
By Moms4boys

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A homeless teen with a terrible past meets a man that could change her life forever. Will her past destroy h... More

Chapter One- In the rain.
Chapter Two- Spending time together.
Chapter Three- Let's pretend.
Chapter Four-The truth comes out.
Chapter Five- Legal issues.
Chapter Six- Heartstrings.
Chapter Seven- Craziness.
Chapter Eight- Court
Chapter Nine- Unexpected outcome.
Chapter Ten- Family drama.
Chapter Eleven- Making things right.
Chapter Twelve- Good & Evil.
Chapter Thirteen- Saving myself.
Chapter Fourteen- Getting back to Normal.
Chapter Fifteen- Making it public.
Chapter Sixteen- Unexpected visitor.
Chapter Eighteen- Tyler & Deena.
Chapter Nineteen- Things evolve.
Chapter Twenty- Closure.
Chapter Twenty-One- Life changes.
Chapter Twenty- Two- The end.

Chapter Seventeen- Trust issues & family.

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By Moms4boys

~Holly's point of view~

A week has gone by. Things have been insanely crazy; Reed's phone has been ringing off the hook. It's always his agent. We haven't had a chance to meet our siblings. I have had conversations with my Grandma; She understands that we are truly bombarded. Reed and I are in bed wide awake. His phone had woken us up.

Reed: "I'm so sorry, Babe."

Holly: "Really, It's ok, Reed."

Reed: "I really thought that this would kill my career. I honestly thought it would ruin me."

Holly: "The crowd outside grows bigger every day."

I missed my doctor's appointment because we can't leave the house. We can't even really go outside.

Reed: "I know. I'm glad Kevin decided to come here."

Holly: "Me too. I'm excited to see Aaron and Thea."

I turn to my back. He puts his hand on my stomach; he leans and kisses my belly.

Reed: "I love you, Baby Bit."

Aaron is on Gerald and Ruby's record label. They are coming with Kevin; We didn't want the media to see Kevin come alone. With Aaron and Thea, he's just their child.

Holly: "I miss home, though."

Reed: "Me too. Could you imagine this at our house?"

Holly: "There wouldn't be room."

Reed: "Exactly."

Holly: "Reed, we need to talk about this. We can't put it off forever."

Reed: "I know."

Holly: "What's holding you back? You haven't been able to work. You've lost all your clients. Your photography business is pretty much gone."

Reed: "I don't know. I know that we don't need the money. That's the one thing I'm not worried about. I've never not worked. I can and have been working on Boondocks here. It's not the same. I've always worked really hard. I feel useless."

Holly: "Again, Reed. What's stopping you?"

Reed: "You, Holly. You are stopping me."

Holly: "Why me?"

Reed: "You didn't ask for this life. I told you I wouldn't go back."

Holly: "I told you I'd stand by you if you did. I'm not forcing you to go back to it. I don't want to be the reason behind your decision. Whatever choice you make, I'll stand behind you."

Reed: "Why would you put up with it?"

Holly: "Because I know it's your dream. I wasn't put in your life to hold you back on your dreams. I'm here to support them and encourage you."

Reed: "Holly, I miss it. It's so hard not to take some of these auditions. I just can't; this marriage means more to me than that."

Holly: "Do you really think that it would ruin us?"

Reed: "No, but certain things have happened. I didn't have that with Laya. It still ruined us."

I hate that he compares me to her. I'm angry. I don't say anything; I get up and head to the bathroom. I choose not to argue with him about Laya. I don't know what I have to do to prove I'm not her. That I'll never be like her. I believe him when he said he doesn't love her anymore. He just doesn't love me enough to trust me. I can't believe that he insinuated that I willingly cheated with Jace. He's the one that insisted that I didn't. I am beyond pissed off.

I'm in the shower, and I hear him come in the bathroom. I don't say anything because if I do, I'm going to explode on him. I get out of the shower, get ready, and head straight outside. I go to the lounge chairs by the pool area. It's too cold to swim now, and the pool is closed. I truly hate that I have no one right now. Deena and Ty are still back at home. I don't want to bother Ty; he does everything for me. I am alone. I love Reed's family. I can't vent to them; I'm stuck in my own head.

I purposely left my phone in the room. No one will look for me out here. They know I don't come here because of sneaky reporters.

Ty: "Holly?"

Well, fuck. I guess they will.

Holly: "Dad."

He asked me to call him that, and I do. He is the Dad I never really had.

Ty: "You shouldn't be out here alone."

Holly: "I needed air."

Ty: "Are you ok?"

Holly: "I'm fine."

He sits in the other lounge chair.

Ty: "You're lying. I can't see it written all over your face. You also don't ever come out here."

Holly: "How do you know?"

Ty: "Because if I'm not with you, this is where I am. I know damn well you've never been out here. You also know better than to come out here alone. Now tell me what's going on."

Holly: "Nothing."

Ty: "I'm not here for them, Holly. I'm here for you. I'm here for only you. I wouldn't give two shits about them being in the media if you weren't involved. I've told you over and over that you are just as much my responsibility as Tyler. I'm all you got right now, kiddo. You might as well go ahead and tell me. You know I'll find out one way or another."

I'm not going to bother him with my marriage problems. I knew this wasn't going to be easy all the time. It's actually been too easy. Ty may be my Dad in every way that matters, but I can't bother him with this.

