
By Mat49324

54 2 3

After Sam's experience with surfing, Britney wants to try surfing out as well. Will she master surfing herse... More

Back to the Surf

54 2 3
By Mat49324

Story Created: 4/7/21

1:18 P.M. – Malibu University

It was a Friday afternoon at the Malibu University campus. Sam and Clover were both finishing shifts at the Mali-U café.

"Well, I got Surf-ology after my shift is over in twelve minutes," Clover told Sam after she'd checked her watch.

"And my day will be complete after that," Sam replied. "Maybe I'll head to the beach, too – maybe I can get another try at surfing in."

"You killed it the first time, Sammy," Clover quipped.

"Obviously, the hoverboards sure helped out," Sam went on, not loud enough for other customers – or Virgil for that matter – to hear.

She then checked her watch, too; Nick, Alex, and Britney were in class themselves; Mat was holding the fort back at their penthouse watching an episode of Jeopardy! since it was on a little earlier than usual today. Blaine was also getting set for beach volleyball practice as well.

"Maybe the others are getting out of class soon," Sam told Clover.

"Hope so," Clover quipped when they finished their shifts and clocked out.

Sam and Clover got on their phones to text the rest of the spy friends that they were both heading to the Mali-U Beach. However, something caught Sam's eye via a text from Nick.

"Oh... Haruka's in town," Sam told Clover.

Nick texted the group a selfie of him and Haruka on the sidewalk.

"First time we've seen her since Christmas," Clover remarked.

With that, Sam and Clover headed down to the Mali-U Beach so Clover could get to Surf-ology, and Sam could enjoy another surf session. A text came in from Mat saying that he was heading to the Mali-U Beach as well.

1:29 P.M. – Mali-U Beach

Clover got to her Surf-ology class just in time while Sam just relaxed at a good spot on the beach. While Clover had on her blue wetsuit for Surf-ology, Sam elected on her old green swimsuit again.

"Looking forward to seeing Haruka again," Sam told herself.

Shortly after starting to read a book she brought along, Sam looked to see her steady boyfriend just showing up. She waved him over, and Mat immediately came.

"Hey, hon," Mat greeted as they shared a kiss.

Surprisingly, Haruka was behind him.

"Hey, Haruka!" Sam greeted. "Great to see you again!"

"Likewise," Haruka replied. "I came in this morning; you saw Nick's selfie?" she asked.

"Did we ever," Mat stated first.

"I just saw it a while ago," Sam answered. "I had one early class and a shift at the Mali-U café today."

"You shoulda seen Mat back at your penthouse," Haruka remarked. "He was answering Jeopardy clues like crazy!"

"Hey, it helps to know a little bit of this and that," Mat laughed.

"Oh, was he?" Sam asked.

"No doubt," Haruka answered. "By the way, Sam, I immediately heard you tried your hand at surfing?"

"That I did," Sam replied.

"She nailed it!" Mat exclaimed. "Like she was a natural Kelly Slater or whatnot."

"Sounds better than Nick's disastrous first attempt," Haruka giggled as she used her X-Powder to change into her swimsuit.

Shortly after that was when Mat looked to see Nick just showing up with Alex.

"Hey, bro, we're here!" Nick called out.

"Britney will be here shortly," Alex added. "She's getting lunch."

She looked at Nick, and something appeared to be off – to Alex anyway.

"Everything okay, Alex?" Nick asked.

"I think Haruka's doing something weird," Alex replied. "And you seem to notice, too..."

"Oh, that?" Nick responded, knowing exactly what Alex had most likely seen. "It's just this thing Haruka likes to do. I gotta jump a couple years back to explain this properly, so... basically, in my middle school days, I used to not be able to swim for jack, so Haruka decided to be my 'swim coach'."

"Practically all of Umi no Hoshi's swim teachers just wanged chung at it, so I figured I'd be the one to help," Haruka continued.

