Silver Lining [Mick Schumache...

By Deli_F1

84.5K 2.7K 282

When Hestia Schmidt decided to become an actress, just like her worldwide known mother, she had no idea what... More

Main Characters
Mad World
15 Minutes
My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriend
What Other People Say
Last Hurrah
Lonely People
Stained Glass
I Love Me
Voice In My Head
Getting Older
My Future
Lie To Me
Trust Fall
New Me
Growing Pains
Met Him Last Night
Not Today
Easier Said
Box In The Ocean
I Got You
Dear Society
The Kind Of Lover I Am
Carried Away
You Let Me Down
Happy Ending
Living Proof
Old Ways
Dancing With The Devil
Sweet Relief
The Grudge
Eat Me
Can't Catch Me Now


3.9K 103 9
By Deli_F1

"I used to crave the world's attention
I think I cried too many times
I just need some more affection
Anything to get me by."
Anyone; Demi Lovato


"When I read the script for the first time, I immediately fell in love with Francis. I can't reveal much just yet, but he is a very interesting person to follow. He might seem like an anti-hero at first glance, he made some terrible choices. But he will have some major character development, mostly thanks to Daphne, who will be his guiding light through the darkness. I love how complex the characters are and that is mostly Hestia's merit as she helped writing the script," Timothy Turner, the main male lead of Sunset in Malibu, answered one of the questions with a bright smile. Hestia's cheeks acquired a darker shade at his compliment, they were set to have a marvelous time shooting the movie. It was the first time the love interests were interacting in public, and everyone could already sense the natural chemistry.

The creators had so much faith for the upcoming movie, deciding to heavily promote the project, even though the shooting barely started. It may be a mistake, or it may not. They were willing to put all in because the price shimmered so nicely. Sunset in Malibu was the talk of the industry and yet, no one had seen a single frame. The minds behind it were not willing to let this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away. The movie was supposed to succeed, no matter what.

A few luckiest got an opportunity to join an exclusive video call with the director and the cast to ask questions and see some exclusive footage. Because journalists were not allowed to attend, Hestia was somewhat excited about the event. She still had to watch every word coming out of her mouth, anyone involved could use them against her with malicious intents. It was exhausting to be under such a scrutiny every second of a day.

"Thank you, Tim. I believe that's all we have time for," the host of the call spoke up just at the moment when one of the fans unmuted her microphone to land her question. After hearing the host's words, however, she quickly muted herself again, acting as if nothing had happened.

No one, except for Hestia, noticed it. She wondered whether or not to speak up and disrupt the perfectly schemed plan. But screw that, the girl deserved her moment, "Wait, hold on," Hestia interrpted the host abruptly, "I think Frida wanted to ask her question, am I right?"

"I did," Frida peeped, brushing a few strands of her raven hair from her face, "but it's fine."

"No, Frida, go on, please," Hestia encouraged the girl, ignoring the host throwing daggers at her through a kind smile.

"Thank you so much. It isn't a question, actually. I just wanted to say how brave and inspirational you are, Hestia. I can't even imagine how much pressure you must be under every single day. Please, be careful and look after yourself," Frida spoke with a slight stammer, having a hard time not letting her eyes flicker all around, "sorry, I had to let this out," she waved her hands before muting herself.

A soft rosy shade graced Hestia's cheeks, genuine compliments like this were unique. Words can be a magnificently powerful weapon; they can stab like a perfectly sharpened dagger, but they can be as warm as mother's hug on a foggy cold morning. Hestia beamed at the girl throught the screen, "Thank you, sweetheart, this means a lot to me. And I'm always careful, don't worry," she assured Frida, although omnious dark clouds were slowly gathering overhead.


Not many days after the call, a shortened version was published on YouTube. After promoting it on her social media, Hestia decided to re-watch it. After that, her attention moved to the modern warzone: the comment section. It was mind-stopping how hostile people can act towards one another without knowing their psyche, finding a reason why the other should be the laughingstock. Even though tons of positive comments were peeking at her from every corner, Hestia's eyes seemed to only focus on the hateful ones shining in bright red.

I'm sorry, but Hestia Schmidt is so unlikeable.

Have you seen how skinny Hestia is? She should eat, it ain't cute.

Is it just me or did Hestia Schmidt gained weight?

Who told Hestia Schmidt she was funny? Because she isn't.

I'm surprised Hestia Schmidt has the audacity to show her face after being humiliated by her ex.

Why did they cast Schmidt? She is so mid and nothing special.

Ugh, I hate nepotism babies...this shouldn't be allowed.

Hestia Schmidt should find a different job, she will never be as good as her mother.

The only reason why Schmidt got that role is because of her mother. She would be nothing without her.

