This Forsaken World

By ShawnApple

490 39 0

After suffering a world spread pandemic, world war three and finally a deadly virus that turns infected human... More

This Forsaken World Intro
This Forsaken World Chapter 1
This Forsaken World Chapter 2
This Forsaken World Chapter 3
This Forsaken World Chapter 4
This Forsaken World Chapter 5
This Forsaken World Chapter 6
This Forsaken World Chapter 7
This Forsaken World Chapter 8
This Forsaken World Chapter 9
This Forsaken World Chapter 10
This Forsaken World Chapter 11
This Forsaken World Chapter 12
This Forsaken World Chapter 13
This Forsaken World Chapter 14
This Forsaken World Chapter 15
This Forsaken World Chapter 16
This Forsaken World Chapter 17
This Forsaken World Chapter 18
This Forsaken World Chapter 19
This Forsaken World Chapter 20
This Forsaken World Chapter 21
This Forsaken World Chapter 22
This Forsaken World Chapter 23
This Forsaken World Chapter 25
This Forsaken World Chapter 26
This Forsaken World Chapter 27
This Forsaken World Chapter 28
This Forsaken World Chapter 29
This Forsaken World Chapter 30
This Forsaken World Chapter 31
This Forsaken World Chapter 32
This Forsaken World Chapter 33
This Forsaken World Chapter 34
This Forsaken World Chapter 35
This Forsaken World Chapter 36
This Forsaken World Chapter 37
This Forsaken World Chapter 38
This Forsaken World Chapter 39
This Forsaken World Chapter 40
This Forsaken World Full (Unedited)

This Forsaken World Chapter 24

5 1 0
By ShawnApple

This Forsaken World Chapter 24

Sergeant Victor Grimm

A rough shake woke me from my slumber and I shot up in alert, reaching instinctively for my assault rifle which wasn't there. Rubbing the sleep from my eye's I looked around in confusion before my foggy brain remembered where I was and what had happened the last few days.

Sighing I noted it was Evan who had awakened me and I looked around to survey the situation. The Recon Troopers were in the process of breaking camp, gathering up there equipment into backpacks. Hank was eating an MRE and Evan was holding one out for me, a second in his free hand labeled spaghetti which he had reserved for himself.

"Sorry Sarge, we let you sleep in longer since your injured. You were out like a rock, took a few tries to wake you up." Offering me the food pack I accepted it with a grateful nod and sat up. The Meal Ready to Eat I'd been given was ravioli and I promptly broke the seal to begin eating it.

Evan moved to sit beside me and followed my example. The Recon team more or less ignored us as they went about there well practiced routine. I noticed the Lieutenant and one of his men were missing and pointed this out.

"Oh, there out checking out an approach to the city. The LT decided we were going to hit it today instead of waiting. They wanted to let us recover before we moved out. Should be back soon." Evan made a face as he ate his food and I chuckled.

"Alright. Hope we can find some people to save or this is going to be a short resistance movement." I nodded to Hank who had been quiet since my awakening and was rewarded with a simple grunt.

"You alright Staffs?" I asked. The gruff veteran seemed a bit reclusive at the moment and I wasn't sure why. I had noticed since the situation at the supply depot his mood had darkened and had yet to let up. I assumed it was because he took it as a personal insult for his fellow armory soldiers to betray us the way they did.

"I'll be fine. Let's finish eating so we can get going." While the man had shown courage in every engagement to this point I knew he wasn't a combat soldier. For him to show initiative to actually go out to fight surprised me but I kept my thoughts to myself.

It took a few minutes to finish my food before we were ready to move out. The Recon team that was still with us had waited patiently for us to finish up and they formed a circle around us as we made our way towards the distant city. The trip was going to take a long time with no transportation to speak of but for these guys it was nothing, they showed no signs of fatigue after several miles.