"And here comes the key factor of this story," Nick stated. "One day, I came in to the pool area, and here's Haruka in this new swimsuit she literally bought the other day..."

"This was before he met you, Alex, just to make sure," Haruka cut in. "Naturally, Nick was a little surprised, so I took the opportunity to tease him a bit."

"She strikes this supermodel pose and says, and I quote, 'what? Are you so entranced by my beauty that you have no words left?'" Nick explained.

"And this is the best part, too," Haruka continued. "The instant I say that, Nick sputtered so much he actually slipped and fell right into the pool!!"

That got a laugh out of everyone.

"Not exactly my finest moment, I know," Nick sighed. "Ever since that day, Haruka likes to do that whenever she thinks she can get away with it, just to chuckle at my reactions."

"To be fair, Nick did tell me to try and tone it down while I'm here, since his girlfriend is literally right here in front of me," Haruka admitted. "It's just a fun thing I do."

"Sounds like quite the story," Britney chuckled as she walked up to join the rest of the spies.

"Good to see ya again, Brit," Haruka quipped.

"You, too, Haruka," Britney responded. "Feels like it's been forever since Christmas, huh?"

"When you're college students, a few months definitely feels like forever," Haruka laughed.

It was then that Sam noticed that Britney was looking her way as if she wanted to ask her something.

"What's up, Brit?" Sam asked. "I won't bite unless you want me to."

"Well..." Britney started. "I heard that you learned how to surf recently, and..."

"You wanna learn how to surf, too, right?" Mat finished.

"Am I really that easy to read?" Britney asked.

"Sometimes," Sam giggled. "Well, what do you say, honey? You wanna teach Britney how to surf just like you did for me?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Mat answered.

"What about you, Nick?" Haruka asked. "Do you ever plan to get back on a surfboard?"

"Maybe someday," Nick admitted. "I just want Dawn to be here so I can prove to her that I can do it, too."

"She's never gonna let that go, is she?" Alex giggled.

"Unfortunately," Nick groaned.

As was expected, Haruka was strutting around Nick in a two-piece swimsuit.

"Hey, Alex, take a lesson..." Haruka snickered, knowing she had Nick over a barrel in this situation. She walked closer to Nick, and decided that now was the time.

Haruka waited for the exact moment that Nick gazed her way and struck a pose intended to appeal to him. Nick sputtered in confusion and lost his balance, finding himself head-first in a nearby sand dune.

"Works with Nick every time!!" Haruka exclaimed and giggled at Alex.

"You really know how to work him up, don't you?" Alex giggled.

"I've known him for most of my life, so I know what makes him tick," Haruka laughed.

Meanwhile, the group of friends looked to see Mat giving Britney a nod, and Clover was loaning her surfboard to Britney.

"Oh, looks like Brit's getting her surfing lessons," Alex quipped.

"It can get a little tricky, but it's not really any different from the head-for-cover hoverboards that we use at W.O.O.H.P.," Sam told Britney.

"Totally," Clover remarked. "My Surf-ology class is paying big dividends to say the least."

"Normally on the surfboard, you look like this when you try to keep your balance," Mat explained to Britney and showed her the balancing position.

"If you wipe out, don't worry about it," Clover added. "It happens to everyone."

Britney, who sported a blue flora bikini, took Clover's surfboard. Mat and Sam looked on; Mat was in his own swim shorts and a blue and white 2001-throwback Motocross shirt that read "Wey 23" on the back, which signified 1999 Millville 125cc Motocross winner, Nick Wey.

"Is she gonna try now?" Alex asked Nick and Haruka in the meantime.

"I think so," Nick replied, noting that Britney was going out.

"Keep a positive outlook, Brit," Mat called out.

"I did the same thing," Sam added.

"Got it," Britney replied.

With that, she paddled out to look for a wave. One came seconds later.

"Okay, first one..." Britney sighed and took a deep breath.