Holly: "I'm ok."

Ty: "Holly..."

I can't hold the tears anymore. They aren't sad tears; They are pissed off angry tears.

Ty: "Oh, kiddo."

He sits on the side of the chair and pulls my seat to face him.

Ty: "Talk to me."

Holly: "I'm not sad. I'm fucking pissed off. I so pissed I don't know what to do."

Ty: "What's going on?"

Holly: "Reed."

Ty: "Obviously. What did he do? I don't think I've ever seen you pissed at him."

Holly: "He keeps comparing me to Laya. I get so tired of it. He did it again this morning and backhandedly threw Jace in my face."

Ty: "In what way?"

Holly: "He keeps getting offers for auditions. I know he wants to take them, but he turns them down. I asked why. He said it was because of me. I asked if he thought it would ruin us; he said, "No, but certain things have happened. I didn't have that with Laya. It still ruined us."

Ty: "Wow."

Holly: "Am I being childish?"

Ty: "Not at all. That actually pisses me off. He wasn't there; he didn't see what happened. It seems to me he doesn't trust you, kiddo. It fucking pisses me off he brought Jace up."

Holly: "Exactly."

Ty: "I'll never talk bad about Reed. I like him. He's good for you. However, this makes me very angry, and you are my main concern."

Holly: "I know that I don't want anyone else. He is all I want. He's all I think about. I've never thought about being with anyone else. I murdered the one who forced it on me."

Ty: "What do you think is his issue?"

Holly: "That I'm going to cheat the moment he has to go somewhere."

Ty: "You can travel with him."

Holly: "Exactly. We could travel with a baby, even children. There are such things as tutors and stuff like that. I mean, I know I couldn't take them on sets and things like that, but we could be in the same fucking city. It's also not like you aren't going to have guards on me everywhere I go. I get the feeling that he doesn't WANT me with him."

Ty: "Don't do that, Holly. Don't allow yourself to think that he wants to cheat because he thinks you will. It will just make it worse."

Holly: "I know that. That's why I am so pissed. I trust him so much. I firmly believe that if he were put in a position to cheat that he would walk away. Why can't he do the same for me?"

Ty: "That's a question you should be asking him."

Holly: "I can't right now. If I talk to him right now, I'll say things I will regret. I just can't right now."

Ty: "I understand. Is this the first time this has happened?"

Holly: "No. It's happened once before. Both times it's been about him going back to acting. Who am I to hold him back on his dreams? He was who he was long before I came along. I have no right to keep him from seeing that dream all the way through. I love him, Dad. All I want to do is support him."

Ty: "You talk about him and his dreams. What about yours?"

Holly: "He is my dream. Our baby. He's given me everything I've ever wanted. All I ever wanted was for someone that I could love unconditionally. Someone who would love me the same. Someone to have a family with. I'm living my dream. Now I'm terrified he's going to rip it all away."

Cheyenne: "Holly?"

I wonder how much she heard.

Holly: "Yeah?"

Cheyenne: "Kevin's here."

Holly: "Oh. I'll be right there."

Cheyenne: "Ok."

We wait for her to waddle away.

Ty: "Holly, you need to handle this. Don't let it linger. It's only going to get worse if you do."

Holly: "I'll try. I can't make any promises."

Ty: "I'm always here for you if you need me, kiddo."

Holly: "Thanks, Dad."

Ty: "I love you, Holly."

Holly: "I love you too."

He hugs me, and I head inside.

Thea: "Holly!"

Thea rushes over to hug me.

Thea: "It's so good to see. I've missed you."

Holly: "I've missed you too."

I truly have. I seriously just want to cry.

Aaron: "My turn."

Aaron pulls me into his bear hug.

Aaron: "It's so good to see you."

Holly: "I've really missed you guys."

Thea: "It's been forever."

Holly: "It has."

Cheyenne: "What kind of checkup is this?"

Kevin: "Just a normal one; she missed a whole visit. She was twelve weeks yesterday. I've only seen her once. I haven't been able to check her iron. It was really low."

Cheyenne: "Can you do that here?"

Kevin: "I can. I can take the blood samples back. I run them at my office. I can always call if something is wrong."

Cheyenne: "You brought stuff like that with you?"

Kevin: "I am a doctor, Cheyenne. I knew what I would need before I came. So yes, I brought it with me."

Kevin: "Do we have somewhere we can go?"

Reed: "Yeah. Follow me."

We're going to our room. That's the one place people just don't walk in anyone's bedroom, for that matter.

Kevin: "Everything been ok?"

Holly: "Yes."

Kevin: "How's the morning sickness?"

Holly: "Not terrible."

Kevin: "Any weird feelings anything like that?"

Does smacking the living shit out of your husband count?

Holly: "No."

Kevin: "Have you been taking your meds?"

Holly: "Yes."

It's not Kevin's fault. I am intentionally short.

Kevin: "Any question or concerns?"

Holly: "No."

Kevin: "Reed, can you give us a minute?"

Reed: "Sure."

Kevin: "I'll come get you in a few."

Reed: "Ok."

Reed leaves the room.

Kevin: "What's going on? I don't know you well, but I do know something isn't right. Something's going on. Do you not want me here?"

Holly: "No. It's not you."

Kevin: "You're being very short with your answers. I need to know if you think anything is wrong. You giving me short answers doesn't help. What's going on?"

