The Unlikely Hero!

By Logan-Kenway

264K 5.5K 2.2K

My 1st MCU Story! Enjoy! More

Chapter - 1 (Thor)
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3 (Avengers Assemble)
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter 12 (Iron Man 3)
Chapter - 13 (Carnage)
Update #2
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)
Chapter - 24
Updated Bio
Chapter 25 (Captain America - Civil War)
Chapter 26
Update #3 (New Story)
Update #4
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Infinity War)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Endgame)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Final Chapter!

Chapter - 17

3.2K 100 18
By Logan-Kenway

(This is the finale chapter of Iron Man 3, I hope you all enjoyed this part of the story... now enough talk let's do this)


(Y/N) and Rebecca are at the dock where Killian is supposed to be with Pepper, (Y/N) and Rebecca hide behind cover so they didn't get spotted by any of the guards patrolling the dock, (Y/N) was about to run to another part of cover, till Rebecca pulled him back, and good thing to as a guard came out a door nearby and if (Y/N) ran to the cover he would have been spotted, the two waited for the guard to go away and after a few minutes he finally did.

The two made their way closer and closer to the main part of the dock where the control building is.

(Y/N): That's where Killian has to be keeping Pepper.

Rebecca: Ok, so what's the plan?

(Y/N): You and I, kill Killian and save Pepper as Tony and James saves the President.

Rebecca: Ok, but why isn't Tony saving Pepper and we save the President?

(Y/N): Because, Venom and Toxin are more killing then saving, plus Venom gets to eat more heads this way...

Rebecca: What you like it when he does that?

(Y/N) finally looked at her instead of watching for patrol.

(Y/N): What? No, but you get used to it after a while... it's not ecstatically something you learn to love.

(Y/N) then turned back around to see the cost clear, the two Symbiotes continued to make their way to where they hope Pepper is waiting for them, (Y/N) and Rebecca make there way through the guards killing them without a second thought, (Y/N) also took note that Rebecca has taking to this lifestyle very well, she went from a reporter to a killer ghost in a year, Rebeca and (Y/N) finally got to the place where Killian is keeping all of the test subjects, some were waiting to get the injection as others were waiting for it to except them.

(Y/N): Peppers not here... let's keep moving.

Rebecca: What about these people?

(Y/N): They all signed up for this... if they die, they die.

(Y/N) then noticed a ship with the lights on, but the ship isn't in use, eventually Rebecca caught up to (Y/N) and (Y/N)pointed to the top of the crane.

(Y/N): There... that's where he's keeping her.

(Y/N) was about to run off, but Rebecca stopped him.

Rebecca: How do you know?

(Y/N): What?... you're asking to many questions, let's just kill this guy already.

 (Y/N) ran off toward the crane dispatching of any guards in his way, Rebecca just watched him killing the guards.

Toxin: I believe Venom is corrupting his mind.

Rebecca: What? Why would he do that?

Toxin: Carnage is the spawn of Venom... Venom feels he is to blame for Carnage...

Rebecca: Which is why Venom neglected (Y/N) for so long...

Toxin: Venom and (Y/N) have a connection I have never seen before, but nothing will stop Venom form destroying Carnage...

Rebecca: So we ever need to try and stop him or stay out of his way.

Toxin: You haven't seen what Venom's capable of, have you?

Rebecca just stayed quit thinking about all the times that (Y/N) or Venom have gone full rage and she realised that she has never seen it, they can't be that bad tho right? Rebecca then looks around for (Y/N) only to realise that he's gone, meanwhile Tony and Rhodes have just saved everyone from Air Force One and made there way to the docks, Tony and Rhodes started their search as (Y/N) found her, Pepper was passed out so (Y/N) managed to wake her slightly only to hear.

Pepper: It's a trap...

Pepper then went unconscious again but before (Y/N) could do anything he was once again tackled in through the wall and went flying through the air and landed in the old cargo bay of the rundown ship, (Y/N) caught himself and slide on his knees to stop himself from sliding into something, when (Y/N) looked up he looked right into the eyes of Carnage... but this is the last time.

(Y/N): You ready to die?

Carnage: Are you?

(Y/N) growled at him and allowed Venom to come out, Venom and Carnage wasted no time in clashing and starting there last fight, meanwhile Tony and the Colonel run for cover behind a shipping container, Rhodes poked his head around the corner to see the Iron Patriot suit suspended above the oil tanker in the middle of the dock, Rhodes spotted that the president was inside the suit.

Rhodes: Oh, my God.

Rhodes then went back behind the container as Tony was watching their backs making sure no one sneaked up on them.

Rhodes: He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up, man.

Tony: Viking funeral. Public execution.

Rhodes: Yeah, death by oil.

The two were distracted by a tap on the side of the container, they both pointed there guns to the top of the container only to see Rebecca up there.

