Zukka one shots

By zukka_avatar

213 5 1

Random zukka short stories More

Beach day

213 5 1
By zukka_avatar

The two boys dandered along the peer, ice cream in one hand, the others hand in the other.
It was a beautiful day and children were playing in the sand, Sailing boats are tiny white speaks on the baby blue ocean.
"There!" Sokka points to a spot of sand where there are no people close and dumps down all of his stuff. Zuko starts putting up the rainbow sun umbrella and sokka lays out the blanket, carefully placing stones on each corner. He pulls his shit off and lays down on the blanket with his eyes closed.
Zuko takes a moment to admire the boy in front of him. The sunlight is hitting Sokkas tan skin making it almost glow. Zuko takes in every detail about his boyfriend, from his toned chest to the thin eye liner that had been carefully applied by Zuko a few hours ago.
Zuko gave a small smile and lay down on the sand beside sokka. Soon he had rolled over and placed his head on sokka chest. He feels an arm wrap around his waist and smiles. The firebender places a light kiss on Sokkas chest.
They stay like that for a few hours until Sokka pushes Zuko off him and pulls him up. "Zuko, Zuko, let's go in the sea now!" Zuko responds by quickly taking his shirt off before Sokka takes his hand and runs dragging him towards the ocean.
Sokka runs into the water spashing the water behind him as she runs. Zuko slowly dips his toes in the water and waits a minute for his body to august to the temperature of the water. Once he is ready to go in further he looks up for Sokka so that he can follow his boyfriend. The couldn't see him anywhere. Zuko turned around to see if Sokka had gone back up to their stuff. When he turned around he was met with sokkas smiling face. Before he could say anything sokka pushed him into the water. The Sokka snickered as he dropped a handful of sand onto onto zukos cheast. Zuko smiled and sighed as he slid backwards into the deeper water to rinse the sand off.
Sokka ran after him, it's not easy to run in water so just as he got to Zuko he fell on top of him.
Their eyes met as sokka brushed a bit sf sand off zukos pale cheek. Zuko felt like he was falling in love with the water tribe boy all over again. Before either could say anything their lips crashed together. Sokka smiled into their kiss, it was wet and tasted like sand, salt and ice cream.
After what felt like many long, heavenly hours the pair broke apart. Sokka looked around and saw a few people staring at them, he didn't care. He looked back at his boyfriend and kissed him again forgetting that there was anyone there apart from him and zuko.


First chapter!! (Don't forget to vote)

Started this book as an excuse to write about zuko and Sokka being cute and in love 🥰.

I hope you like it.

Please give me ideas/ request stories.

Part 1

Beach day

5256 words

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