Forever Bound

By Ninjettey

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The Lost Boys' lives have become much more interesting. Not only was their sire, Max, falling for a mortal w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Four

395 18 1
By Ninjettey

I do not own "The Lost Boys".  I only own Nyx and Isadora.

Bold Italic: "Telepathy"

Italic: "Sign Language

The San Francisco Art Exchange opened in 1983, home to various types of media.  Paintings adorn the walls, sculptures arranged throughout the rooms, even the catering was beautifully arranged.  The main auction hall is situated in the center of the building on the second floor.  Once a piece has been won, it is taken to a backroom to prepare for transport.  The auction happening tonight is a private affair, each piece more expensive than the last.  Including rare, original paintings thought to be lost but were in someone's private collection.

Nyx and Izzy were waiting in line to get inside.  The doorman checking invitations as well as the guest list.  "Name?"  The doorman asked.

Nyx leaned forward and whispered in his ear, her voice echoing in his head, "You saw our invite and our names are not important."  Manipulating his mind to see their names on the list, and that he checked their names off.

"Ladies."  The doorman motions for them to enter.

Nyx is wearing a black, pin-striped suit with a navy blue tube top and black, open-toed, three-inch heels.  Only having eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss for her makeup tonight, her hair in a tight updo.  Izzy went with a similar look.  She wore a black tube top, white suit pants, and jacket with two-inch white heels.  Her makeup was done very light, some mascara, blush, and lip gloss, hair pulled up into a high ponytail. A white gold, diamond-encrusted choker being the only jewelry Izzy wore tonight.  They didn't want anyone to be able to identify them, just in case there were survivors. (Yeah, right.)

Several pieces have already been auctioned off before Izzy starts getting antsy, "How can you be so calm?  I'm starving."

Nyx crossed her legs, put her arm behind her sister but kept her eyes on the auctioneer,  "I'm just as hungry... Ok, get the doors.  I'll get the lights."

The lights inside the auction hall started to flicker before going out, causing the audience to scream and trample each other heading towards the doors.  The auctioneer told everyone to remain calm and instructed everyone to calmly leave the room.  Only to find the doors are locked from the outside.

The sisters had no problem seeing in the dark. 

"Here we go!"  Nyx and Izzy spent the next hour draining every single person dry. 

The clean-up was simple.  They carefully packed the paintings they wanted, as well as an exquisite Apollo Ivory mask from a fifth-century chryselephantine statue, thought long since destroyed in 475AD.

Once everything was loaded into their rental car, they changed their clothes and threw them into the room with the bodies.  They then set the auction hall on fire and exited the building.  By the time fire trucks showed up they were on their way out of the city and back home.

"How much you want to bet the boys are at our place?"  Nyx and her sister laughed at the fact that they probably were there.

"Not betting anything.  You're probably right.  I say we wait until almost sundown to deliver their painting.  It's only fair.  Then maybe carve the same sigils by the cave entrance.  Those comic book twerps give off bad ju-ju."  Izzy scrunched her eyebrows in thought.

"You got that vibe too.  They may be kids but it seems like they know too much.  At least with the sigils, the guys would be better protected."  Nyx pressed on the accelerator to make decent time.  Sun is almost up.  Luckily they won't get hurt from it, but they are tired and full.  They won't need to feed for another couple of weeks.  Which is already planned. 


David, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko had finished feeding and cleaning themselves up, as well as burning the bodies.

"Alright boys, let's head to the girls' place."  David mounted his bike.

The guys were hollering and hooting as they sped down the road towards Hollyvale Estates.  Leaving the boardwalk behind, going into the hillside.  Approaching the gates of Hollyvale, they swung open automatically without a sound.

The guys parked their bikes by the door leading into the kitchen.  David was first, sensing the magic in the doorway but paying no mind since he was able to enter the home without a problem.  Once one Lost Boy was invited in, they all were.  The first thing Paul did was go straight for the fridge for more brownies.  Dwayne mumbled under his breath, "pothead."

David, Dwayne, and Marko left Paul in the kitchen to venture further into the house.  The dining and living rooms were not that impressive.  Dark hardwood flooring, off-white walls, a few landscape paintings.  Nothing that really sticks out.  It's decorated to have that "lived-in look", however, it's probably uncomfortable.  The family room felt more comfortable, as well as an office space and half bath. 

