Born a Rogers and fell in lov...

By SebStanxo

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So your Steve's don't know who your mum is...Your powers are teleportation,,super strength and... More

Paying a visit to the compound!
Lets partyyy!!
Sam's birthday ruined..
4 weeks later...
Meeting sharon..
Dinner out again?
Day in the compound...
2 weeks later
6 days later...
Gradution 🎓
Where did you go?
You could come with us?...
1 year later...
Home time...
We thinks its time to say goodbye...
He has actually left..
The babys here...
Home time...
8 years later...
Saying goodbye...
Slowly moving on...
The surprise...
Please dont be mad...
A couple days later...
Have you made any friends?...
The maldives...
The maldives part 2!
The game..
2 months later...
1 week later...
3 weeks later..
Appointment finished..
8 months later...
Settling in..
First day back at work...
Family day out..
Harrison hurts someone..
Sneaking about!
Back at the compound..
3rd day at the compound...
Back at home...
After halloween...
Nats sister...
Another surprise...
The anniversary..
A notice!
1 year and some months later..
Harrisons girlfriend..
the talk!
a couple days later
the argument!
the next day
slowly progressing!
a couple werid days later...
Harrison runs away with Avery!
the twins birthday..
3 years later...
the goodbye...
peters sleeps over!
long boring night...
a job offer...
flying to Romania..
back where u belong...
the morning after...
Hes back for now..
The last chapter...

3 months later

84 0 0
By SebStanxo

Your on the way back to the compound after being 3 months away travelling the world...You Texted Bucky every night and you haven't broke dyed your hair while being've got a have your nails have a tattoo on your wrist what says bucky...nobody knows about this only you and Zemo...

Your in the cab to the compound your excited...the taxi guys drops you off at the bottom of the gates and you turn invisible so they don't see you walking up the drive...
You walk through the door and come back to yourself and shout
"Guess who's home?"-y/n
They are in the living room
"Y/n!!"-Wanda and Nat
They come and hug you first
Tony and the rest welcome you back and talk about your new hair..
Your dad and Bucky walk through the front door and see you
Bucky runs into your arms and gives you a hug
"Omg I'm missed you so much"-Bucky
"Yes I know you did baby"-y/n
He starts kissing you
"Okay okay let me hug my dad I haven't saw him too You know"-y/n
You go and hug your dad
"Welcome home honey"-Steve
You pull away
"Thanks dad..."-y/n
Nat hugs your dad and says who wants to tell her?
"Tell me what"-y/n
"Well your dad proposed the night you left and we're getting married tomorrow"-Nat
You look at your dad
"And Nat wants you to be her maid
Of honour?"-Steve
"Yeah Ofcourse I will"-y/n
You hug her
"Well looks like I'm going shopping with bucky"-y/n
You grab his hands and your credit card
"Let's go"-y/n
Poor Bucky didn't have a chance to say anything
You go to your car and your driving to the mall
"Okay so I need to get a dress which I'm not sure what to can help me pick..."-y/n
"Yeah sure I would really like that"-Bucky
"Do you need anything from the mall I'll pay?"-y/n
"I don't think so"-Bucky
You speed off straight to the mall
You both get there and you both walk in holding hands...
"I've missed being with you"-y/n
"But did you have good time"-Bucky
"Yeh absolutely...I want clubbing again but I weren't drinking that much...I went swimming in oceans...snorkelling...I went skydiving...I went on a ton of beaches...theme parks...water parks much more but yeah"-y/n
"All that fun without me? And you did this by yourself?"-Bucky
"I had company and I met these nice girls in Bora Bora and stayed with them for a couple of nights"-y/n
Your walking into a shop and you pick out this dress...

The person at the till puts it in a nice bag and you walk out the shop and go into a few other shops..
You walk past a lingerie shop
"I think you need some more of those"-Bucky
"Stop it.."-you smile
"What I'm just saying"-he smiles
"I bought some when I was away so yeah"-y/n
"Really? Can't wait to see you in them"-Bucky
"You wish"-y/n
Your walking back to the car and Bucky wants to drive this time...
He gets in and then you do and he speeds off down the mall call park and back home to the compound...
You get back home and you go put your dress upstairs...
You walk around the compound for a bit and Jarvis told you that tony,,Pepper,,Peter,,Wanda,,Nat,,Steve had gone to sort out the venues for tomorrow
So it's just you..Sam..Bucky..Bruce..loki..thor In the compound..
You go into parts of the compound you haven't seen before properly like Tony's go in and start looking at stuff like his get bored and you leave his lab
You go back to your room and you decide to take a go into the bathroom and start to strip and you get into your robe and walk back into your bedroom..where bucky was
"You going in the shower doll?"-Bucky
"Can I join"-Bucky
"Yeah why not you kinda smelly too"-you smirk
You both walk back into the bathroom and you both get in the shower...
He starts pinning you against the shower wall...
"This is payback for leaving me for 3 months"-Bucky
He starts kissing you...
And that leads on too something more
And your basically getting railed as the hot shower steam bounces of the walls...
You finish in the shower and your kinda limping...
You get into this for the rest of the night

