?"

"i'm not going to forget you, stiles." i laughed humourlessly, my voice just above a whisper.

"you will." stiles said quietly, a sigh escaping his lips. "remember how i was a giant ass to you basically all throughout junior year."

i let out a short laugh, "how could i forget?"

"remember our first kiss?" he continued, and i nodded. "remember how i've had a crush on you as soon as we met, all throughout junior year, senior year? remember how you saved my life?"

"you saved my life, too." i whispered. his free hand reached forward and grabbed a hold of mine, his thumb rubbing over my skin soothingly. i leaned into the hand pressed against my cheek, wanting to savour the moment. "i don't want to lose you."

"just remember..." he trailed off. "remember i love you."

before i had a chance to say it back, the door behind him was swinging open and he was ripped away. the door slammed shut, and there was no trace of him left behind other than the jeep i was sat in.

i let out a shaky sigh, whispering to myself, "remember, remember." i slowly turned to press my back against the seat, mumbling, "remember."

movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. i glanced out the window, eyes landing on a butterfly as it landed on the glass beside me. it's wings were dark, beautiful colours of purple and blue littered the top of its wings. the wings fluttered slowly, the butterfly staying still against the window. i slowly reached my hand out, shakily pressing it against the window where butterfly rested outside. i shut my eyes, feeling tears roll down my cheeks.


a shiver went down my spine and i shook my head lightly. when i opened my eyes again, i gazed around in confusion. my eyes glanced around the jeep i was sat in, eyebrows furrowing together. it felt familiar, but i couldn't place why.

my eyes landed on necklace dangling from the rearview mirror and i reached out, hands holding the charm at the end. it was a name, written in cursive. it was my name, it was my necklace. written in the lettering was the letter 's' along with a small heart beside it.

last i could remember, my aunt had given it to me. she told my mom it was for when i was older, because it obviously wouldn't fit around my five-year-old selfs neck. but that memory felt fuzzy and i second guessed myself. had it gone that way? either way, i hadn't seen it in nearly five months. how did it even get here?

i took the necklace, clasping it at the back of my neck. i played with it for a second while my eyes glanced around the interior of the jeep. confusion fell over me, weighing me down like a brick. my stomach twisted in knots and my breathe hitched in my throat.

what the hell was i doing sitting in this piece of crap jeep?


the next morning i stepped out of my car, slamming the door shut behind me. i clutched my biology textbook to my chest, swinging my bag around my shoulder. the heels of my boots clicked against the pavement below me as i made my way through the student parking lot and towards the school.

my eyes caught sight of the jeep from last night, making me slowly stop in my tracks. turning towards it, i eyed it curiously. my stomach churned and my head felt jumbled. i had this feeling running through me, a sense of longing. i felt like something was missing.

"are you coming?" liam asked, causing me to look over at him.

"yeah, i'll be right there. you go on." liam nodded and made his way into the school. i let out a sigh, turning my attention back to the jeep.

i woke up this morning with a feeling of emptiness.
the feeling that something was off, something was different. it kind of felt wrong.

the blue jeep stuck out amongst the other cars like a sore thumb. it must have sat there all night. it made my stomach churn, a funny feeling spreading all through my body.

i just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. you know that feeling you get when you know you're supposed to remember something, when you feel like you had something to do, but you just can't remember. that's what i was experiencing. it was so beyond frustrating.

my eyes then landed on something sat on top of the hood. a butterfly. it looked like the one from last night. black wings, purple and blue speckles on the tops. it was beautiful. i had seen it before that, too. in a field with allison, during a lacrosse game. but i had no idea what was being said during those memories, who i was talking about, the stories behind them.

i knew the basics. i knew i was dreaming when i was in that field, and allison's lips moved in my memory but i had no idea what she was saying. i knew that during the lacrosse game we were trying to figure out who the beast was, and liam had tried to face off against it. i knew that i was helping someone, and that an hour later i was choking melody out with my mind but i had no idea what it meant. i had no idea what the butterfly symbolized.

i let out a sigh, tearing my eyes away from the old vehicle before making my way towards the building. it was probably nothing. i was probably just overthinking.

my free hand fiddled with the necklace around my neck while my other clutched my book tightly. i made my way through the doors, my legs slowing again as i came to a stop in the middle of the hallway. my eyes darted around the hall, mind spiralling and my stomach feeling uneasy. i felt my hand shaking, which made me only grip on tighter to the book. my eyes landed on corey and mason, then liam and hayden. they slowly travelled away from them, eyeing the wall of lockers. something was wrong. something was missing.

what was i supposed to do? what was i supposed to remember?

"you okay?" malia's voice came into ear shot and i slowly looked over at her.

"what's wrong?" lydia asked, looking at me with worry. i sighed, slowly looking away and at the tiled floor beneath us.

"i have this feeling that i was supposed to do something." i muttered.

"do what?" scott asked, coming to a stop in front of me, placing himself beside lydia. i looked between the three, a frown on my lips.

"i can't remember."

authors note:
chxrry9ie threatened my life so here's a severely unedited chapter

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32.8K 553 24
(EDITING) 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 Liam Dunbar finds himself entangled with the youngest Stilinksi, who happens to be a witch alternative universe [ liam dunb...