She remembered to face towards the shoreline. The wave took her up in the sky. Not trying to think about the height she was getting, Britney kept her balancing position pretty well. Unfortunately, she fell off the board 20 seconds in.

"Not bad for a first one," Mat commented.

Britney resurfaced all wet.

"Just try again," Britney told herself.

"So, Mat, did you treat Sammy to lunch like you said you would?" Clover asked.

"Of course," Mat replied. "Sam's own choice."

Clover looked on to see Alex getting a few more laughs from Haruka teasing Nick. Sam took a look and got a few chuckles as well.

"That'll be after this," Sam quipped.

Mat got a look for himself before centering his attention back on Britney's surfing session.

Britney tried another wave, but she wiped out pretty quickly than the first time around.

"She'll get it," Mat replied.

"Of course," Sam replied. "I nailed surfing myself."

On Britney's third wave, she started out well only to wipe out shortly after her wave moved her.

"Almost," Clover quipped.

"It just takes practice, really," Nick replied.

"Whoa, dude, you all right?" Mat asked. "You look like you got stuck in a mountain of sand or something..."

"No thanks to Haruka," Nick sputtered, glaring backwards at Haruka and her obvious smug grin.

"What, did she get you with her pose again?" Sam laughed.

"I swear she's doing this on purpose," Nick sighed.

"Come on, Nick, you're just too easy to read for someone who's known you most of your life," Haruka responded.

While this was going on, Britney continued her efforts to ride these very stubborn waves. She was slowly but surely getting better with each wipeout that happened, but she was determined to not wipe out too much more.

It's just like our hoverboards, like Sam said, Britney thought. Focus your experience on that into this.

A fourth wave approached, and this time, Britney managed to last a lot longer on it, enough to catch the spies' attention.

"Hey, I think she's getting the hang of it!!" Sam exclaimed.

"Brit, watch out for that..." Haruka called out too late as another wave surprised her and dunked her.

"Like I said with Sam, waves around here, especially in the summer, are extremely unpredictable," Nick quipped.

Britney decided to take a short break before returning to the water.

"You're doing pretty good for your first shot, Brit," Sam stated. "I was the same way, honestly. I just had to give it a few tries before I started getting good at it."

"Hmmm..." Britney thought, her eyes traveling towards Nick.

"Um..." Nick asked.

"I figure, maybe it's a good idea to have a partner for this one," Britney giggled.

"Are you trying to drag me out there, too?" Nick quipped. "After you heard how disastrously my first attempt went?"

Britney just smiled, knowing she had Nick on the hook.

"...on one condition," Nick stated. "Alex, I want you to record this one."

"Me? Any particular reason?" Alex asked.

"Because I want Dawn to see that I can do this, too," Nick proclaimed as he and Britney ran back towards the water.

"Ooh, this is gonna be good," Clover chuckled as Alex started recording the scene.

"A lot of quick learners here," Mat remarked.

"You sure it's not because you keep gawking at me in a two-piece?" Haruka teased.

"I'm on to your game, you sneak," Nick responded, to which Haruka just giggled.

Alex just laughed at Haruka's question, knowing Haruka wasn't trying to take Nick away from her.

Sam and Clover overheard Haruka's question, too, and they chuckled at Nick's answer; Mat was no different.

"That's an interesting debate," Clover laughed. "But Haruka's certainly cribbing off some of my moves to catch a boy in a way."

"Not a carbon copy, Clover," Haruka quipped, overhearing Clover's statement.

Alex was still filming Nick and Britney as their figures got smaller and smaller the more they ventured out to catch a wave.

"I admit that Nick trying surfing out is a nice change to see," Mat told the others.

"Could we get you to try catch a wave, Haruka?" Sam wondered.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Mat commented. "And I told Sam this, but back in Hawaii, you wouldn't catch surfers in wetsuits – just their swimwear; board shorts for guys, and two-pieces for girls, but there are girls who do wear one-pieces like what Sam has on."

Clover heard that statement from Mat and could certainly imagine her surfing in a bikini and attracting some guys.