Holly: "The pregnancy has been fine. I haven't noticed anything. I'm not upset that you're here. It has nothing to do with you. This is all on my husband."

Kevin: "I see. Hormones?"

Holly: "I wish it were that easy."

Kevin: "You have the right to not have him in here. I can keep him out."

Holly: "Don't do that. It's his child too. I'm pissed off, but he deserves to be here too."

Kevin: "Ok."

Holly: "Just don't expect me to talk to him. I still need time to process everything. I really don't want to say things I can't take back."

Kevin: "I understand."

He goes and gets Reed.

Reed: "Everything ok."

Kevin: "Yeah. With everything she's been through, I just had a few questions."

Reed: "Oh, ok."

Thank you, Kevin.

Kevin: "Holly, can you sit on the bed? I'm going to draw your blood first."

Holly: "What all are you going to do today?"

Kevin: "I'm super concerned about your iron. I'm going to draw your blood, and then we're going to listen to the baby's heartbeat."

Holly: "I've been eating mostly like you said to. Baby Bit wins sometimes."

Kevin: "That's great. That helps. Oh, I'll need to check your blood pressure too. I'll do that before we listen to the heartbeat. You two haven't heard it yet, have you?"

Holly: "No. We have the initial ultrasound that your Mom forced you to do."

He laughs.

Kevin: "Your next appointment, we can do the gender determination."

Holly: "I'm almost positive that it's a girl."

Kevin: "Really?"

Reed: "I think we will both be disappointed if it's a boy."

Kevin: "Just four more weeks."

Holly: "Yep."

Kevin: "Any names yet?"

Holly: "Nope."

Kevin: "Why not? Hold your arm still."

Holly: "We just haven't. Jolly started calling her Baby Bit. We've stuck to that."

He draws my blood then checks my blood pressure.

Kevin: "Your blood pressure is surprisingly good."

I'm shocked; it usually rises when I'm angry.

Kevin: "Lay down and pull your shirt up, please."

I do as I'm told. He uses a portable machine and squirts some gel on my stomach.

Kevin: "You ready?"

Holly: "Yes."

Reed reaches for my hand. I don't pull away. I'm angry, but I'm not going to be a bitch. He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses it. I can feel him looking at me. I refuse to look at him.

Kevin: "Ok, here we go."

He turns the machine on and runs the wand over my stomach. It's not long before we hear a swishing sound.

Reed: "Is that it?"

Kevin: "It is."

I take a quick peek at Reed's face; I can see the smile. I can't help but let a tear slip. I love him so much; He owns 100% of my heart. However, he questions that.

Reed: "Sound like the wind."

Kevin: "It does. Your baby has a good strong heartbeat."

He lets us hear it a bit longer.

Kevin: "Reed, could you grab a washcloth, please?"

Reed: "Yeah."

He goes and gets it. When he comes back, he hands it to me.

Reed: "I assume that it's for you."

Holly: "Thank you."

I wipe my stomach off and sit up.

Kevin: "Everything looks really good."

Holly: "Thanks, Kevin."

Kevin: "I'll call about the bloodwork."

Holly: "Thank you."

I go to follow him out. Reed grabs my arm to stop me. Kevin was already out of the room.

Holly: "Don't fucking touch me."

He let go of my arm.

Reed: "Why are you mad at me?"

Holly: "Seriously?"

I don't even say anything. I start to walk out of the door.

Reed: "HOLLY!"

Holly: "WHAT REED?"


Holly: "You seriously want to do this? Right now?"

Reed: "I'm not going to let it linger and become worse. What is your problem?"

Holly: "My problem?"

Reed: "Yes."

Holly: "Fuck you, Reed."

I don't give him a chance to say anything. I bolt out the door; I'm not in the headspace to deal with him right now. I walk past everyone and out the door. 

~Reed's point of view~

I watch her walk away. I don't try to stop her. She's seriously pissed off; I don't know why. I've only seen her mad twice before today. I think it's just best to leave her alone. She'll come to me when she's ready to talk. I make my way to the living room.

Cheyenne: "Hey."

Reed: "Hey."

Cheyenne: "Kevin said everything was good?"

Reed: "Yeah. She's fine. Did they leave?"

Cheyenne: "No. Aaron went to talk to Dad. Kevin is talking to Ty, and Thea went to find Holly."

Reed: "She is extremely pissed off at me."

Cheyenne: "Oh, we know. We all heard you yelling at each other. Did you two argue or something?"

Reed: "No. We were talking about me going back to acting."

Cheyenne: "Does she not want you to?"

Reed: "No, she's actually very supportive of it. Of me."

Cheyenne: "What's stopping you then?"

Reed: "Her."

Cheyenne: "What about her?"

Reed: "Certain things have happened. I didn't have that with Laya. It still ruined us."

Cheyenne: "Please don't tell me you worded just like that."

Reed: "I did; why?"

Cheyenne: "Oh Reed, you are a complete idiot."

Reed: "What did I do?"

Cheyenne: "Not only did you compare her to Laya, but you also threw Jace in her face."

Reed: "Is that what she thinks?"

Cheyenne: "I can't speak for her. That's how I took what you just said. Comparing her to Laya is bad enough. Throwing something in her face, she had no control over was over the top. If I were her, I'd be angry too."

Reed: "I really fucked up, didn't I?"

