Splicing of Changes (Editing)

Od Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 23

69 6 0
Od Growling_moon

When you know that whatever is about to happen will be some sort of a disaster, and then you find out it really is. That is the perfect way to describe this impromptu trip to my hometown in Wisconsin.

First, we booked tickets and we all, I mean all of us including Alex and James were going there. I was shocked beyond belief. I forgot talking, my brain forgot how to form sentences. For few reasons. One I did not think I would be going back, well not so soon. Second, that house and going back there with Tori and Liz too. Well, it's sort of surreal. In a good and a bad way. Good because it is part of one of my many daydreams and bad because well the reality includes stuff. Stuff that I do not want Tori to find out. About me and about her too.

Mostly what mom and dad did to Tori's room, the clothes she left behind and all her other stuff. That reminded me of the question I thought to ask Tori few days back. But I never did. Now would be the perfect time. We packed stuff for our trip. I asked Tori again why we are going there now? Like what is the rush. At first Tori said she needs to sell the house. I said nothing and went back to packing. Something about it did not sit well with me. So, I asked again on the way to the airport, she said that the lawyer wants to discuss their will with us and then she would sell the house. Okay. I thought that made more sense.

In flight Tori and I sat side by side. James was technically beside me, but he settled himself on my lap for the most part. He fell asleep too. I was sure Tori and Liz would sit side by side and I was okay sitting beside the kids. But Tori sat beside me. Liz just nodded at her. I have no idea what is going on. But then I realized something was going on. Well, it did give me a chance to talk to Tori, so I took the opportunity. And asked her the question that plagued my mind for days. But since I forgot to ask her about it, I would say that sentence is a lie. But I do remember it now.

"Tori can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kris."

"Tori don't mind. Also, please don't be angry either. I just thought that if you were thrown out, which I believe you about. Trust me I do. But how did you manage to pack your things and get to say bye to me?"

"Oh well. Because dad threw me out, mom asked me to comeback that Saturday after dad went away on his trip. She gave me time to pack everything I need that I can take. Also, to say goodbye to you. Only I did not want to. Say goodbye to you that is. I tried anything and everything to contact you, to see you once again. But they locked me out. At first it felt like I was in a prison then slowly, I tried to not think about that and just focused on school. Well, that is how Polygon Paradox was born. As a school project. Can you believe it?"

"I can actually. Because in case you didn't notice Tori, you're brilliant."

"Yeah. Well, I am glad you think so. As mom and dad never did. Dad in fact hated me for it, at least it seemed like that. And mom well she is something else."

"I know. Trust me I know. I know a lot more than you think. But I know what you mean." I squeeze Tori's hand before continuing. "I am glad mom at least gave you a chance to pack and say bye to me. I mean otherwise I would not have been able to say bye even. That would have messed me up more, I am sure."

"Kris was it that bad living with them? You know what you don't have to answer."

"It was not ideal let's say that. It was far from normal. Bad? Well, it depends, I guess. It was bad when I lived there, but I got used to it slowly, then I just accepted it as my fate. Before I turned 15 that is. Then I used it to my advantage. They didn't even see it coming. It taught me stuff too. It taught me to have hope. Hope that no matter however shitty a situation is there will always be good afterwards. That for me is now. You were my hope, seeing you, being with you. Only I never expected you to have kids. But I love them, so I am glad you had them. And weirdly I missed Liz too. She was kind of my sister as well. Which is why I am so happy to have her as my sort of sister now." Tori hugs me tightly at that.

We stay like that for maybe a minute, then our hands start to cramp a little as it was not a great position to sit in. "Tori I may not have told you yet, but I am so happy for you both. I am glad that you had each other then and even now. I told Liz yesterday that falling in love with your best friend and getting to marry her is the best at least in my opinion." Tori squeezes my hand tightly and I see she has tears forming in her eyes. I do not like that so wipe them away before they even fell. I do not want to see her cry. That is another reason I am not so excited about this trip. Walking down memory lane is not easy.

