Riddle's Mark

By DracoMalfoyShifing7

52.7K 908 329

Starting at your third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and to no surprise, nothings normal... More

A Little Background.
"What the Hell is Happening"
"We'd be good together, don't you think?"
"Oh My Merlin, Love Potion?"
"It's My Father Harry, I Have To!"
"I Got Him, Don't Worry."
"I Think he did This Because of me."
"Pansy is looking for you..."
"Oh! Well That's Great Draco!"
"All The Time."
"Feet Off The Table!"
"Did You Just Say?"
"I thought there was only 3 champions?"
"Aww Tom Riddle Has A Heart."
"You're up Y/n."
"I Meant Open It Under The Water."
"You Got This Eh Y /n?
"Does This Mean?"
"This Isn't Going Too Well."
"Can I Talk To You For A Second?"
"Cedric! Get Back To The Cup!"
"What Was It Like"
"I-I Can't"
"You're Leaving Me!"
"What did you do Y/n?"
"Well, Options."
"I Think you Should go."
"My Deepest Apologies Professor."
"I Just Wanted to Make Sure You Were Okay."
"I Like This One."
"I'll Protect Her With My Life."
"...I'm Her!"
"What Did Happen On The Stairs?"
"You're A Hypocrite"
"Y/n It Isn't Even Like That."
"What Was The Fight About Nott?"
"What The Hell Are You Doing Here?"
"Y/n Isn't It?"
"You're Such A Bitch!"
"This Is Quite Tragic."
"You Didn't. Not For Me."
"Whenever You're Ready."
"You In Or Out?"
"Y/n, Step Away From Him."
"You're Not With Your Dad... Are You?"
"This Is Mad"
"Watch Yourself Nott."
"It's Probably Broken."
"No, It Just Smells Different Now."
"So What Happened With Nott?"
"What Side Effects?"
"Please go Away."
"Two Days?!"
"Are you gonna screw that up like I did?"
"I didnt want to do it.."
"How are you?.... Honestly?"
"Y/n Trust Me On This."
"Not Fucking Funny."
"Whatever You'd Like Princess."
"It's Easy For Him To Be Confused."
"Or What Princess?"
"You Left Him!"
"He Needs You."
"Then Let It Last."
"It Stays Here."
"I Don't Need To Talk About This."
"Love Potion I Presume?"
"I did it."
"Would You Though?"
"It Doesn't Feel Like It."
"While It Was Good Advice..."
"You Can't Break Now..."
"Can We Talk About It?"

"Come On Talk To Me Baby."

1.9K 32 21
By DracoMalfoyShifing7

"Granger can you like go so I can talk with her, actually?" He gives her a look, then she nods and leaves. He turns to me and sighs, "Honestly are you alright?"

"Tom just go." I roll over to face the wall.

"I'm here to help you. I know it's not usually like that, but I want to help Y/n." I sigh and take a minute to think. He puts a hand on my shoulder when I don't respond. "Want me to kill him for you?" I shake my head, feeling tears working their way up. He looks over my should to my face and sees my watery eyes. "Y/n." I roll over and look at him, trying to make out some words.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to pile this on you." I choke on my tears and wipe them as they fall. He lays down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"It's okay Y/n. Potter is not worth your tears." He nudges me with his shoulder and I let out a small laugh. "I can talk to him for you."

"No, no. Merlin no." I'm able to get that part out clearly. He chuckles to himself and nods.

"Fine I'll let you handle it then." He sighs and puts his head on mine.

An hour or so goes by and I've stopped crying. I'm not sure if I was that worked up over Harry or I just was tired. "So, are we feeling alright to talk to him?" I look up at him and shake my head. "Gotta do it at some point." I look away and he starts to get up. "Fine, if you want to be like that. I'll go talk to him since you won't." He stands up now and reaches for the doorknob. I shoot up from my bed and stop him from leaving.

"NO! OKAY! FINE! I will go and talk to him." I take a deep breath, open the door, and walk into the common room. I walk by Hermione as Tom starts talking to her. When I get to the couches, I see Harry sitting alone. I stand in the staircase for a second before he looks up and sees me.

I walk over when he does so it doesn't look like I was staring, "Hey Y/n." He smiles and looks up from his potions work. I give him a fake smile in return.