The family room had an expensive entertainment system.  A massive television, VCR, stereo system with massive speakers, and shelves of movies.  Movies from almost every genre, including Disney.  A very comfortable sofa, and two matching love seats, a coffee table with matching end tables.

The office space, or study as David called it, had a beautiful, cherrywood desk near the floor-to-ceiling window.  The view out of the window was moderately pleasant.  The wall nearest the door had a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf that expanded the entire wall.  Every shelf held several volumes, and tomes, in various languages.  Dwayne ran his hand over several of the books wondering if he could borrow any.

Upstairs had what looked like five bedrooms, one was converted into an art studio.  The first two bedrooms were brightly decorated with moderate-sized beds, dressers, and bedside tables that matched.  Both shared a bathroom.  With its own sunk-in bath and double-headed showers.  The master bedroom had a king-sized bed, a nice dresser, and two matching bedside tables, with its own bathroom.  The fourth bedroom had a bigger bed, a nice-sized dresser with a matching bedside table, but the walls were plain white.  The bathroom was shared with the smallest bedroom next door.  The smallest room was set up with many easels, a couple of tables, and many, different sized canvases.  Some were finished paintings, others were blank still in the packaging.

"We're missing something.  Besides the kitchen, bathrooms, and this room, this place doesn't feel like a home."  David said what they were all thinking.  "Didn't Nyx warn you to stay out of the basement?"  David asked Marko.

"Yeah.  Paul and I didn't think to look for it last night.  I should probably go check on numbnuts.  Probably stoned out of his mind."  Marko left the art studio to find Paul.

Dwayne taking a closer look at the paintings scattering the room.  "Whoever is the artist has a dark side.  Some of these are quite graphic but still beautiful."

David hummed in agreement, "I bet it's Izzy.  She seems like the type to bottle everything up until it boils over.  We'll have to watch out for that."  The both of them realizing Izzy is their mate.  The idea of sharing a woman with Dwayne doesn't seem so bad.  They feel no jealousy towards each other.  The self-guided tour revealed very little about their mates.  Hopefully, the basement will give them better insight.

Nope, the basement was a bust.  Just unopened boxes, and a very expensive washer and dryer set.  They thought about going through the boxes, then decided that would give it away that they were there.  Besides Paul eating the rest of the brownies, there was no evidence that they were inside the house.  They didn't even bother checking out the mother-in-law suite, just looking in through the windows showed it was unoccupied.

"Let's get home before we run out of night.  We'll come by later."  David and the boys left back to the cave.  Upon flying into the cave, the stench of sex filled the main room close to Star's bed.  The lovers fast asleep.

"They deserve each other."  Again David said what they were all thinking.  "Now if only they would feed."

The Lost Boys were getting tired of Star whining every time she was being told she had to feed.  Star didn't want to be amongst the undead.  She should have never left home.  Star has been thinking about getting the Frog brothers to help her and Laddie.  Maybe she will visit them soon.


Nyx and Izzy quietly and quickly moved into the cave a few hours before the sun set.  Placing the wrapped painting against the Jim Morrison portrait before bringing out the tools needed to carve into the stone walls.  Each taking a side, Nyx on the left and Izzy on the right.  Carefully carving sigils for protection, and warding against those with harmful intent.  They double-checked the carvings to make sure there were no mistakes before they left.

"I wonder how long it will take for them to notice we were there?"  Nyx was putting away the tools.  When they got home early that morning they could tell the boys had been at the house.  Their scent was everywhere except the cavern.  Which they were thankful for.  They were not ready to tell the boys yet, but they felt the explanation will happen soon.

Deciding a nap was overdue, the girls made their way down to the cavern for some much-needed beauty sleep.


Come sundown David and the boys were just waking up.  Falling from where they sleep, putting their boots on before walking out to the main room.  David was getting ready to light a cigarette when he caught Izzy's pleasant, sweet heady scent, like a Lotus Flower.  Looking around he saw a large wrapped rectangle propped up against Jim. 

"Hey, Paul."  David points to the wrapping. 

Paul moves quickly to unwrap it, he is shocked.  "Dude!  It's Pink Floyd's The Wall!"  He leans it forward to look at the back.  "Holy shit!  It's an original.  There's only three of these.  That's it, we're marrying her."  Paul gestured between Marko then himself in a joking matter.  Marko and Paul have accepted that Nyx is for them both but Marriage is a little much.  Eternal partners, now that's a different story.

