By NikiShare

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A single mom and a CEO of twentywendy who is struggling doing both of her job as a mother and as the owner of... More

Episode 1 - Love's creation
Episode 2 - Curiosity
Episode 3 - Twentywendy's model
Episode 4 - In one room
Episode 6 - First smile
Episode 7 - Babysitting you
Episode 8 - Partnership
Episode 9 - Remembering
Episode 10 - Change for the better
Episode 11 - Who's in love?
Episode 12 - He is trending
Episode 13 - Dreams

Episode 5 - Family Day

57 2 0
By NikiShare

Love clinging her arms around Kavin's neck and stared at him feeling like in a slow motion.

Damn, why do you have to be so hot and handsome at the same time? That was illegal. Your eyes, your nose, your lips, your face, everything about you is perfect. Are you really my creation?

"What are you doing?" Love asks.

"Carried you. I know you feel uncomfortable sleeping on the floor."

How did he know? Does he read minds too? He is not really living like ordinary people huh?

"Hey, I am fine. You don't have to carry me here."

"It's fine. You are kinda heavy. What did you eat?"

"Are you saying I am gaining weight?"

Kavin shook his head and replied "You can sleep now. I know you are tired and sleepy from work."

"What about you?"

"I already told you earlier."

"What? Watching me sleep?"

Kavin nodded.

"You are creepy. It feels like a ghost is watching me sleep."

"Goodnight." Kavin replied.

"Hey wait tomorrow is Sunday and that means family day. So I am planning to surprise Third about this. We are going to spend time together just like what we used to do before."

"Alright. Goodnight."

"Goodnight too even though you won't sleep." Love chuckled.

The next morning, Love and Kavin prepared the breakfast so early for Third as a surprise.

"Kavin help me here." Love said.

"What am I gonna do?"


"I thought you don't like me to cook for you both."

Does he really read minds? Even about yesterday. The food that he cooked is not good and it's burnt. I should have said this to him before he reads our minds.

"What? I didn't say that. Well not this time, you are going to help me to surprise Third, okay?"

"Mmm deal." Kavin gave a thumbs up sign.

Even though you don't express any emotions on the outside but I can feel what you feel inside. It feels like we are connected.

Kavin cracking the eggs but using Love's head. Every single egg he crack he will hit her head. Love was surprised about what he did.

"Aww, what are you doing? Why are you cracking the eggs by hitting them on my head?"

"Why? Did I do it wrong? Where should I hit the eggs?" Kavin asks.

"Here I'll show you. Get one egg and you are going to crack these one by one using the bowl or something hard surfaces like wall." Love showing where to crack the eggs.

"But your head is hard enough." Kavin asks.

"Funny, just do what I said." Love looking so pissed.

After cooking the eggs next will be the soup. Which is Third's favorite soup.

"Taste it. Tell me if it's already good." Love said.

"Mmm so good. What do you call that cooking job again?"

"A chef." Love answered.

"Oh yes you are a good chef."

Love chuckled and replied "I am not. I just know how to cook. So is it already good so that we can already eat."

Kavin nodded.


It's the perfect timing when they already finished cooking Third also comes out.

Third still rubbing his eyes and said "Mamu? Kavin?"

Love shouted "Surprise!"

"You are still here? Don't you have work? You work everyday right? You are going to be late." Third replied.

Love approached him and bended her knees in front of Third "No, I don't have. The reason why I worked overtime and got home late it's because I have to finish all the paper works that needs to be done and I realized after that it's Sunday which means it's family day. You and me time, right? Just like before."

"I am not dreaming right?" Third asks.

"No, you can touch me if you want to know if it's a dream or real."

Third touched his mother's cheeks and started to pinch it.

"It is real. It's really family day?"

"Mmm yes. It's family day. Any plans?" Love asks.

"Hmm I have a condition first."

"What is it?"

"Today no one will hold phone. To avoid phone calls or messages from work. Second, can we take Kavin too?"

Love looked at Kavin and asks "You are fine with it?"

"Yes, besides I wanna see him spending time with us."

"Okay deal."

"Third..." Third was about to say his third condition but Love suddenly interrupted.

