Our Little Secret

By catnoirs_bugaboo143

13.9K 270 79

After Marinette turned 22 years old. She wondered why Adrien her crush didn't show up to her birthday celebra... More

Happy Birthday Marinette
The Emergency (Fearr)
Identity Reveal
Back to School
I'm Dating...
Our First not so Good Date
Our First Vacation as Couples
Back Home
Family Gatherings
Moving Out With My Friends
That One Weird Friend of Ours
Graduated College
Posts of Marinette (NOT A CHAPTER)
Meeting up with Our Highschool Friends
May I Marry Your Daughter
Boys I Need Your Help
She Said
Preparation For The Wedding
I Do
Father's Day Surprise
Gender and Baby Shopping
The Baby Is Coming
Our Little Family (The End)

I'm Pregnant

411 10 0
By catnoirs_bugaboo143

~ Preview ~

Plagg then flies to Marinette's shoulders and says "Marinette when was your last period?" Marinette then got up and started to think, "Don't you guys think i-i'm pregnant?" Marinette then gets up and looks at the mirror and holds her belly. Tikki and Plagg looked at each other and flew right next to Marinette. "Hey guys please don't tell Adrien yet, I want to keep it as a surprise till father's day since it's five weeks ahead!" Tikki and Plagg promised Marinette they won't say a word or give any clues. Marinette smiled and went to bed just in time Adrien entered the room. 

~ Continuation ~

As Adrien entered the room, he looked at Marinette with a smile while she was PRETENDING to read her book. "Hey love, anything new in work?" Marinette asked while closing the book and giving Adrien a hug. "Yea I'll be gone for a couple of days next weeks, father has this event and he needs Nino and I there, we'll be gone for a week, is that ok with you princess?" Adrien asked while hugging Marinette back. Marinette smiled and told him "yea I ok with it, anyway Nino is with you so I'm not that worried, I might also invite Alya over for some company!" 

Marinette smiled and gave Adrien his sleeping clothes, "here you go, I'll wait for you in bed!" Marinette said with a giggle and jumped into the bed. Adrien smiled and went to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. As Adrien closed the door and Marinette heard the lock, she quickly got her phone and messaged Alya.

Mari 😝 - Hey Alya! Have you heard Adrien and Nino will be gone for a week next week?!

Bestie ✨ - Heyy girl! yes, I've heard, why what's up?

Mari 😝 - I have something to tell you and it's really important and nobody should know and I was wondering if you could stay here while the boys are gone so we both have company! 😁

Bestie ✨ - Hell yea I'm down! You can also feel the twins moving around! I'll tell Nino about it! Well, I got to go, see you next week and I can't wait for that IMPORTANT thing! 😉

As Marinette placed changed her phone, Tikki flew up to Marinette and showed her period calendar, "Marinette look, your period has been late for a week now, so you might be actually pregnant!" "shhh, Tikki I don't want Adrien to hear you, yes I can be pregnant, but when he's off to work with Nino, I'll go buy a pregnancy test with Alya." 

As soon as Adrien opened the door, all the steam went out and he saw Marinette fixing the outfit for her first clothing line, "Hey princess you're not tired?" Adrien asked while putting on his shirt, "I am but I'll just finish this so I don't have to do anything tomorrow morning." Marinette smiled and finished sewing the button on. Adrien then goes to bed with Marinette and hugs her belly.

"Woah your kind of bloated are you sure you're ok?" Adrien then starts to rub his hands gently on Marinette's belly, "U-um yea i-i'm good love, it m-might just be f-from the f-food awhile ago." Marinette said while scratching her neck. Adrien smiled and closed the lamp on his desk and gave Marinette a good night's kiss and went to sleep. Marinette smiled and kisses Adrien's neck and closes the lamp on her side and hugs Adrien to sleep.