Rebecca: Wow, easy.

She jumped down and stood beside Tony.

Tony: Great your here... where's (Y/N)?

Rebecca: Last I saw of him he was heading towards the ship.

Tony: Ok, is that where he thinks Pepper is?

Rebecca: No, I think that's where he thinks Carnage is...

Rhodes: Carnage?

Rebecca holds her hand up to him telling him to stop, he did and she continued.

Rebecca: We might have to treat (Y/N) as a hostil...

Tony: What?

Rebecca: I think Venom had manipulated his mind into only going after Carnage and stopping everyone who gets in his way.

Tony: Now that you say it... he has been unusually quiet during this field trip.

Rebecca: We just have to be careful.

Tony: Ok, Pepper first... then (Y/N)... agreed.

Rhodes and Rebecca just nodded as they all thought that a Venom controlled (Y/N) was more capable of surviving longer then Pepper in her current state... how wrong they are... The trio run behind a forklift and follow it for a second before it was clear for them to get climb up the stairs and climbed onto a crane, as they climbed up a message ran through the speakers across the whole dockyard.

Speaker: Broadcast will commence shortly. Take final positions.

Tony and Rhodes get on the crane as Rhodes has his gun pointed everywhere he looks, Tony behind him as Rebecca turned into Toxin and is climbing around the dockyard discreetly trying to find any sign of Pepper or (Y/N).

Rhodes: Is your gun up?

Tony raises his gun quickly.

Tony: Yep. What do I do?

Rhodes: Stay on my six, cover high and don't shoot me in the back.

Tony does everything Rhodes told him in one go.

Tony: Six, high, back. All right.

The two slowly make their way across the platform when they quickly got in cover as one of Killian's guys spotted them and started to shoot, Tony shot back but only managed to hit the glass cover to the light pointed at them, Rhodes and Tony got in cover. 

Tony: You see that? Nailed it.

Meanwhile the old cargo bay is near destroyed as Venom and Carnage are not holding back, Carnage throws Venom across the room as he hides in the shadows, Venom jumps up only to see Carnage isn't where he was, Venom started to look around the room trying to see him, adn not long after tried to sniff him out, but before he could do that Carnage jumped on his back and stated punching and clawing at Venom.

Venom screeched in pain as Carnage bit into Venom's neck, Venom manages to slam his back in the wall of the ship sending both himself and Carnage outside back in the dock yard, Venom heard explosions and gunfire so he looked around and he saw a whole bunch of Iron Man's reekin havoc, (Y/N) internally smiled as Venom put his attention back on Carnage who was struggling to deal with the heat, so was Venom but because he and (Y/N) had such a great connection, Venom could fight through it... Venom took this opportunity to kick Carnage in to a pile of barrels filled with gasoline, Venom changed to (Y/N) and (Y/N) instantly grabbed a gun and shot at the barrel's crating a giant explosion causing (Y/N)to be sent back and Toxin to look at the scene, when she saw (Y/N) she jumped down and changed to Rebecca.

Rebecca watched as she saw (Y/N) get to his feet, (Y/N) turned to look at her and when he did he smiled as she smiled back, but (Y/N)'s smile quickly faded as he looked down to see a red spike sticking out from his midsection, Carnage throw him in the water as Rebecca let out a cry and changed to Toxin and attacked Carnage with everything she had as (Y/N) slowly fell to the bottom of the dock.

Meanwhile Tony is flying around in one of his Iron Man suits, Jarvis just told him the location of Pepper and just as (Y/N) predicted Pepper is still there lying under some rubble after a explosion caused the wall to crash into the building destroying most of the rooms contents, Tony throw some of the rubble out the way to see Pepper passed out under a piece of metal, but as Tony went to lift it the part above her nearly caved in crushing her.

Pepper: Stop! Put it down. Put it down. Put it down.

Tony does and the rubble goes back to the way it was before, Tony crouches down and lifts his face mask up.

Tony: See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?

Tony reaches out to her as she breathes heavily.

Pepper: Your such a jerk.

Tony: Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner.

The two then reach out to each other but they can't quite reach.

Tony: Come on. A little more, baby.

The two keep on reaching until Pepper finally gets a good grip on Iron Man's hand, but as Tony was about to pull Pepper out, a hand reaches through the floor and grabs Iron Man's chest piece and crushes it, Iron man full s to the floor as Killian rips the floor open and climbs through.

Killian sits on the edge of the hole and looks at Pepper.

Killian: Is this guy bothering you?

Killian quickly gets up and sits on Tony so he can't get up.

Killian: Don't get up...

As Killian hovers over Tony, he uses his right index finger to heat up Tony's chest.

Killian: Is it hot in there? Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit.

Killian then looks to see Pepper watching this all unfold.