Finishing his cigarette, David went to throw the butt out of the cave entrance when he saw fresh scratches in the cave walls.  On a closer look, he saw they were actually carvings.  Standing this close, he could feel an invisible force, almost like he is swimming in warm water.

"Hey Dwayne, come look at this.  Do these mean anything to you?"  David called over his second-in-command. 

Dwayne came to stand next to David.  Before David could point out the carvings Dwayne stopped short of the entrance, "Do you feel that?"  He sticks his hand out like he is running across a hard surface.  "Feels the same as the girl's doorway."

Paul and Marko had joined them, "That's what we felt when we first walked through their door."  Marko looks to the carvings, "What do you think they mean?"

"I know that these two mean protection, but the other ones I am not sure."  Dwayne tries to remember where he saw something like this.  He shrugs his shoulders, "We can always ask them?"

The boys head out to the boardwalk to hopefully meet up with the girls.  One, they want to thank them for the painting and in Paul's case the brownies and t-shirt.  Two, find out about the carvings and why they did them.  And finally, ask if they want to join their coven.  The boys are in for a shock come morning.


Nyx had finished cleaning around the cavern when Izzy playfully crashed into her sister.  Nyx was not prepared for Izzy to jump her, so they both fell.  Laying on the floor laughing, "You're in a good mood.  Are you feeling better since we fed?"

"Yes, much.  Are we going to the boardwalk?"  Izzy signed the question so fast Nyx almost missed it.

Nyx helps Izzy up, "Yes. We will go after I put away this stuff.  Have you heard from Mercury?"

"No.  I hope we don't.  I don't want to move anytime soon.  Last I heard, she was in L-A with Frost."  Izzy sneered at Frost's name. 

Nyx's facial expression also looked like she smelt something horrid, "Me either.  Frost is becoming a problem though.  Maybe we should take him out before he can find us.  We cannot let him get to Enkil or Akasha."  A sudden, cold breeze blew through the cavern causing the girls to shiver.  "I believe they agree."

They take a moment to calm down before getting cleaned up and dressed for the boardwalk.  Izzy wore black, tight skinny jeans, a black camisole and an emerald green jumper, black high-tops.  Her makeup again is very light with only silver eyeshadow, mascara, and clear lip gloss.  A black ribbon as her choker and her rings, and her hair in a high ponytail with fly-aways framing her face.

Nyx opted to wear a long sleeve, navy blue camisole with lace sleeves.  She shimmied into black leather pants, and her lace-up steel toe boots.  Her hair is left loose, the only jewelry is her ruby ring and family crest ring.  She decided to not wear makeup tonight, except for clear lip gloss.

Nyx was coming down the stairs to join Izzy by the door, "Alright let's go.  Do you want to take the car or just run?"  They could very easily run to the boardwalk without getting winded or sweaty.

"Let's run.  Just in case we see the guys we don't have to worry about the car."  Izzy went with the second option.  She was hoping to see David and Dwayne again, but at the same time, she is kind of nervous.  She is afraid they may be mad at them for being at their cave, even though the guys came to their home while they were gone.

Nyx drops her head and sighs, "I can hear you thinking.  What's going through your head?" 

Izzy grabbed the house key, locking the door then put it in her pocket.  "I know they were here while we were gone.  But I feel like we invaded their home and they may be mad at us."

Nyx grabbed her sister's arm to stop her from walking away, "I don't think they will be mad.  They may question why we were there.  Especially if they noticed the warding, but I don't think they'll be mad."

With their unnatural vampiric speed, they ran to the boardwalk in under a minute.  Slowing down to a walk in an area with no people.  They slowly strolled around the boardwalk, actually paying attention to the various shops. 

Nyx was focused on a piece of jewelry at a kiosk when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up and spun her around.

"Hey, chicka.  Thank you.  Pink Floyd fits in great with Jim."  Paul excitedly spun Nyx around, her legs nearly kicking a few people.

Nyx laughed out loud, "Ha-ha, put me down, you big oaf."  She playfully struggled in his arms.  Paul put her feet on the ground but didn't let go.  Nyx spun around to face Paul, he had the biggest, goofiest grin.

"I'm glad you liked it.  That was expensive."  Nyx tilted her head to the side with a genuine smile.  Thinking about how much the winning bid was, even though it wasn't hers. (He-he.)

"Oh, yeah.  How much was that?"  Paul was swaying the both of them to an imaginary beat.

Nyx patted his chest, "Only a hundred-fifty grand."

Paul's jaw dropped and his arm went a little slack, "You paid a hundred-fifty Gs for a painting?"