Our flight landed, Tori and Liz booked a hotel. I know Liz's parents used to live here. I am not sure if they live here or not anymore. I would presume not seeing as it would be too far for them. The hotel is not some expensive thing. I like it because I am happy to stay in a normal hotel, we might have too many shocks to prepare for to think of staying at an expensive hotel. The kids and I are rooming together. My idea. Because I want Tori and Liz to enjoy as well as I need some 'cushions' and who better than my niece and nephew. They agreed to share with me instantly. I am glad for that.

Today we are going to go to the house. I knew it would be a disaster yesterday only when they told me about it. As soon as we entered the house, I felt it. The disaster starting. First, the house looks like someone came in and blew a tornado through it. I am sure whoever it is, was the one who sent me the letters. I should be angry but instead I want to send a thank you card to them. None of the big furniture is overturned, only papers everywhere. Some pictures scattered here and there. The living room, the kitchen all a big mess. I try to get upstairs to my old room. The stairs looked clean. And so, did my room. Well, it is my room, so it was not very organized to begin with plus I packed here. Hence it was already messy to begin with.

I just went into my closet and flipped on the switch. I knew what I was looking for is there. And there it is. I heard the door open, and I see Tori enter my room.

"Why is the house in a mess Kris?"

"I have no idea Tori."

"We have to report this."

"I mean you can if you want to. But I don't care."

"Okay. What are you looking at?" Tori asks frowning a little.

I step aside so that she could see it. My fake wall of memories. Well memories of Tori more, but I kept it. Hidden and tucked away from the eyes of my parents. I kept the pictures I could find of Tori growing up along with me. I have some of Tori and Liz as well. Some of the three of us. I found them right after Tori left, in the basement one day. And I snuck them into my room. Then I tried to find spot to hide them. They changed spots over the years finally ending up in my closet. Tori looks at them and then at me, her eyes glisten over and she starts crying. Soft sobs escaping her mouth. Liz then walks in with the kids. I mean Alex was already here with Tori, but she was standing outside so I didn't know before Tori entered my old room.

Liz soon comes towards Tori's side and then gasps seeing the wall of photos. Or as I liked to call it, my wall of memories. Then Liz's eyes glistened over. But she is not crying, no. She is holding Tori as heartbreaking sobs escape from my sister. I hate the fact that I cannot help Tori and that I indirectly made her cry. Liz must have sensed something as she suddenly pulls me in the hug with Tori. James is walking around my room and looking at it. Alex is just sitting on my bed.

The bed suddenly creaks when Alex changes her position, and she goes to examine it. I see Alex pull out an envelope. I know what it contains. So, I take it from her and rush out. I just...can't. James then pulls my hand and bring me back to my old room.

"Kiss what is in the envelope?" Alex asks.

"Nothing sweetie." I say trying to pretend there really is nothing there. I then pack the envelope in the bag I brought to take stuff. I also take out the pictures from my memory wall and put them in another envelope before putting them in my bag. Then I crawl under my bed to get stuff from there. I hid some things not just under my bed but also underneath the mattress. I got all of them out and packed them as well. Tori has stopped crying by this time. I went over to my dresser and moved it. Liz helped me a bit, then I got the stuff I hid there as well. Huh! I realize I have loads of hidden stuff in my room.

Then I open the top drawer of my dresser and see the one thing I was not prepared to see yet. That makes me lose my focus as well my balance as I drop on my chair there. It is just a simple thing. No one looking at it will understand if they don't know the significance of it. But it holds a huge significance for me. I packed it too obviously. Then I lifted up the cushion from the chair and took the envelope from there. At this point Liz and Tori are just looking at me like I am either crazy or I am a spy. I am neither, well maybe a little bit crazy. Because I have so many hidden stuffs apparently. Alex is just looking at me with widen eyes at this point. Then James point to me a box tucked away underneath my dresser. Nothing would be visible except a shadow of it. But James being a kid spotted it easily.

I took the box out and open it as I forgot what was in it. I should not have done that. The first picture made me shut the box instantly. And that is exactly what I did. None of them said anything.