It was seven in the morning, Adrien woke up to the sound of Marinette throwing up. He quickly gets up and gently pats the back of Marinette and while helping her hair not to get in the way. "Princess, why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped you." Adrien said with a worried look on his face, "It's ok love, you see I'm all-" Marinette then continues to throw up, Adrien stands up and tells Marinette to rest for the day while he goes to work. Marinette stands up and nods her head and tells him to come as fast as possible. 

Adrien smiled and kisses Marinette, "Yes of course princess, I already told father and Nathalie about your condition, so I told them to move all my meetings so, I'll be home around lunch and this will go continue to happen until I leave for New York with Nino." Marinette smiled and gave Adrien his work clothes, "Go take a bath and changed while I brush my teeth." Marinette said while handing Adrien his clothes. 

As both of them were done taking a bath, Marinette walked Adrien and Plagg out while she stayed at home with Tikki. As she waved to them goodbye and watched them leave, Marinette ran inside since she had the urge to throw up. As she left the bathroom, she could smell pancakes, As she walked into the kitchen she saw Tikki making pancakes. 

"Wow Tikki you never told me you know how to cook!" Marinette said while giving Tikki a hand, "Well I was self-taught!" Tikki then closed the stove and served Marinette with two pancakes and some fruits on the side. "I placed apples and bananas as your fruits, just in case if your actually pregnant cause I was about to give you pineapples but pregnant girls should not have them." Marinette smiled and thanked Tikki and finished her meals. 

(This happens for the whole week, Adrien and Plagg leave while Marinette stays at home with Tikki and does her work there. Adrien then goes home and takes care of Marinette without him knowing that Marinette is pregnant, well she's also not so sure since she wants to find out with Alya by her side.) 


Marinette was helping Adrien to pack his stuff, then heard the doorbell ring, "Oh I'll get it will for sure be Aly and Nino." As she opens the door, Alya hugs Marinette "Hey girl I can't wait to spend some time with you while the boys are gone!" Nino then went in with Alya's stuff, "Hey dudes, and thank you guys so much for letting Alya stay with Marinette Since I know Marinette will take good care of her!" Nino said while putting Alya's stuff down. 

As Marinette sat Alya down, Adrien went over to Nino to help him move his stuff into the truck of Adrien's car. "So Alya how many months are you?" Marinette said while touching Alya's belly, "Girl I'm 4 months right now!" Alya said while making Marinette feel her belly. "Soo, what's the important thing you wanted to me?" Alya said while looking at Marinette. "Shhh Alya, the boys can hear you, I'll tell you when they leave for the airport," Marinette said while covering Alya's mouth. 

Alya laughed and nodded her head, "Ok ok girl relax, and I was wondering if you would want to go and check some baby stuff for the twins, but we won't buy anything yet since we don't know the genders!" Alya said while looking at Marinette sewing the dress together. "Yes please, I also have to buy some stuff at the pharmacy," Marinette said while whispering into Alya's ear. Alya raised an eyebrow and asked Marinette if she was ok. Marinette smiled and told her she'll explain everything when they reach the mall. 

After a few mins of packing the bags and chatting Adrien and Nino said their goodbyes to their wives and kissed them before leaving the house with Adrien's father who just arrived waiting for them outside Adrien's house. As Adrien hugged Marinette and told her to stay safe, he closed the door and rode the car with Nino and his father. Alya got up and asked if she could use the restroom, Marinette smiled and told her she'll also get dressed for the mall. Alya smiled and went to the restroom. 

As Alya went out of the restroom she saw Marinette sitting on the couch while her bodyguard waiting for them right outside the car to drive them to the mall. "Let's go girl," Alya said while pulling Marinette towards the door. As they went inside the car, Marinette told her bodyguard to drive them to the mall. As they were on the road, Alya looked at Marinette and held her hand. 

