The Alpha's Granddaughter Boo...

By heatherbug95

162 33 3

Years later of growing up, a mother that's an alpha female princess and a father that's an alpha, had fell in... More

American Honey
Born This Way
I Dare You To Love
Happy Thanksgiving
Johnny and June
*Let Me Love You*
I'm gonna miss this
Luna Ceremony
Time and Time Again
My life....
I'll stand by you!
Baby Shower
Coming early
Daddy/son time, mommy needs break
Devin's 3rd birthday
The War
The After Life
The Dreams (book 3)

Bad Blood

4 1 0
By heatherbug95

It was fall and it was the most beautiful time of the year. With all the colors changing, the food, and it was almost Thanksgiving. Family time. But it was gonna be different this year since my grandfather was gone and I was with a new pack.
I was somewhat back to normal, not in the depression mood that I have been. I helped as much as I could around the pack house, even with the omegas and the other staff.
One night, I was taking a nice hot bath to feel better about myself, since everything was hurting on me. As I got out, I started feeling weird once again. Like I've been feeling like this the past couple weeks but never thought about it. Which I should have when since my cravings has been crazy, my boobs have been hurting. Gavin and I done it the other night and when he touched them, I kinda slapped him because they were hurting. We thought it was because the workouts and all the extra stuff I've been doing around the house.
As I looked in the mirror, when I got out of the tub, I saw I was gaining some weight and some muscle but my 4 pack was slowly turning into a 2 pack and I had frowned on that. I guess I'm gonna have to push some more training to lose some of this weight.
When I got dressed, I had went to my office to do some paper work. When I in there, I opened the door windows to let some fresh air in. Once I opened them, I took a deep breath and some of it was great until I smelt an awful bad smell. And the only time I had smelt that was when there was bad blood type of shit. Someone was on a killing spree.
I used my great eye sight to zoom in in the woods to check everything out. That's when I saw some rogues running in the woods.
I jumped out of the window and in mid air I had shifted, scaring some of the guards as I landed.

"Rogues! Everyone get to safety now!" I said through mind linked.

As I was running, I saw some of the guards running in their wolves as well beside me. When I had entered the woods and stopped in front of those rogues, growling. Making them dead stopped. There were only 3 of them in front of me. As I looked around the area to see of there was anymore but I saw none. I looked at some of the guards and barked at them to head out more to check. They took off as I ordered.
As I was staring at these three, I noticed that their fur was knotted up with blood all over them. One went to move but I growled and stepped forward. Just then Gavin had showed up and stepped in front of me, protecting me from harm.
I rolled my eyes at him as I stepped around him. When I did, those rogues, shifted and they were just children, my age maybe. When they shifted I done the same and stepped in front of them.

"What happened to y'all?" I asked.
"Our family, town was attacked. We were lucky to get away." The oldest boy had said.
"Our father had brought up this pack?" The youngest one, a girl, had said, holding on to the boy that first spoke.

Gavin shifted and stepped forward to speaking.

"Who was your father and pack?" He asked them.
"The oceanview pack." The oldest said.
Gavin's head snapped up when the boy said that. "The oceanview pack? That pack is still a pack? I thought it got whipped when my father went there when he found my mother."
"Wait, wasn't your mother name Kelly?" The boy said.
"Yes, how do you know her?" He asked.
"She was our father's sister, so I'm guessing were family." The boy had said. "I'm Sean, I'm the oldest here and this is my baby sister here hugging the life out of my leg, Kimberly or Kim for short, and our middle brother, Nickolai or Nick for short." Sean has said.
"How old are you guys?" I had asked.
"Kim is 8, Nick is 10, and I'm 12." Sean had said.
"Wait what? And y'all can shift already?" I said shockingly.
"Yes, I actually just shifted about a month ago." Kim had said know her sweet young voice.

I went to step forward to hug Kim when I felt off again. I bent down to touch the ground and I felt my eyes change onto my phoenix eyes. I kinda scared the chicken when they changed and when Gavin had touched me right when I saw some of the guards running passed us.
I saw about 10 rogues running our way, blood dripping from their mouths. I turned to look at the one guard that stayed with us.

"Take the kids home now!" I ordered in my luna tone.
"Yes, Luna. Kids follow me." The guard said.

As they took off, I shifted with Gavin along side of me.
As I was running, I saw how evil these wolves were. I took down two at the same time when I saw two more were on top of one of my guards. I jumped and clawed one of the wolves by the throat. The one got off and seen what I did. He growled at me and went to charge at me right when the guard had slid under his and bit his throat out. He looked at me and I nodded.
As I was about to take down another one that was coming my way, I felt a bolt of energy running through me then the next I felt I was on fire. The rogue that was coming at me stopped and looked at me. He started whining.

"Luna, your on fire?" The guard said just as Gavin came and killed that wolf that was in front of me.
"Zara, what's going on? Why are you on fire?" Gavin asked.
"I don't know, I don't know what's going on?" I said.