"Oh there is more condition?" Love asks.

"Yes, hmm the third condition will be no cars so we are going to ride a bus instead and fourth condition will be... ah you two will be handcuffed. I mean I only have one so you are going to share each side. The left side would be yours the other side will be Kavin. "

"Why do we have to be handcuffed?"

"So that I can see you both together easily if ever I will be lost."

"You are not going to be lost. We won't leave you out of our sight, okay?"

Third cutely giggled and replied "Okay!"

Kavin and Love were already handcuffed after their meal. They waited for the bus outside. When the bus arrived Love asks Third about the keys first.

"Where's the keys?" Love asks.

Third gave Love a kiss on her cheeks. He thought he heard kiss instead of keys.

"Not kiss. It said keys. How are we going to unlock this handcuffs then?"

"Oh I thought you said kiss hmm later Mamu. I'll give it at the end of the day. Let's have fun first." Third replied.

The bus driver shouted "Hey are you coming inside or not?"

"Coming!" Third replied.

Their destination is going tk the amusement park. It's Third's favorite place to go. When they arrived Third immediately ran everywhere.

"Third, no running okay? Wait for us."

"Sorry about that. This is his favorite place to go whenever we have family day. So what do you want to do?" Love asks Kavin.

Kavin shrug his shoulders.

Third suddenly shouted "Mamu, Kavin I wanna ride that!" he pointed at the roller coaster.

"No you are not going. It's dangerous." Love replied.

"That's why I need you to come with me."

"No way. It's too big and scary. My heart can't take it. Take Kavin instead."

"Mamu remember you are wearing handcuffs with him. So you are going too."

Love has no choice but say yes to everything say.

"I swear to God I will regret this for the rest of my life." Love said.

Love keeps shouting as she was so scared while holding the handles really tight. Third was also having fun shouting while riding on it. Meanwhile, Kavin has no emotion at all. He looks calm and quiet beside them.

Third asking for more extreme rides. They have no choice but to say yes. After the extreme rides he asked for one more ride. The calm one. This time it won't be scary and extreme.

"Mamu, I want to ride one more!"

"Huh? after all the extreme rides that we went to you are asking for more?"

"It won't be scary this time. It's the last one, I promise."

"Okay, what's next?"

"That one." pointing at the ferris wheel.

"It's the last one okay? My hand is already hurt. I want to take off this handcuffs already." Love replied.

They entered the last ride which is the ferris wheel. It took 30 minutes to complete one revolution around the Ferris Wheel.

"Finally, something not extreme. The sun was about to set. How long will this take?" Love asks.

Kavin suddenly answered "Around 30 minutes."

"How did you know?"

"I heard it somewhere."

"Oh, by the way did you have fun Third?"

"Yes, I hope we are like this everyday. But I had fun. Your reaction was really funny. Screaming every rides that we experienced. Did you saw it Kavin?" Third giggled.

"Mmm I heard it. Her voice is too loud that the whole world can hear it." Kavin replied.

"Hey you are exagerrating now."

"I'm not done yet. The whole world I am talking about is me..."


"And Third." Kavin added.

"Ah you should have cleared it. My whole world is my son, Third. Not you." Love teasing Kavin.

"When are you going to unlock the handcuffs, Third?" Kavin asks.

"Hmm I don't know." Third shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean you don't know? you mean you won't let us free from this? we will be forever wearing handcuffs. No way cannot be!" Love said.

"I'm just kidding. When we get home. The keys were at my room."

"Tomorrow is Monday which means you are going to school again. Kavin will do the same thing. He's coming with you and waiting for you in school. Alright?" Love added.


They went home after spending the whole day at the Amusement Park. Third finally unlocked the handcuffs and went back to his room to sleep. He didn't take off his clothes because he is already tired and sleepy.

"Finally, we are free." Love said.

"Third, will be early tomorrow okay? don't forget that. Wait for him until his class is done." Love added.

"Don't worry I'll take care of him and protect him at all costs like my own son." Kavin replied.

Love smiled and responded "Thank you. I know I can count on you." she patted her shoulders and went back to her room.

Next episode...

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