(Discontinued) Route A - A Cl...

By IceCreamInACan

146K 4.4K 1.3K

This is a Classroom Of The Elite Fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own the original story, it belongs to Shōgo Kinu... More

Just some things to know before reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 5
Making of the deals - Chapter 2 Behind the Scenes
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
20k Special
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
40k Special
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

6.4K 219 133
By IceCreamInACan

After Ayanokouji's interaction with Hiyori, Ayanokouji went back to his classroom.

Ayanokouji arrives at the door of his classroom, he was about to enter until someone called him from the side.

??: Oh, it's you Ayanokouji. Just on time.

Ayanokouji turns to the person who said that and that person was Mashima-sensei.

Ayanokouji: Sensei, good afternoon.

Mashima: Good afternoon to you too, we should get inside now. We're going to waste time if we stay here.

Ayanokouji nods and enters the classroom as Mashima follows Ayanokouji.

Ayanokouji sits down at his seat and stares at the windows.

Ayanokouji: (Really, good bye my peaceful life. We may never meet again. I wonder how they're going to react to this I should prepare myself for the incoming questions later on.)

Mashima-sensei pastes several big pieces of paper on the blackboard.

Mashima: I will give you 4 minutes to look at the results and after the 4 minutes I can entertain your questions if you have any.

Mashima goes to the side after he said that.

The students look at their scores and after confirming that they passed on all subjects they celebrate in a quiet manner. They then look at their classmates scores to see if they failed or not.  They were surprised that Sakayanagi who was the person who usually takes the top spot was ranked second in all subjects and the person who took the top spot was none other than the person who was staring at the window Ayanokouji Kiyotaka but what surprised them more was that Ayanokouji has perfect scores in all subjects.

Katsuragi: (Just how is this possible? There were questions that the school hadn't teach yet he got it correct. Just who are you Ayanokouji?)

Hashimoto: (Woah...)

Kamuro: (I have no words)(Literally, I can't think of words for her in this line)

Sakayanagi was just laughing softly at her classmates reactions.

Ayanokouji: (Ah... Here we go now)

Mashima-sensei goes back to the front of the class.

Mashima: I assume that you're done looking so if you have any questions, ask away.

Random Class A: Sensei, the results aren't wrong right? It's unusual and virtually impossible for Sakayanagi-san to get overtaken in a written test.  I don't believe the results right now even my classmates share my feelings about the results.

The student who said that looked around his classmates as if asking if they share the sentiment as him. His classmates looked at him and nodded.

Mashima: I can assure you that the results are right we even double checked it because the teachers are shocked of the results and couldn't believe it.

The student who said that wanted to say more but figured it was useless.

Mashima: Does anyone have more questions?

Nobody replied.

Mashima: I assume you have none so for the remaining time that you have you can spend it however you want. If you have any questions that you want to ask later, I will be at the staff room. Enjoy your time and good bye.

Mashima-sensei left the classroom after he said that.

Not a single student of Class 1-A left or said anything until someone spoke.

Katsuragi: Do you mind explaining Ayanokouji?

Katsuragi asked Ayanokouji that question with a serious tone .

Ayanokouji: Where do you want me to start?

Katsuragi: Your scores, is it true? Did you cheat?

Ayanokouji: I didn't  cheat, I got those with my own skill.

Katsuragi: It's hard to believe you since you weren't part of the intelligent people in your former class.

Ayanokouji: I don't blame you for that.

Someone then joined in their conversation.

Machida: So wait, all this time you've been holding back?

Ayanokouji: Ah looks like I've been caught, to answer your question yes I was. Surprise....

Ayanokouji said in monotone voice.

Nobody said anything except Sakayanagi as she couldn't hold back laughing quietly anymore.

Sakayanagi laughed for a while then stopped.

Sakayanagi: Hah... Hah... Hah... Now that Ayanokouji-kun answered your doubts should we go now or you have anymore questions or clarifications?

