
By lovee_xplr

193 7 6

Killig (n.) The rush or the inexplicable joy one feels after seeing or experiencing something romantic. Start... More

C. Diggory
D. Malfoy
L. Evans
H. Granger

J. Potter, R. Lupin

12 1 0
By lovee_xplr

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝

y/n P.O.V.:

Sitting at the table with some of the order members, The Weasley's, Hermione and Harry, you ate dinner.

"y/n?" Harry spoke up, causing you to look up at him, "You were with The Marauders at Hogwarts, can you tell us some stories? About my mum and dad?"

You closed your eyes for a second and swallowed.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to!" Harry rushed, seeing you hesitate.

"No no, it's okay Harry. It's just a little harder for me than for these two," You smiled, motioning to Sirius and Remus.

You smiled sadly when Sirius shot you a concerned glance.

"I actually met these goons last. I was a Muggle born, so I didn't know anyone and the only compartment with space left was theirs," You giggled, "The train had taken off 10 minutes ago, and they were all already laughing about some stupid remark one of them made. You'd have thought they'd known each other for so long.

But, I was walking and James noticed me outside, looking, I don't know, probably scared out of my boots. He opened the door and invited me in. And from then on, all five of us were inseparable. And each of us had our own tasks during pranks. Remus was the brains, obviously. Peter was the look out. Sirius, well, he did most of the actual pranking and chose most of the targets or he'd distract the teachers and prefects, but Remus and I had to constantly make sure it wouldn't back fire on himself. James was either a distraction or executed the prank, like Sirius. Now, yours truly made double sure it was safe and, if the boys did get into trouble or caught, I'd convince the professor to lessen their punishment.

I was the safety net. They could always fall back on me. And when it did back fire, in cases they went off without Remus and I, I would be the one to help heal their injuries or reverse the effects."

"So," Harry started with a smirk, "You were the best Marauder?"

From Sirius came an offended scoff, Remus a subtle smile and the rest of the people a mighty laugh.

"What do you think?" You winked, sticking your tongue out at Sirius.

"What else can you tell me?" Harry asked, intrigued as he leaned forward on his elbows, food long gone.

"I wasn't as close with your mum. We never talked much until after your parents engagement," You told him, as most of the order members left, Mrs Weasley clearing away the plates.

"But, she was truly incredible, she was. She was incredibly smart, her and Remus in constant battles for top of the class," You laughed, shaking your head, "She was kind, too. Even though we weren't really friends, she would make sure I was okay. She was undeniably beautiful. I was actually not an insecure teenager, but next to her, I felt insecure. She didn't do that on purpose, she wouldn't, but she was just that beautiful."

Most of the room had cleared by now. Only Sirius, Remus, Harry, Ron, Hermione and you remained.

"I can't tell you much about her, but I can tell you so much about James. Those four boys were and are my life," You smiled, looking at Remus and Sirius.

"Then tell me more about him," Harry suggested.

"I'd say that for the first 5 or 6 years, I was the closest with him. We were basically attached at the hip, inseparable, he was my best friend," You smiled, thinking back to that time.

"What happened? Why did that change?" Harry asked.

Noticing you flinch, Remus quickly stood, "I think you kids ought to head to bed. It's getting quite late."

Once the three teenagers headed up the stairs and to the rooms they were staying in, you turned to Remus. Sighing, you collapsed into his chest, resting you arms around his waist.

"Thank you, love," You whispered.

"It was no problem, my love," He softly kissed your forehead, running his fingers through your hair.

"How am I supposed to tell him that it was because his dad and I broke up? How am I supposed to tell him I used to love his father?" You whimpered.


The next day, you were sat with Harry in the dining room. You guessed that George and Fred were planning a prank of sorts, Sirius was probably talking with Remus and some of the other adults, Hermione was probably reading or talking to Ginny while Ron would very likely be playing, and beating, one of the adults in chess.

"You know, I was in love with him," You spoke, looking at Harry.

'God, he looks so much like James,' You thought, noticing how he ruffled his hair, just like him.

"Who?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your dad," You clarified.

After a moments hesitation, he spoke up again, "Did you ever tell him?"

You nodded, "Yeah. We actually went out for around a year. But, it ended shortly before he and your mum got together."

"I'm sorry," Harry breathed.

"Oh no no. It's fine. He was a great boyfriend and he loved me. He just wasn't in love with me," You told him.

"Is that why you sort of drifted apart?" He asked, slowly.

"A little. At first, it did hurt to see them together. And Sirius and James were incredibly close, as well as the fact that Sirius was staying with the Potter's, so, I spent most of my time with Remus.

He knew just what to do to make me feel better. It was simple things, really. He never talked about James or our relationship, he would avoid the topic of love in general. We spent lots of time in the library, either studying or he'd read to me while we sat on the window sill.

It was nice. When James and I were together, he'd always have an arm around my shoulder or my waist or he'd be laying in my lap while I read. So, when that ended, I didn't get as many hugs, as much physical contact. Remus knew this without me saying it, so, he'd lay my head in his lap, on his shoulder, have his arm around me, anything, while he read.