That movie is gonna flop so hard, mainly because of Schmidt. She is nowhere near her mother, she can't act at all.

Who thought it was a good idea to cast a drunkhead?

Look at Hestia, faking an interest in fans to appear likeable. She is so calculated.

It was practically impossible for Hestia not to take the vile comments to her heart. Whenever she opened her social media, haters outshined any glimpse of optimism. It always made her pause and wonder why was she so disliked. What did she do to all these people, she didn't even know them. They made her look like a monster from the hills. Was she truly like this? How much change in character was needed to please them all?

With melancholia by her side like a loyal comrade, Hestia was sitting on the ground with a bottle of bitter beverage. Despite portraying herself as a recovering addict, there wasn't a time Hestia was truly sober. Three years of sobriety everyone was talking about? It never happened, it wasn't real. She drank at home, alone in the dark, from time to time, only a drink or two. People were right in one thing: she was calculated. Master of manipulation. Tweaking the lies a bit to make them look like a truth. Not even her closest suspected a single thing.

It didn't stay with one drink that night. Once she felt the familiar taste of saviory, there was no going back. The feeling of temporary comfort was too addicting to let go. From the first drop, she lost control. Streams of salt were running down her cheeks as she was emptying bottle after bottle, scattering them all over the floor. She didn't care about the consequences of her actions, she didn't sense the lurking scent of death.

Maybe it was time to ask for help. But Hestia was not the type of person to know how to talk about her pains. She lacked trust, she was ashamed of herself. She was disgrace to the whole society. Hestia could feel her hands picking up the red notebook. She was hopelessly spinning in the whirlwind of emotions desperately wanting out. The notebook was the only one willing to listen when the wounds were bleeding a bit too much.

The whole world knows who I am
yet nobody gives me a hand.
Sitting in a crowded room
but there is no-one to turn to.
I'm right here, crying for help
nobody hears me, why would they?
Blue sky is turning gray
glass of liquid, hello again.
Dark walls are caving in
is there a way out of it?
Lord, please, I need a hint
give me a sign, a flash of glint.
Can anyone get me out of this mess?
there are feelings I can't suppress.
I don't need much, just a bit of love
so, tell me, is there anyone?

And then, everything became a lifeless blur. Her phone was switched off not to interrupt the upcoming tango with the devil.


"Mick, honey, can you turn on the TV, please?" Corinna Schumacher called after her son from the kitchen where she was making dinner, "there is this documentary about ancient Greece I want to watch."

"Sure, mum!" Mick called back while turning on the TV. After a long season he spent racing in Formula 2, the young German could finally take some much needed rest. It was a successful one, he won the championship and had a Formula 1 contract in his pocket. All the pieces were slowly falling into their places, the future was looking bright for him.

As soon as the TV screen lightened up, there was some sort of a celebrity magazine. Not Mick's cup of tea when it came to a perfect evening programme. He never understood how someone could be so invested in lives of celebrities. After all, they were only people, no mystical creatures.

"And now some news only a few minutes old. American actress Hestia Schmidt has been admitted to hospital after being found unconscious in her apartment. The daughter of the two-time Academy Awards winner Loren Schmidt is known for battling with alcohol overdose in the past. Her current condition is unknown but we will keep you updated as soon as we will have more information."

Mick could hear his mum talking after she watched too, however, he didn't react at first. He felt a weird ping in his heart at the fate of a person he didn't know, an uneasy feeling he couldn't shake off. Life is not fair, it doesn't matter if you are famous or not. Then he grabbed his phone, defeated by curiosity of human nature, "she looked really young," he blurted out while searching Hestia Schmidt on the internet. She was beautiful but her charms and surely great character were outplayed by what happened to her.

"I would say she is around your age," Corinna said while looking over her son's shoulder, who was scrolling through Hestia's Instagram. Mick didn't say anything, shaking his head at mean comments under her pictures. She didn't struck him as a vile person but looks may be decieving, "it's horrible how easily a person can succumb to their demons, especially at such a young age," she let out a sigh before disappearing back in the kitchen to bring the meal. Mick turned off his phone, and found the correct channel where the documentary was, trying not to think about everything.

He attempted to pay attention but his mind kept drifting to the girl with long chestnut hair and blue sky eyes. Despite not knowing her personally, he felt a weird connection to her. He knew how overwhelming it could be when everyone expects you to do miracles straightaway only because of what family you were born into. It was his everyday struggle, something he had been fighting with his whole life. He somewhat found a way how to filter opinion's of others but it was way too soon to claim the trophy. The real challenge was yet to be played. During the evening, he caught himself frequently checking his phone for any news about Hestia Schmidt but didn't receive any, much to his dismay. Situations like this tend to bring you closer to the suffering person. They become a part of you, and you just want the best for them, whoever they are.

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