You and Bucky get into bed...
Your legs are shaking
"I'm sorry did I go to hard"-Bucky
"Yeah you did...we have a wedding tomorrow"-y/n
"Oh well nobody would be able to see your legs anyways under that dress"-Bucky
"Well that's a good thing"-y/n
You end up falling asleep on his chest while watching Netflix....
You wake up in the morning at 9am
And it's your dads wedding...Bucky is already up working out in his little gym in your room...
"Bet your dad is nervous!"-Bucky
"Yeah I know I should go check on him"-y/n
You walk out of your room and go to his room and you walk in on him and Nat doing it...
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I'll just go wash my eyes out with bleach"-y/n
You run back to your room
"I saw them having seggs"-y/n
"You've done it before you'll be fine"-Bucky
Wanda comes in
"Morning guys the ceremony starts at 11am...make sure your at the church by 10:45am please"-Wanda
"Okay thank you wanda"-y/n
She smiles and walks out...
"I better start with my hair and makeup then takes me ages on some occasions"-y/n
"Yeah you do that"-Bucky
You go to your dressing table and start

It's around 10:25am now everyone is ready and you just need to get in your put it on

You and Bucky go downstairs and you decide to set off to go to the church...

It's around 11:55am
Everyone is at the church and your waiting outside for Nat cause your her maid of honour...and Bucky is Steve's best man...the priest is at the altar with Steve and bucky and finally Nat comes
"Okay I'm here.."-Nat
She looks at you
"Oh my you look so gorgeous"-Nat
"So do you.."-y/n
You hug her
"Are you ready? You go in first"-Nat
The music starts
You go in first walking down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers and you reach the altar and stand just behind where Nat stands
Your dad mouths to you..
"You look beautiful"
You smile
Next Nat comes down and your dad looks like he's proud of himself which he should be...
She reaches him and he grabs her hands
The priest starts and everyone sits...
Steve and Nat reach their vows and your dad goes first..
(They are made up)
"Natasha romanoff...My wife to be...I'll help you through health and by your side when needed..I had my first love and your my second and last...Your beautiful..gorgeous everything a man could ask for...I've had amazing memories with you so far and can't wait to make more"-Steve
She says hers and then the priest does his bit and now they are husband and wife and now Nat is officially your new step mum...
Nat and Steve walk down the aisle together out to the cars and to the after find bucky in the crowd and you get in your car and head straight to the party's which is on a beach...
The party starts and everyone is having a good time so far
You go over to your dad at the bar
"You did good back there...mum would be proud of you for moving on"-Y/n
"Yeah I know she would"-Steve
You grab a coke
"Staying sober now"-y/n
"Good that's how it should be"-Steve
You walk away and the party goes on
Everyone is dancing..singing..eating..drinking and near to the end of the night your dad makes a speech
"Please can I have everyone's I would like to say thank you for attending mine and my lovely wife's wedding this morning...and I hope your enjoying the party...I would also say thank you to my daughter for giving me more chances and stop arguing over stupid things....and I'm really happy for you and bucky and I'm sorry about the incident with you know"-Steve
He carries on talking...
You look to your right and in the distance Zemo is standing there...
He nods his head and mouth
"It's gonna be okay"
"I know it will be...thank you for everything"-you mouth back
He walks into the distance towards the sea...You follow on after him
You take off your heels
And run in the sand up to where he is
Buckys confused as always
"Are you gonna be alright if I leave again"-Zemo
"I think so anyways"-y/n
"I've had a great time in those 3 months with you...felt so real to me"-Zemo
"Yeah...look I need to say something but it might sound crazy but you gotta believe me"-y/n
"Go on?"-Zemo
"So when I absorbed two new powers...speaking to the dead and basically telekinesis...I think I could learn weird spells to bring you back"-y/n
"Have you tried before"-Zemo
"I don't really use my powers so why should I?"-Y/n
"Well I've learned if you use candles it's better I don't know but try it..."-Zemo
"Yeah I would love to bring you back but first I need to speak to the team first"-y/n
"Yeah they wouldn't like the idea"-Zemo
"They would but only if you promise to change"-y/n
"You've made me change y/n..."-Zemo
"good that's really nice to hear"-y/n
There's footsteps behind you
"Your lover is here"-Zemo
You turn around
"So when I get home I'm gonna try...but alone though just because Till I've told the team"-y/n
"Hey who you talking too?"-Bucky
"Oh just talking to someone who's just passing by..."-y/n
"You should go.."-Zemo
"I'll speak to you soon when I'm about to start"-y/n
"Goodbye y/n"-Zemo
You close your eyes and open the back up