??: Umm... I have, Ayanokouji-san if you truly aced the test can you solve this problem and explain how you got the answer?

Ayanokouji: If that clears your doubts on me, go ahead and ask.

A boy with glasses stood up from his chair, looked at Ayanokouji at spoke.

The boy with glasses went to the blackboard, picked up a chalk and wrote the problem.

??: Well can you answer this problem in Math because I'm sure I got it wrong and want to know the correct answer and formula of it.

Ayanokouji went to the board and solve the problem just within 6 seconds leaving his classmates in a state of shock.

Ayanokouji: So-

Ayanokouji explained how he got the answer after that his other classmates asked him a lot of questions that they were confused of which prompted Ayanokouji to skillfully give and explain the answers in a easy way to understand.

The questioning still continued but Sakayanagi stopped them.

Sakayanagi: Ehem, I suppose that clears your doubts on Ayanokouji-kun right? We should leave now because the sun is starting to go down I'm afraid.

Ayanokouji: (I didn't noticed that so much time had passed during their questioning, I hope I didn't make Sakura wait a lot there. Not to mention that she has issues with people.)

Nobody objected to Sakayanagi as they were tired from the exams and wanted to get back to their dorms and sleep.

Slowly, the left the classroom until nobody remained in the classroom.

 Ayanokouji was in Pallet Café walking towards a table where a girl with pink twin tails was seated at.

Ayanokouji: Sorry for being late Sakura, my classmates were asking me a lot of questions and I forgot about the time due to it.

Sakura was surprised at the person who spoke to her but managed to calm after seeing it was Ayanokouji.

Sakura shake her head left and right.

Sakura: It's fine Ayanokouji-kun it gave me time to prepare .

Ayanokouji: I see.

Ayanokouji took the seat opposite to Sakura's.

Ayanokouji: How are you these days Sakura?

Sakura: I'm fine Ayanokouji-kun, I'm always hanging out with Haruka-chan, Yukimura-kun and Akito-kun.

Ayanokouji: I see that's good.

Ayanokouji: (Looks like my actions during summer break were worth it.)

Sakura: Umm.. How about you Ayanokouji-kun, how's your days lately?

Ayanokouji: I suppose it's been getting hectic.

Sakura: I see... Ayanokouji-kun I have a question do you mind answering it?

Ayanokouji: Go ahead.

Sakura: Ayanokouji-kun, you'll still be my friend even if we're from different classes right?

Ayanokouji just nods.

Seeing that Sakura smiles.

Ayanokouji: (This is my first time seeing Sakura smile like this. I thought that she would cry today, she really has grown a lot. This makes me satisfied.)

Sakura: That's good Ayanokouji-kun, I don't know what I will do if you said no since your my first friend that I made in school.

Ayanokouji: You don't need to worry about that.

Ayanokouji looks behind him and looks back at Sakura.

Ayanokouji: Ah sorry Sakura even though I arrived late, can I go now?  I have to speak with someone.

Sakura: Go ahead Ayanokouji-kun, it's getting late anyways.

Ayanokouji stands up.

Ayanokouji: Bye Sakura.

Sakura: Bye too Ayanokouji-kun.

Ayanokouji: (I didn't expect Sakura to not cry but nonetheless it still achieve my goals, now let's confront my stalker.)

After Ayanokouji left Pallet Café he approaching a person that is walking towards the dormitory.

Ayanokouji: Kamuro.

Kamuro sighs and looks at Ayanokouji.

Kamuro: What do you want?

Ayanokouji: Care to explain why you've been stalking me for the past few days?

Kamuro: I don't know what your talking about.

Ayanokouji: Lying will only make you dig your grave even deeper.

Ayanokouji shows his phone to Kamuro which resulted in her having an irritated face. She saw an audio file of their conversation back when they were in Ayanokouji's room. Ayanokouji played the part where Kamuro said that she was going to betray Sakayanagi then stopped playing the audio file.

