Stop That Hacker! UNEDITED VE...

By KatherineYork7

3.3M 170K 58.3K

The Devil's den; a notorious hangout for high school seniors, computer geniuses and competitive gamers. And a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Checking point
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Update 2
Paperback version

Chapter 47

43.2K 1.9K 633
By KatherineYork7

Francy's p.o.v

After classes, Remi and I drove around to get some food and so I could tell her the whole story. We ate lunch in this really cute restaurant already decorated with glittering Christmas lights and a big Christmas tree. It was just the beginning of the Christmas season but they already had their lights and decorations up. I was really excited for the upcoming holidays even though my wish was kind of fulfilled.

I managed to get to the end of the story by the time we ordered Christmas waffles for dessert and some coffee.

"But Francy, you know the reason you broke up in the first place was because he couldn't come up with an idea of how to break it down to Ace. How is that going to change?" Remi sipped on her coffee with a worried expression on her face. "What if Ace gets really mad?"

I smiled. "I think he won't. With persuasion."

"And you trust Lucy with this?"

I sighed. "I have to. I want to. I don't want to start anything where I can't lean on the other person. You can only trust a person if you give them a chance to earn it."

"Well that's smart I suppose." She took another sip.

I smiled. "Now we just have to find you a guy."

I said it as a joke knowing who she really likes, but suddenly she placed her mug down and looked at me. "I have to tell you something..."

She was going to tell me something important. She had that look on her face.

"Francy..." She took a deep breath.

"Yes?" Is she going to tell me something about Kai?

"Have you got started on decorations for Christmas yet?" She said breathless.

Damn it. She chickened out..

"Soon. I already have all the decorations I need so I'll probably do it over the weekend. You?"

"Same. Either this weekend or the next. Mom and Dad are going for a red Christmas theme this year so we have tons of things to buy. We are having a lot of family members coming this year."

Oh no. Does this mean.... "Are you going to be able to come to my Christmas party this year?"

"I'll try. But I might have to stay at home. I'll come over in the morning though."

I sighed. Well that was a bummer.

"So..." She changed the subject. "When are you seeing Lucy?"

"I don't know. I want to see him this week but we'll have to see when he's free since he has to work."

"No wonder he is so mature. He is already living alone and working...Oh shii.. " She stared at her watch. "it's almost 2:30. We have to get home or mom will kill me.."

"Let's just get the check." I raised my hand at the waiter.

My phone rang and I reached for it immediately. Could it be...

"Is it him?" Remi smirked.

"It's mom." I told Remi showing her the phone where mom sparkled in a pink font..

"Hi mom." I answered the phone.

Hey hon, what're you doing?

"I'm out with Remi for some coffee, but we're almost heading home."

I'm just finishing my shift. Want to go have a girl's day?

"Yes!" I yelled out. "Absolutely. Where should we meet?"

Mmm, meet me at the town's square. In front of the "Lebedev Wine store" .

"Perfect. I'll meet you there in 20."

"Love you hon."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and looked at Remi. "I have to meet my mom. I'm sorry I can't keep you company home."

"It's okay. I'll call you tonight." Remi smiled.

"This one is on me. I'm buying today since I'm feeling generous." I told her as the waiter came with the check.

"Thank you friend." She smiled happily.

And with that our lunch date was finished.


Me and mom met at the town's square as we agreed.

"Let's go." She kissed my head and linked arms with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked her excitedly.

"Oh just here and there. "She winked. "Did you and Remi have fun?"

"Yeah. We were talking about the Christmas party. I don't think she can come this year since her parents want to throw a party on their own and her family is coming over. She said she will try though."

"Well Christmas is more of a family time sweetie. New Years is easier to celebrate with friends."

"I know but she rarely misses to come over. " I sighed.

"Well then we will make sure, when she comes over in the morning and we're going to give her a present and all the delicious food then."

"Deal." I smiled and then glanced at her curious of her reaction. "You know...I'm sure Fin is going to come over and maybe Ace will invite his new friend Elric too. Did you tell him it's okay to invite him? "

"Oh yes. He asked me this morning." She glanced at me. "Why?"

"Oh.." I cleared my throat. "Ace said that he was jealous of me and Kai who always had someone close like Remi and Fin and I wanted him to feel included."

"Of course he can invite him. You know what, I will insist on it unless he has family plans on his own."

I bit my lip. I wonder if Elric will get invited to go home. It was just so sad that he had to be alone all the time.

We walked into a store with mom where they had beautiful clothes everywhere. Beautiful but very expensive.

"Mom?" I gave her a nudge checking the prices on one of the items.

"It's okay. It's your early Christmas gift." She smiled

"What?" I gasped. Oh my god!! Is she for real?

The clerk woman approached us and smiled at us. "Welcome. How can I help?"

Mom started circling around. "Do you have any coats?"

"Of course. Follow me." She straightened up and led us further down the store.

Suddenly we were in the middle of a small square with a giant mirror in front of us, framed in gold with beautiful decor next to it, a large white sofa and a creamy tall coat shelf with coat accessories. The back of the room had Professional dress forms that tailors use, and they were dressed up with beautiful coats.

"Mom look at the pink one." I pointed at the most beautiful light pink coat I've ever seen. It was cut at the knees, tight around the waist to make it more flattering with gold and white buttons on each side, one side for decor. It was a fox trim, which I'm sure was fake or else mom wouldn't have gotten in 100 meters of the store. Best part of it all. It had pockets.

"Can we please have that to try it on." Mom pointed at the coat I was lovingly staring at.

The woman found all of this amusing, smiling as she unbuttoned the coat and helped me put it on.

I looked at myself in the giant mirror. Oh.. Ohh....

