The bully and the nerd BakuDe...

By T0d0deku4life

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This is a middle school AU bakugou bully Deku because he can't process his emotions for him but even though h... More

Chapter 1 : First day

13 0 0
By T0d0deku4life

Hey there this is my first Watpad I'm new and I don't know how things work so here we go. There will be some mention of depression and suicidal thoughts and I'm sorry for that but I do what I'm doing here. Also I've read some Watpad with suicidal though and depression so just hang on with me and enjoy. There will be changing povs but when the heading above the paragraph is blank it is kind of like 3rd season from a narrator pov. Also I ship many things so although my username is T0d0deku4life I also ship other peeps with deku so don't come at me.

Midoria POV:

Ok first day of middle school I really hope kacchan doesn't beat me up today. "Hey Izuku are you ready for school" my mom said so me as I start to get dressed for the day. As I come downstairs I see my mom happily making breakfast. I sit down at the table and start to eat the food. When I finish I start to pack nag with things I need. I grab a few note books from my room and some pens and pencils. I think to myself if that's it and I see my razor blade and think to myself I don't need it but then after a few moments of looking at it in silence I take it with me. I start to walk to the bus stop and I see kacchan and get a bit scared. I get on the bus and walk to the back seat and sit down. As the bus starts moving I look in my backpack to check if I had everything and I do I see my razor and decide 2 more couldn't hurt. I pull out my razor and roll up my sleeves revealing multiple cuts and I give myself 2 more deep cuts and I put away my razor and roll down my sleeves.

Bakugou POV:

I walk to the bus stop and see the useless nerd he is frightened of me and hurries onto the bus. I think to myself the nerd is cute when he is scared I snap back to reality and think NO NO NO what am I thinking KATSKI STOP BEING GAY.(me writing this: meh dude one can't simply stop being lgbt I know from experience.) I get on the bus and sit down with my friends "can you belive what all might did yesterday" they say excited "...mhm..." I say half there starring into izukus emerald green eyes. I think to myself wow his eyes are so pretty and he is always so happy and bubbly so cute. When we get to school I notice me and izuku have the same schedule "OH GREAT IM STUCK WITH YOU NERD" I say trying to sound like I hate him he whimpers in fear and scurried to the class I kind of feel bad for him. 

Midoria POV: 

When we get to school I notice kacchan and I have the same classes "OH GREAT IM STUCK WITH YOU NERD" he yells I get scared and whimpers then hurry to class before he can beat me up. When I arrive in class the teacher is setting up "good morning" I say in a light and bubbly voice. "Oh you must be Midoria" the teacher says kindly "you will be in the back of the class in row 4" she adds. As I walk to my seat the bell rings and kids flood into the class. We all sit down and class begins.

The teacher asks one question she knows everyone's answer to "what does everyone want to be " she says "well never mind im pretty sure you all want to be pros" we all scream yes bakugou looks at midoria with an extremely worried look he knows that midoria doesnt have a quirk and he could be really hurt. They all show their quirks except for midoria the teacher askes him to show his quirk and and he says"...umm... I dont have one..." they all start to laugh at him. They saying things like quirkless people can't be hero's and how about you find a realistic job one that doesn't need a quirk.

Skip time to "the incident"

Bakugou POV:

Thinks to himself how can I find a way to protect him without showing that I care then it hit me "HEY NERD YOU'LL NEVER BE A HERO SO HOW ABOUT YOU WISH FOR A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE AND TAKE A SWAN DiIVE OFF THE ROOF" I say knowing he wouldn't do it. "YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL IVE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT FOR TOO LONG ITS TOO MUCH NOW I CANT TAKE IT" Deku screams while looking down from the fence of the roof.

Midoria POV

"HEY NERD YOULL NEVER BE A HERO SO HOW ABOUT YOU PRAY FOR A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE AND TAKE A SWAN DIVE OFF THE ROOF" Kacchan said I was pushed to my breaking point and I couldn't take it anymore. "YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL IVE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT FOR TOO LONG ITS TOO MUCH NOW I CANT TAKE IT" I say looking down from the roof starting to cry as I climb the fence to jump I slip and fell. I kind of liked it I knew it was finally the end of my life. Then I felt someone catch me and fly me back onto the roof it was kacchan.

Bakugou POV: 

As Deku was falling I figured I had to do something I jumped off the roof and cought him and flew us both back onto the roof. I had to tell him "hey Deku..." "what..." he says in a shakeing voice "why..." I ask holding back my tears "I JUST COULDENT TAKE IT ANYMORE ITS TOO MUCH AND IM JUST A BURDEN" I start to cry and run up and hug him. "Im so sorry..." "for everything... i only said that to protect you you cant fight back and survive without a quirk im so sorry its just I-I LOVE YOU AND I DONT KJOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT YOU"

And I'll stop it right there hope you have a good day /night I'll try to work on part 2 soon.

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