Ayanokouji: (This is somewhat of a ridiculous threat because I'm pretty sure Sakayanagi will think that Kamuro said for her task but for our classmates then that's another thing. Either way I wasn't really planning on spreading this as it is useless.)

Kamuro: (Why did I say that. Uh... What a pain.)

Kamuro who knew that lying would only result in Ayanokouji doing something to her that would make her life bad decided to say the truth.

Kamuro: Yeah so what if followed you around?

Ayanokouji: There really isn't any much problem, I just want to know why you did it.

Kamuro ignores Ayanokouji and walks faster.

Ayanokouji just stares at Kamuro's disappearing figure and continues walking towards the dormitory.

Ayanokouji: (Kamuro Masumi, one of Sakayanagi's lackeys if I have to say something about her. There is without a doubt that she is one of the most beautiful girls I saw in my life even if she has her usual scowl on her face. She reminds me of Horikita a lot but somehow I'm getting the feeling that they're different in ways. In terms of academic, physical and social skills I would say that she's on the average side on the spectrum. I only made contact with her when Sakayanagi ordered her to stalk me and during my confrontation with Sakayanagi after the Sports Festival, she seems to be the loyal type of person maybe it's because of Sakayanagi leash on her I suppose. But in terms of usefulness to me in specific situations, I would that she would be mostly be able to do her job well maybe I can ask Sakayanagi to use her sometimes well more likely in the future as I'm going to war soon no I'm already in war. I wonder what will my days be since I basically sacrificed my peaceful life for my freedom that will end in graduation though it did come with additional perks such as Class A, Sakayanagi, Katsuragi, reliable classmates, a teacher that will most likely not blackmail me and force me to work for him and his class and a lot of private points to use on. Well, either way I'm looking forward to it.)

Ayanokouji just kept on walking until he reached the dormitories and went to his own room to rest for the day.


*Flashback to 3 days ago*

Kamuro was sitting down in her seat when Sakayanagi along with Hashimoto and Kito approached her.

Sakayanagi: Good morning Masumi-san.

Hashimoto: Sup Kamuro.

Kito just nodded his head towards Kamuro to signal his greeting to her.

Kamuro: What do you want?

Sakayanagi: Nothing Masumi-san, is it bad for someone to greet his or her friends.

Kamuro: There isn't anything wrong with that-

Sakayanagi: See you even agree with me Masumi-san.

Kamuro: Unless that person is you or someone similar to you.

Sakayanagi: I see, I guess your right Masumi-san.

Kamuro: (That's weird, she still smiled that widely even after I said that. It's normal for the loli to smile even if I insult her or something but for her to smile that widely. Did the loli take the wrong vitamins for her growth or something happened? Either way I'm not that interested.)

Hashimoto who noticed Sakayanagi's unusual gleeful and wide smile decided to ask Sakayanagi about it.

Hashimoto: Princess why are you smiling?

Sakayanagi: Because I want to, can't I smile?

Hashimoto: You can but I never seen you smile like that before.

Kamuro: He's right, did something happen?

Kamuro joined in and asked while looking outside the window.

Sakayanagi: Yes, something did happen Masumi-san.

Kamuro: That better be something great.

Sakayanagi: Oh, it will be Masumi-san.

Kamuro just scoffed and continued looking at the window.

Hashimoto: What is it Princess?

Sakayanagi: It will be a surprise Hashimoto-kun.

Hashimoto: I see.

Hashimoto: (I wonder what it will be, I mean Princess did say that it will be great.)

The door opened and Mashima entered the room.

Mashima: Good morning to you all, take your seats.

The students who weren't in their seats went to theirs and sat down.

Mashima: Before we start class, we have a transfer student that's going to stay here. Make his stay here comfortable.

Everyone aside Sakayanagi furrowed their eyebrows after Mashima-sensei said that.

Mashima: You can enter now.

The door opened and someone enters.

Some of the students were confused as they knew who the student was but understood immediately what's going on.

