Starcrossed (Sequel to Apocal...

By blackdust

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(Okay guys this is the Sequel to Apocalypse so if you haven't read that story you wouldn't get this story so... More

Starcrossed (Sequel to Apocalypse)
Chapter 1- Shattered
Chapter 2- Melancholy
Chapter 3- Enmity
Chapter 4- Nightmare
Chapter 5- Beginning
Chapter 6- Changes
Chapter 7- Unforseen
Chapter 8- Misconception
Chapter 9- Euphoric
Chapter 10- Content
Chapter 11 - Attribrute
Chapter 12 - Salutations
Chapter 13 - Arrangements
Chapter 14 - Unity
Chapter 15 - Intuition
Chapter 16 - Apprehension
Chapter 17 ~ Trueness
Chapter 18 ~ Outspoken
Chapter 19 ~ Interlace
Chapter 20 ~ Ensemble
Chapter 21 ~ Disclosure
Chapter 22 ~ Carousal
Chapter 24 ~ Hitch
Chapter 25 ~ Homecoming
Chapter 26 ~ Fortuitous
Chapter 27 ~ Matrimony
Chapter 28 ~ Auspicious
Chapter 29 ~ Controversy
Chapter 30 ~ Compromise
Chapter 31 ~ Complications
Chapter 32 ~ Confinement
Chapter 33 ~ Rejoice
Chapter 34 ~ Corruption
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 35 ~ Vale
Midlight Has Been Posted (Well the prologue)

Chapter 23 ~ Sync

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By blackdust

Chapter 23 ~ Sync

*~* Max's POV *~*

"So why are we here?" I asked, hoping that someone would reply.

"You guys are going to have the first dance on the wedding and it has to be special for you guys," Aubrey replied fleetingly, as we walked though the plainly decorated corridors of a dance studio.

"But Aubrey we already know how do dance, we don't need dance lessons," Amelia interjected, her hand leaving mine so she could wrap it around my waist, only so I could do the same for her.

"You two would be amateur dancers. Plus, one lesson isn't going to kill you is it?" Aubrey replied, giving us a brief glance.

It had been more than a few days since we had been here, in Scotland. And today it was Aubrey's genius idea to drag everyone to a dance class. Though I can't complain, when would I ever say no to Amelia being in my arms?

"We didn't claim that we didn't want to be here. Simply, stating why we shouldn't," I pointed out, at this point we just entered a studio. The mirror with band, wooden floor was a dead give away. In the room there were 2 women and a man waiting, smiling amiably.

"Hello, you are the two o'clock group aren't you?" The older redhead asked, her strong Scottish accent sounding completely foreign to my ears.

"Yes that is correct," Aubrey replied her voice sounding nothing less than professional.

"Splendid. I am Allison, this is Alan and Christie who would be assisting me today. May I be presented with the bride and groom to be?" She said, first gesturing to the two people accompanying her.

"We're here, our names are Max and Amelia," Amelia spoke, this time letting go of my waist to grab my hand and to tug me over to the front.

Allison smiled warmly, opening her mouth to say, "You two are a lovely, cute couple and very young as well."

If only you knew how old we really were I thought.

"We get that a lot, but we've been together for such a long time it feels like forever," Amelia replied smiling.

"Oh lovely, well for now do you mind if I separate you two up? Christie will start off with you Max and Alan will start with Amelia. Is that okay?" I was pretty reluctant to Allison's order. Not wanting any other male apart from family and friends to touch her.

"Ur... okay, yeah that would be okay. I guess..." Amelia trailed awkwardly. After what seemed a long couple seconds I let go of Amelia and sauntered over to the younger girl and Amelia the guy.

Who, now couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her making me immediately tense.

I took a deep breath, attempting to ditch the urge to smash his skull. Amelia gave a smile, using the telepathic link we had to start soothing me.

"Okay, so you are doing the traditional waltz aren't you?" Allison asked.

"That is correct."