"I guess everyone's just got their own style," Haruka quipped. "Is that common in Hawaii?"

Meanwhile, Nick and Britney caught the next wave and Britney shredded the wave.

"WHOO!" Britney screamed.

Nick was not as fortunate – he wiped out after about eight seconds; Britney saw this and she wiped out a couple more seconds later. Both resurfaced and couldn't help but laugh.

"Takes time," Britney laughed.

"I've been told," Nick teased.

"We'll nail a wave together sooner or later," Britney told Nick.

"Yep," Nick merely replied. "Let's try this one!!"

As the next wave came for them, Nick steadied himself, intent on not letting a stupid wave defeat him.

"Hey, you're getting it!!" Britney exclaimed.

"...holy crapbaskets, I am!!" Nick proclaimed.

Back at the shoreline, Alex was still filming Nick and Britney catching the waves, and she even took a few steps deeper into the water to get a little closer and not have Nick's video be grainy in any way.

"Alex, careful you don't drop his phone," Haruka replied.

Alex didn't respond and channeled her energy into getting video and not dropping Nick's phone in the ocean.

"Oh, looks like they're looking for another wave," Clover replied.

In the meantime, Alex took a few steps back just to make sure she wasn't standing too far out in the ocean and possibly lose Nick's phone.

"Here's a good spot," Alex told herself after she was in leg-deep waters.

There was nobody running by, so Alex had a small chance of becoming a victim of accidental contact.

"Here comes another..." Sam quipped as the friends watched Nick and Britney.

"Hey, I think Nick's getting the hang of it!!" Alex stated. "Look at him go!!"

Sure enough, Nick appeared to have finally figured it out, and was surfing alongside Britney as the waves continued to do their own thing.

"Uh-oh, a big one's coming!!" Sam exclaimed.

Nick and Britney steadied themselves as the big wave approached, then, feeling like showing off, began to descend before riding under the big wave.

"YEAH!!" Britney exclaimed.

"SUCK IT, DAWN!!" Nick shouted.

"Yeah, he's having fun," Alex laughed.

"I second that," Haruka quipped.

After a few more twists and turns, Nick and Britney eventually decided that enough was enough and weaved their way back to the shoreline.

"Well, that was an experience, huh?" Britney admitted. "But look at you, Nick, you can finally surf reasonably well!!"

"There you go, Dawn," Nick proclaimed as he got closer to his phone. "I surfed!!"

"Enjoying yourself, I see," Sam laughed as Alex handed Nick his phone back once she was done filming.

"She won't be laughing anymore when she sees this," Nick responded.

"So, Brit, how does it feel to finally surf?" Alex proclaimed. "Now all of us can surf reasonably well!!"

"It was pretty exhilarating," Britney admitted.

"And how about you, Nick?" Clover asked. "Feel proud that you were finally able to show Dawn up?"

"That's pretty much the plot synopsis," Nick replied. "Oh, just wait until she sees that video..."

"Kinda don't need to."

All eyes turned to just behind them, where they could now see a girl about their age with shoulder-length dark blue hair and gray eyes in a yellow-and-orange two-piece swimsuit.

"Holy crapbaskets, Dawn?!" Nick gasped.

"Yup, it's little ol' me," Nick's cousin Dawn giggled. "I actually came here to see how you were doing here at Mali-U, Nick, but then I saw that you were surfing, so I decided to surprise you once it was all over."

Dawn took a few steps forward and hugged Nick. "Despite all the teasing I do, I'm proud of you, Nick," Dawn stated. "You conquered another one of your childhood fears, and you didn't even need my prodding to do it!!"

Dawn looked around at the rest of the group. "Okay, now that we've got that settled," Dawn quipped. "How about you introduce me to all of your friends, Nick?"

"I'm sure you know Haruka," Nick started. "Then there's the other spy friends of mine – Sam (the redhead brainiac), Clover (the boy-crazy fashionista), Alex (my girlfriend and the sports fan), and Britney – a mix of all three, and the other boy is Mat, Sam's boyfriend."