"Hey." I sit next to him on the couch. He looks at me for a second and I worry that I've shown too much of how I feel.

"You okay?" I make eye contact with him and look away immediately. I twist the rings on my fingers. Something I tend to do from my anxiety.

"Well I-" I move my hand away from my rings and scratch my head. "I wanted to talk to you about something." As I'm about to say something he interrupts.

"Is this because of the truth serum, because Y/n I do like you but I feel like you don't like me." I look at him confused. Is he serious or was I hallucinating.

"Wait what? Harry you literally just called Ginny baby." I start getting a bit annoyed and angry. Was he just going to pretend it never happened?

"How did you even-" He looks up towards my dorm and sees Hermione and Tom looking down at us from the railing. I look up as well and they fall down out of sight.

"Hermione was spying, not me." He stands there for a minute looking at me. I can't tell if he's angry, flustered, or trying to make up an excuse.

"So then," he stands up, "do you want to go to hogsmeade tonight with me?" I look blankly at him, taken back from the question.

"What like a date?" He laughs at my surprised tone.

"Yeah, so?" I sit there thinking this would've gone different. Out of spite and without thinking much I answer.

"Sure." I smile and he does as well.

"I'll meet you here 'round 5?"

"Okay, yeah, sure that's good." He nods and laughs at me one more time. 

"Okay bye Y/n." I watch him walk to his dorm, once he's gone I run up to mine.

"Why would you say yes? This isn't adding up Y/n." I sense the slightest bit of worry in Tom's voice as he follows me into the dorm along side Hermione.

"What do you mean 'not adding up'?" I stop and look at them. I thought they would be happy?

"He never told you what the whole thing with Ginny was. He didn't even mention it." He closes the door behind him.

"Honestly Y/n I agree with him." She stops and thinks for a second. "For once, it's weird. Besides that I don't trust him either."

"You guys are being over dramatic." I turn away and go towards the bathroom. Tom comes over and grabs my arm.

"Y/n come on, use your senses." I look at him, seeing his blank, dark eyes. Not telling me much about how he feels.

"I am using my senses Tom. Let me handle this on my own." He lets go of my arm and looks at Hermione.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes and walks out.

"Y/n, he was trying to help." Hermione says, looking at me like I'm not me.

"Well he wasn't." I sigh and look at the wall, "This is a good thing Mione!" She looks at me not convinced. I sigh and walk into the bathroom.

"He's right Y/n!" She yells to me.

"Bite me!" I yell back. I take a shower and put on a little make up. I get dressed and head to the common room. When I get down the stairs and see Harry standing by the fireplace. "Hey sorry I took so long."

"It's alright, don't worry. Well let's go." He holds out his hand and I grab it. We walk to Hogsmeade passing Draco and his friends. Draco shoots me a disgusted look and Harry must've noticed.

"What was that about?" He asks as we pass by them.

"Malfoy being Malfoy I guess?" I shrug it off and continue into Hogsmeade. When we get there and he gets us both butterbeers. He hands me one "Thank you."

"Of course, come on let's sit over here." He takes my hand again and walk towards a table in front of the three broomsticks. He pulls out a chair and I sit down.

"Thank you." I take a sip of your butterbeer and Harry sits across from me. After a while of us talking and joking around we head back to the common room around 7ish.

"Wait you still have detention with Snape?" He says trying hard not to laugh.

"Yeah it sucks. Out of all the teachers it had to be Snape. It's okay though, only one more week of hell." I look up at the sky and whine.

"Well at least you got the chance to tell off Pansy. Must've felt good?" He looks at me waiting for a smile that comes out.

"I have to admit that did feel good." We laugh and joke around a bit more as we walk past Blaise, Draco, and Goyle again. Did they wait or something? What the hell? "We should go the other way."

"No, we're just walking past. We'll be fine." I look at him and nod as we continue on.

"Hey Y/n." Blaise says walking by me. I walk by and ignore him but he stops me.

"Come on talk to me baby." I see Harry give him a dirty look out for the corner of my eye. Before he gets a chance to say anything, I speak up.

"I'm far from your baby Blaise. No matter how much you want me to be." I give him a pouty look and walk past him.