Killian: She's watching. I think you should close your eyes...

Tony doesn't' close his eyes.

Killian: Close your eyes...

Tony still stares at Killian.

Killian: Close your eyes. You don't want to see this.

Killian raise his arm up in the air to deal the finishing blow to Tony, but as Killian swings his arm Tony activates a blade hidden inside his wrist of the Iron Man suit, Killian roars in pain as his arm, below his elbow, flys off.

Tony: Yeah, you take a minute.

Tony says as Killian gets off him and falls to the ground in pain, Killian's arm starts to grow back instantly as his old one melted the metal floor making Pepper fall through but she managed to hold on to a lower beam, holding the crane up.

Back with Toxin and Carnage, Carnage is easily beating Toxin but Toxin is being fueled by Rebecca's emotions, Toxin got up as she gave everything she had against a crazed fueled Symbiote, but nothing she was doing was working against the pure red Symbiote.

Tony climbed his way towards where Pepper is and reached but neither of them could reach the other.

Tony: Pep, I got you. Relax, I got you. Just look at me. Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there. All right? You've got to let go. You've got to let go! I'll catch you, I promise.

The two looked into each others eyes both scared of what's about to potentially happen, but before Pepper could prepare herself to jump of the beam, it got stuck making Pepper fall off and Tony miss her falling hand, Tony watched as she fell towards the flames awaiting below, but what tony didn't see was a black blur caught her before she hit the raging fire. 

Killian walked up the stairs to where Tony is who's still trying to compute what just happened, but once Tony saw the man, his eyes turned from hurt and sad to furious and full of revenge.

Killian: A shame. I would've caught her.

Tony didn't say anything as he started to run at Killian and Killian started to run at Tony, Killian jumped up to attack Tony from above but Tony slide under Killian and ran to the edge of the walkway, Tony got up and a Iron Man suit appeared in front of him and Tony climbed into the suit and turned around and Iron Man and Killian started to fight...

Carnage is slowly walking towards a fallen Toxin as all around them the crane's start to fall to the ground, Carnage take this time to watch the fight unfold as he knows Toxin is done and thinks Venom is gone.

Tony falls to the deck of the ship as the Mark 42 helmet, that he just used to blow up Killian lands in front of him, Tony just stares at it for a second till the face plate pops off and he sighs and looks away, then he hears rubble moving around and looks in the direction the sound came from to see Killian still alive.

Killian starts to walk towards Tony as Tony struggles to get up.

Killian: No more false faces. You said you wanted the Mandarin. You're looking right at him. It was always me, Tony. Right from the start. I am the Mandarin!

Killian shouts raising his arms in the air as if he is some kind of God, Tony just watches till Killian gets kicked to the side, Tony looks to see (Y/N) standing there with a blood stain on his stomach and Pepper standing behind him.

(Y/N): And we are Venom.

(Y/N) looks at Tony and throws him his earpiece that fell out his ear when Tony hit the deck.

(Y/N): Call them off, there all done.

Tony does as (Y/N) slowly made his way to Killian as Killian started to laugh.

Killian: You can't top me... your little friend is scared of fire.

(Y/N) still with a kill look in his eye turned into Venom and stands in front of Killian as Killian still had the smile on his face, Venom holds his arm out making Killian flinch.

Venom: Try me.

Killina heats up his hand and grabs Venom's wrist, Killian expected Venom to screech in pain, but Venom didn't do anything, Killian then looks scared.

Venom: Our turn.

Venom rips his arm out of Kilina grip and grabs his throat and lifts him in the air.

Venom: Eyes, Lungs, Pancreas, so many snacks so little time... We think we'll just settle for the head.

Venom then clamps his jaws around Killian's head and bites it off killing the man, once Venom finished his meal, they turned back into (Y/N)and he looked at Tony and Pepper who are hugging with Tony apologizing over and over again about not catching her... (Y/N) leaves them be as he has a red Symbiote to deal with, but the two watch him leave and decide to follow.

Tony: Hey, where are you going!?

(Y/N) turned to look at them.

(Y/N): I have a pest problem to deal with.

Carnage has had his joy in watching the crane fall and the explosions happen, he then turned to CLetus as he stared at Toxin.

Cletus: You know it's such a shame that we aren't on the same side... we could have been unstoppable... not even your pathetic boyfriend could have stopped us... well he couldn't stop me anyway as he's know sleeping with the fishes...

Toxin went away as Rebecca layed on the floor with tears in her eyes as she looked at her Father.

Rebecca: Just kill me already.

Cletus: As you wish.

Cletus turned back into Carnage and turned his right arm into a spike, Rebecca closed her eyes waiting for death to embrace her... she waited... and waited... Rebecca opened her eyes to see (Y/N) kneeling in front of her and Tony and Pepper in the background, she cried tears of joy thinking that he died, (Y/N) gave her a kiss on her forehead and stood up to face Carnage.