The countryside was a ruined landscape with skeletons of both human and animal littering the ground. Since we were cutting across open ground instead of using the main road we had traveled on to get to the supply depot we passed various towns that I'd missed before. Every population center told the same story, death and violence.

We were forced to ground a dozen times to avoid groups of zombies that were simply trudging along at a slow walk. They seemed to be in a docile dormant state barely moving unless they saw or heard something to trigger there blood lust.

At one point a neighborhood bulldog that had somehow survived the apocalypse got too close and the mob rushed it. I felt bad since the dog simply stood there with its tail waging, obviously used to humans being friendly, before they tore it to pieces. Anger rose in my throat and I wanted to slaughter the lot of them but it was too dangerous and a waste of ammunition.

Finally a pair of figures in camouflage combat gear joined us and I nodded to Lieutenant Jasper and his scouting companion. Fanning out the Recon team formed a tight perimeter, guns facing out and backs to us as the officer crouched beside me and laid out a torn and aged map.

"We managed to scout a vampire position just north of here. They have a landing ship with a dozen prisoners. From what I could tell there Defense Force, not sure which branch or deployment but the armor matches up." I nodded as I took this in.

"How many vamps?" I asked. Evan and Hank were at my shoulders looking down at the map as well.

"At least twenty. There wearing heavy armor but I only saw syringe weapons, no shard guns. From the position and the way there set up I think there waiting for a retrieval team to pick up the prisoners so if we hit them fast we can take them by surprise and probably steal the ship." I grinned.

"Rather ambitious but I like it. Let's pincer them, your team and mine from two directions. We'll draw there fire to the south and you hit the north in force. Once the vamps are down we free the prisoners and wait for the retrieval boat, ambush them when they land." The officer nodded as he folded up the map and slipped it into a zip up pocket.

"Let's do it." Twirling his finger in the air with a soft whistle the soldiers moved out towards there destination. Moving along with the group the usual pre-combat jitters hit me and I breathed in and out slowly to get my emotions under control for the fight to come.

Commander Devin Crowe

As we exited the fighter I noted a dozen military police soldiers moving into position with automatic guns to cover the vampire females. The group of pilots moved slowly with there hands in the air as they joined us.

I was amazed to note the majority of the vampire's had similar appearance being short and petite with pale skin, red eyes and white hair. While they had some differences that distinguished them from each other, like various hair styles or facial features, the similarities were incredible.

Something off though, for some reason I couldn't fathom, Sally was much more beautiful and striking then the others...then again I'd grown feelings for her so it might have been influenced by that.

My squadron walked in a tight group towards us and I smiled as I stepped over and accepted a hug from Angel. Indicating the pressure door the red head nodded and both groups moved into the hallway before heading towards the debriefing room.

Walking inside, MP's flanking us on both sides, the vampire squadron took seats at the back of the room and allowed themselves to be restrained under Sally's orders. While I knew they could easily break free it at least put the guards at ease.

Sally sat beside me on one side, Jewel on the opposite and the rest of the Reaper's behind us. The door opened as the captain walked into the room, authority and power radiating around her as she was in full commanding officer mode.

Setting a clip board on the podium the woman cast a look around the room slowly.

"So, you brought me more enemy pilots. What are you starting a harem Mr. Crowe?" Captain Conners teased. Chuckling I shook my head.

"No ma'am, just lucky I guess. They've requested asylum from the enemy fleet. They saved us on escape and destroyed a good number of Nocturnal fighters on our way out. Sally's there leader so they follow her lead. I told them I'd do everything I could to help them but the decision rests with you." I placed my hands in my lap as I waited for a response.

"I see...I don't know what to do to be honest. Sally has more or less proven to be a valuable source of information and if the strike on the dreadnought is any indication she is trustworthy. If she vouches for these pilots I'll offer them asylum. I know Petty Officer Sinclair was chopping at the bit to get her hands on the fighter's you brought in. She wants to take them apart and learn how they operate and how we can fight against them." Smiling the captain leaned forward on the podium.