Ayanokouji who entered the room was now the target of the stares of his new classmates.

Mashima who noticed Ayanokouji's uncomfortable feeling broke the silence that enveloped the room.

Mashima: Ehem, so Ayanokouji will be your new classmate treat him nicely. Ayanokouji you can take the seat over there.

Kamuro: (Huh, what's going on right now? Is this why the loli was smiling that widely?)

Ayanokouji went to his seat which was Yahiko's seat.

Kamuro subconsciously stared at Ayanokouji who was going towards in seat and him sitting down but immediately look back at Mashima after Ayanokouji look  back at her.

Ayanokouji noticed Kamuro's stare which prompted him to look back at her.

Kamuro: (Great, his seat is near me. How amazing that is.)

After Ayanokouji's explanation

Kamuro: (I didn't expect this at all, to think that he was the mastermind behind Class-C's success, plus he knew the Student Council President and Ryūen. That shouldn't be surprising as Sakayanagi knew him. I'm really confused right now, first who is Ayanokouji, how is he connected with the loli, Ryūen and the Student Council and what has he been doing behind Class C(formerly D). I have to find more about Ayanokouji then, this is quite a pain now.)


*Back to present day*

Kamuro was in her seat waiting for class to start.

Kamuro: (For the past few days, I've been observing Ayanokouji. It seems like he met with Horikita and Hirata who are key figures in their class and a girl glasses and pink twin tails. I don't think he's doing anything bad or something that can be seen as betraying our class because based on his conversation with Horikita and Hirata I can only guess that he was helping them get rid of their troubles as there were tears on both Horikita and Hirata's eyes. Were they his friends? It seems so though I can't tell if Horikita was his friend because of her attitude as for the other two I think it's safe to assume that they were his friends. I don't know if he noticed me but I get the feeling that he did. I'm not sure if I can use him against the loli though. Ah this is actually turning in to a huge pain now... Looks like I can only continue to observe him.)

Kamuro was still in her thoughts when someone called her.

Ayanokouji: Kamuro

Kamuro was snapped out of her thoughts, she looked at Ayanokouji who called her.

When Kamuro saw Ayanokouji her face turned in to a annoyed one.

Kamuro: What?

Ayanokouji: Meet me after our afternoon classes, I'll text you where we will meet up.

Kamuro: Huh? Why should I?

Ayanokouji: If you don't meet me, I'll tell everyone that you stalked me.

Kamuro: You don't even have proof

Ayanokouji: Even if I don't have proof, there still people who'd believe it.

Ayanokouji took his phone out and typed something.

Kamuro's phone made a sound so she took it out and opened only to see that Ayanokouji sent 3 photo's to her. When she opened it, she saw herself in 3 different locations.

Kamuro sighs.

Kamuro: This better be great.

Ayanokouji: It will be I suppose, well I hope you come later.

Ayanokouji went back to his seat after that.

Class went on as usual for Class 1-A.

Lunch break then came.

Ayanokouji had lunch with Sakayanagi, Kamuro, Hashimoto and Kito.

They talked about the Class, the situation of other Classes and how much of a threat are they to Class A. Ayanokouji only said that Ryūen might be their only threat.

Afternoon classes then went on. The classes they had were boring but it wasn't shown on the faces of Class A students as they don't know if  that might deduct their Class Points.

Classes were finally over.

Kamuro left the classroom and immediately went to the location where Ayanokouji and her were supposed to meet up.

Ayanokouji was about to ask Kamuro to come with him to the location but noticed her immediately leaving the classroom.

Ayanokouji just sighs at her actions.

Ayanokouji leaves the classroom and heads to the meeting place .

After a while of looking for Kamuro, he finally found her and went to the table where she was seated at.

Kamuro: So what did you want to talk about?

Ayanokouji sat down and responded.

Ayanokouji: Why were you stalking me for the last 3 days?

Kamuro: I had my own reasons okay?

Ayanokouji: I see,  I have a proposal.