"Kiss do you want my help finding anything you hid?" Alex asks then. I laugh and tell her it's okay.

Liz and Tori are eyeing me skeptically now. No more tears are shed. Then we pack some more clothes and things to take. Shoes, jackets, beanies, jewelry as if I have those. Shades and all those stuffs. After we are done, we walk out when Liz suddenly stops and looks at my old room again.

"Huh? You don't have any poster here as well? Weird." Liz tells me or asks me. I am not sure.

Next is Tori's old room. That was turned into a guestroom. Only no guest ever really stayed. As soon as we entered, I heard both Liz and Tori gasp. I did too as I saw it is a little messy as well. But it might be my doing. As I did use this room pretty freely. I opened the closet and looked in it. Tori did too. There are some coats, mostly mine one or two Tori's I kept them. There is really nothing in this room. Except coats and well my secret stash of cash that I almost forgot about. Again, I rolled underneath the bed and pulled open a floorboard. Then I pulled out a locked box. I still have the key around my neck. I open it and take the cash in it along with the stuff that is in there. It would be fun to give my friends this stuff when we hang out at our spot next.

Tori chuckles. Liz is hysterical at this point.

"Seriously Kris!"

"What? I needed it and it's the best place to hide."

"Yeah, seems so. As whoever was in the house did not take it. When they easily could have."

"I am sure they were interested in something else not just thousand bucks and some weed."

"Few thousand Kris?"

"Yeah." I say with a shrug.

"Give me that." Tori says.

"What?" I ask Tori knowing full well what she meant.

"I am not giving you the money."

"I am not asking you for the money." Tori replies in the same tone as I said it.

"We are not taking it back with us." I look at Tori a little shocked and thinking what I can do for Tori not to throw it away. Tori and Liz looks around and sees that the kids are still in my old room across the hall. "We will need it during this trip. I am the worst sister ever to even suggest this but come to our room tonight later on." Tori tells me. I smile and Liz laughs at my expression. "What I know you smoke. Plus, I was a teenager too few years back only."

"I didn't say anything. Plus, you might be the best sister anyone could ever ask for." I say and we all hug.

"Now tell me what's with all the hiding stuff?" Tori asks and Liz raises her eyebrow.

"Well, it was not easy living with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe. So, I hid myself in envelopes and boxes. Underneath the bed, inside floorboards, inside the closet" I chuckle lightly as soon as I say that "behind the dresser, basically wherever I could hide stuff so it would not come into either of their viewpoint."

"Okay. I am sorry. I know I have no idea how it was for you. I tried but..."

"Hey, we are together now. They could not keep us sisters apart. Their death brought us back together. There has to be some irony there." I say as I skip out of the room.

We then go to their room. Their room is turned upside down. The furnitures in there are a mess, things are scattered all over. Someone searched every nook and cranny of this room. And thoroughly I might add. We both just came out of the room, then. Neither of us want to check it any further or take anything from there. And I am sure whatever was important is most probably already with the person who came in here and sent me the letters.

The basement was next. That was turned upside down as well. But I went in anyways. As I know there might be somethings still here. We looked into the boxes and folders that were there. Then I saw something peeking out from the couch. I notice there are two files under the couch cushion. They have some contracts I assume about dad's business, but Tori says they are something else. And that we should report about the house and turn these documents in. That made me curious.

So, that's exactly what we did next. Called a detective and then told them everything. The house, which they saw since we called them here. Then gave them the files. I told them where I found them and there might be more. As I remember seeing some more files in the basement, but I left it not understanding what it was. The detectives asked all of us few questions. Then they went away and so did we. A busy, tiring and exhausting day was today. And I do not mean just physically. Emotionally as well. A hell of a rollercoaster. Who knows what tomorrow's going to bring?


A/N: Hey Guys sorry for not posting last week.

Here is a new chapter. And there will be another one tomorrow.

Vote and Comment.  Let me know how you all are liking the story so far. 

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