Married Derek cheating with M...

By hallibut189

7.9K 187 148

What would happen if Meredith found out that Derek was married to Addison and sleeps with him again. What if... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

1.6K 22 35
By hallibut189

It has been 4 weeks since I've found out Derek had a wife. There's been a lot going on between us. We haven't been talking much, but our eyes are doing them for us. Izzie and George just came home. I opened my bedroom door and went downstairs.

"Hey I-" I said and saw them here

Derek and Addison were in my living room.

"What-" I asked pointing to them

"They're going to Disneyland and we're all going tomorrow. It's better if they stay here tonight" she said

"Yeah okay" I said walking back upstairs

"Meredith" George said

I turned around and looked at them

"Do you want to drink with us" he asked

"In a little bit" I said

"I'll be back" I heard Derek say

"Ok" Addison said kissing his lips

It sent shivers through me. I hated this. I walked back upstairs and went into my room. I grabbed a suitcase. I took some of my clothes and threw them in. I felt tears coming down my eyes. Someone knocked at the door.

"Who is it" I sniffled

"Derek. Can I come in" he asked

"Sure" I said wiping my eyes

He walked in and I kept packing.

"I'll help" he said bending down next to me

He dumped all of my clothes out

"What" I said

"I'm going to fold them because they'll get wrinkled" he said taking one of my shirts

He started folding them.

"Meredith I'm really sorry" he said

"I do miss you" I said

He looked up at me. I saw his eyes tearing up. I looked back down and put my clothes in my suitcase. I got up and grabbed socks, underwear, and bras

"How long are we staying" I asked

"5 days" he said

I grabbed more clothes and threw them at him. He started folding them.

"This is hard for me too" he said tearing up

"How do you think I feel. You had a wife and didn't tell me. I had to find out with her showing up all leggy and fabulous" I said

"I don't know how to do this. I am trying to be the better guy, but I can't" he said zipping my suitcase

He got up and left the room. How can a guy make me feel like this? I started crying. I took deep breaths and got up. I walked downstairs. Music was playing loud and everyone was drinking. Derek was watching me and took a sip of his drink. I walked over to the mini bar and grabbed a tequila shot. I downed it quickly. I took 4 more shots and was a little buzzed. We had to be up early tomorrow for the long drive.

"I'm heading down for the night" I said

"Aww but you just got here" George said

"Ya Mer why don't you stay" Derek said smiling at me

"I'm tired" I said walking to the stairs

I went upstairs and into my bedroom. I shut the door and laid in bed. I went onto my phone and watched YouTube. About 2 hours passed. Derek walked into my room and shut the door. He locked it.

"What are you doing. Why are you in here" I whispered

He walked over to me and I checked the time. It was 9pm.

"Break up kiss" he whispered getting on the bed

I missed him so much. I needed one last time from him. He climbed on top of me and leaned down. He started kissing my lips. I opened my mouth and he put his tongue into it slowly. He wanted to take things slow, I did too. We were out of breath, but still were kissing. I tugged the back of his hair and we both couldn't hold it any longer. We pulled away slowly and slobber got everywhere. He leaned down to my cheek and went to my ear.

"Break up sex" he whispered

"Mmhm" I whispered

He sat up and took his shirt off. He took mine off and threw my bra. He put his hand on my breasts and started rubbing my nipples. He put my right breast into his mouth and started sucking it. I moaned a little. He bit at my nipple a little. It felt really good. I paid the other side the same attention and rubbed his hands up and down the sides of my body. He sucked down my body leaving trails of slobber. He went to my pants and put his hand in them. He came back up to my face and started kissing my lips while he was playing with my clit. He stuck his fingers inside of me causing me to moan into his mouth. He thrusted 2 fingers hard inside of me causing me to move up and down. He took his fingers out and put them by my mouth. I sucked his fingers. He put them in his mouth and licked them. He kissed my lips and went down to my pants. He took my pants and panties off. He put his hands on my legs and spread them. I saw him eying my vagina. He started drooling. He slowly went to my folds and started licking and sucking everywhere. He stuck his tongue inside of me and spread my folds with his finger.

"Mmm" I moaned arching my back so that he would go deeper

He took his tongue out and started sucking on my clit. He took his time with me. He moved back to my folds and started thrusting his tongue inside of me. He went faster and I felt my walls start to close around him. He sucked harder and started rubbing my clit slowly with his tongue. I tried so hard not to yell. I released into his mouth and felt him lick everything. I was already weak. He climbed up to my face and started kissing my lips. I tasted myself on him. He went to my neck and started sucking on it, not too hard. I put my hand on the back of his curls. I put my other hand on my nightstand and opened the drawer. The only condoms that I had were his stupid glow in the dark ones. I grabbed 1 and shut the drawer. He sat up. I handed him the packet and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as he opened the packet. I felt him slide his penis down my folds and I looked at him. He put his tip inside of me and I moaned a little. I closed my eyes.