Kamuro sighs.

Kamuro: What is it.

Ayanokouji|: I won't tell anyone about you stalking me if you do something for me.

Kamuro: What is it that I have to do?

Ayanokouji: It's actually quite simple, all you have to do is give me information about the second years like who are the notable figures in that year and their capabilities.

Kamuro: Why?

Ayanokouji: I have my own reasons too, so do we have a deal?

Kamuro: Fine.

Ayanokouji stands .

Ayanokouji: Should we leave now, it's getting dark.

Kamuro: You're right.

Kamuro took her bag and stood as well.

Both of them started to head back to the dorms.

Ayanokouji was the first on to speak.

Ayanokouji: It's weird.

Kamuro: What's weird?

Ayanokouji: The fact that you didn't run off from me like yesterday.

It wasn't like yesterday where Kamuro left Ayanokouji all alone but what's more weird is that both of them are walking on the opposite sides of the path that they were taking towards the dormitories. There was about a good 5 meter distance between them. The people who saw them  were confused by the distance between the two of them.

Kamuro: I was just tired from the tests okay?

Ayanokouji: I understand.

There was a brief moment of silence between them but Kamuro asked Ayanokouji a question.

Kamuro: Hey, I have a question. Can you answer it?

Ayanokouji: If it's in my power then I can so what's the question?

Kamuro: Why were you holding back? I mean I don't understand on why someone would hold back especially in school. Boys tend to be competitive and yet here you are, holding back a lot I suppose.

Ayanokouji: Because I want to have a peaceful life.

Kamuro: Did you not have one before coming here?

Ayanokouji: Well I can't say that my life before here was peaceful.

Kamuro: (Did he not have a peaceful life back when he was a child? All I can think of is that he had abusive parents, he experienced bullying or something similar to those.)

Kamuro: Sad to say that your peaceful life is now gone now that you've transferred to Class A.

Ayanokouji: Please don't remind me of that, I still want to pretend that I have a peaceful life.

Kamuro: At first, I thought you were the kind of person to have trouble speaking with others but I guess I was wrong.

Ayanokouji: How can you say that.

Kamuro: I don't know, I just had a feeling I guess.

Ayanokouji: I see, why did you come to this school Kamuro?

Kamuro: Isn't obvious, I want to reap the benefits of graduating from this school. How about you?

Ayanokouji kept silent and thought about his answer for a while.

Ayanokouji: The same as you I guess?

Kamuro: If that was going to be your answer then it shouldn't taken some time.

Ayanokouji: Right....

Ayanokouji: You know I never had this conversation with you.

Kamuro: Same here... Wait.

Kamuro glares at Ayanokouji and holds her bag securely around her.

Kamuro: Don't think about smooth talking me you pervert.

Ayanokouji: I wasn't, I don't have the intention.

Kamuro: Yet.

Ayanokouji: No seriously, I don't have the intention to do so.

Kamuro: I see, that's good for now I suppose, don't get any wrong ideas just because I talked to you.

Kamuro stops glaring at Ayanokouji but is still holding her bag securely around her.

Kamuro: What's your relationship with the loli?

Ayanokouji: You mean Sakayanagi? I suppose were childhood friends.

Kamuro: You sound unsure.

Ayanokouji: Well it's hard to say what's my connection with her .

Kamuro: With Ryūen? What's your connection with him?

Ayanokouji: Ryūen huh, you already know what I was that beat him up so I suppose it's somewhere between prey and predator. Though it's still hard to know who the prey and who the predator is as Ryūen is a weird guy.

Kamuro made a small giggle when she heard that and Ayanokouji noticed that.

Ayanokouji: (That was kinda cute to be honest, if she didn't have her usual scowl on her head and was more social. she would have a fanbase of some sorts.)

Kamuro immediately went back to her usual self and glared at Ayanokouji when she saw  Ayanokouji looking at her.

Kamuro: If you tell anyone what you saw, you'll face my wrath.