Allison nodded at my agreement and looked other to everyone else. "If you would like to take a seat to observe you may. You will be required shortly."

They nodded, perching themselves to the side of the room where there was long leather couch.

"Okay, so please enter the embrace. That is, males hold the waist and one hand ans females hold the shoulder and hand," Allison ordered, I did so. Christie's hand feeling awfully small in mine and cold making me instantly yearn for Amelia's touch. Amelia was looking at the guy but avoiding eye contact, her eyes averted to me her lips forming a little smile.

"Okay I'll set the music then let's start."


We didn't have to stay in the unwanted embraces for too long, which I have to be glad about. Christie felt the need to claw her fake nails into my shoulder and even with the tougher skin, it was beginning to hurt. However, that didn't bother me as much as Alan was, he pulled Amelia close whenever he got the chance and I was pretty sure his hand went lower than her waist.

How pathetic could a guy get? He knows she's going to get married and he knows that her fiance is in the same room. So what nerve does he have with his wandering fingers and eyes. If it was up to me he would be dead already. Amelia knew my tension, she could feel it from across the room as she danced and I was pretty sure everyone else could too. The uneasy smiles that Amelia threw to me weren't the best source of leisure either only showing that he didn't like what he was doing any less than I did.

Yet exchanging glances wasn't the easiest of movements when we were instructed to give our partners eye contact. Christie's eyelids were fluttering at a rate I assumed her fake lashes would fall off.

I only had to endure two songs, I had Amelia by my side not too long after. We gave the excuse of already knowing how to dance and being quick learners - it wasn't even a lie.

Amelia held my shoulder gently where it was previous clawed and I gripped her waist; her hand feeling perfect in mine as opposed to Christie's disproportionate one.

"This feels much better," Amelia whispered as the music serenaded us as we waltz on the wooden dance floor potraying a perfect example of two professional dancers, just with us we had more grace.

"You two seem like naturals, in virtually no time you'll have it all," Allison praised, smiling widely and lowering the volume of the stereo. "Now twirls and dips."


The dance class soon finished. Which I had to say I was happy about. The dancing wasn't bad at all, it was fun, I guess especially with everyone soon participating but it was the constant attention Amelia was given by Alan.

I knew very well he wasn't going to be a dilemma, but was it really necessary to look at my fiance that way? Well up to the point I threatened him. Telepathically, giving him the illusion he was going mental. His wide eyed response to my threat was enough to the smirk I had on my face.

"Finally, I bet you Max would've literally killed that guy with his eyes if we were in there longer!" Gabriel said as soon as we walked out the studio, towards our transportation.

"What would you do if someone was checking out your fiance in front of you?" I challenged, an arched eyebrow and crossed arms meeting the words.

"Ah, I understand you there. But bro, he looked like he was going to pee himself and that would be nasty. Imagine the stench of that!" He shuddered at the words, causing a few chuckles from everyone else. Amelia rolled her eyes, leaning against the motorcycle I had rented holding the helmet.

"Well that would be a scene I guess... I'm glad Christie kept at bay without me intervening," she spoke, smirking at her older brother who scowled.

"Her eyelashes couldn't come off fast enough and she's got claws," he complained, rubbing his shoulder. Amelia gave a sympathetic smile.

"Look at the bright side it could be worse."

"Gee thanks," Damien grumbled.

"It could be she could've tried to kiss you," I pointed out.

"Well then I thank the Lord, for making my expense more bearable."

"Stop being such a sour puss Damien, it's over. You nigh never see her again," Aubrey said before turning to Amelia and I.

"So what are you guys doing?" She questioned.

"Oh, you know..." Amelia trailed slyly, giving me a wink.

"You dirty, dirty girl. Please no sexual innuendoes when we're around," Gabriel scolded.

Amelia rolled her eyes, "I meant we were just going to go for a picnic? What's sexual about that?" Amelia questioned innocently. I arched my eyebrows at her, not aware that we had made plans for us.

"Oh well you know - "

"And that's a wrap Gabe," Eva interjected, stopping his sentence.

