Tied To You

By Wibbit2020

45.3K 1.5K 2.9K

This is the same magical Boiling Isles you know, but... Everybody has a red glowing string around their ring... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

1.6K 70 58
By Wibbit2020

Luz's POV:


I sprinted down the hall after the tiny demon in pursuit.

"YOU SHALL NEVER CATCH ME HUMAN!" King turned the corner, running into the wall before taking off again.

Why wouldn't I ask Eda first?! Whatever was in those snacks have sent him into some alternative set of mind!

Gosh darn it!

I sprinted down the same hall he did. Cornering him in.

I was holding a blanket so I could catch him. I was just hoping he wouldn't chew threw it...

"King... Why don't you take a nap for awhile huh?" I proposed, taking a step closer to him earning me a glare.

"Neverrrrrr! WEH!" Was all he said before jumping out the window, leaving shattered glass everywhere.

"KING WERE ON THE SECOND FLOOR-" I ran to the window, stepping around all the glass and leaning on the windowsill to see King sprinting down the path on all fours.

I felt a spike on my hand in which I held it up to my face, seeing tiny glass shards in my hand.

"Dang it-"

I grabbed one shard from my left hand, trying to pull it out before recoiling.

"Yeah, that's not happening..."

I stepped around the glass, sprinting through the winding halls and down the stairs, running up to the front door. Slipping on my shoes with only my feet, I used my wrists to open the door, sprinting down the path King went on.

Of course he had to run into town! The busiest place to be!

I paused at where the dirt path ended and the brick path started.people walked around with items, monsters, heels, and strings on their hands that led to either somebody beside them or somebody in a far place. Some without any strings.

I pushed past the crowds, trying to spot the small demon.

"King?" I called out warning a few odd glances.

I pushed passed a few more people, making it into a small clearing in the market.


No response.

What the frick did they put in those snacks? Drugs?

Oh my god... Does Eda make 'special' treats-

She is a criminal... Do they even have drugs here? If so, what would they be like. Lots of people here don't have noses, so how would they snort coke? Would they just eat it like it's sugar? How would these things work around here?

Wait no-

Now is not the time for this. Just ask Eda about this later-

I got shoved around by a few people, problems of being short, but it wasn't bad.

I walked passed a certain line of market booths, walking into a darker version on town.

I honestly don't get how it's possible, it just goes from bright in the sky, to dark, but when you step back it's light again.

It's weird because there's a booth on the middle of the two separate sides, but it doesn't line up together. It's slightly off place.

Like when the patterns on a shirt don't line up at the seams.

Almost like a glitch.

Is this the night market Eda was talking about?

It would make sense. Who wouldn't put a spell to hide it? It would be stupid if you didn't.

Everybody on the dark side we're wearing hoods and masks. Drapes over the stands were tattered and torn. Some lined with bones, and others with sketchy signs.

Damn it King.

If I go in there and you're not there, I'm going to be very annoyed.

I took a few steps in, slowly walking on the dark and gloomy streets

I didn't run like I was before. Eda told me all about how the night market is dangerous.

"King?" I whisper shouted passed the stray people who wandered the selection of stalls looking for what I assumed was illegal.

I walked pass a group of people in hoods, giving them wary glances before moving on.

"King... Now would be a good time for us to get out of here-"

The further I went, the murkier the sky got. The sky was ruffled like dirty lake water. As if I were trapped under the ocean.

I always thought that the ocean was somewhat cool.

Every time you go under water, it's like you're in a different dimension where you can fly but can't breath.

It's fascinating. It truly is.

"Luz!" I turned to my right, seeing King with dirty fur that was spiked and ruffled in every direction.

"King!" I shouted, picking him up when he was close enough to me even if it hurt my hands terribly.

"Luz what happened?! I ate some num nums and I woke up in the night market!" King grabbed the side of his head with his paws.

"I knew it! Praise me intuition for knowing this was the night market!" I proudly smiled.

King climbed out of my arms and pitched himself on my shoulder.

"Back home we go, so I can get more num nums! They did something really funky to my tummy, but I got a taste for them!"