"Sally, this is a bit odd considering the situation but how would you like to fight with us against the Vampires? We can train your people in our AFS-1 fighters and have you join up with Reaper squadron. There short six pilots and you have six so it would bring them to full strength. This is of course if Commander Crowe and the rest of his people agree." The captain looked at myself and the rest of the Reapers for approval and to my surprise they all agreed.

I had honestly thought Jewel or Raptor might have something to say but there respect for both myself and the Captain overrode any opposition to the idea. It was going to be difficult to teach the female vampires to fight with us but in the long run with there combat skills it would make for one hell of a fighter group.

Squaring up her shoulders Sally nodded. "I speak for all of us when I say it would be an honor. We've been treated poorly by our kind for centuries and we'd love some pay back." Jewel grinned as she cut in.

"A woman scorned...well in this case 'women' scorned." Everyone chuckled at this and it helped to ease any tension in the room.

"Glad to hear it. I have to run this by the Admiral for approval. Unfortunately it will take some time to get you some space craft, we're a bit short on AFS-1's but the flagship should have some replacements since they've been able to avoid most of the fights. Now...on to other matters." The captains tone spoke volumes for what was coming.

"Orders came down the line for a counter attack. I have no idea why the brass has decided to do this and I really don't agree but its out of my hands. We're being sent to engage the enemy spearhead and slow them down from following us." I shook my head.

"Wow, we got our asses kicked just getting out of there and we have significant damage to several ships, why would we go back?" I was completely confused but from the look I received it was obvious we had no say in the matters.

"I agree but we're soldiers, we do as our superiors order. We're going to be joined by the A.M.S. Hawk, Storm and Claw. The Eagle took too much damage so there more or less out of the fight for now. The Talon is also coming as rearguard support. The Eclipse is going to be sending a few bomber and fighter squadrons to reinforce us for the attack nearly doubling our numbers. We leave in twelve hours so you can get some food and rack time. I'll be holding a briefing for each squadron for the next few hours to get everyone up to speed." Captain Conners sighed as she looked down at her clipboard.

"Ma'am, what about the vampire females?" Jewel asked. The CO nodded slowly as she looked up.

"While Sally will be staying with the Commander I'll be assigning the rest of them to an isolated deck under guard for the time being until they prove there loyalty. You'll all be taken care of with anything you need but please refrain from feeding on my men. If you need blood we'll get you some bagged from the infirmary." The vampire squadron nodded but remained quiet.

"Dismissed. Commander, go get your eye checked out before you return to your bunk...and for everything sacred take a shower..." I laughed as my superior officer left the briefing room and everyone stood up.

"Sledge is going to love this." Raptor said as he followed me out of the room and into the hallway.

"Oh yeah, still, I don't know what they expect from us to take the enemy point fleet head on, we're going to get our asses kicked..." Doom replied. Romeo shoved the bigger man in the shoulder.

"Dude, we got this! We're the Reapers, we kick ass and steal pilots!" He said, glancing over his shoulder with obvious lust at the female vampires trailing us. I reached back and smacked the man upside the head.

"Stow that crap. I know we want to get pumped for the fight but show some respect." Romeo swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yes sir." I grinned and waved him ahead.

"Get out of here I'll see you in a few hours." I stepped aside so everyone could pass. I had noted earlier Sally had fallen back to be with her squadron and they were talking in there strange language.

As I joined the beautiful vampiress she smiled warmly.

"Devin, this is my wing mate Vacya." I bowed my head respectfully to the indicated woman beside her.

We left the hallway into a cross section that branched off into three directions. The assigned quarters for the group of vampires was to the right while my room was to the left. We had enough room to stop to talk without impeding the others but I noted the MP's were blocking the hallway we had just left, keeping everyone in front in case they tried anything.