"Girl so what's the important thing you want to tell me and why are you being so secretive about it, is it really bad?" Marinette smiled and closed the window in front of them so her bodyguard won't hear their conversation. "Alya you see, please don't freak out ok!" Marinette said with tears in her eyes. "I won't I promise," Alya said while giving a tissue to Marinette. "Ok so for the past weeks I have been throwing up and my period is late, soo-" 

But before Marinette finished Alya screamed and started to dance in her seat. "GIRL ARE YOU TELLING MR YOUR PREGNANT?!?" Marinette nodded her head and started to laugh! "HOLY SHIT, I am so happy for you! How many weeks are you?" Alya said while touching Marinette's belly. "I'm not so sure yet, but I also might not be pregnant, so that's why I have to go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test to see if I am actually pregnant!" Alya gave Marinette a tight hug and told her she couldn't wait to tell Adrien and Nino. 

"Alya, if I get positive, I'll book myself an ultrasound so I can get pictures of our little kitten and you will be there, then I'll surprise Adrien on father's day! So please don't tell them anything for now." Alya smiled and promised she won't say a word. 

As they arrived at the mall, the bodyguard of Marinette stayed behind them while they went to different stores to look at baby stuff for Alya's twins. As Marinette looked at the time it was already time to have lunch, "Alya what does your belly crave right now, or what does the babies what to have for lunch?" Marinette asked while rubbingAlya's belly. "hahaha I think they want to have some pasta and bread!" Alya said while pointing at the restaurant. Marinette smiled and got three seats for them. (Alya, hers, and for the bodyguard) 

As they took a seat, a lot of people were taking pictures of them, and posting them on social media saying..."Look it's one of the famous fashion designers in the world Marinette Agreste and she's with her best friends Alya Lahiffe the best chef in pairs! I must take photos with them.", So while Marinette, Alya, and the bodyguard were waiting for their meals, a lot of people went up to them and asked questions and for some pictures. 

Marinette kindly answered some questions including Alya, while the bodyguard was behind them to make sure none of the girls get hurt, cause he'll know he'll be in so much trouble if any of them gets hurt especially Marinette. As they were answering some questions, Adrien called Marinette, 

"Hey princess, your picture with Alya at the mall is all over the news in pairs again hahaha!" "Yea I know love, hehe when we sat down at the restaurant to eat lunch they all popped out o nowhere and started to ask a lot of questions. Why did you call love? Missing me already?" Marinette said, Adrien, giggled and said "Yes I miss you a lot and I just wanted to say goodbye before we fly to New York!" Marinette blushed and heard the pilot of Adrien tellin him that they will fly soon. 

Marinette giggled and said "Ok love, you're about to go! I'll call you every night ok! I love you and I'll miss you!" "I love you so much, princess! Stay safe with Alya and yes I'll call you every night to check on you. Byee!" Marinette ended the call and more questions were asked, like "was that Mr. Adrien Agreste on the phone?" and more.

After Marinette told the bodyguard to push them away since they were already crowded around them, he stood up and pushed everyone out of the way, Marinette and Alya thanked him and they both started to eat their lunches. As quickly as possible so they could go and buy the pregnancy test. 

As they were done eating, Marinette took out the food for the bodyguard so he could eat it while they reach home. Marinette stood up and quickly paid for their meal and as soon as she paid they left immediately. They then went to the second floor to go to the Pharmacy to buy the pregnancy test for Marinette. "Ok, Alya since we already bought the best pregnancy test they had, let's go back to my place and do it there so we have some privacy!" Marinette said in an excited tone, Alya couldn't stop jumping up and down since she was so excited to know the results.

As they rode inside the car, Marinette told the bodyguard to drive them home. So as they reached the house of Marinette and Adrien, They quickly went down and gave the food to the bodyguard and told him he could go back to his home and they'll call him if they need his help. He nodded his head and left without saying a word.

"Wow, that seems rude." Alya said while watching him drive away, "Yea you'll get used to that." Marinette said while opening the house door. As she opened it Alya and Marinette quickly went inside and dropped all their things and went directly to the restroom. "Ok girl I'll wait on my bed and you go take the test!" Alya said while giving Marinette two pregnancy tests. 