Cheyenne: "Uh yeah. You also yelled at her first."

Aaron: "What the hell did you do?"

Reed: "Said something stupid."

He smacks me in the back of my head.

Aaron: "She's so pissed off she won't even talk to Thea."

Reed: "She will cool down eventually. I'm not going to try to talk to her right now. All that will result in is us yelling at each other."

Cheyenne: "Reed, you were an idiot. You were wrong in this situation. She has every right to be pissed off at you."

Reed: "I didn't mean it the way she took it."

Cheyenne: "Reed, I even took it the way she did. How was she not supposed to take it that way?"

Reed: "I don't know. Fuck why can I ever do anything right?"

Ty: "Where's Holly?"

Aaron: "She's out back on the swing?"

Ty: "By herself?"

Aaron: "Brice is out there. She doesn't know it."

Ty: "Ok."

Reed: "Has she talked to you, Ty?"

Ty: "A little. Think about it, Reed. Your family and friends surround her. When things go wrong, she wants her brother. He isn't here. I'm all she's got. Who did you think she was going to go to?"

Aaron: "You need to go talk to her."

Reed: "I know."

Aaron: "She's really pissed. I don't know what you said, but she's obviously very upset. TALK to her; don't yell at her. She doesn't need that."

Reed: "Ok."

I make my way outside. By the time I get out there, she's no longer in the swing. She's pacing back and forth in front of it.

Reed: "Holly?"

Holly: "What?"

Reed: "We need to talk."

Holly: "No, we don't."

Reed: "Yes, we do."

Holly: "Not right now, Reed."

I walk up behind her. I grab her arm to get her to stop. She turns and smacks me. I feel the sting on my face.

Reed: "I deserved that."

Holly: "Damn right you did."

She moved back to the swing. I go and sit next to her.

Reed: "I'm sorry."

Holly: "I'm terrified I'm going to say something that we both are going to regret."

Reed: "Say what you need to say, Holly. Why hold back?"

Holly: "I can't."

Reed: "I know what I said. It was pointed out to me how it was taken. I didn't mean it the way you or Cheyenne took it."

Holly: "Maybe it was the way you said it?"

Reed: "I'm sure it was."

Holly: "I just can't."

Reed: "Tell me what you are thinking?"

Holly: "That I'm done that we can work something out with the baby. I can't do this, Reed."

Reed: "Because I'm an idiot?"

Holly: "You're missing the big picture. If you don't trust me, there is no us. I can't live like that."

Reed: "Holly..."

Holly: "Don't Reed."

Reed: "You can't just run because things get hard."

Holly: "I can't have you break me again, Reed. I can't handle that."

Reed: "I swear I didn't mean it like it was taken."

Holly: "I was trying to be supportive of you, Reed. I was trying to let you know that no matter what, I have your back. You not only turned that around on me, but you throw Jace in my face. You promised me that you would never do that. You were the one who convinced me I did the right thing. I can't even believe you even think that was enjoyable. Not only that, you constantly compare me to your ex-wife. Is it not bad enough that I see her every day?"

Holly: "If you honestly believe that I would cheat on you, then we don't need to be together."

Reed: "I don't think being with Jace was enjoyable, Holly. It couldn't have been."

Holly: "You were quick to bring him up."

Reed: "Holly..."

Holly: "Don't, Reed, just don't; you were the first and the only person I've opened up to. I trusted you from day one; I gave you all of me willingly. That was HUGE for me. I let you in. I let myself fall for you. I've been so stupid."

Reed: "Don't say that, Holly. I love you."

Holly: "There is no love without trust. I think it's best I leave for a while. I can ask Ty to take me to his place."

Reed: "Please don't."

Holly: "Why?"

Reed: "Because, Holly."

Holly: "Because you don't want me to? Because you can't watch every move I make if I'm not right in front of you?"

Reed: "No, Holly. I didn't mean it like you took it. I was talking about the kidnapping. I know that the threat is gone. I'm still terrified it will happen again. That's what I was thinking. That sticks in the back of my mind. You think this is bad? If I go back, it's a whole different ballgame. As far a Laya, I know that you see her every day. You have never complained. You should have said something. I also know that you are not Laya. You do things to me she can't. She doesn't compare to you in any way. You in no way compare to her. You are everything she is not."

Holly: "You don't think I know it will be difficult? I know it won't be easy. You have to stop comparing me to Laya. I'm not her. I will never be her."

Reed: "I don't even know if I want to go back. I haven't had anything that I've been interested in. I actually really do like my photography business."

Holly: "I wasn't pushing you to it so I could cheat on you. I was truly trying to tell you that I'd be there for you every step of the way. I'm not Laya. I'll travel with you. We can have our kids homeschooled; We could make it work. If not, I'm just as happy loading and unloading photography equipment. As long as I'm with you, I don't care. I want you to be happy. I want you to have your dreams come true."

Reed: "What about your dreams, Holly?"

Holly: "You made my dreams come true. We live in my dream home. I have a man that I love. I know that you are my soulmate. Until today I was certain that you felt the same way. I'm having a baby, Reed. A baby that's going to live to take a breath. I have everything that I've ever wanted. You've given me that. You have fulfilled my dreams."

I can't believe that she doesn't think that I love her.