"I don't know about that." He grabs my wrist and tries to pull me closer to him, but I turn and slap him across his face. He lets go of my wrist and step back, surprised at what I did.

"Never grab my wrist like that again." I tell him off as Draco walks over.

"Now that wasn't too friendly Y/n" He says with a grin plastered on his face.

"Come on Malfoy just let us by." Harry says stepping in front of me. Draco looks at him then behind him at me.

"Really? You went out with this one?" He laughs a bit and continues looking at me. "I was just beginning to tolerate you."

"Yeah well he isn't a dickhead like you so." I hit his shoulder with mine and walk by with Harry.

"Yeah well at least he isn't a slut." I hear Goyle yell from behind us. Harry stops and turns around.

"Say it again Goyle." He walks over to him and Goyle steps back.

"Come one, she's probably slept with half of the school already." He looks at me up and down.

"Jealous that you weren't included?" I watch him scanning my body. Blaise grabs Harry and Goyle walks over, grabbing my arm.

"What'd you say Y/n?"  He looks down at me like he's intimidating. I clench my jaw and scoff.

"You heard me Goyle." I release myself from his grip and elbow him in the face. Before anything else happens, I drag Harry away. "I can't stand them."

"Me either, but we should probably go before they find us again." I nod and he grabs my hand. We run to the Gryffindor common room. We get there and wait for the painting to open. "Well at least the only Slytherin who knows how to get in here is-"

"Talking about me Harry?" Tom says sitting in an armchair with a book in his hand.

"Really? What are you waiting up for me?" I walk over to him and snatch the book from his hand.

"Yes, yes I was. And you are..." He looks at his watch. "Oo and after curfew. Not a good look Potter."

"You know thank you for this 'dad' but I think you should go see what Mione is doing." I give him a fake  and forced smile. He eyes down Harry then walks up to my dorm. "I'm really sorry. I want to say he'll get better, but he's always been like this... sadly."

"It's alright, I had a lot of fun." He smiles and I smile back, hoping my cheeks aren't beating red.

"Me too. I'll see you tomorrow." I go to walk past him.

"Y/n." He says and I turn around. He walks over and grabs my waist, pulling me into a kiss. "Uh sorry." He laughs and I look at him a bit flustered

"It's okay." I laugh as well, a bit awkward. "Goodnight Harry." That was way too soon. I walk into my dorm, seeing Hermione and Tom gossiping about me.

"A kiss? On your first date! Y/n Lupin." She says quite loud.

"STOP STALKING ME!" I yell falling onto my bed.

"Well." Tom gets up. "I still think it's odd Y/n."

"Aw Tom isn't it after curfew?" My tone full of sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah I can take a hint, I'm going. I hope you had fun." He opens the door, smiles at me quick, and leaves.

"Would've been better." I turn on my side looking at Hermione.

"What do you mean, what happened." She says sitting on the couch.

"Well, Draco and his minions stopped us and were complete assholes." I roll my eyes and watch her eyes look around the room.

"Hm." She says getting up and walking to her bed.

"Hm? Why hm?" I sit up and eagerly wait for her response.

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it." She turns off the lights. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight you ass." I lay back down and close my eyes. I hope my gut feeling is right and Harry is truly a good guy

The next few days I spend hanging out with Harry. I'm walking out of Defense Against the Dark Arts when Harry comes up next to me. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what's up?" We host start to walk side by side through the halls.

"Well it's sort of odd because I don't know if we considered this or if we were considered this." He looks up and notices he is rambling. "Sorry." He laughs. "Okay, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Finally." I laugh and he looks at me embarrassed.

"I should've asked sooner shouldn't I have?"

"Yeah, I mean we've been hanging out non stop and not to mention we kissed... twice and-" I try to keep talking, but Harry cuts me off.

"Yeah yeah." He pulls me into a kiss to shut me up. Who knew Potter could be so bold? He pulls away and smiles. "We have to get to lunch, come on." We continue walking to the great hall. We walk in and I sit next to Harry on one side and Hermione on the other.

"You owe me 20 galleons." George whispers to Fred thinking I'm deaf or something.

"Whatever." Fred hands him a bag of money and George puts it in his pocket.