"Good to meet you all," Dawn smiled. "Nick's told me a lot about Alex anyway."

"All good I hope," Mat chuckled.

"Of course," Dawn laughed. "Seems Nick's certainly in good hands with all of you."

"No doubt about it," Sam remarked.

She even threw an arm around Mat's back and kissed him on the cheek.

("Scuttle Buttin'" by Stevie Ray Vaughn plays)

"But anyway," Mat stated. "Seems two others got a first-hand crack at surfing today, and were 100% successful."

"I'll say," Alex replied. "Way to go, Brit – and Nick, too!"

"I guess outside of Alex's save in Hawaii, we're all in the same boat in trying surfing out," Sam deduced.

"I heard from Haruka that you tried surfing first, Sam," Dawn told Sam.

"I did," Sam replied. "I realized that I hadn't tried it since Clover has Surf-ology, and we had to save Alex from a big wave in Hawaii."

"And believe me when I say... she nailed it," Mat replied.

"Oh, I certainly do," Dawn remarked.

"By the way," Nick told Dawn. "is Melissa with you?"

"She's in town, but she's busy at the moment," Dawn quipped. "You know how college life can get."

"Tell me about it," Nick admitted.

"I'd like to see the look on her face when she finds out Nick nailed surfing, too," Alex quipped.

"Anyway, who's up for smoothies to celebrate Nick and Britney nailing surfing?" Clover commented.

The spies all volunteered for that.

Totally Spies: Brit-surfing

~The End~

Final Note from Mat49324: Well, that's going to do for this one-shot of Britney trying surfing out herself. This was my 13th for the record. What's going to be the next one? I honestly don't know. We certainly hope you liked this one. If anybody has an idea for future one-shots that involve all good stuff (no villains), I'm all ears. Is it going to be possible to have some one-shots take place at the spies' beach house? I'm going to say that answer is yes. For now, here's The Blue Time Ranger if there's anything he'd like to say. And as I do, as a refresher, this is the list of one-shots I've done going back to October 2019:

1. Totally Ice Cold (the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge)

2. Hawaiian Holiday Hijinks (the spies spend Christmas in Hawaii; my Christmas present to The Blue Time Ranger)

3. Ice Spies Challenge (sequel to Totally Ice Cold)

4. Aqua Spies (mile-long swim back to the Mali-U Beach; requested by stephdumas)

5. Britney's Bomb-tastic Birthday (Britney's birthday; requested by jettmanas)

6. Alex's Awesome Birthday (Alex's birthday)

7. Sam's Stupendous Birthday (Sam's birthday)

8. Clover's Colossal Birthday (Clover's birthday; requested by jettmanas)

9. Alex Does a Cannonball (Alex is a contestant on the reality show Cannonball)

10. A Christmas to Remember (Nick, Mat, and Blaine surprise their girlfriends with a Christmas karaoke song)

11. Totally Ice Cold... Again!! (the spies take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge again)

12. Surfin' Sam-ari (Sam tries out surfing for the first time)

13. Brit-surfing (Britney tries out surfing for the first time)

Final Note from The Blue Time Ranger: And another one-shot is complete!! I don't have nearly as many one-shots as Mat has, but if you want a refresher course on the ones I HAVE written, here you go:

1. Fantastic Flashbacks (a flashback to May's time in middle school with the Jellyfish Pirates)

2. May's Marvelous Birthday (May's birthday celebration)

3. Track Thunder (Bridget takes on Willard just before Beyond the Looking Glass HD Remix)

And coming sometime soon from me:

4. Pirate Plunders (a sort of world-building prequel to our upcoming movie, which I'll talk more about at the end of Sam-zibar Bound)

But that's all for now, so, until next time, have a fantastic day, don't listen to the screeching morons, and we'll see you next mission!!

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