"You ready to leave...your dad and Nat is leaving soon for the honeymoon"-Bucky
"Yeah let's head back to the car"-y/n
You both go back to the car and he drives back because you didn't want too
Eventually you get back to the compound and he carries you inside and takes you inside...
You go to the library downstairs
(Pretend they do)
You start looking at old dusty books and one of them say
~Death spells~
You grab the book and start to flick through the pages and you find a page where it says
/Bring a love one back from the other side/
You look down underneath it and it'ssays a lot of weird words
You run back upstairs and you decided to go into your room because nobody will go in there cause everyone thinks your staying in buckys room...
You start lighting candles around the room and you place the book in the middle of the room...
You start looking at the page and it just says the spell and something else
You wipe the dust of and you can see it says
1.)Pour your blood into a bowl and grab something of theirs..
You grab a metal bowl and zemos bracelet you kept...
2.) put it in the bowl of blood and then mix together and start the spell
You slit a line in your hand and pour it into the bowl
You wrap your hand up in tissue...
You put his bracelet in the bowl and Mix it
"Club 29"-y/n
He appears on your bed
"That was quick"-Zemo
He looks at your hand
"Your bleeding what happened?"-Zemo
"It's apart of the spell so I can bring you back"-Y/n
"No your hurt I demand you to stop"-Zemo
"No let me handle this"-y/n
You look at the spell and start saying the spell...
(I don't know what to say for this bit so yeah)
Your eyes are shut....the candles flame are getting bigger now
The room starts to feel dull
"This doesn't feel right"-Zemo
Your not answering...
You can feel it not working
Nothing is working...
You open your eyes
The candle lights get blown out
"Why is it not working...I'm doing everything right"-Y/n
"Y/n just sit down it looks like that took a lot of energy out of you"-Zemo
You start panicking which makes you faint on the floor leaving a big thud that Bucky heard...
He runs into your room
"Everything Alright?"-Bucky
He takes a look around he sees you and and your hand
"What the hell is happening oh shit your bleeding"-Bucky
He picks u up and runs you downstairs..Bruce isn't here
It's only peter and Sam
He rushes u into the car and speeds off to the longer than five minutes he pulled into the hospital and he rushes you in and they put you on a bed
"What's happened"-nurse
"I don't know I heard a loud thud upstairs and saw her like this"-Bucky
"Okay don't worry about it we can take it from here just go sign in reception and I'll be with you shortly"-Nurse
He goes and checks in
After waiting three hours the nurse from before comes up to him
"James Barnes?"-Nurse
"Y/n is awake she's fine just got a big cut in her arm...lost a lot of blood and whatever she did drained most of the life out of her but from that she's fine"-nurse
"Can I go see her?"-bucky
"Yeah sure"-nurse
He rushes down the corridor and walks into your room to see you on the phone with your dad
"Dad I'm fine I just tried doing something what I shouldn't of done"-y/n
"And what was that? Bucky tolf me he found You surrounded by candles..a dusty book and a bowl of blood...YOUR BLOOD"-Steve
"Dad I'm sorry i screwed up it didn't work"-y/n
"What didn't work...omg you used your powers didn't you?"-Steve
He starts to click on now...
"Y/ tried bringing him back didn't you?"-Steve
You look at Bucky
"Knew it...y/n it could of killed you!"-Steve
"Well it didn't cause it didn't work...actually forget it have a nice honeymoon"-Y/n
You end the phone
"Are you okay?"-Bucky
"Yeah I'm fine just lost a lot of blood than usual"-Y/n
"What happened"-Bucky
"I just tried doing a spell with my powers what didn't work but I'm alright"-y/n
"Good you really scared me back there"-Bucky
"Look I'm fine buck...I can handle myself! I just want to get out of this hospital"-y/n
"Have they discharged you yet?"-Bucky
"Well then go invisible and let's go"-Bucky
"Yes doll lets go"-Bucky
You get out of bed and go invisible
You and Bucky go straight to the car and you get in passenger seat...
You come back as he drives out of the car park...
"Feels good"-Y/n
"I know right I wouldn't like to be in that place all the time"-Bucky
Your phone pings
It's Nat
There's a picture of them sat in the airplane
You ignore it
"Is the team gonna be back at home when we get back?"-y/n

You let time pass when you get home...
Tony has dinner ready for you all but they don't know about you doing a runner from the hospital...when you 1 dinner you decide to snoop around in your dads room you start searching through his draws and you see a baby scan photos
"What the"-y/n
On the scan there's only like a little bean
You put the back and try to forget about it...
For the rest of the night you spent time with bucky and you decide to do yoga and have play fights around the compound...

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