Reed: "Holly, you are everything to me. I'm not perfect. I'm not always going to say or do the right thing. I can promise you that I'll never love anyone the way I love you. I know that you and I are meant to be together. What you and I have is incredible. I know that I can't find what we have with anyone else. We have something special."

Holly: "I will always love you, Reed. You know that there is no one else out there for me. If you can't trust me, none of that matters. Everything we've built together goes out the window."

She's right. Trust is something different. I can show her all day every how much I love her. Trust is something totally different. I can't show trust; She has to feel it. I know that she trusts me. I've never doubted that. Why can't I do the same for her? I can't fully trust her. She hasn't even given me a reason not to. This is something that I am going to have to work on, or I'm going to lose her and my child.

Reed: "I don't know what to say, Holly."

Holly: "So you're admitting that you don't trust me?"

Reed: "Yes and no. I can't show you trust. You have to feel that. I can't force you to feel it. I won't lie to you and tell you that I don't have issues with it. It's on me, not you. You have given me no reason not to trust you; others have, including my own Mother. I will admit that this a problem that I need to work on. I need you to help me through it."

Holly: "I don't know how to help you with that."

Reed: "I need you to not leave me."

Holly: "I really feel that I should. I've been with you every day for almost five months. Minus the three days, I was unwilling with Jace. Maybe space is what we need."

Reed: "You leaving is only going to push us further apart. Leaving isn't going to make this any better."

Holly: "What do you expect me to do, Reed? I've given everything to you. I have nothing else to give you."

Reed: "This is my problem to fix, Holly. I have to deal with this."

Holly: "We got so much closer after I came home. How did we get here?"

Reed: "I opened my mouth, and shit came out."

Holly: "Now you wish you would have eaten that shit?"

Reed: "Something like that. Not even an hour ago, we heard our baby's heartbeat; now we're sitting here sounding like we're headed for divorce."

Holly: "That's exactly what it feels like."

Reed: "I know."

Holly: "Where do we go from here?"

Reed: "Can we start from right here, right now?"

Holly: "Reed..."

I fucked up. I can't take back my words. I do love her more than anything; I can't let her walk out of my life. If she goes, I'm afraid that she'll never come back. This all stems from doubts her Grandma put in my head. Ultimately it all goes back to Laya. Maybe being in the same home with her had brought issues up for me. The way I feel has nothing to do with Jace. It's all in my head. Everything became real.

I hadn't been in a relationship for five years. She walks into my life, and everything changed. She put my broken pieces back together. She's carrying my baby; She's been loyal to me. I never loved Laya anywhere close to the way I do Holly. She is my everything. She's even had opportunities. When Tyler first came and Brice. I see the way he looks at her. I know he wants her. She doesn't seem to notice; I was worried about Tyler. I'm a guy, and I thought he was cute. Holly didn't.

I feel the tears stinging my eyes. I let them fall, Not to get her to feel sorry for me. I cry because I know that I fucked up. I know I've done her wrong. I'm angry at myself. I'm angry I let people get in my head. I'm angry at myself for doubting her.

Holly: "Oh, Reed."

I have my head down. She stands up and positions herself between my legs.

Holly: "Look at me."

I look up at her. She puts her hand on both sides of my face.

Holly: "This isn't going to break us. I won't let it. We've invested too much in this for this to go like this. You are going to do whatever it is you want to do that makes you happy. I am going to do what makes me happy."

Reed: "And what is that, Holly?"

Holly: "I'm going to love you and our children."

My heart explodes.

~Holly's point of view~

I say his name, but I've got nothing. We sit in silence. I see him drop his head in his hands. It's not long before I see the tears fall. I'm not going to let this break us. I can control this situation. My head is telling me we need space; my heart is saying stay and work this shit out. In the end, my heart is going to win.

I position myself between his legs. I make him look at me. I make sure he knows that this isn't going to break us. He's what makes him happy. I'm going to do what makes me happy. Love him. We didn't go through everything we did for it to end like this. I'm not a quitter. I don't give up.

I want him. I want nothing else; I want all of him. Issues and all. He can do whatever it is that makes him happy. I'll be there for him. I'll stand by him. He is truly what makes me happy. He has given me my child. I wouldn't have her without him; I lean down and place a kiss on his lips.

Holly: "I love you. We can work past this."

Reed: "I love you too, Holly. How do we do this?"

Holly: "Like you said. Start today. Wipe everything from your mind as things happen, evaluate them and make a decision."

Reed: "What did I do to deserve you?"

Holly: "Let's just go from here. If you ever doubt me or have questions talk to me. I'll never lie to you about anything. One lie was enough for me. Don't assume anything. Call me out to wait until I give you a reason. I guarantee that you will never find a reason. Want to know why there will never be a reason?"

Reed: "Yes."

Holly: "Because the only man I want touching me, kissing me, and putting his babies in me is the man that is looking at me right now. Got that?"

Reed: "Yes. I'm so sorry, Holly. I will come to you if I ever have any questions or doubts."

Holly: "That's all I ask."

I kiss him again. I intentionally make this one last a little longer.

Holly: "Today should have been a happy day, Reed."

Reed: "I know. We heard Baby Bit today."

Holly: "We did."

Cheyenne: "Hey."

Neither of us saw her walk up.

Reed: "Hey, Waddles."

Cheyenne: "Shut up. Are you two ok?"

Holly: "We will be. What's up?"

