Confused At Heart

By FairyPrimrose

1K 283 0

What's the difference between crushing on someone? Liking someone and loving someone?? The journey of Hazel... More

Lets Meet
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 30
Chap 31
Chap 32
Chap 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 39
Chap 40
Chap 41

Chap 12

23 7 0
By FairyPrimrose

I wake up for school drowsily. I freshen up, get dressed, have cereals and before hopping into my school bus, my eyes land infront of Noah's house where his bike was nowhere in sight. Maybe he left early for school. But he always leaves at the same time as I do.

Upon reaching, just as I hop out of my school bus, Noah's bike come at my direction in full speed and just as I think he's going to crash into me, he takes an abrupt turn causing me to trip backwards. I fall on the ground and I feel an instant pain in my ankle releasing a cry from my lips. Great, I think I broke my ankle.

Simaltaneously, I hear a loud thud on my right. Sudden sounds of loud gasps and exclamations fill the air. I turn my head and see Noah on the ground with his bike. Oh my Gosh, he slipped.
A crowd forms in the blink of an eye. Some people help Noah to stand and lift his bike, while some people including my friends who came rushing towards me with horror written on their faces, due to the crowd that informed them about the scene.

ABBY(worried): Oh my God Hazel!?
ZOE(worried): Are you ok?? What happened??
ALEX(worried): Hazel!? Are you hurting?
HAZEL(in pain): I'm fine. I think I broke my ankle.
ZOE: We have to get you to the nurse's office.
ABBY: What if Noah actually crashed his bike into you!?
HAZEL: Thank the Lord he didn't. Now help me get up.

Alex and Abby raised me from the ground and Zoe held on to my bag. Meanwhile, Noah is also standing with his friend Mark's support. His hands are a little red due to abrasion, he was holding his arm in place which means he might have fractured it and there was a minor wound on his left eyebrow.

From the side of my eye I could see Alex seething resentfully. It was as if his going to lunge at Noah for this accident. I put a hand on his shoulder smiling faintly but reassuringly that I'm fine and he should cool down. Although I know Alex is a very calm person, he doesn't do fights and his forever moto is 'let it go'.

I'm not mad at Noah, it wasn't as if he was trying to kill me or something. It was just an accident that we both didn't saw coming plus it's not only me who's injured. In contrast, my friends completely blame him.

The school's doctor examined my foot and declared it being sprained. Thank God. He said I'll have to use crutches for a 1 to 2 weeks until the pain subsides, leg cast was not necessary as it's not severe also I wouldn't have liked wearing it. The doctor gave me pain killer for now and handed my two crutches for the day.

Zoe was along with me, since I forced the other two to attend their class. When I was walking out of the room, Noah entered along with his friend. His eyes flickered guilt when they met mine for a second.

Alex persuaded me to drop me back home in break but I refused. My parents will surely have a mini heart attack when they see me like this. Few people who happen to be my classmates came upto me with lots of pity and 'get well soon' wishes.

There in the canteen I can see people hudled around Noah as if he came back from the dead. Stella is trying her best to look worried but I can tell how much she's faking it. Both of us are now called to the Principal's office.

PRINCIPAL: Hazel and Noah first of all please tell me that you don't have any severe injuries.
HAZEL & NOAH: No Ma'am.
PRINCIPAL: Thank God. Now I would like to know what happened in the parking lot.

I could see Noah's body tense up, so I answer.

HAZEL: When I descended my school bus, I saw Noah's bike approaching me and I tripped backwards on my feet. The second thing I know is that Noah was on the ground too along with his bike.

The Principal listens to me with heed. Noah's eyes are still fixated on the ground. He's acting so guilty even though he didn't do it on purpose. That's what I believe.

PRINCIPLE: Noah? Do you have anything else to add?
NOAH: It was an accident and I'm sorry.
HAZEL: Yes Ma'am, it really was an accident. Maybe Naoh lost control of his bike or didn't see me standing there or something. Other than that I don't think it's his fault.
PRINCIPAL: Hmm, be careful next time Noah. Get well soon both of you and if you need rest of the day off, you can. You two can go now.
NOAH & HAZEL: Thank you Ma'am.

With that we exit her office. Noah looks at me and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by Mark.

MARK: Hey Noah, I think you should skip rest of the classes and go home.
NOAH(dull): Let's go.

I see them leave and help myself towards Biology class.

ZOE: What did the Principal say?
HAZEL: She was only asking what happened and if Noah was to be blamed. But I told her that it was an accident nothing more.
ABBY: But why did you say this? He could've done it on purpose to scare the life out of you but instead ended up getting hurt too.
HAZEL: Are you crazy? He would never do that. Stop assuming Abby. Well, the Principal even granted us an off for the rest of the day.
ZOE: Then why are you here dumbo?
HAZEL: Cause there's no use. I'm sure I can manage the last three classes.

Tring Tring Tring!

Its hometime. Alex offers me a ride home so that I'm more comfortable. I had to accept cause didn't seem like he would take a NO for an answer.

ALEX: You don't have to come to school tomorrow if your ankle hurts. Don't worry about the class work. We will gather all of it and send it to you. Take care of yourself Hazel, health comes first!

Alex gets really worried even if I get a tiny scratch so obviously he was very concerned for my well being. I am very grateful to have him by my side. I stand in front of the door, about to turn the door knob, letting out a huge breath. Okay here I go.


Bam! A quite painful accident for both. Can you guys guess the reason Noah lost control of his bike? If not then you'll have to wait and find out in the upcoming chaps.

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