Just then, I felt a strong hurtful pain in my stomach where I had fell to the ground and started yelping. Gavin ran to me but couldn't touch me, he was afraid to get burn if he could.
As the pain was so bad, I had shifted and held onto my stomach not knowing what to do. Gavin shifted and picked me up and ran me to the pack hospital. As he was running the pain was too much where I had passed out.
All I saw was complete darkness until a bright light had showed up. I saw I was in a meadow of roses, all different colors. As I sat up, I noticed a phoenix was flying above me for some reason and then I heard a whin from like a puppy. When I looked around until I saw a patch of black roses then a little wolf pup. When I reached the wolf pup, he looked at me with phoenix eyes just like mine. The wolf was black with some white bloody spots in some areas.

"My child," I heard a woman say behind me.

When I looked it was my grandmother once again.

"Grandma, we meet again but why?" I asked.
"To help heal your child." She said pointing to the wolf whining.
"My child, I'm not pregnant?"
"But you are my child. And the stress you've been in with my husband dying and what's going on around you is causing you to have a miscarriage. Have you shifted recently?" She told me.
"Yes, there was a rogue attack so I did what I'm suppose to do, protect my pack."
"My dear," she said and shook her head. "Was your wolf on fire?" She asked.
"Yes, speaking of that what did that mean?" I asked her.
"The phoenix in you was trying to heal you and your child. Phoenix are very protective creatures just like us wolves but worse. The phoenix was feeling like she was losing her baby as well." My grandma told me.

I looked over at the wolf and saw how hurt it was. As I walked over and picked it up, I started to cry of the thought of losing my baby that I didn't know I was pregnant in the begin with. As I sat down, the phoenix flew down and landed next to me and put her head on the pup. I saw a few tears coming down her face and landed on the pup and then the pup started glowing.

"What's going on?" I asked.
"She's healing him."
"Him, I'm having a boy?"
"Yes, my child. Its time to go back and be with your mate." She said then disappeared.

Then it became black once again.

Gavin's p.o.v

When I got Zara to the pack hospital, I sat her on the bed and doctors came running in to help. As they were working on her, she started ceasing/crashing. I was so worried on what was going on. I somewhat pushed my way in there to get to her but a doctor had pushed me out of the room and shut the door.
Damon, Stefan, and Paige came running in the pack hospital to check on their Luna after they had heard from the guard that was with us. Both Damon and Stefan put their hand on my shoulders to try and calm me but I couldn't that was my mate in there hurting maybe on the edge of dying.
About 20 minutes later, the door has opened and the doctors had came out. Two of them had left after looking at me with sad eyes pleading eyes. I was about to run in the room until the doctor that was left put his hand up.

"Gavin, she's fine. She was going into shock well her wolf and phoenix was, and her body couldn't handled it."
"Why was she going into shock?"
"Well how can I say this?" The dr started to say. "How well do you know about the phoenix?"
"That when it dies and regenerate, turning into flames then ashes like she did before but that's when she had died but you just said she was okay?"
"Yes, well what I know about the phoenix, its very territorial of her young and well when the baby was almost dying she took all her might to heal her young. So it made Zara crash for a few moments and-"
"Wait, her young? Zara's pregnant?" I said.
"Wait you didn't know?"
"No, I didn't. How long is she, dr?"
"I don't know just yet, but if I'm guessing with the little bump she's 3 months." The dr said. "Do you know when her last period or heat was?"
"She hasn't gone into heat yet, she was about to soon and her period, I don't know. I don't keep track of that. I usually just leave her alone when she's in her bitchy moods because of her powers." I told the dr.
The dr nodded then opened the door. "You may see her, but she's going to be out for awhile."

I nodded and we went in. Paige went to her side and grabbed her hand and started to tear up a little. I sat on the other side of her and done the same, other than crying. But I wanted to, I could have lost her and our pup not knowing.

"I know this is a bad time man, but congrats." Damon said.
"Thanks, D. I wonder if she knew?" I asked out loud.
"If she did, she would have said." Paige said.

A nurse came in with a needle and some test tubes and started drawing, Zara's blood. It only took a few moments to do so. Once it was done, the nurse bowed her head and walked out.

"Stefan, can you call her parents for me. And see if they can come here. I don't want to leave her side." I asked him.
"Sure man." He said then walked out of the room.
"I'll go make sure everything is okay after what happened today." Damon said.
"Thanks, Paige I know she's your best friend but can you go check on those kids for me?"
"Yes, alpha." She had said then got up, kissed Zara's head then walked out the room.

It was just me and her. And our little one. God our little one, I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. As I laid my head on the bed, still holding her hand, a few moments had passed and I heard the door opened. I didn't move my head but I knew it was my adopted parents.

"Gavin?" My adopted mother called out as she touched my shoulder.

I raised my head up to look at her.

"Oh, honey." She said as she hugged me.

I must've been crying without me really knowing when I had my head down. I don't usually get all emotional but right now I was for my mate, feeling her pain of almost losing our pup.

"How is she son?" My adopted father asked.
"Stable for now. Her phoenix is doing all that she can for her and our pup." I said, dropping the hint on them.
"That's good, that her phoenix is help healing her with her wolf." My father said.
"Wait, did you just say, 'her phoenix is doing all she can for her and our pup?' She's pregnant?"
I nodded my head. "Yes, the dr just told me."