"A pleasure to meet you." I said. The woman was quite beautiful with short pixie cut white hair and sharp features. Where Sally was sensuous and seductive with long flowing white hair and softer features this woman struck me as a true fighter with a serious cut throat attitude.

"You as well, I have heard what happened to Sallyskavesska becoming your bond mate and I express gratitude for the way you've treated her. You seem like a good human and it is an honor to potentially fight alongside you." The accent was very thick and unlike Sally it seemed hard for Vacya to speak English.

"I hope so. Now ladies, I need to get a hot shower and some sleep before we deploy." I bowed again and turned towards my quarters. I didn't expect Sally to follow me, figuring she'd want to talk to her squad mates but I was taken by surprise when she ran up beside me and started skipping to keep pace with my longer stride.

"She likes you, and she doesn't like many people." Sally informed me and I grinned at this.

"Well that's good I suppose, wont have to worry about her tearing out my jugular." Sally wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed herself close as we walked together. I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder as we continued on our way to my quarters.

Sergeant Victor Grimm

It took quite a while to reach our target but as we closed in my strategic mind began to formulate a plan of attack almost on its own without me realizing. I calculated open ground, cover locations and the weakest point in the enemy defenses.

We stood roughly half a mile away and crouched down as a collective unit. I gestured to the north and the Lieutenant nodded, indicating with hand gestures that his men move out. He gave me a slow nod before moving off to join the rest of the Recon Force troopers, vanishing into the brush like ghosts.

Hank and Evan followed me as I made my way towards the southern target location, keeping low to the ground and moving from cover to cover. We were lucky since the place had a lot of rocks and rubble from destroyed buildings.

The enemy position was fortified with reinforced scraps of metal that formed half walls around the perimeter. The prisoners sat huddled together beside the enemy transport ship with there hands secured behind there backs and a line of neck chains linking them all together. This made it so if one man tried to run the others would anchor him down.

At least four bodies sat lifeless and from the skin tone drained of blood in a heap not far from the prisoners and I growled under my breath. The vampires themselves were scattered about performing various tasks like tending a fire, checking the prisoners or working on the transport ship. Five of the enemy soldiers were standing guard in a diamond shape at each corner and I tagged two of them as the least attentive, making them my primary target.

The worst thing for a defensive position was to have relaxed guards, it opened up a weak spot in the defense for an enemy to exploit. Indicating the targets to Evan and Hank we spread out, taking cover behind rocks, destroyed house walls and in Hank's case a battered burned out pickup truck.

I spent several minutes watching the enemy soldiers as they milled about, obviously impatient and waiting for there relief. One man was in the process of beating a pair of prisoners with a flail and the wet slaps of metal on flesh and the cries of pain brought out a well of rage I focused on for the fight to come.

While our pistols wouldn't be very effective at this range they would be enough to draw the enemy's attention. I used the rock I was hiding behind as a platform to rest my pistol on and gripped it tightly with both hands. Breathing in and out slowly I squeezed the trigger and let off a round at the closest guard.

The bullet had to fly at such a distance it lost a lot of its punch, the round harmlessly pinging off the vampire's armored chest plate. The enemy soldier looked up in confusion before two more rounds struck him, the third somehow finding its mark as it slammed into the side of his head and dropped him dead.

All hell broke loose as the vampires opened fire with there syringe weapons, five of them pinpointing our location as they charged in our direction. Firing with my companions we unloaded round after round at the enemy soldiers as they advanced on us.

Explosions and the sounds of automatic ballistics fire opened up on the other side of the battle site and I grinned as the Recon Troopers made there presence known. The enemy rushing us paused in confusion at the pincer attack and I took this opportunity to down another opponent.

Just as I thought we'd get the upper hand the sounds of a ships engine roared in the distance and I glanced up to see the oncoming relief transport. Cursing I swapped magazines as my slide clicked back empty.

The plan had been working flawlessly but if the vampires were reinforced we'd be in serious trouble.

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