Ayanokouji: (I don't know who has stronger glare, her or Horikita but if I take another look.)

Ayanokouji stares at Kamuro then looks back at the path they were taking.

Ayanokouji: (Yep, it's Horikita. Congrats Horikita... You're the only girl that I know that has a such strong glare. Good luck Sudo since you want Horikita to be your girlfriend.)

Kamuro: Hey don't ignore me.

Ayanokouji was snapped out of his thoughts when Kamuro called  him.

Ayanokouji: Don't worry, I won't you can count on my word.

Kamuro: I trust that you won't then.

Ayanokouji: Ah, which building is your dorm in?

Kamuro: Why are you asking? Don't tell me-

Ayanokouji: It's not what your thinking, I was just asking because if we live on the same building then I was going to ask if I can stop by the convenience store to buy food for dinner and some essentials since we're walking back together.

Kamuro: Oh, I was going to stop by the convenience store later but since you're going I guess I can tag along. But to answer your question, I live in building 3. You?

Ayanokouji: Same.

They arrived at the convenience store and went inside.

Ayanokouji walked around the store and picked up some essential items.

He then picked up ingredients for his dinner tonight. After, he went to the instant noodles section.

Ayanokouji picked up an instant noodle packet and looked at it for a while.

Ayanokouji: (Instant  noodles, created after World War 2 in 1958 10 years after the Empire of Japan's lost along with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. This was created in order to solve the nationwide hunger and famine in Japan and yet it became one of the most popular foods that is quick and easy to cook. Mostly people in high school and college like this so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I like this. Everyday 200 million people eat instant noodles in fact even astronauts have eaten this space and said that it was delicious.)

While Ayanokouji was in his thoughts Kamuro approached him with a basket filled with things that she was going to buy.

Kamuro: Hey, are you done... What are you doing.

Ayanokouji who was snapped out his thoughts looked at Kamuro and responded.

Ayanokouji: Looking at the nutrition facts label of instant noodles.

Kamuro: Why? Those kinds of food aren't really that healthy.

Ayanokouji: Well you're somewhat wrong. 

Kamuro: Huh? care to elaborate?

Ayanokouji: Even though instant noodles aren't really that good for you that only depends on how much you eat on a daily basis.(This was my opinion on instant noodles so I might be wrong, also don't eat a lot of Instant noodles because it's unhealthy.)

Ayanokouji: Even though Instant Noodles contains low nutrients like fiber and protein it contains micronutrients such as  iron, manganese, folate and B vitamins.(*This Information was taken from google*)

Kamuro: So I'm still in the right. Right?

Ayanokouji: I guess.

After Ayanokouji said that he placed the instant noodles packet in his basket.

Kamuro: So you're actually smart.

Ayanokouji: I guess I am.

Kamuro: I don't know if you're being humble or you're being sarcastic and a jerk right now.

Ayanokouji: It's neither.

Kamuro: I see.

Ayanokouji: You done.

Kamuro: Huh, ah yes .

Ayanokouji: Then let's go pay for these.

Both of them went to the cashier to pay for their things.

After they paid for their items that they bought, they went back walking on the path towards the dormitories.

They mostly had a silent walk but had some small talk in between.

They arrived at the dorms and went to the elevator.

Ayanokouji: What floor you getting off?

Kamuro: 8th floor.

Ayanokouji presses the button for the 8th floor.

Silence draws between them.

Ayanokouji: (I wasn't for this type of situation, if it was Horikita, Ichinose, Kushida or my former classmates then I would be fine with being quiet but I'm getting the feeling that I have to start a conversation but this isn't my expertise. This is quite uncomfortable I wonder what Kamuro is feeling right now.)

While Ayanokouji was in his thoughts Kamuro was in her own world as well.

Kamuro: (Ah shit, this is quite uncomfortable. I'm getting the feeling that I have to start a conversation but I don't know how I wasn't born with the talent of being a extrovert. Why is the elevator slow... This is quite a pain right now, kill me please, I wonder how he is feeling right. I bet he is feeling the same.)