"Are you two betting on my love life?" I lean on the table death staring them.

"Betting? Hm... I do not know what you're referring to?" Fred says, I roll my eyes and look over to the Slytherin table to see Draco shooting daggers at me. I try to motion him to go outside and after a second or two he gets up and walks out.

"Hello, Earth to Y/n." Hermione waves her hand in my face.

"What? Sorry." I look back to the table and see mostly everyone looking.

"How did he ask you out?" She says now smiling.

"It was awkward, that's for sure." I laugh looking at Harry, he rolls his eyes.

"Rude, I think it was very classy." He looks away and holds in a laugh.

"Yeah definitely. I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I get up and walk out of the hall. When I get out, I see Draco leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"What? Why are we out here?" He asks as he sees me walk over.

"Why do you keep staring at me. It's every time we're in the same room, I swear." I wait a second for him to answer. He laughs and shakes his head.

"You're clueless Y/n." He rolls his tongue on his cheek and looks at the floor.

"What are you talking about Draco?" I start getting impatient while he just laughs.

"Doesn't matter anymore, forget it." He starts to walk away.

"Come on Draco, I'm dating Harry. Why can't you accept that?" He stops and turns to look at me. I see pure confusion on his face, did he not know?

"You can't-." He stops. "That's not fair, I liked you! I really liked you. I turned myself inside out liking you."

"You did like me?" I ask confused, Draco actually liked me? I thought he was just bugging me.

"Yes! Of course I did! What's not to like about you." He looks at me, clearly hurt.

"Then why Draco, why are you always such a dick to me?" He looks down avoiding eye contact with me.

"I didn't know what else to do, I wasn't exactly raised by a loving and helpful family." As I'm about to answer, I here Harry yell my name.

"I have to go..." I don't want to leave the conversation, but I also don't want Harry to think anything is happening with the two of us.

"Then go Y/n." He walks away from me and I stay in the same spot for a second. I sigh and walk into the great hall and sit next to Harry, who's gone back in and sat down as well.

"Listen to what these blithering idiots want to do." She looks away from me and over to Ron and Harry, I do as well.

"All I said is we should try to stop them from killing Buckbeak." He says as if it's not completely insane.

"Wait wait, why are they killing Buckbeak?!" I furrow my brow at him and ask confused.

"When Malfoy's father found out what happened he convinced the council to put him to death for hurting a student." Harry says, he looks disgusted.

"That's ridiculous and so is your plan Ronald." I roll my eyes at him and look at Hermione.

"Then you two don't need to come." Ron says as him and Harry stand up.

"Are you serious Harry you could get expelled." I hope he smartens up, but we all know he'll try and save the day.

"It's worth a shot." He walks out with Ron.

"Why do they never listen to us?" I get up quickly and throw my bag over my shoulder.

"Lets just go so they don't do anything stupid." Hermione says as we run out trying to find Ron and Harry. When we get outside we're able to see Harry and Ron at Hagrid's hut.

"How are they already at Hagrid's hut?" I look at her genuinely confused.

"Who knows." We run down the hill towards them. Ron turns and sees us following them.

"Change of mind?" He chuckles at Hermione and I out of breath.

"If the change of mind is making sure you two don't die or get expelled then yes, we had a slight change of mind." I give him a look and stand next to Harry. Hagrid opens the door and sees us.

"What are the four of you doing out here?" He motions for us to go inside. Once we're all in he closes the door. "The executioner will be here any minute."

"Is there anyway to stop it from happening?" Hermione asks with eager eyes.

"The only way is freeing him, but if we do that they're going it know it was me." He looks down trying to hide his face. As I sit there in silence something flies through the window and breaks a jar.

"Bloody hell what was that?!" Ron says looking at the broken jar. Another rock flies in and hits Harry in the head, I run over to look out and see Dumbledore, the Minister, and the executioner.

"They're coming!" I turn quick and whisper shout.

"Go, out the back." We rush towards the door and slowly walk over to hide behind some pumpkins.

"What do we do now?" I ask bending down next to Harry.

"There's nothing to do." Harry says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here before anyone sees us." He grabs my hand and we walk back up the hill. I get to the hill and see Malfoy at the top with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Ah come to see the show?" He laughs with Crabbe and Goyle. Hermione walks towards him with her wand out.

