Insanity (COMPLETED) #Wattys2...


865 67 8

Devynn has a normal teenage girl life. Snotty girls, cute boys, and a best friend. Garren, Devynns best frien... Еще

Second Guessing the Intro
Stage Set
Meeting Wyat
There's Two

Drama and Surprises

63 5 0

I woke up to my room being very bright. I could hear my mom yelling from downstairs. I looked over at my alarm clock.

7:30 A.M.

Leaping out of bed, I rushed around my room and got ready. I only had fifteen minutes to get to first hour. I definitely wasn't going to be late, nor look bad. I somehow was successful. I made it a minute early.

First hour was strange. Second was even weirder. Third hour, however, was a nightmare. I walked into the room, and everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I literally heard a pin drop. Then they started laughing. Phones were taken out of pockets and flashes came from everywhere.

I didn't get it. Luckily for me, there were girls in the class who didn't hate me. We all got permission to go to the bathroom. "Oh no.... She will put it everywhere!" One if them exclaimed. "Kimmy! Don't freak." Another replied. I stared at them questioningly. "What's going on?" I asked. They turned me to face a mirror.

Now I understood why they were laughing.

I had not gotten ready as well as I had thought. I had a flat on one foot, heel on the other. I was wearing a full length, purple skirt. On top, I had a bright orange tank with a pink cardigan. To finish the look, my tired brain decided on blue mascara, pink eyeshadow, cream blush, and a feathery accessory in my snarled hair.

I slid to the floor against a wall. The others slid next to me. "Hey, it is going to be fine." Kimmy said, but she didn't sound sure. "I look like a clown on steroids, and I am going to be the laughing stock of school! I should have know my luck wouldn't last." I muffled into my arms. "What do you mean?" One of the girls asked. I think her name is Sadee. "Nothing," I said, "It doesn't matter."

They stared at me questioningly, but didn't press further. After they helped clean me up, Sadee had some extra clothes. I finally looked decent. "I don't know how to thank you guys." I rushed out as we left the bathroom. We pretty much became good friends after that.


Kimmy was right. Photos of me this morning were all over school by lunch. I sat by the girls and Garren joined us not too long after. He seemed to have forgiven me for yesterday. It may have been because I was in need of support. I wasn't worried about it.

Half-way through lunch, the Perfs came over. "Just ignore them." Tayla, one of my other new friends, warned. Kilee spoke first. "That was a bold statement you made this morning. I hope it didn't cost too much." She snickered. I wanted to slap her.

"You probably broke everyone's phone cameras. That would suck for your dad's wallet." Kilee gasped, "Wait!! That's right. You don't know your dad."
That was the last straw. I stood up and faced her.

"At least I don't have to kiss up to everybody to get what I want. Why don't you check up on Ebay and see if they have a life for sale? Oh, and for your information, if the Zombie Apocalypse ever happened, you'd be safe. They only go after brains."

I enjoyed the look of hurt flash across her face. She huffed, and stormed off. I sat back down and everyone at the table was staring at me. "What? It was just the truth."
Everyone just pretended to move on with their lives.


I looked at my phone. It was a text from Wyat. Sadee looked at the screen.
"Wyat? As in, Quarterback Wyat?"
I nodded, "Yeah, why?"
She looked at the other girls. They all started getting that look that says: "OMG I can't believe this is happening!"

I rolled my eyes, finished eating, and went to my locker for a piece of gum. when I got there, I checked my phone.

"What are you doing this afternoon?"

I replied that I wasn't busy, and got my gum. Mint was the best, by far. No longer than a minute later, Wyat replied.

"Meet me by the front doors after school?"

I thought about it, and went to go find Garren. He was sitting with his teammates, talking about the last game of the season. Garren turned to me.
"Are you coming tonight?"
I had a mental freakout. I had no idea what he was talking about.

He must have understood, because he laughed, "I knew you didn't know. It's the last game."

"Oh!!! I am so sorry I didn't remember, Garren. That's huge!!!"

Garren just kept laughing in a cute way. "You don't have to come. I know hockey isn't your thing."

I shook my head. "Nope! I'm coming to the game. I'm not missing it for anything."

Garren smiled with his cheesy grin, which has started to get cute, and walked away with his team. I texted Wyat that I couldn't meet him. He offered to hang out some other time, and I agreed.

The rest of the day flew by quickly, and I soon found myself getting ready for the game. When I got to the rink, I was surprised yet again to find out that the final game was the decider for the State Championship. Garren's team was playing against the toughest team in the league, as I heard someone say.

I bought a hot chocolate and found myself a good seat in the stands. A lot of people from school said hi and complimented my outfit, and I assumed they hadn't seen me this morning.

Before the game started, I saw Wyat enter the rink. We made eye contact, and he came and sat by me. "What are you doing?" He asked. I pointed at Garren and replied, "I'm supporting a friend. What about you?" He laughed and said, "I always support any and all sports." I wasn't surprised.

The game was fun, and Wyat taught me some Hockey terms. The other team was in the lead by 5 points. It seemed obvious that our team was going to lose. All the sudden, people in the stands started cheering. I leaned into Wyat.

"What's going on?"

Wyat turned to me and smiled. "The other team just did a really illegal move, and he was caught on it! People rarely talk about the move much, but it's so bad, they take points away."

We looked at the scoreboard, which now said, "Home- 9 Visitor- 11." We were now only 2 points behind. The "best" player on the other team was off the ice, and we had all our good players on. Garren was on the ice. I stood up to cheer.

The last couple of minutes left started, as the puck dropped. The other team seemed to have the advantage. Just then, the puck was turned around and our team took it down the ice. They got to the net, and scored! One more point and they would tie.

The puck dropped again, and with motivation from the crowd, the puck was taken to the net. Our team scored right before the buzzer went off. "Now what happens?" I asked Wyat. He replied, "Theyr'e going into overtime."

The score board had 5 minutes on it, and everyone got into position. The puck dropped, and the teams seemed to play Hot Potato by passing the puck back and forth. The other team took a shot, but the goalie blocked it. Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

1 minute remained. It was on even standing. All of the players were playing their hardest. Then Garren got a hold of the puck. I stood and cheered while he took the puck down the ice. Next to me, Wyat seemed kind of bored.

Garren dodged defense and shot the puck. Everything went in slow motion. The puck bounced on the goalie's glove, and went in. 5 seconds were left, but they turned off the time.

Garren won the game. After pictures and everything, the team came off the ice. Everyone was cheering them, and clapping them on the back. I stood in the crowd waiting for Garren. Wyat had wondered off.

Garren finally came off, holding the trophy. I ran up to him, "Why didn't you tell me it was a championship?" He grinned at me, "I thought you would figure it out."

I don't know how it happened, but everything slowed down again. I don't even remember what happened. All I know is that, right in the middle of the crowd, we leaned close.

Then I kissed him. It was the best feeling. We stood there for a good minute before we broke apart. Everyone was cheering again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wyat slouching out the door.

This update took a while. Thanks for reading! I was excited for this chapter.
I'll try to update soon.


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