~my sweet little believer~


10.1K 321 236

How did it happen? ~He met you by chance one night, and no matter how hard you try, you can't escape him. Ev... More

!attention all readers!
~the first sighting~
~meeting the darkness~
~got you now~
~welcome home~
~sweetheart's bedroom~
~the gift~
~jack frost~
~getting home~
~do it pitch~
~please love me~

~closing in~

829 33 19

_(Y/n)'s POV_
I slept pretty soundly last night, which was a relief of course, but also kind of suspicious. I can't stop questioning the intentions of the intruder from the night before. Did they want to steal? Kidnap one of us? Maybe just scare us? It's still so confusing, but I'm not going to dwell on it and let it ruin my day. I head downstairs to the kitchen and make some eggs, pancakes, and bacon for me and (S/n) (Or whatever you want to eat for breakfast). I walk to (S/n)'s room and drag them out of bed by their legs.

"Come on brat, I made breakfast" I laugh as they pull themselves away from my arms. "Wait, where are Mom and Dad?" They sleepily ask. "They had to go to (place), and they knew you wouldn't want to go so early, so I'm gonna watch you for a little bit today," I told them.

They just nod their head and follow me back to the kitchen. After we have breakfast, (S/n) goes to watch TV and I go to the bathroom to take a shower. For some reason, I felt like it was a bad idea to leave (S/n) alone, so I promise myself that I'll go fast just in case.

After a ten minute shower, I make my way back into the living room only to see that all of the lights are off. I call my sibling's name to ask why they turned out the lights, but there is no answer. I call again, but this time, I hear someone laugh in return. It isn't (S/n)'s voice that I hear. Fear fills me, stuffing my throat like cotton, and I am suddenly very desperate to find my little sibling, hoping that they are alright. But I can't bring myself to move. Even without the lights, the stormy day outside gives just enough light through the window to see in front of me.

The sand. Large spots of the black sand from before are swirling around on the floor and the walls. It begins to close in around me, blocking all exits and sources of light. Just before it traps me, I feel an arm pull me backwards, breaking me away from my spot on the floor. I come crashing through the barrier of sand, landing on the tiled hallway floor. I pull myself off of the floor to face the person who grabbed me, and surprisingly see the terrified face of (S/n).

They pull me into a shaky hug and start to cry into my shoulder. "We have to get out of here," they whisper. With that, they run down the hall, keeping a tight grip on my hand all the while. We make it to my room and (S/n) slams and locks the door, pulling me into the furthest corner of the room and motioning for me to lean down to their level.

"We can't let him in... he's dangerous (Y/n). He'll try and scare us because it makes him happy when we're scared." I can't understand what they are saying. Who is "him" and why is he in our house?

I then get the sensation of something brushing up against my arms and waist. Quickly turning, I pull (S/n) behind me and face the corner that we were standing in. Black sand is creeping out of the wall and traveling towards us, fast. (S/n) gives a small shriek, which soon turns into nothing but teary whimpers.

I'm not sure what to do, I have no way out of this, seeing as how the sand is blocking the exit again. Dammit, this would be a great time to have my phone on me. But I don't, I think back to when I placed it on the kitchen counter, and I have no way to contact my parents or the police without it right now.

I feel the hot prick of tears sting my eyes, and a large wave of pressure build in my throat. The sand continues to get closer, until there is only two feet of space for me and (S/n) to squeeze into. I feel the adrenaline kick in, and I know then that I can't let anything happen to either of us.

Without anything else to do, I just pull (S/n) close to shelter them, close my eyes and scream, "Leave us alone you bastard!" To my surprise, everything goes eerily quiet. I'm hesitant to open my eyes, waiting for anymore signs of danger. I then hear a low laugh, feeling a presence appear much too close to me.

I open my eyes and frantically scan my eyes in the direction of the voice, only to be met with darkness. It's still pitch black in the room, probably because the sand is covering the windows. (S/n) is now completely silent, except for their erratic breathing and extreme heartbeat. The quiet is almost more unsettling than the chaos. Almost.

Again I tremble at the sound of small chuckles, except this time, they come from everywhere around us, like the voice they belong to is disembodied. I turn fast, trying to follow the voice, while also keeping (S/n) snuggled against me. We're both tripping over our own feet in an attempt to move fast enough to keep up.

I stop turning when I manage to catch some movement in the darkness. It's small, but within the still room it is easy to spot. I keep my eyes trained on the moving object as it begins to travel around us in circles. I catch the voice laughing again, and this time, I am absolutely positive about where it is coming from.

I keep (S/n) as far away from the movement as I can, seeing now that it's a shadow. Wait...a shadow? Yes, there is indeed a shadow, but there's no one attached to it. I begin to panic, and all of my instincts beg and plead for me to run. Run to wherever the door is and rip my way through the sand until I get both of us out of this room.

Just when I think I can't be anymore worked up, the shadow suddenly disappears, and it's voice begins to speak to us...or me. "Well this is certainly a treat. You know, I thought that maybe I would have to wait a little while longer to meet you... but here you are."

I can't breathe. I can't breath. This isn't real. I fell asleep after my shower, or maybe I never woke up to begin with. I'll accept any explanation, expect for the chance that this is real. I don't respond to the voice, I only close my eyes tight enough to make them hurt and wish that everything would just stop.

"Oh my... so much fear on you two. I can't tell which I like more, the fear that you feel for each other's safety or the fear that you feel for your own. I wonder what I could do to make you even more terrified...although based on how you look now, that might not be possible."

I still don't respond to the ominous being, only pulling (S/n) closer and focusing on not breaking down in tears right here and now. I hear the small movements of the sand as it begins to close in again, causing me to tense up. Once again, the man laughs and continues to circle me, but I choose to ignore him completely this time. Bad idea.

"Hello..." He is closer this time, and I can feel his breath on my ear and my cheek. I let out a small noise of fear and step back with (S/n) still in my arms, shaking. I use my last bit of courage to open my eyes, and see something that I never expected. It's a man, like I thought. But just one look and I can clearly see that he isn't any normal man. He has smooth, dark grey skin, with no visible imperfections in sight.

He also has no eyebrows, instead sporting a head of spiked black hair, that seems to sparkle ever so slightly. He's tall, at least 7 feet, and is wearing long black robes that seem to slowly fade into mist at the end of the train and sleeves. It looks as though he has black tights of some kind on, with his robe splitting along the top of his chest. But I notice one thing in particular. His eyes.

His eyes are the same eyes that I saw in the closet the first time I saw the intruder. Striking yellow eyes, that seem to be able to see straight into your soul. It was him. The intruder that brought me and my sibling so much fear is right here in front of me. Mocking us.

Playing some kind of sick game with us. I keep my eyes locked with the man's for a few seconds, trying to make sense of all of this. He snickers at the display in front of him, shooting a chilling and toothy smile in my direction, and uttering 8 words that make my heart abruptly stop.
"Just as pretty as I thought you'd be."

~See you soon~

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