My Boyfriend - Harry Styles

By MrsHariboStyles

691K 4.4K 522

Jess is your typical 22 year old girl. She's got a job that she loves, friends that make her smile everyday... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 15)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 16)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 17)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 19)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 2

33.8K 236 13
By MrsHariboStyles

Hey guys! I know I left the last chapter on a bit of cliffhanger, I could just hear you all screaming: What the hell?! This chapter will explain a bit more about Jess more than anything. It won't include a lot of the fabulous Harry but I'll try my best to mention him in it as much as possible because I know you guys love him ;) Vote, comment and fan. It means a lot to me to hear what you guys think! Hope you enjoy! Lana XxXxXXxXxXXxXxXxxXxXxxXxX

Chapter 2 - 12th May 2016

"Well, did you Jess?" I shake my head and bring myself back to reality. That was bloody wierd. I have never experienced memories as real as that. I actually blacked out during them as if I wasn't in the room!

"What?" I reply, suddenly remembering where I am: a meeting about next month's issue.

"Your notes Jess! Did you bring them?" My friend Maggie hisses.

"Oh yeah! Em, here they are!" I exclaim, handing over my block of scribbled notes with a few Mrs Efron signatures around the edge. Shit.

"Thank God someone's listening!" Lucie says, raising her eyebrows at Maggie as she looks through my scribbled down paragraphs. She makes no comment on my daydreaming notes around the sides, thank god.

She hands it back, "Right, well Kelly's on maternity leave so you'll have to be the interviewer this month Jess. Maggie, you help Katie with the design on the front cover. I've got some people on hold at the moment for the interview, but they haven't got back to us yet. I'll give them a ring now. Right guys! Get to work!" And with that, she's gone, leaving us all puzzled.

I get up off my chair and make my way to my office, still very confused as to what happened to me in there. Why all of a sudden is my mind thinking of Harry?

"Right well, you don't really need to do much then, if you don't know who you're interviewing yet." Maggie says, following behind me.

"Yeah I suppose. Oh I hope it's someone hot like Zac Efron or something." I reply, daydreaming about that perfect interview.

"You'll be lucky to get flaming Louis Walsh at this rate!" Maggie exclaims, making me laugh.

"God I hope not. The one time I get to interview someone and it's Louis Walsh! I'll slap Lucie if it's someone like that." I slump down into my chair while Maggie perches herself on the edge of my desk.

She's a great friend and always one to crack jokes making me smile. When I started working here in 2014 she was the first person to take notice of me. She made me feel so welcome and from then on we became great friends. She's slightly more outgoing than me with her red hair and daring ways but she keeps me on my toes.

"Right well, I better crack on with this cover. Louis Walsh is gonna need a lot of airbrushing!" She scoots off to her office, leaving me pondering the interview with Louis Walsh. I shudder before turning my computer on. My desk phone suddenly starts ringing, "Hello?"

"Hi Jess, would you mind coming to my office to discuss who you're interviewing?"

I recognise Lucie's voice straight away, "Yeah that's fine! I'm on my way!"

I put the phone down and immediately make my way to Lucie's office, passing Maggie as I do. "Fingers crossed it's Zac Efron!" She laughs.

I knock on the door to hear her reply, "Come in Jess!"

"Hi Lucie. You said you wanted to talk to me about the interview?" I reply, sitting myself down on one of the chairs.

"Yes! Well we had Jessie J planned but she rang to say she couldn't make it, she's busy doing some gigs at the minute. So I rang Rihanna's agent, turns out she's already got an interview with 'Heat' magazine; damn them! So I'm left with The Script! What do you think?!"

The inner fan in me starts screaming 'YES! TAKE IT JESS! IT'S THE SCRIPT FOR GOD'S SAKE! YOU LOVE THEM!' I look at Lucie and calmly reply, "Oh gosh! That's great! What more could you want?"

"I know, thank god they were available though. Come to think of it, I need to ring them and double check."

She lifts the phone and brings out a little black leather book, flicking through pages and stopping, dialling the number. "Hi Nick. I was just wondering if the boys were still good about coming to the interview tomorrow? ......No, you're joking! Awww, well tell him to get better soon then. Okay, thanks, bye."