And back at Hogwarts, Remus didn't share his chocolate with anyone, but he would offer me a piece every once in a while. I started hurting less and was able to see Lily and James together without wanting to cry."

Harry hummed, "When did you and Remus get together?"

"It was the end of seventh year. Remus, Sirius, Peter, James and Lily were in the common room. James and Lily had their backs to where I was, I was just coming in, and Sirius, Remus and Peter were sat in front of them," You explained.

(you explain through the flashback, it's just prettier with the flashback)

You walked into the common room after the portrait opened, immediately spotting the Marauders and Lily. You walked towards them with a smile and stopped when you heard James speaking, seemingly nervous.

"Lily and I, we've decided to get married," James spoke, you could feel his happiness as he bounced up and down slightly.

"W-What?" Peter stuttered, looking between the two.

"And you didn't tell me first?!" Sirius complained, pouting and crossing his arms while he fell back against the couch he was sat on.

Remus spotted you instantly and his eyes grew concerned. This caused James to turn around, face falling slightly when he saw you.

"I was just telling the guys..." He trailed off.

"I heard," You spoke, voice shaking when you let out a breath you weren't even aware you were holding.

You smiled shakily, "Congratulations."

You gave him a hug and smiled gently at Lily, "I wish you both luck."

After Remus, Peter and Sirius hugged the two, the group separated into their own parts. Sirius and Peter decided to talk to James and Lily about their wedding. Remus walked to you, giving you a gentle hug.

"I'm fine, Remus," You told him, closing your eyes as you welcomed the embrace anyway, arms instantly linking around his waist.

"Come on," Remus spoke, releasing from the hug and pulling you up to his dorm, "Let's read and eat some chocolate. Sound good?"

"I don't need cheering up, Rem. I'm fine," You assured him, a small giggle leaving your lips.

"Let's read anyway," He told you, plopping on the window seat and grabbing your most recent book.

"I'm over him, Rem. I still love him, obviously, but I've found a young man I love much more now," You told the werewolf.

"Oh?" He turned to you, eyebrow raised and a playful smirk on his lips, "And who might this 'young man' be? Gotta see if he's worth our little y/n."

You plopped down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, a habit that you quite enjoyed, and sighed.

"He's worth much more than I deserve, honestly. Been through so much, struggled for years, insecurities bubbling under the surface, been there for me since the beginning. He's absolutely dashingly handsome and deserves more than he believes. I adore him, Rem," You smiled.

"Been there for you since the beginning? So it has to be a Marauder then?" He looked to you, laughing as a blush flooded your cheeks, "That tells me I'm right."

"Shut up," You mumbled, looking away in embarrassment.

"I hope to god," He paused, "That it isn't Sirius. That lad can't stay in a relationship for more than a week."

You chuckled, "It's not Sirius. Sirius is like my brother. He loves to tease me, but he's just like an older brother. He told me, if he hadn't been staying with the Potters, we would have killed James when Lily and him got together. He's protective, just like an older brother."

"Sirius is more like a sister than a brother. He's the Queen of drama," Remus laughed.

It was silent for a few minutes before Remus thought of a question.

"You know," He started, "When I asked the lads one night who came up with the aninagus idea to help me, Sirius went into full drama queen mode to avoid the answer. Tell me honestly, who's idea was it?"

"Well, they didn't find out till well into our second year, but I knew pretty quickly. Over the summer when I found out I was a witch, I read lots about the wizarding world and read lots about werewolves, they intrigued me. So, when I saw your scars first, I was already thinking you might be, but when you'd be unwell after the full moon, I knew for sure. So, I researched in the forbidden part of the library and found it. When you finally told us, I told the boys my idea and they were more than willing to do this. So, my idea," You explained.

"Wait," Remus spoke, "We just got way off topic. Is it Peter?"

"No," You whispered, looking at him from where you were now laying in his lap.

"Then who is it?" He questioned, genuinely confused.

You laughed, "For someone so smart, you are awfully daft."

When he continued looking puzzled for more minutes, you smacked your forehead lightly, "Who's another Marauder you haven't mentioned and isn't James?"

"Not James, not Sirius, not Peter, obviously not yourself, and me-" He froze completely, cheeks and ears flushing.

When he didn't move for around 5 minutes, you sat up and waved your hand in front of his eyes.

"Rem," You poked his cheek, "If you don't move or say something, I'm going to have to get some help for you and never come back because of embarrassment."

He slowly blinked himself back to reality, smiling just a tiny bit, "You're in love with me?"

You nodded, suddenly aware that you had indirectly talked about him, to him, focusing instead on your fiddling hands.

A finger brought your gaze back up when lips met your own in a soft and slow kiss. It was just a small, quick peck, but your entire body was filled with joy, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, cheeks alight with a red hue, lips tingling from the short sensation.

"I am so in love with you," He whispered, still close to you, your breaths mingling together.

He softly kissed your forehead, lingering there for a few seconds before he pulled away and smiled at you, hand linking with your own.

"Go on a date with me," He spoke, softly gazing into your eyes.

