Applying The Pressure (DISCON...

By carpetmuncher897

67.6K 2.2K 282

there might be a sequel who knows in the process of editing my mistakes.. discontinued More



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By carpetmuncher897

i don't know what was going through her mind and if she was going to kill me and to be quite honest i wouldn't blame her .

"So your telling me you let me just sit around like your not a walking target and i could possibly be putting myself in danger" she said with her voice raising ever second .

"Baby i didn't think they would come after me only few know who i am literally nobody know who i am " i said trying to get her to calm down .

"Then explain how the hell you could put us in danger if it isn't me " she said finally putting the gun down out of my face .

"It could've been someone i previously uncounted and they did sum digging " i said releasing a breath i didn't know i was holding in .

"ok then have you called someone to see if it was " she asked .

"i did and they said they would contact me soon as possible and that was this morning " i said calmly .

She sat down in the end of the bed and i sat next to her and just hugged her .

She got out of my hug and put some clothes on and then I remembered she didn't have any clothes on so my face quickly became red and I turned around .

After she was don't I felt her dip into bed so I just went into the bathroom took a quick 30 minute shower .

I went back into the room with my towel on thinking she was asleep so I dropped my towel and began getting dressed .

"You don't need clothes just dry off and get in bed nae " she said in a tired voice.

Once I heard that I jumped and turned around to see Nora eyeing me up & down .

So I did as she told me and dried off and got into bed and cuddled with her .

We talked small talk and later I heard her breathing heavy signaling that she was asleep so not long after her I went to sleep too .

Ok so today is the next day and I got up and went to go take a shower  .

I heard some moving in the room letting me know Nora was up too .

I hear the bathroom door opening telling me Nora was coming in the bathroom to do her morning pee and go get her stuff ready .

Well....I was wrong about a few things she did end up peeing but...that was before she came into the shower with me .

And yes to answer your questions we do fuck it was rough but yet gentle which is what I like about when we have sex together .

After that i went to the base because I knew if he wasn't there he would be there .

I talked about coming up with a plan to kill whoever is doing and/or behind this so as I was leaving I felt I was being watched .



Yes yes yes Ik this short asl compared to my others ones I had to give y'all something which is why the next chapter going to be my longest one and it will hav more than one POV.

Sunday .
5/2/21 .

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