"Have fun you two," She said, smiling at us after rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.


"Okay done," I told Amelia, who was just sitting on the kitchen counter swaying her legs endlessly watching me make the picnic. She hopped off with a checkered banker in her hands, skipping over to me.

"Awesome," She said, pausing for a moment. "But you do know most of it will be consumed by you, right?"

I chuckled, "Yes I do know that's why there isn't much packed. Do you want to make me fat?"

"Maybe so. You'll be more cuddly that way," she teased, smiling cheekily.

"And what about my abs? Wouldn't you miss those?"

"Touché," Amelia replied, smirking before continuing. "Very, very true though."

"C'mon, at this rate we'll miss the sunset," I told her, pressing my lips to her head and grabbing her waist and picnic basket.

We walked out the house, the sky still illuminated my blue, but the sun hiding behind a cloud.

"So where is this place?" I asked Amelia curiously.

"Curious aren't we?" She questioned, smiling cheekily, "And it's not too far away but walking distance but it's perfect."

"Okay, okay," I said, living the comfortable silence that graced us but feeling weird at the same time.

I wasn't at all used to Amelia taking me to places, it was almost as if we swapped the role ever since we came to Scotland. It made me feel almost useless, reason to why I made the picnic.

We walked through the woods, the trees reminding me of the ones back at home reminding me I had to ring my Mom again this week, just to see how everyone was. We soon arrived at some more hilly parts of the forest. We sauntered up the hill in silence. The sun soon die to set as we stopped walking.

"Well this is a place I used to think a lot. Especially when I didn't want to be by the house, somewhere I guess I could escape from everything," Amelia told, an emotionless look covering her face as she looked at the sky.

"You know you should really let it go Amelia. It still hurts you that you left; I know that, but I don't care because you're here and I know you won't leave me or vice versa. I won't let it happen," I assured her, placing tthe basket on the ground and grabbing her hips to bring her closer to me.

She looked at me, her eyes wide and softening. "I love you Maxie."

"As I love you," I replied, bringing a smile on her face. She leaned in to kiss me on the lips. A kiss that didn't have no ulterior motives just soft and gentle. One of the kisses I wish she never does because it always makes me want more. But doesn't all the kisses?

She dropped the blanket, it landing by our feet; not that we cared. I weaved my fingers through her hair, tightening the hold I had on her.

It was only when she leaned back, almost remembering something. She looked at the sky, the sun semi hiding in the horizon, the rays causing our skin to sparkle.

"As sappy as I'm going to sound right now I don't care because every moment I spend with you is a beautiful dream come true," she whispered, her face turning turning towards me. Her face looking extremely beautiful as the sun started to disappear. A smile graced her lips, she looked so happy that I wanted to pause the moment forever but I had to respond with something as equally as cheesy.

"And the best thing about this sunset? I'm spending it with you."


I have school tomorrow :( though it feels like it's been months it's been only two weeks, 16 days to be exact.

Sigh, I have the two worst lessons to start the year with. Yay me.

But enough about that. What did you guys think? I didn't like how this chapter was written :/ it should be better but it's because it's yet another filler.

The next one was going to be one too but I just can't write another one, no way. So I'm going to get the point.

NEXT UPLOAD: I'm hoping Wednesday, but I have school so like... Friday at the latest (hopefully)

I read the comments from the last chapter but I forgot to tally who was most loved so I will put that in the next chapter.

At the side is a pic of vampire Amelia, just not with green eyes! ------------>

Whatcha think?

And Ali and I published a website, it's in the external link! I blog, well I did twice? Check it out --------->

Oh and comment... well I'm curious to be honest. What do you expect what will happen in this story? COMMENT WHAT YOU GUYS THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

Please, it would be interesting to know whether what I have in mind completely unexpected or not.. :)

Anyways, I love you guys! Thank you so much for reading from the bottom of my heart, really :D


No one can beat my randomness ;)

Lots of love! ~ Ciao, Ami xD

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