"Is this how happiness feels like? I feel like I've reached Nirvana." I posed in different poses in which I could see the coat becoming one with my body. It was meant to be. We were soulmates.

"Is this the one you want?" Mom asked.

Aaaaand I was back to reality.

"I only saw one mom. I need more time."

I continued looking at the other coats while mom chose one as well. It was a light blue one, going a bit below the knees. The sleeves had other layers that gave an elegant cape look or poncho look. It had details on it at the end of the sleeves and coat, black lily flowers that looked hand saw in. Beautiful.

The clerk lady gave mom long white gloves and a white hat that had a Jackie O vibe. She then called another store and had them brought in shoes for us.

Two pairs of white over the knees boots.

By the time I was looking at other stuff I learned I've grown attached to the pink coat I was still wearing. It was game over.

We tried it with the shoes on, they gave me a pair of wrist cut gloves to match the coat and she added a little brooch on my coat for a little something.

Me and mom looked at each other in the mirror.

We were a princess and a queen.


Once we got out of the store it was as we had left a fairytale. The bags were heavy with our stuff and it was getting darker outside as the days got shorter. We grabbed a cab and drove straight home.

The lights were all turned off.

"Is there no one home?" I took off my shoes and turned on all the lights.

"I told Ace to take Kai and Rehan to the movies and your father stayed behind at the hospital to sort some stuff out before we took off for the holidays. "

"Then our girl's day continues?" I smirked.

"Absolutely." She took the bags inside the living room.

While I changed and sorted out the stuff we bought, fed the cats and sorted my stuff for tomorrow, mom took a shower and then started preparing dinner.

I brought an empty coffee mug in the kitchen, forgotten in the living room. Mom was boiling some spaghetti. I hugged mom from behind while she was stirring the pasta.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked.

She patted my hands returning the hug. "You preheat the oven and make the sauce. I have the recipe on the counter."

I took the notebook from the counter where she wrote down all the recipes dad's mom had given her. I read the page to know what to do.

I pulled out my phone and played some chill winter music playlist.

We both danced and cooked at the same time. Mom drank from her wine glass and started dancing with the spaghetti fork.

When the pasta was cooked we added the spaghetti and the sauce in the baking pan, we shredded some parmesan over it and put it in the oven for good 20min.

My feet had started to get cold. I ran to my room to get my slippers when I saw bright light outside. I pulled my curtains and ..

"Mom it's snowing!!There is snow!" I ran back to the living room where mom just sat down. "Let's sit outside."

She almost choked on her wine. "It's probably freezing." She walked over to the windows and peeked outside. "Oh it's beautiful. It's going to be a white Christmas."

"Let's sit outside pleaseee." I begged.

"Okay. Only until dinner is finished." She placed her wine down.

We had a huge back yard where we usually placed a sofa during the summer and dad and mom loved it. They would spend all their summer days and nights glued to the back yard. We would eat there, drink there, play there. But since we barely used it during winter, we would put all the stuff away and it was empty. So me and mom dragged a few chairs out and sat underneath what was Kai's balcony, sheltered from the snow. We wrapped ourselves with a blanket and while mom enjoyed her wine I drank my coffee.

Outside was beautiful. It smelled like snow. You know that cold air, freshness. The snow was quickly piling up on the sad dark murky garden. I hugged the warm mug to keep me warm.

"I can't wait for the weekend to come so we can start decorating." I told mom.

"Me too. But there is so much work." She sighed and then smirked,. "I should tell your dad to prep the boys for work this weekend."

I laughed. "I can already hear the excuses."

Mom's timer went off. "Time to get back inside. Come on."

"I'll stay five more minutes and bring back everything inside, I promise. I just want to finish my coffee." I gave her the most innocent smile.

"Only five more minutes or you'll catch a cold."

I nodded obediently.

Once she was inside I enjoyed the silence again. Ah.. The snow continued falling heavily making the garden brighter and brighter. The trees were packing a good mount of snowflakes.

Suddenly my phone beeped. I got a photo message from Elric.

He sent me a selfie peeking outside the window watching the snow.

I bit my lower lip. He was so cute.

I instantly posed my legs with my blanket and half full coffee mug, with the snowy garden in the background and took a picture.

I send it to him waiting for a reply.

Soon after I got a gif with a kitten emoji with heart eyes.

I pressed the phone to my chest concealing a squeal and grinned.

Life was so sweet.

"Francy!!" Mom yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back and quickly grabbed my stuff going back inside.

Mom and I cuddled on the couch, eating her amazing dinner and played a Christmas movie. It was the most perfect day ever. My phone buzzed again and I glanced at it secretly to see the message.

I stand corrected. Now it was the best day ever.

As promised this chapter was up earlier. I hope you enjoy it.

To my lovely readers. I love reading your comments and some of them are hilarious. So don't forget to comment and vote on the chapters.

For my curious ladies,

This is  how I imagine Remi. She has similar taste in fashion as Francy. She loves  doing creative projects with Francy  ever since they were children and she shares her  love for aesthetics. She makes decisions on a whim, impulsively but can be shy at times. But once she gets to know people she charms them easily. She's a private person but very easy going with the people in he life. She doesn't get mad easily, loves solving problems and making people laugh. She can be really responsible when it's important.

Her sign is Libra. 

this is  how I imagine Fin. He is a tall skinny guy with incredible charisma and fun- loving nature. The complete opposite of Kai. He doesn't take things seriously, but is a loyal friend. He puts trust and loyalty in friends over anything.

I would say Kai and Fin's friendships is similar to Tamaki and Kyoya's friendship -if you're a fan of anime you know what I'm talking about.

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