"We've known each other for roughly seven years and you want to go on a date?" You giggled, "Don't you think we're past that point?"

"I'm not going to rush anything," He explained, "I'm taking this at a normal pace so we can enjoy all the milestones."

"He took me on a date two days later. It took him five dates to officially ask me to be his girlfriend," You told Harry, laughing at the memories. "We got together at eighteen, he proposed at twenty-seven and we got married at twenty-nine. And remember, we met at 11. It took him eighteen years to marry me."

"It took him nine years of your relationship to propose?" Harry asked, in shock.

"Well, it did get rough when we were twenty-one. We lost James and Lily, and then Peter 'died' and Remus thought Sirius had betrayed all of us, Sirius went to Azkaban. And, we lost you, too, since it was difficult with Remus' Lycanthropy and neither of us were your godparents. It was rough. And at twenty-three I found out I was pregnant, but we lost our baby. So, it became quite difficult for the both of us. But we overcame that, we can overcome every difficulty," You smiled at the fifteen year old next to you.

You looked up, spotting your husband in the doorway, "How long have you been standing there, love?"

"Around about when I was dragging you into my dorm," He answered, walking closer and kissing the top of your head.

"That was quite a while ago, love," You laughed as Remus pulled you up and sat down in your place, pulling you down on top of him.

"Harry!" Ron called from somewhere in the house.

"Coming," Harry spoke, standing up.

"Thanks for telling me, y/n. I'll see you guys later," He waved, leaving the room.

"Rem?" You called quietly after a short silence.

"Mhh, what is it love?" He asked, softly pressing kisses along your neck and jawline.

"I'm pregnant," You whispered carefully.

As soon as the words left your lips, you were turned around and greeted by a smiling Remus, "You're pregnant?"

You nodded, watching as happy tears left his eyes and trailed down his cheeks, dropping down his chin.


You were currently at St. Mungos, giving birth to your twins. You didn't know the Sex of either baby, deciding you both wanted it to be a surprise when they both came.

Remus was sat behind you, holding one of your hands while his other rested on your lower back and massaged softly.

"Congratulations," The doctor spoke, holding up a small newborn, "It's a boy."

One of the nurses rushed to clean him and weigh him as his small screams of air entered the room.

"It's time to push again," The doctor called, "Here comes the other one."

After lots of pushing and screams, your second child was welcomed into the world, too.

"Congratulations, you have one of each," The doctor told you as another nurse rushed to clean and weigh your daughter.

Just then, a baby wrapped in a blue blanket was brought to you. The nurse placed him against your chest and smiled.

"Do you have a name yet?" She asked.

"Yes, Orion James Lupin," You spoke.

You had discussed many names. This was something you both wanted desperately. Your son was named after two of your best friend, one of which had also recently passed.

Soon, your daughter was brought to you, too, placed in her fathers arms.

"Do you have a name for her yet?" The nurse asked.

Remus nodded, "Molly Hope Lupin."

Molly had become somewhat of a sister to you, so you decided to name your daughter after her, and used Remus' mothers name for her middle name.


You were standing in the Great Hall, many young adults and adults roaming the Hall. Your children were staying with your parents while you fought.

You and Remus both knew it was more than risky to fight, you knew the possible consequences, but you already had everything planned for every outcome.

You had written a letter, describing every situation. You had given it to your mother, instructing her to only open it if you and Remus were to die.

(I can't bring myself to describe their deaths, it's like Remus' and Tonks' death)

The letter:


First, I'm sorry for leaving this world so soon and not being able to care for my babies. But we had to do this. For James, Lily and Sirius. I hope you'll forgive us.

Remus and I had talked about every possible outcome and have decided that if we were to both die, we would want you to choose between the following options.

Number one, you keep Orion and Molly. You can raise them, if you like, but, if it is too much for you at your age, that is fully okay.

Number two, give the twins to Harry. He always loved these two as if they were his family. We didn't talk to him about the situation, but I believe if you show him the letter, he would gladly take them and raise them to be wonderful adults.

Number three, give them to Molly. We have discussed this situation with her, and she knows of this letter. She loved them as if they were her own niece and nephew and she became like a sister to me.

Lastly, we would like for our money to go to whoever raises our Orion and Molly, to go towards their needed supplies. We just want a good life for those two angels.

Mum, I love you so much, and we both agree with whichever decision you make.

Love, Remus and y/n Lupin.'


As you come to, you notice the surroundings looking similar to the Gryffindor common rooms as when you went to school there. You stood next to Remus, fingers linked together.

"Reckon they're here?" Remus asked quietly.

"They're here," You whispered, "One of Lily's old favourite books is open on the table, Sirius' sweater is over the couch and James' broom is in the corner."

Just as you finished your sentence, there was thumping, laughter and yelling. You could identify it all within seconds. James' laughter was ringing through the place, Sirius was yelling curses at him and they were both jumping down the stairs.

There was a loud thud and James was face down on the floor beneath the stairs. The silence was thick for around a minute before you burst into laughter.

"Merlin, James! Get off the floor," You laugh, then shortly after you were enveloped in the arms of all your friends and your husband.

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