"Um, Alya why two?" Marinette asked while holding the tests, "because you'll pee on both so you know if you're actually pregnant or not!" Alya said while pushing Marinette into the restroom. Marinette smiled and locked the restroom door, "Tikki I'm so nervous!" Marinette said while peeing on both tests, "Me to Marinette!" As soon as Marinette peed on both tests, she told Tikki to hide while she goes to show Alya. 

As soon as Marinette opened the door she ran and sat right next to Alya, "Alya you read it and tell me what it says!" Marinette said while her hands were shaking. "hahaha ok girl relax, you peed on both right?" Alya asked while waiting for the results to show. "Yes, I peed on both tests!" Marinette said while hiding her face on the pillow. After they waited for 5 mins, it says on both tests...


"OMG MARINETTE YOUR PREGNANT!" Alya said while showing Marinette the test! Marinette started to cry in joy and hugged Alya so tight! "Alya I'm so happy and I can't wait to tell Adrien! Please don't tell them yet!" Marinette said while wiping her tears. "Yes of course girl I won't tell them I'll wait till you show Adrien!" Marinette stood up and booked the appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound to meet their little kitten.


"Hello welcome to our ultrasound clinic, please state your name, when, and what time you want to have your appointment." 

"Hi I am Marinette Agreste and I would want to book an ultrasound appointment tomorrow at ten in the morning, but privately please." 

"Oh my gosh, your the wife of Adrien Agreste and you're pregnant! congratulations, yes I'll book you a ten am appointment with me, my name is dr. Lilly!" 

"Thank you so much, Dr. Lilly, my best friend Alya Lahfiffe will be with me tomorrow, and please don't tell anyone yet about my ultrasound and my visit to the clinic. I'll explain everything tomorrow!" 

"Yes yes of course Mrs. Agreste, it's very nice to talk to you, see you tomorrow at ten in the morning." 

Marinette then ends the call and tells Alya that she booked an ultrasound at ten in the morning. Alya smiled and jumped up and down with Marinette. "Girl I'm so happy for you and Adrien! When are you telling your parents and friends?" Alya said while laying o the bed, "I'll tell them after I told Adrien about it!" Alya smiled and hugged Marinette, "Girl I miss cooking so can I make both of us dinner since it's already six pm." Alya says while unpacking her clothes.

"Yes, sure Alya! I also miss your cooking and just call me when you need help since I don't want you to get tired!" Marinette said while setting up the kitchen for Alya, Alya got up and made her way to the kitchen and started to prepare their dinner while Marinette went to the master bedroom to get ready for bed and dinner. 

As she closes the door, Tikki flies out and hugs Marinette's cheek and congratulating her, Marinette then started to cry and Tikki asked "what's wrong and why are you not happy about it?" Marinette looked at Tikki while wiping her tears "what no Tikki, I'm just so happy that my dreams are all coming true!" Marinette then hid the pregnancy test and went to take a quick shower to help Alya in the kitchen. 

As she was done taking a shower and getting dressed she saw Alya sitting on the table, "Hey Alya, what help do you need?" Marinette said while looking at Alya, "hahaha no girl, It's fine I'm don't making the food and setting up the table, the thing is that I don't know what utensils and glasses you guys use so I just got the ones I could find." Marinette smiled and sat right in front of Aly and thanked her for cooking the food. 

As they were done eating Marinette helped Alya fix up so they both could go to bed, As they were done washing the dishes and cleaning the table, they both said good night and went to their own rooms. Alya had gone to the guestroom while Marinette went to the master's bedroom. As she changed and brushed her teeth, she got a facetime call from Adrien, Marinette quickly fixed her hair and accepted the call.


"Hey, love! I miss you so much, how are you guys doing?" 

"Hii princess, I miss you too, we're all good,  father and I got us a room with three bedrooms. So we all have our own privacy! I'm in the living room and I could see Nino taking to Alya hahaha." 

"hahaha, anyways what are you boys going to do?"