Nyx had turned back to the kiosk and bought the leather braided bracelet still in hand.  Paul didn't see the shit-eating grin on her face.  "Come on.  Let's go find Izzy.  She wandered off since I took too long."  She grabbed a speechless Paul's hand and dragged him in the direction Izzy went.

"Paul?  What's wrong?"  Marko's voice came through the link, sensing Paul's distress.

Paul somewhat snapped back to reality, "That painting was a hundred fifty Gs.  I don't know what to think."

They passed by a shop with a tv on the news, "The fire at the San Francisco Art Exchange took a few hours to extinguish.  They are still going through what's left of the collapsed building looking for survivors.  So far, fifty charred remains have been recovered.  The identity of the remains are unknown at this time.  The San Francisco Police Department will continue to investigate this egregious tragedy."


David, Dwayne, and Marko were passing by Max's video shop at that moment.  The mentioning of the San Fran Art Exchange stopped them in their tracks.  Max had stepped out of his office to watch the broadcast as well.

"Are the girls alright?" Max seemed like he was actually worried or at least he sounded like it.

The boys started walking to find Paul, "They're here.  So they must be."  David is getting a little irritated with Max. 

They found Paul being somewhat dragged behind Nyx.  She was having trouble finding Izzy and she is starting to panic.

"Izzy!  Where are you?"  Nyx kept walking towards the edge of the boardwalk near the sand.

"I'm at the carousel.  Being pestered by some Surf Nazis."  Izzy kept smacking the guy's hand.  "This guy keeps trying to grope me."

"I see you.  The guys are with me."  Nyx came up behind the group, "I swear, you guys are like cockroaches."  The group of four guys surrounding Izzy turned towards Nyx and the Lost Boys. 

Once seeing Nyx, David, and the rest of the boys, the Surf Nazis walked away.  They didn't really care that one of their gang was killed by the girls, they were using it as a reason to torment them.  But they try to avoid the Lost Boys most of the time.

Nyx stood next to her sister, watching the group walk away.  "Are you ok?"  Nyx overheard Dwayne ask Izzy.  She didn't even notice him move next to her.

Izzy nodded her head.  "Can we tell them tomorrow night?  I really am tired of hiding.  Things may be easier between us all if they knew we are like them."

The group jumped off the carousel and just walked around.  David and the boys wanted to hunt down the Surf Nazis for putting hands on their girls.  Nyx and Izzy were walking with them on autopilot, having an internal conversation. 

"If you're sure we can trust them.  I don't see why not.  We'll invite them over to our place without Star or Michael."  With an agreed-upon plan, the girls focused their attention on where they were going.

The boys were having their own internal conversation.  "Did you guys see the news?"  Paul kept thinking about the fire at the art exchange.  How the girls conveniently weren't there for the fire but still brought home some of the art. 

"We saw it.  Even Max was concerned."  David looked back at Izzy who had her head down, her left hand in front of her face hiding in her too-long sleeve.  "Why do you do that?  Why do you hide behind your sleeve?"

Izzy looked him in the eyes for a moment then looked to Nyx, "She doesn't like people staring at her scar.  So she hides behind chokers and jumper sleeves."

David was quietly watching Izzy, waiting for a reaction.  He slowly reaches and moves her hand in front of her face.  Taking both hands, David grasps the ends of the ribbon, "May I?"  Izzy lifts her head a little higher so the ribbon can be easily removed. 

With a delicate touch that even David didn't know he had, the ribbon was pulled away.  Izzy was trying her best to hold in her tears, her quivering chin betraying her.  The scar was a quarter-inch thick, dark pink, and appeared to cover half her neck running directly over her voice box.  It was a somewhat clean-cut, like someone had tried to cut her head off with a dull blade, but couldn't finish the job.

Dwayne broke the silence first, which is surprising because he is usually the quiet one.  "Who did this to you?"  "Are they still breathing?"  That question was asked David through their mind link.

Clearing the lump in her throat, Nyx got everyone's attention.  "I think we owe you guys an explanation.  Can you meet us at ours tomorrow night?"  She wanted to get her and her sister away from them before they broke down. 

They all agreed to meet later tomorrow night at the girl's place.  David tried to give the ribbon back, Izzy just pushed his hand back towards his chest.  She wanted him to keep it.  The girls walked away before anything else could be said.  Running home and locking themselves in, taking the time to calm down and steel their nerves for tomorrow night.

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