Bedtime Stories

By padfootsdog

79 5 16

Random bedtime stories I come up with. Read at your own risk. More

1st Bedtime Story
2nd Bedtime Story

3rd Bedtime Story

12 1 7
By padfootsdog

You're walking across Abbey Road when, suddenly, you see Ringo Starr charging towards you at full speed. You scream and start running the other way. Because you're unfit, you can't run far and you run into a tree.

You start propelling backwards and see your life flash before your eyes. When you stop, you can see a man dressed in orange with dark poodle-like hair sitting in front of you looking rather annoyed. There were people sitting behind you, talking about things you couldn't be bothered to listen to.

"Screw 'im." The man in orange says, getting up and walking over to the other people. It was then that you realised that it was Gwilym Lee as Brian May in Bohemian Rhapsody.

"I have an announcement," he tells them all, and silence falls upon them. "I'm Vector." He says. Silence. "Are you jOking?" Roger asks, making the 'o' more pronounced than any other letter.

With an intake of breath, he turns into Vector. Everyone gasps, including you. You feel a dragging feeling from beneath you, then you fall down a huge hole. You can hear the sound of distant music.

"You spin me right round, baby, right round..." it fades away as you fall deeper down the hole, and then you stop, suspended in midair. Like Charity Burbage before she gets murdered by Moldy Voldy.

When your eyes grow accustom to the dimly lit room you're in, you can see Voldemort's flat nose right in front of your eyes. "Hey, shawtay." You say, biting your lip, trying to impress him.

"What is this muggle-like word you are using?" He demands in his low, raspy voice. "Shawtay." He whispers slowly, looking you in the eyes. "I like that." He says with a smirk, raising his voice to be slightly more audible.

Voldemort slowly leans in, his red eyes staring at you. He raises his wand and shouts, "CRUCIO!" Your body feels like it's on fire. You drop to the floor and keep falling.

You finally land again, and when you do you can hear John Lennon's voice singing, "I am the walrus, goo-goo-g'joob." You scream and the singing stops. You see a light flicker in front of your eyes and you squint.

An inch away from your face is... Gollum. You scream and back away while he continues to stare creepily at you. "My precious." He tells you, showing you a ring. You nod, your eyes wide in terror, and he walks backwards slowly, still looking into your eyes. The shadows soon engulf him and he's gone.

You let out a breath of relief and turn around, stopping when you see a plant. This is finally something normal, you think.

But you were wrong.

It started to take a human form, turning into Robert Plant from the 70s. You stare at him in shock. He stares back, challengingly.

"Wh-what are y-y-you doing, R-R-R-Robert?" You stutter. "She didn't buy a stairway to heaven." He tells you, sadness evident in his voice. "What did she buy?" You ask hesitantly. "She didn't," he tells you, looking down at his feet, "she went down the highway to hell." He replies. Both of you are quiet for a long time.

"Highway To Hell is a good song." You tell him. He looks up at you. "Oh, and so is Stairway To Heaven." You add, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I need to go." He says suddenly, walking away. "Will I see you again?" You call after him. No reply. "Bye!" You shout.

You blink and you're walking across Abbey Road again.

(A/N: sorry this took so long to update 😫. I had no ideas for this 😞)

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