"father will go a set up the event, while Nino and I will get a tour around the place since I'm the one who's modeling while Nino plays the music. How about you princess what are you girls planning to do tomorrow?" 

"o-oh um (THINK THINK THINK MARINETTE) I'm going to j-join Alya to her ultrasound since she has to have her twins checked on!" 

"Oh that's fun princess, I miss you so much I'm not used to not seeing you by my side, and by the way how are you? Are you not throwing up anymore? Are you still taking the medicines I gave you" 

"Oh yes (EVEN WHEN SHE NEVER TOOK THE PILL JUST TO MAKE SURE IT WON'T HARM THE BABY) I took it, so right now I-I haven't t-thrown up!" (FALLING ASLEEP)

"Hahaha ok princess, it's getting late there and I don't want to bother you! Sleep well princess. I love you so much! Good night!" 

"Ok love, good night, and I love you so much!" 

As Marinette ends the call, she quickly falls asleep with Tikki by her side. Marinette woke up to the urge of throwing up, she ran to the toilet and puked out all the food she ate from last night's dinner. Alya came running and helped Marinette. "Girl I know it's hard at first but it'll eventually stop, I've been through, that," Alya said while patting the back of Marinette. As Marinette was done, both of them quickly took a bath and quickly changed for the ultrasound appointment. 

As they were done getting dressed, Marinette rode inside her car and with Alya and drove off. As they arrived at the clinic, Marinette and Alya placed on some shades and a hat so nobody will suspect a thing. As they entered, Marinette went to the front desk and asked for Dr. Lilly. 

"Hi Mrs. Agreste, I am Dr. Lilly and you girls are just in time, please follow me to the room." Dr, Lily said, Marinette called Alya and followed her to the room, "Ok please sit here while I'm going to put a gel on your belly so it might be cold so can you please lift up your shirt." Marinette smiled and lifted her shirt up. Dr. Lilly then placed the gel and started to move the stick around her belly.

"Oh, there she is! You have a heartbeat! congratulations Mrs. Agreste!" Dr. Lilly said while moving the stick around, Marinette started to tear up and was given a tissue to wipe her tears. "How many weeks am I Dr. Lilly?" Marinette asked, "Sure, your five weeks pregnant." 'FIVE WEEKS PREGNANT!" Marinette said while looking at the screen and looking at Alya. After their appointment, Marinette and Alya were brought to the clinic of Dr. Lilly and sat both Marinette and Alya down.

"Ok Mrs. Agreste, does your husband know you're pregnant and that you're here?" Dr. Lilly asked while giving Marinette the pictures of their baby. Marinette smiled and said, "No he doesn't and I'm planning to tell him on father's day." Dr. Lilly smiled and started to fangirl over Marinette. Marinette and Alya were a bit shocked but still answered all the questions of Dr. Lilly.

As they were about to leave, Marinette paid and told Dr. Lilly not to say anything about this till it gets on the news, Dr. Lilly smiled and promised she won't tell anyone. Marinette then left with Alya and went back home. "Oh wow, girl your five weeks pregnant!" Alya said while looking at the pictures that were given to them. "So how are you going to surprise Adrien?" Alya asked while Marinette was parking the car.

"Oh, that's easy I'll go to the nearest shop and buy a box, paper confetti, and a white baby shirt that has a unisex design on it! Then I'll put out little kitten's picture in the box with the pregnancy test" Marinette said while opening the door. "That sounds so fun! Well girl I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to see Adrien's reaction!" 


Adrien and Nino went home and picked up Alya, they all said their goodbyes and before Alya rode the car of Nino, she whispered into Marinette's ear saying "girl I can't wait! thank you so much for having me over!" Alya gave Marinette a big hug and drove off with Nino. Marinette and Adrien went inside and kissed passionately. "I missed you princess so much!" Adrien said while hugging Marinette. "I miss you to kitty!" Marinette said and both Adrien and Marinette went to the bedroom and went fast asleep. 

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