Cheyenne: "You two have a whole house full of people who have talked Kevin into finding Baby Bits heartbeat again."

Holly: "Seriously?"

Cheyenne: "Yes. He was ganged up. Mom, Thea, Dad, and Ty. So, we kinda need you back inside."

Reed: "Why did we let these people in?"

Holly: "I ask myself the same thing."

Cheyenne: "I'd like to know how you and I are both pregnant, but you get all the attention."

Holly: "I don't want it."

Cheyenne: "I know. I'm messing with you. Mom and Dad have been to my appointments."

Reed: "Who would have thought that you and I would be having babies at the same time."

Cheyenne: "I know, right."

Reed: "Give us a minute, and we will be in. It's kind of bad time, Chey."

Cheyenne: "I tried to tell them. I will let them know."

Reed: "Thank you."

Reed waits until she walks away.

Reed: "Are we ok?"

Holly: "We will be."

Reed: "I'm sorry, Holly."

Holly: "We will get through this. We can handle anything."

Reed: "I hope you're right."

Holly: "I know I am. You can push me away all that you want. You're stuck with me."

Reed: "That's the problem, Babe. I want to be stuck with you. A little too much, maybe."

Holly: "Do you think maybe I like what we have? That I like being with you?"

Reed: "I don't have any idea why you would want to."

Holly: "You warned me that you were an asshole."

Reed: "I've been a huge one today."

Holly: "Yes, you have."

Reed: "Let's go make these people happy."

Holly: "Those people are all your family and friends."

Reed: "Nope. Not claiming Ty. Ty is all you, Babe. I thought maybe today was the day I'd get my bones broken."

I laugh.

Holly: "Oh, we do need to discuss one thing before we go in."

Reed: "What's that?"

I back up so he can stand up. We start to walk inside.

Holly: "Your Dad."

Reed: "What about him?"

Holly: "I'm never giving up my love affair with him."

Reed laughs.

Reed: "He's the one man you are allowed to have."

Holly: "Good because I'm never giving him up."

We make our way through the door.

Aaron: "Are you done being an asshole today, Reed?"

Holly: "He will never not be an asshole."

Ruby: "Right. It's in his bones to be an asshole."

Reed: "I'm right here."

Holly: "We know."

Gerald: "Let's go hear this, baby."

We all head up to our bedroom. Kevin brings in the machine, and we repeat the process.

Holly: "I wish Tyler was here."

Ty: "How about we call him Kiddo?"

Holly: "Yessss!"

He calls him and puts him on speaker.

Ty: "Hey, Tyler."

Tyler: "What's up, Dad?"

Ty: "You're on speaker."

Tyler: "Why?"

Ty: "Because you're about to hear your nieces heartbeat."

Tyler: "Really?"

Holly: "Yep."

Kevin: "Ok, everyone ready?"

Everyone says yes, I hear Dee too.

Holly: "Hey Deena!"

Deena: "Hey Chick."

Kevin: "You know what to do, Holly."

I pull up my shirt. Kevin applied the gel and placed the wand on my stomach. It wasn't long before we hear the swishing sound again.

Ruby: "Aww."

Thea: "Yay!"

Cheyenne: "Awww."

Wade: "That one sounds different than ours."

Kevin: "They can sound different. One can be higher than another."

Tyler: "She sounds like a Washing machine."

Deena: "No, she doesn't."

Holly: "Only you would say that, Jolly."

Reed grabs a washcloth. I wipe my stomach and sit up.

Thea: "I'm so excited."

Ruby: "I hope it's a girl. We have four boys now."

Thea: "We have five."

Tyler: "Neither of you have to worry about that. Baby bit is definitely a girl."

Holly: "I agree."

We finish up, and everyone leaves the room but Reed and me.

Reed: "So?"

Holly: "So?"

Reed: "Where do we go from here?"

Holly: "I know what I want to do."

Reed: "What's that?"

Holly: "Take a nap."

My phone rings.

Reed: "Who is it?"

Holly: "Jolly."

I answer it.

~Phone conversation~

Holly: "Hello?"

Tyler: "Hey."

Holly: "Did you miss me?"

Tyler: "Always."

Holly: "We just talked."

Tyler: "So? Am I not allowed to call my little sister anymore?"

Holly: "Always. What's up?"

Tyler: "So we're coming back there tonight. Deena needs a little space, and I was wondering if you wanted to meet Grandma and the boys for dinner."

Holly: "Hang on."

I put Jolly on mute.


Holly: "Do you mind if we go meet my brothers tonight?"

Reed: "Do you?"

Holly: "I'd like to."

Reed: "That's fine."


I unmute Jolly.

Holly: "Sure."

Tyler: "Am I on speaker?"

Holly: "No."

Tyler: "Dad said that you and Reed were fighting. Is everything ok?"

Holly: "Yes."

Tyler: "Are you sure? I will kick his ass."

Holly: "I'm sure."

Tyler: "Good. I really didn't feel like kicking my best friends ass."

I laugh.

Holly: "Best friend, huh?"

Tyler: "Yeah. Kinda slipped out."

Holly: "Big brothers aren't supposed to like their little sister's boyfriend or husband."

Tyler: "You have three other shots at that."

Holly: "Ohhh, that's cruel. I guess I got three other shots as my new favorite."

Tyler: "Why do you hate me?"

I laugh.