Carnage: Well... I thought I killed you.

(Y/N): Nearly, but if anything you helped us... and I'm going to prove it by killing you... without Venom...

Tony, Pepper and Rebecca grew worried but they didn't get to say anything as Carnage jumped at (Y/N)only for (Y/N)to duck under the swing, (Y/N) got out unharmed by his shirt got ripped, (Y/N) looked at it and ripped it off showing off his pretty well built body, but there is a difference... (Y/N) now has a black flowed flowing through his veins, it flashes on and off but it didn't seem to be hurting (Y/N), it just seemed to make him more confident, Carnage didn't care tho as he charged again but this time swang mainy times at (Y/N) only for (Y/N) to dodge them all, (Y/N)put his hands behind his back and blocked all of Carnages attacks with his legs and feet, this seemed to annoy Carnage.

Carnage: Fight back!

(Y/N) smirked.

(Y/N): Very well. 

(Y/N) roundhouse kicked Carnage in the face sending Carnage flying back and destroying a nearby forklift as Carnage went through it, (Y/N) walked towards a nearby dead body and inspected it and picked up an incendiary grenade, Carnage got up from the rubble and screeched at (Y/N) then ran at him, (Y/N) slid under Carnages attack and grabbed his ankle and lifted Carnage in the air then slam him to the ground, much like Hulk did to Loki last year, Carnage didn't have time to get up tho as (Y/N) jumped on him and forced Carnage's mouth open.

(Y/N): Open wide...

(Y/N) pulled the pin on the Incendiary grenade and put it in Carnage's mouth, (Y/N) then closed his jaws.

(Y/N): I've never said this, but don't swallow.

Carnage then let out a muffled screech as the grenade went off, Carnage started to burn away as Cletus stopped moving, but just to be sure (Y/N) got up and picked up a nearby gun, he aimed it at Cletus and without a second thought put two new holes in Cletus's head.

(Y/N) throw away the gun and looked at the others, Rebecca hugged him crying as Tony and Pepper looked on in amazement, but then Tony got an idea.

Tony: Jarvis. Hey.

Tony said tapping his ear. Pepper, Rebecca and (Y/N) looked at him.

Jarvis: All wrapped up here, sir. Will there be anything else?

Tony: You know what to do.

Jarvis: The Clean Slate Protocol, sir?

Tony: Screw it, it's Christmas. Yes, yes.

Tony and Pepper shared a hug as they watched all of Tony's Iron Man suits explode, Rebecca is still crying in (Y/N) chest as he wrapped his arms around her and watched as the suits exploded.

Tony: Okay, so far? Do you like it?

Pepper: It will do.

The two shared a chuckle as they continued to hold each other, they let each other go when (Y/N)and Rebecca made there way to them.

Tony: So... you wanna explain?

He asked (Y/N)indicating to his chest, (Y/N) looked down and smiled and simple said.

(Y/N): We are Venom.

Rebecca: What does that mean?

(Y/N): We aren't fighting each other... Venom bonded with my blood, saving my life and making us stronger as a team.

Pepper: What about the... look?

(Y/N): My veins? Venom says it's only temporary

They then decide to call it a night and go somewhere to rest as Tony told them Rhodes left earlier with the President, so they didn't have to go looking for him, but as Pepper and Rebecca walked off Tony stopped (Y/N).

Tony: Thank you... you didn't have to help me, but if you didn't I don't think we would have survived... I'm proud of you... (Y/N).

Pepper and Rebecca heard the conversation and turned around to see Tony with his right hand on (Y/N) left shoulder.

(Y/N): Thanks... Dad.

Tony smiled and had a tear as the two shared a hug... during this adventure (Y/N) has learnt not to take anything for granted as it could all be gone in a few seconds, so (Y/N) forgave Tony. 

Pepper and Rebecca smiled at the two as the made there way over to them, they all had a group hug, but after a few seconds they all pulled away.

Pepper: So, you two coming home with us?

(Y/N) looked at Rebecca and smiled.

(Y/N): Nah, were going to take a break from all this... you two should to.

Tony: Stay in touch.

(Y/N): You two.

The two shared another hug as Tony and Pepper walked off to go home... or a hotel.

Rebecca: Where to now?

(Y/N) looked at her and smiled and thought for a second.

(Y/N): I think we agreed on Washington... didn't we?

Rebecca: We did, but we need to get cleaned up and get some clean clothes first.

The two then walked in the opposite direction of Tony and Pepper, hand in hand to start their relaxing time in Washington DC... Right?...


(Boom, Iron Man 3 done... hopefully you all enjoyed and I'm sorry for taking Pepper's bad-ass moment away from her at the end.. see you all in Washington.)

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