"I don't know I feel about that, and we're definitely going to need to talk later, but let's go home!" I raised a proud fist in the air.

"Yeah! Talk about how you cut your hand!"

I started back the way I came, making my way around everybody I ran into.

Or I think this was the way back...

Walking around booths and demons, the floors tapping under my feet.

We walked for around five minutes, trying to spot anything that looked somewhat familiar.

But every inch of the area looked different and every corner felt like the area had repeated itself and went back to somewhere I had been at a minute ago.

Looking up to the sky, the ruffles in the air were barley visible due to how dark it was.

But I don't think it was dark because it was night...

It was morning when I left, and I haven't been here for long.

"Uh Luz... We've got a tail..."

I perked up by Kings voice.

"What do you mean? I'm a human, humans don't have tails King. Are you sure those cookies aren't still affecting you?" I laughed slightly which turned into more of an eeeghhhh noise as I looked at a certain stand in my sight.

"Seriously. Who sells stuff like that-"

"Luz I'm not talking about that type of tail..."

I looked up at him, seeing him making a head gesture to something behind us, trying to be inconspicuous.

I slightly turned my head, seeing the same group of cloaked figures I saw before.

I whipped my head forwards and sped up my pace just a tad.

"King?! How long has this been going on?" I whisper shouted at him not to alert the tree figures following us.

"Maybe two minutes? You were concentrating and I didn't want to bother you."

I tapped my hands against my sides.

"Well what now?" I glanced up at King who was tapping his chin.

"Make a few turns to make sure they're not following you specifically."

"King we are so far in this place that like-" I stopped to count. "Five people are around us!"

"You can never be too sure!" King threw his hands up in the air defensively.

"They're not moving King! They're looking at shops!"

"So what?!"

I sighed annoyingly.

Of course I'm being followed! I don't know where I am, and I'm being followed.

The sky is getting darker, and even though I've turned to the opposite direction three times, it always gets darker no matter which way I go!

I turned to my right and went down a long valley of stands.

They followed...

I made another right turn.

They followed.

And another right turn.

They're still there...

"Alright... They're definitely following me." I swallowed in nervousness.

I tensed up, a scared feeling washing over me while my heart rate picked up.

"King do we have any money on us? Anything valuable that they may want?" I asked with a large waver in my voice.

"Not that I knowwwwww of... Yeahhhpppp nope..."

Both our eyes were wide, our body's were stiff, and our eyes were glued forwards.

"Is now the right time to ask if you have any food on you?" King questions while I just gave him a 'what the heck dude' look.

I glanced behind me, seeing the three figures speeding up. So I did the same.

Almost as soon as I did, they did too.

This went on until we all in a full out sprint.

I dodged items and loose rocks that laid on the ground. Doing anything I could to get away from them.

"Hey! Stop!" A voice from behind me yelled, sounding not so scary as they looked.

They honestly sounded nice enough that I almost stopped, but I didn't.

Well... I kind stopped...

I tripped-

The three figures slowed to a stop in front of my while a breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath.

"Luz run! I'll fight Em off!" King said hopping off my head, holding his fists up. "Nobody touches my boo boo buddy!"

"*bark*!" The smallest cloaked figure hopped forwards.

"WEH!" King jumped up, practically sprinting behind me. "Luz, save yourself! They're too strong! I couldn't hold them off!"

"I know bud, thanks for the sentiment though." I patted his head trying not to feel nervous.

Am I going to die?

Oh no... I'm going to die before I meet my soulmate!

I didn't have a soulmate on Earth! That's just not a thing there. But I'm in a place where soulmates are real, and I have one!

I'll never meet themmmmmmm!

Awh man! If I die Eda's going to kill me!

Either way, I'd be dead. Even if I get out of this she might kill me for even stepping foot into the night market-

Welp... I lived a good life.

So long, cruel world.

I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the very worst to happen.

"Luz it's us!" A now familiar voice spoke to me.

I cracked my eyes open to see the figures take off their hoods.


Not proof read.

Welp this chapter is being posted very late. BUT ITS STILL ON TIME SO HA! ITS NOT MIDNIGHT YET!

Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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