Reed: "Where does he want to go."


Holly: "Where do you want to go?"

Tyler: "Grandma said she could rent a secluded section of the restaurant at her hotel."

Holly: "You've talked to Grandma?"

Tyler: "Yeah. I'm kinda excited to meet them."

Holly: "Hang on."

I mute him again.


Holly: "The restaurant at Grandmas hotel."

Reed: "Ok, your Dad and Brice are going with us."

Holly: "I already know."


I unmute him.

Holly: "Ok. What time?"

Tyler: "Six. Make Sure Dad and Brice are with you."

Holly: "Geez, you and Reed are exactly the same."

Tyler: "That's why we get along so well."

Holly: "I'm going to lay down for a bit."

Tyler: "My niece making you tired?"

Holly: "She is."

Tyler: "Get some sleep, Lil Bit."

Holly: "I will. I love you, Jolly."

Tyler: "I love you too."

~End phone conversation~

Reed lays on the bed next to me.

Reed: "I turned my phone off. Keep yours on and set the alarm."

Holly: "Ok."

Reed: "Have I ever told you my first thought of Tyler?"

Holly: "No."

He lays on his back. I put my head on his chest.

Reed: "He walked in my office, and my first thought was I think I made a mistake."

Holly: "Why?"

Reed: "He's every girl's dream guy."

Holly: "Not every girl. He's cute and all, but he's not you. You are my dream guy."

Reed: "What's the deal with his best friend?"

Holly: "You jealous?"

Reed: "Maybe a little. I mean, he is my brother-in-law, but he's my friend too."

Holly: "You may not want to be his best friend right now."

Reed: "Why?"

Holly: "He wanted to make sure he didn't need to kick his ass. He was talking about you. He was relieved that he didn't have to."

Reed laughs.

Reed: "Good."

I kiss Reed, then lay there and fall asleep. We wake up to my Phone ringing.

~Phone conversation~

Holly: "Hello?"

Tyler: "Hey. We're headed that way."

Holly: "What time Is it?"

Tyler: "Four."

Holly: "Oh, ok."

Tyler: "Did I wake you up?"

Holly: "Yeah, it's a good thing you did. Reed told me to set the alarm, and I forgot."

Tyler: "Baby brain."

Holly: "Exactly."

Tyler: "I'll see you then."

Holly: "Bye."

~End conversation~

~Reed's point of view~

I didn't plan on falling asleep, but she did. I was watching her sleep and drifted off myself. I feel her move, and then I hear her talking on the phone. She hangs up and sits on the edge of the bed. I slide up behind her. I lift her hair and kiss the back of her neck.

Holly: "Mmm."

I want her so bad right now. I'm not so sure she wants me. I take my hand and slide it up her back to rub it.

Holly: "Oh Reed...That feels so good."

Reed: "Holly..."

Holly: "Hmm?"

I can't. I can't be selfish.

Reed: "We need to get ready."

Holly: "How fancy is this hotel?"

Reed: "It's upscale but not suit and tie."

Holly: "Reed..."

Reed: "Hmm?"

Holly: "Shower with me, please."

I was not expecting that.

Reed: "Are you sure?"

I don't know what is going through her head. I want her in any way she will have me. I just don't want her to regret anything.

Holly: "Yes."

She stands up, stripping clothes as she walks to the bathroom.

Reed: "Holly..."

Holly: "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I come up off the bed.

Reed: "Oh, I want you, Holly. I just want you to be sure."

Holly: "I am very sure."

I make my way to the bathroom. I lean up against the counter and watch her; She turns the water on. I undress as it gets warm. I watch as she washes her hair. I get hard just watching her.

I start stroking myself.

Holly: "I can help with that."

Reed: "I know, Baby Girl. I just want to be nice and hard for you."

Holly: "Don't take too long."

She drives me crazy. She's so innocent in so many ways. In other ways, she a very headstrong woman.

I enter the shower. I bring my lips to hers. She breaks it

Holly: "I trust you, Reed."

She looks me in my eyes as she says it.

I knew what that meant. I had my way with her in more ways than one. We both shower and get out. I watch her as she dresses.

Reed: "Holy hell Holly. After what we just did, and you dress like that?"

Holly: "I hate wearing dresses, and you know it. It's an upscale place, and I wanted to match you. I compromised."

Reed: "I'm fully clothed, though."

Holly: "I am too."

Reed: "I can see boobs, Holly."

Holly: "They are only for you."

Reed: "I bet you Brice checks you out."

Holly: "Oh, I know he will. I've caught him looking. Guess what, though?"

Reed: "What?"

Holly: "I only want you."

~Holly's point of view~

I wore this outfit on purpose. I know he has trust issues. I also know this outfit pushes his limits. I also know Brice is definitely going to check me out. Chey bought this outfit. I fix my hair and put on my body spray. Reed comes up behind me and puts his hands on my hips.

Reed: "You look beautiful."

Holly: "Thank you. Is this outfit worthy enough?"

Reed: "Yes. I wish you weren't wearing it, though".

Holly: "Why?"

Reed: "Because it makes me want to take you back to the shower."

Holly: "Mmm, maybe the bed after dinner."

Reed: "You're going to get stared at."

Holly: "Only because I am your wife, no one wants me, Babe. Just you. I only want you. I wore this outfit for you. You bought it."

Holly: "Oh, and the restaurant requires it."