"You, you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" She holds up the wand to Draco's neck.

"Mione put your wand down! This won't solve anything!" I yell to her, hoping she'll stop and listen. She looks at me then back at him. She lowers it and turns away, she hears Draco laugh. "And you've done it."I sigh as Hermione looks at him again and punches him in the face. "Holy shit Mione." She walks over towards us.

"That felt good." She grasps her knuckles in her hand, I look over at Draco wanting to see if he's okay. Yet I stay still as they run back inside.

"Look, they just came out." Harry points down at Hagrid's hut.

"I can't watch this." Hermione hugs Ron hiding her face in his shoulder. I turn away as well, until I hear the slice and lean against the rock. Harry walks over and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay, come on." We walks back towards the hill with my head leaned onto Harry's shoulder.

As we're walking, Ron drops his rat, "Scabbers!" Ron runs down the hill chasing his rat.

"Oh my Merlin. RON GET THAT BLOODY RAT THEN COME BACK UP HERE!" I yell down to him wanting to go back to the dorm.

"He's running towards the willow..." Hermione says stepping forwards.

"Great, just what we needed." I go to run towards him, but Harry stops me.

"Y/n, no." I look at him and shake my head.

"That tree could kill him, I'm not going to see another innocent life get taken today." I push Harry away and run past him and after Ron. I get down at the tree and see Ron getting really close to the branches, whipping around. "Ron watch out!" A branch flies over my head and I duck down. I look up and see Ron being dragged into a hole by a black wolf. I shoot up and look back at Harry and Hermione. "Come and help me-" A branch hits me in the stomach and carries me through the air.

"Come on Harry!" Hermione yells and drags Harry over.

The branch you're on swoops down and hits Harry. "Sorry!" Hermione manages to get into the hole leaving Harry and I. I reach out to him, "Grab my hand!" He manages to grab it and I launch him in. I struggle trying to get off of it as well, until the tree drops me in landing on top of Harry.

"Are you alright?" Harry says looking up at me and wiping some blood from a cut on my face away.

"Stomach's a bit sore, how about you?" I get up and wipe off the dirt on my clothes.

"I'm okay-" He says before Hermione yells from the end of the tunnel.

"Guys up here!" We both walk up the stairs finding a room and Ron with his leg cut open.

"Merlin Ron are you alright?" Worry fills my face as he looks straight ahead terrified.

"It's Black!" He points forwards to a man standing in front of them. He's in old dirty clothes, and has dirt all over. I step in front of Harry.

"You're not killing Harry without getting through us!" I grab onto his arm.

"Only one will die tonight." Sirius says with a grin on his face. Harry runs up to him pushing him to the ground. He pulls out his wand and holds it to him. Sirius laughs and looks at Harry. "Are you going to kill me Harry?" In that moment, my dad runs through the door.

"Expelliarmus!" He catches Harry's wand. Harry gets up running over to me.

"Well Sirius looking rather ragged are we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness in you." He holds up the wand to him. I watch them interact, something uneasy in my stomach.

"You know all about madness don't you Remus?" Sirius says, still on the floor. He looks at him for a minute and lowers his wand helping him up. He pulls Sirius into a hug. "I found him Moony, let's kill him!"

"Dad? What the hell! I trusted you, you're my father! Now you're helping the person who's trying to kill Harry?!" Hermione steps forward and looks at him after I say that.

"He's a werewolf." Hermione says looking at my dad as well.

"What!?" I look at her and then at him, feeling the tears starting up.

"That's why he's been missing our classes." She says as he walks towards her.

"How long have you known?"

"Since Snape set the essay." She takes a shaky breath. I sit there stunned, staring at the scars on his face.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age-" Before he finishes, Sirius interrupts.

"Enough! Come on, lets kill him!" Sirius yells at my father.

"Wait-" He tries to calm down Sirius, but it doesn't work.

"I've done my waiting! Years and Years in Azkaban!" Sirius says, my dad nods and looks at Harry and me.

"Very well then kill him, but wait." He hands him the wand. My stomach drops and I feel like I can't breathe. "Harry has a right to know why."

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