My mother hugged me again, tearing up as well. My father came over and put his hand on my shoulder to console and congratulate me as well.

"How long?" My mother asked.
"Don't know to be honest, the dr thinks 3 months the way she is starting to show."
"Damon said that there was an attack? Was she involved?"
"Yes, one of the guards saw her jumping out of her office window and landed on the ground perfect and you know, one of us doing that can still hurt us just a little bit her its like it didn't. She found a pack of kids running from rogues from moms pack."
"Wait your mothers pack, your father said that pack was destroyed after they left." My adopted father said.
"That's what we were all told. But the kids, the kids said their cousins of mine. My mother was their aunt, and said that some of them had survived the attack but they rebuild slowly over time. And once again, they were attacked and my uncle died right after he sent his kids my way."
"How old?" My mother asked.
"Between the ages of 8-13. All 3 of them, their wolves looked like hell washed over them."
"Wait, they were wolves, so young." My mother said.
"The youngest said she just shifted awhile back." I said.
My father nodded and grabbed ahold of his mates hand. "We'll let you be and I'll step up as alpha for you while this is happening. I'll go check on those kids." My father said.
"Thanks." I told him.

He nodded and they walked out. He wasn't an alpha but he tries and helps when he can. He was best friends with my father and was his back up at times when he needed it. And I was glad he was there for me, when I needed it.
As I laid there, I must have fallen asleep, still holding her hand because I had woke up in a whole different place. It was a beautiful field of different types of flowers, a little creek flowing off to the side where I had saw a little black puppy with white spots here and there, the pup was running around chasing a butterfly. I walked closer to the pup, it looked at me with Zara's eye color. The ones she has when her phoenix powers kicks in. The wolf was perfect.

"Isn't he gorgeous, son?" A woman had said.

When I turned around I saw a woman, it was my mother. She looked just like I remembered when she passed away. I started to tear up when I saw her. I ran to her, just as a man had walked up over to her. It was my father. We all hugged for a few moments then the wolf had jumped on me. Wanting up, so I had picked the wolf up.

"You said he?"
"Yes, son. Your pup is a boy and he's perfect even if he has phoenix eyes." My mother said.
"He looks like you son, with some of his mother in him." My father said. "We've been watching over her just like the moon goddess as well."
"Well more like her grandmother." Another voice had said.

When I turned, a saw a woman in a white dress and had white long hair. She came forward, holding her arms out for the pup. For some reason, I had handed her my pup.

"My great grandson, is perfect and healthy. Just like his mother, with the help of me and the phoenix." She said just as a phoenix had showed up flying around.
"Wait so your the moon goddess?" I had asked.
"Sorta, I am the moon goddess but not the moon goddess herself. Mary, she's still up there." She said pointing up. "She has lots of angels that come down and show themselves to their love ones that needs help or guidance. Just like your parents here, showing up to help you."
"But we're not related, me and you." I said pointing to each other.
"Yes. Yes we are in a way. Your mates to my granddaughter and y'all are having my great grandson here. But I showed up to you because your holding her hand and she's dreaming of y'alls son here." She said petting my son.

I nodded at her. Then out of knowing where, I was being shaken and what I was dreaming had faded away making me jerk up. When I looked, I had saw Zara's parents and brother. Luna Liv look like she was crying a little bit but wasn't fully sure.

"Luna, alphas." I said standing up.
"Gavin, you don't have to call us that. We're family." Olivia has said.
"How is she?" Castiel asked.
"Stable for now. The dr said that the stress with elder Oliver dying and taking everything on her own, was hard on her and the baby." I said looking back at her.
"Losing my father is hard, he's been her whole world." She said not taking in what I had said fully.
"Yes he was. She thinks someone planned this and we're investigating it."
"The twins told me she had said that, that they were helping look around and," she started to say then stopped. "Back up, did I just hear you say baby?" She asked.

I nodded at her, to tell her she heard right. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Castiel.

"Cas, we're gonna be grandparents." She said.
"Yes, I heard him say that."
"I'm gonna be an uncle, where's Becca when you hear good news like this."
"Speaking of her, where is she? How is she and the kids."
"Their good, but bad like most boys." She said as she looked at Peter.
"Hey now, I turned out good."
"Did you?" I said chuckling a little.
"Yes. Well I did pick on my baby sister but what brother wouldn't."

As we all talked, the dr came in and checked on Zara. Then telling us we had to leave for the night but she would keep an close eye on Zara for me.
As we left, we head towards the pack house to get some food. Once we ate, I had showed them their rooms for the night as I had went on to my own room. When I got in the room, I headed to take a shower and try to get some sleep. And hopefully, she wakes up tomorrow, I can't deal with her not being by my side. I just want her near me. She's my life.
As I passed out, I continued dreaming like I was earlier. Picturing us a small family, hopefully it becomes big just as her family is. Like my little football or baseball team of my own. Boys and girls I don't care, as long as they were healthy and fine.

Oh no Zara....
What does every one think of this chapter? What the moon goddess says do you believe her on the baby or do you think something bad will happen or will the baby have problems?
Well stay tune to the next few chapters about the baby and Zara.

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