"You sure you can keep quiet?" he whispered

"Mmhm" i said

He went deeper inside of me and I bit my lip hard trying not to scream. I leaned down on top of me and started kissing my lips. He wrapped his hands on the back of my hair and started thrusting slowly. I started moaning louder.

"Shhh" he whispered putting his hand on my mouth.

He thrusted harder inside of me. I could feel tears coming out of my eyes. I missed this so much. He sped his movements up and the bed started creaking. This was really slow and very much needed. He held the top of my head down causing him to go deeper. He hit my cervix multiple times causing more tears, but in a pleasurable painful way. He went slower and i felt my walls tighten. He slowed his movements. After about 5 minutes we released at the same time. He let me ride it out. I slowly pulled out of me and laid next to me. I turned to my side not to face him. I started crying because we aren't going to be together again. I needed this closure.

"I'm sorry" he whispered pecking kisses on my back

"I'm really really sorry" I said starting to cry

He pulled the blanket over us. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I fell asleep to him kissing my back

"Mer" i heard

"Meredith" he said kissing my cheek

"Hmmm" I whispered

"You have to go pee I don't want you to get anything like a UTI" he said

"Ughhh" I sighed

I got up weakly and went to the bathroom. I shut the door and went pee. It burned a little. I wiped and flushed. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and shut the light off. Derek was still laying on the bed. I got into the bed and faced him. He started tearing up. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep. I woke up to knocking at my door. Derek was awake.

"Meredith" Addison asked

I looked up at him.

"Yes" I asked

"Have you seen my husband. It's nearly 2 o'clock" she said

2 o'clock what. We've been here for 5 hours.

"No" he whispered to me

"No. He's probably on a run. He'll come back soon" I said to Addison

"Thanks" she said

"You made me lie to her" I whispered

"I'm sorry. I just don't know how to do this yet" he said

To be honest, I don't know how to do this either. I decided not to tell him. I rested my head into his chest and he started rubbing my back. We laid like that for a little while.

"I'm gonna go" he whispered kissing my head

He got up and I went over to his side. I grabbed the mattress and laid face down into the sheets. I missed everything about him. I looked at him from the side. He was getting dressed. He kept his shirt off and put his shorts on. He slowly left the room and I heard him go downstairs. I heard the front door close. He came back up the stairs and I assumed opened Addison's door. He was still sweaty so that was convincible. I fell asleep from exhaustion.

"Meredith" I heard from the hallway

"I got her" Derek said

The door opened and he shut it.

"Mer are you alright" he whispered walking over to me

I decided to pretend I was asleep. He put his hand on my cheek and lifted my head up. He started kissing my lips. I kissed him back and he slowly pulled away. I opened my eyes and started smiling.

"Do you want breakfast" he asked

"I guess so. Just give me a minute" I said

He moved a piece of hair out of my face.

"Okay" he smiled

He got up and walked out of the room. I got up and went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on. I looked at my face in the mirror. I was so tired. We were driving to Disney land which is going to mean us all in the car together. I went into the shower and started washing my hair. I finished my shower and got out. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a towel and started drying myself off. I walked out of the bathroom and he was sitting on my bed.

"Get out" I said

"I just wanted to tell you that I took your bag to my car and that you have your own room at the hotel we booked" he said getting up

"Ok thanks I guess, but go be with your wife"' I said

"Meredith" he sighed walking to the door

"I'm sorry for the pain and everything I caused you" he said crying

He walked out of my room and shut the door. I started crying. I wiped my tears and got dressed. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen. Izzie was cooking breakfast. Everyone was already almost done eating.

"Finally you're up" izzie said handing me a plate of eggs, toast, and a muffin along with a cup of orange juice

"Thanks" I said sitting on the bar stool in front of the kitchen island.

I grabbed my fork and started eating. I finished and Izzie, George, and Addison went to the car.

"So this is going to be a longggggg drive" I smiled to Derek

"Yeah" he smirked

"So why did you guys decide to go with us" I asked

"Because I knew that you've always wanted to go and I had tickets, so I thought you'd want to go with us and your best roommate friends" he said

"You remembered" I smiled

"How could I forget. You would always talk about wanting to ride the scary rides" he laughed

I started laughing. Someone honked the horn in the car

"Well I guess we should get going now" he said

"We should" I said

I washed my dish quickly and left the house. We went into Derek's black Porsche. He was driving and Addison was sitting next to him. It was really roomie in the backseat with Izzie and George. We pulled out of the driveway and started our long road trip.

Y'all do I made this story from a dream I had last night and wrote it down😭😭😭

I haven't seen anything like it so this'll be fun😏

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