She hangs up and looks at me dissapointingly. "Danny's got the flu. They've had to cancel gigs and everything. Oh God. What are we going to do?! I only have one day to find a celebrity that's free tomorrow." She sighs and starts looking through her black leather book again.

"Wait!" She exclaims while dialling a number. "Hi Simon, it's Lucie from Kiss magazine! I was wondering if the boys would be up for an interview tomorrow? ..........Great! That's fantasic! Thank you so much Simon. See you then! Bye!"

I look at her hopefully. "We've got One Direction!" My mouth falls to the ground.

"What? Is something wrong?" She asks, looking at me concerned.

Not One Direction! I haven't spoken to Harry in years! He doesn't even know I work here! I try to find some words in my brain to blurt out, but nothing's coming.

"Em, no, it's fine. Yeah, okay." I mumble.

"What? I didn't get a word of that Jess?!" She says laughing.

"I've gotta go Lucie!" I exclaim, leaping off my seat and heading for the door. I shut it before she can even reply.

"Well? Is it Brad Pitt or will I have to start air brushing?" Maggie asks, coming up to me.

I feel sick, like I'm about puke right here, right now. "Jess? You okay?"

I look up at her and say two words, "One Direction." She gasps and does a little dance on the spot. She doesn't know about my past relationship with Harry. No one does really, except for my family and the people I left behind in my past.

"Well, why do you look like you're about to barf?! They're sex on legs those guys!"

Okay, now I really am going to be sick. I can't tell her about Harry and I, that would be like telling the whole office. Maggie can't keep a secret to save her life. I ignore her and start walking back to my desk, taking deep breaths as I do. It's fine Jess, just ask if someone else can take over the job! Wait, I'm the one taking over the job for Kelly.

Shit! What the hell am I going to do?! I can't interview Harry! It would just be... awkward! Plus he's with another girl now and I'm bloody single! God damn it. Why does life have to be so fucking hard. I whack my head on the desk a few times, trying to think. Think Jess, think. What can I possibly do to help this siuation? .....Nothing.


After lunch I told Lucie about my problem. I didn't tell her Harry was my ex, I just made up some bull about me not liking One Direction which isn't a complete lie. I haven't really listened to them purely because I was trying to keep Harry out of my life. I had been doing such a good job up until today. Lucie ended up laughing at me though, saying "It dosen't matter if you like them or not Jess! The readers love them so we're interviewing them!"

As I'm driving home I notice the illuminated yellow M in the distance and smile. After my stressful day a McDonalds seems very deservant. Even the thought of a McFlurry is cheering up.


"I can't believe I got an E on my maths." I said as he put his arm around my waist while waiting in the queue.

"Don't worry about it baby. It was a hard test, I'm sure you can improve on it." He said, kissing the top of my head making my smile reappear and my heart flutter.

"Two Smarties McFlurry ice creams please." He asked the cashier, passing him the correct amount of money. We wait patiently at the side while other people order.

My smile started to falter again, I was so annoyed with getting an E in that test. I was a good student and I revised well for the test so I just couldn't get my head around it. "Babe, stop overthinking it. I know you, you can improve on it within weeks and you'll forget all about that test. Please don't be down about it the whole night." He said, leaning against the counter and pulling me closer to him.

I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He always knew the right things to say. "I won't, not once I have my McFlurry anyway." I sighed, waiting for his reaction.

"So I won't have any affect on improving your mood?"

The exact response I wanted. I leaned up and kissed him, "I'd take you over a McFlurry anyday."

He smiled and lowered his lips to mine but we were interupted by the cashier giving us our McFlurrys.


"Miss? Miss? What would like? Miss?" I shake my head and rub my forehead. What. The. Hell.

"Sorry, erm... could I just have a McFlurry please?" I ask smiling.

"Sure, that's a pound please." I raid my bag for my purse and hand her the money.

What the hell just happened. Did I just have a flashback of Harry and I? Why is this happening?!

"There you go! Enjoy!" The woman says behind the drive-thru window.

I set the McFlurry in the cup holder of my car, still really confused and quite frankly a little scared about what just happened to me for a second time today.


Right guys! Remember to comment and let me know what you think! Thanks! Lana XxXXxXxX

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