Reed: "Remind me to fire Chey."

Holly: "Why?"

Reed: "She shouldn't buy you things like that. I'm not going to be able to keep my eyes off of you."

Holly: "That's not a bad thing, Reed."

He presses up against me. I feel his bulge on my ass

Reed: "That's going to be happening all night."

Someone knocks on the door. I go open it.

Holly: "Jolly!"

Tyler: "Hey, Lil Bit."

He comes through the door and wraps me in a hug.

Tyler: "I missed you."

Holly: "I missed you too."

He shakes Reed's hand.

Holly: "I thought we were supposed to meet there."

Tyler: "We decided to come here first. I'm your muscle remember?"

Holly: "How could I forget?"

Tyler: "You look beautiful."

Reed: "Doesn't she?"

Holly: "You look good too."

Reed: "Is Brice still coming?"

Tyler: "Yes. Dad's busy."

Reed: "Oh, ok."

Holly: "Where's Deena?"

Tyler: "Ruby has her talking downstairs in the kitchen."

Holly: "We should go save her."

Reed: "You have everything, Babe?"

Holly: "I do."

We all head to the kitchen.

Ruby: "Oh Holly, you look beautiful."

Holly: "Thank you."

I see Deena.

Holly: "Deena!"

We rush to hug each other.

Holly: "Gosh, I've missed you. Sorry about your Mom."

Deena: "Thank you. I've missed you too."

Holly: "You look beautiful."

Deena: "Thank you."

Ruby: "Tyler, you make sure Brice keeps his eye on our girls. We need them brought home in one piece."

Tyler: "Yes, ma'am."

Gerald: "Oh, be still my heart. Holly, you look amazing."

Holly: "Watch it, old man. My husband may get jealous."

Gerald: "I can take him."

He comes over and hugs me.

Gerald: "You look absolutely stunning."

Holly: "Thank you."

Brice: "You guys ready?"

His eyes land on me.

Deena: "You look handsome, Brice."

Brice: "I clean up well but thanks, Dee."

Gerald: "Make sure our girls get home safe tonight, Brice."

Brice: "Always."

Reed comes up and whispers in my ear.

Reed: "I told you."

Holly: "I didn't say it wouldn't happen."

Tyler: "Everything ok?"

Holly: "Yep."

We head to the car as we pull out cameras flash.

Deena: "I'm never going to get used to that."

Holly: "We are both going to have to. I'm not giving up my husband or you. You're both stuck with me. We will both just have to suck it up."

Deena: "You're lucky that I love you."

We ride to the hotel. We chitchat about different things; We pull into the parking garage. Brice and Tyler Get out. Reed, Deena, and I get out; some people from the house followed us. No one says anything; we just go straight to the restaurant. The hostess takes us back to the room my Grandma rented.

Lorene: "Tyler, Holly, I'm so glad that you're here. Reed, Deena, you two as well."

Nathan jumps up. He rushed to hug me; It caught me by surprise.

Nathan: "Whoa squirt. You grew up."

Holly: "Hello, Nathan."

Nathan: "Who knew the whole time we were siblings."

Holly: "I know, right."

I point to Tyler.

Holly: "Do you know who he is?"

Nathan: "Your husband? Grandma said you were married."

Holly: "No, This is our oldest brother, Tyler. What Grandma didn't tell you is he found me."

Nathan: "You're kidding, right?"

Holly: "No."

Nathan sticks his hand out to Tyler.

Nathan: "Nice to meet you."

Tyler: "You too."

Holly: "I'd also like you to meet my husband, Reed, and Tyler's girlfriend, Deena."

Nathan: "Whoa. You're one of the Masters Twins."

Reed: "I am."

Nathan: "It's nice to meet you."

He shakes his hand and hugs Deena. As He does, a shy young guy walks up.

Owen: "You're Holly?"

Holly: "I am. It's nice to meet you."

Owen: "You too. You're the youngest?"

Holly: "I am."

He looks at Tyler. He looks intimidated.

Owen: You're the oldest?"

Tyler: "Yes."

Holly: "Only Isaac is missing."

Isaac: "Oh, Holly!"

I turn and see Isaac I run to him. Tears immediately fall as I hug him.

Isaac: "Holly, if I would have known."

Holly: "It's ok. Really it is. I'm so happy to see you."

I pull Tyler over.

Holly: "This is Tyler, our brother."

Isaac: "It's nice to meet you."

Tyler: "You too. This is my girlfriend, Deena."

Deena: "It's nice to meet you."

Holly: "Isaac, I'd like you to meet my husband, Reed."

Isaac: "You're married?"

Holly: "I am. I'm also pregnant. We have so much to catch up on."

Isaac: "It's nice to meet you."

Reed: "You too."

Isaac: "Your Dane Masters."

Reed: "I am."

Holly: "How did you know it was Dane?"

Isaac: "He's slightly taller than Lane."

Tyler: "I told you."

Holly: "I know you did."

Reed: "I told her that too."

We all sit. We eat and then talk for hours. I absolutely love each and every one of them. Tyler and I have our own special bond, and so do Isaac and me. Isaac keeps expressing how sorry he is. I told him I don't blame him. I'm happy, healthy, and alive. 

~New Characters~

Nathan Jacobson, 23

Isaac Van Meter, 20

Owen Jacobson, 18

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