She's Mine

By scarletwidow06

80.2K 1.8K 187

Maggie Connors was Bucky's main target for his bullying in their younger days! Now she's become the object of... More

(1) Elementary Days
(2) Puberty,Middle School and Divorce
(3) The Big Move, 8th grade Begins and MIA
(4) Picking For You
(6) What Are You Doing Here?
(7) Flirty Maggie,Greek Row & Puck Bunnies
(8) Maggie's Secret Is Out
(9) Can't Get Her Out of My head
(10) Maggie's Prelim
(11) Stay Away From Them
(12) Don't Flirt With Her
(13) Olympic Gold
(14) You're My Girl,I'm Nobody's Girl
(15) Sophomore Year Begins & New Roomies
(16) Green Eyed Monster
(17) Stay Away From Her
(18) Overhead Oral
(19) Breakups Are Hard
(20) Super Possessive
(21) The Smack Heard Around Campus
(22) Meet Langston Fitz
(23) Summer of Love
(24) Formal Dances & Breakdowns
(25) Another Break up & Broken Heart
(26) Buck's Bad Night
(27) I Love You
(28) First Date
(29) No Added Pressure
(30) Valentine's Day Weekend In NY
(31) Barnes Is In Love
(32) Dance Moves
(33) Jealousy Rears It's Ugly Head
(34) US Olympics & Critcism
(35) Bucky's Birthday
(36) A Proposal Fit For A Ice Princess
(37) NHL Draft
(38) Winter Wonderland Wedding
(39) Baby Girl Barnes

(5) Welcome to Harvard

2.3K 56 1
By scarletwidow06

Six months later

"Alright boys here we are." Bucky said as they pulled up in front of a house.

Sam,Steve, Clint and Pietro all got out of their cars. "Damn Barnes your dad set us up nice." Pietro said 

"He's the best!" Sam said 

"Yeah.." he said as they all went in. 

Bucky looked down. "If you only knew." He whispered 

They got their cars unloaded since the house was fully furnished and James was paying the bills on it. Everyone picked the room but Bucky got the master suite. Once they were done they all headed to meet their coaches. 

Bucky went to the ice rink with Pietro. Once they had their skates on they joined the team on the ice. 

"Good afternoon boys. I'm Richard Halston the coach here at Harvard. Welcome to Harvard Crimson Ice Hockey. So let's get you all acquainted with your other team mates and start some practice boys get us use to playing with new team players." Coach Halston said 

He pulled his clip board out. "My three forwards are James Barnes III." Coach Halston said 

"You can just call me Bucky Barnes." Bucky said as he took his jersey.

He could hear the whispers behind him. Richard blew his whistle "That's enough..Bucky it is." Richard said as he looked back down at his clipboard.

"My other two forwards are Dylan Westbrook and Logan Davenport." He read off as they took their jerseys.

Richard continued passing out jerseys to his other freshmen Hunter Fitz,Deacon Brooks and Pietro. 

"Okay I'm bringing some of our upper classmen to help us with practice. Hunter I'm sure you already know one of them. Go in the locker room find your locker with your pads and suit up. You got 15 minutes." Richard said as blew his whistle. 

Meanwhile, across campus was Maggie Connors with her two best friends Carlie Westbrook and Maci Fitz. They were making their up to their suite to meet their other two room mates. When they walked in with their suitcases they met Genesis Sanchez and Shayla Graham.

The girls found their rooms and got to know each other over some Chinese food. 

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