The tense and awkward atmosphere between them was so thick that one could cut it with a knife.

Ayanokouji then pressed the stop button on the elevator and the doors slide open.

Kamuro: This isn't my floor.

Ayanokouji: I know, this is my floor so I'm getting off.

Kamuro looked at above where there are numbers from 1-12 that indicate on what floor they are and saw that the number 4 was highlighted signalling that they were on the 4th floor.

Kamuro: Ah I see.

Ayanokouji: Well then, good bye.

Kamuro: Bye.

Ayanokouji bowed slightly then went outside of the elevator and went towards his room.

Once that Ayanokouji wasn't in her sights anymore Kamuro let out a huge sigh and pressed the button on the elevator to close the door and go up to the 8th floor.

Kamuro: Ha... Finally he is out, we were stuck in that tense atmosphere. How did he even keep his face still? He's very weird.

Kamuro arrived at the 8th floor and went to her room.

Kamuro: I'm quite tired today so I'm not going to cook, I'll just go to sleep.

Kamuro changed her clothes, turn the lights off,  went to her bed and lied on it.

Kamuro: (A lot of things happened today, Ayanokouji yet again revealed something to us, I now became his slave though it didn't feel like that he was cruel like the loli though I might be judging early so I'll observe for now. Maybe I can ask his help in order to get rid of the loli from me. Last thing is that Ayanokouji said some weird things such as he wants a peaceful life I'm getting bad thoughts and feelings about if maybe I'm over thinking it. Whatever let's just go to sleep I'm quite tired and there's school tomorrow.)

Kamuro closed her eyes and went to sleep.

*Some time earlier*

Ayanokouji: Well then, good bye.

Kamuro: Bye.

Ayanokouji bowed his head slightly then went outside of the elevator and went towards his room.

Ayanokouji arrived at his room and entered it.

He changed his clothes and went to the kitchen to cook his dinner.

After cooking he ate then washed the dishes.

He then relaxed for a while and drank tea in the process.

Ayanokouji noticed the time was getting late so turn the lights off, went to his bed and lied on it.

Ayanokouji: (Today was interesting I guess. I now solved Horikita, Hirata and Sakura's problems and I managed to find something about Kamuro that I assume that others don't know about I don't know if I should be happy that I know her hidden cute side or be scared of her potential to become scary as Horikita? Anyways, I've revealed now my hidden academic intellect tomorrow is going to be a hectic day I'm going to be bombarded with several questions tomorrow so I should be prepared. Well at least I'm not going in to war with limited tools weapons so I going to be fine. I'm going to sleep now, sleeping less than 8 hours will only hinder my abilities that I'm going to use tomorrow in order to evade and deflect questions.)

Ayanokouji closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Authors Notes: Well that's it for this chapter... Thank you for waiting a long time 3 weeks I think or maybe somewhere near 3 weeks. I'm now done with my 3rd Quarter exams so I should hopefully be able to update at least once a week. 

I hope this chapter was long enough. I'm going to be making one tomorrow though I haven't decided if it for this fanfic or the One Shots one so... Idk.

Thank for reading this chapter, stay safe in this pandemic, hope you have a great today and in the future and love you guys(Not in a gay way I'm showing my appreciation to you guys).

Oh yeah before I forget, if there are any mistakes or confusions feel free to comment or message me so I can address to it as soon as possible. That's it, bye.

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This is a what if scenario that I took interest in and this is a whole lot different reaction with an AU of course....... Ayanokoji Kiyotaka had enr...
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"In this world, winning is everything; winners are validated and losers are denied. Until now, I've never lost at anything, and I won't in the future...
21.4K 702 11
Story for Kiyotaka and Honami enjoyers! :D (Disclaimer: I do not own Classroom of the Elite, all rights go to Syougo Kinugasa! I am a mere fan of the...