Young Love - Pokémon

By Nebula_Rules

8.4K 169 100

Contains shippings: Contestshipping : MayxDrew Ikarishipping : DawnxPaul Oldrivalshipping : LeafxGary Pokesh... More

The new girl
Truth Or Dare
CC vs May
Max's Visit
Drew's sis
Cyber Bullying
Just a regular day..... Right?
Breaking out Agent Zed
Messing up and making up
A day at the mall!
Pokemon hunt
A new friend!
The tournament begins!
What's the rucus?
Another secret? [SHORT]
2 months later
The plan
3 months later [Short] END

The picnic

392 14 1
By Nebula_Rules

~Drew's POV~

The guys and I were waiting for the girls, an hour later, they finally came out. They looked awesome, May looked really cute and pretty, We ended up staring at them for 5 minutes as they blushed. "Earth to grass head?" May asked snapping me out of my trance and blush deeply while she smirked, I decided to play along, "Like what I see," I said making her blush. Do I like May? Like, really like her? Could this really be love at first sight? 
Then we looked at the others as they were blushing deeply, May and I shared a look and nodded, "Dawn, Leaf, and Misty, you girls look awesome!" I started, "Yeah! Don't you think so, Paul, Gary, and Ash?" May asked as the 6 blushed again, and May and I high-fived. 
"Max, you coming with us?" May asked her younger brother who just shrugged, "Don't know, I could stay and game," he said with a glint of hope in his eyes. May seemed slightly agitated, "You and your games. You're coming with us." May said as she threw him a pair of jeans. He nodded and rushed to May's room and came out a few minutes later ready. "Alright, let's go," Max said. 

We nodded and went to the school lawn where the setup for the picnic was, Mr. Jones greeted all of us and complimented on our outfits, a couple of minutes later the drama queens came dressed up in......... ball gowns?! We tried our best not to laugh as Mr. Jones sighed and said, "Ah, girls, I hope you remember that this is a casual picnic, not a ball dance." secretly roasting her. Many students laughed at his comment but shut up to hear Brianna's comeback. "Um, I know but, We gotta be ready for anything," She said hesitantly. He sighed and said, "Please make sure to stick to the dress code next time," he said as the drama queens nodded. Then I noticed Brianna looking around in the crowd and I suddenly hid behind May putting my hands on her shoulder causing her to be slightly shocked. "Wait," I whispered into her ears. After Brianna stopped looking and I realized what I was doing, I immediately let go of her and blushed. "Um, Brianna was looking." I managed to say as she giggled and I smiled, she looked so cute when she did that. Okay, I think I might be in love with May. I said as I suddenly blushed at the thought. The gang split up into couples, Leaf and Gary, Misty and Ash, Dawn and Paul and Max just walked away to find some snacks while May and I just stood there in silence, We put our hands down and found our hands suddenly touch each other causing us to blush and jerk our hands back. I noticed some guys staring at May and felt this weird feeling in my stomach, then, one of those guys came up to May and started, "Hello there, I am Anthony. Who are you cutie?" May just raised an eyebrow and suddenly, Max appeared and started pulling the guys with his ear causing him to wince in pain, "I'm going to have a long talk with you, no one just calls my sis things," he said. "Some overprotective brother that is," I commented while smirking. I really like May, huh? I thought to myself as Brianna walked over to me. "Hi Drewwy, how was your day?" She asked me and I internally groaned, "It was going just fine before you came," I replied as May giggled. "What are you doing here, loser?" She asked May, "Living life and certainly with the correct dress code." May said adding to my roast. "Hmph!" she said walking away while we laughed. "That was fun," I said and she nodded. 

~May's POV~

"Hello to one and all present here, I'd like to give a special thanks and applause to Miss May Maple for if she hadn't bravely accepted and won that challenge there would be no school." Mr. Jones announced causing all the attention to come to me and I blushed as everybody clapped and then everything went back to normal. "Where are the others?" I asked Drew. "I don't know, they walked away in pairs." He replied and I suddenly had a very excited face, "What is it?" Drew asked me and I replied, "They walked away in pairs? Do you think they'll actually confess?" Drew smirked, "Let's hope they have what it takes," he replied, "Hm, where's Max? I haven't seen him since he came to drag that creep away." I said, "He's probably giving him a lecture," he replied chuckling. "Well, we better find him," I said. "Find who?" a voice said from behind me making me jump. "Gah! Max don't scare me!" I said, "Sorry May. Can't resist." responded Max, "Let's go. I ran into the others and they said they'll come back on their own." he added. We nodded and started walking home suddenly, Brianna came out of nowhere and pushed me, I was about to fall but someone caught me. Drew. I immediately realized which position we were in and got up to face Brianna. 

"Oops, I slipped!" She said with a glint of anger cause I didn't fall down. "Uh-huh. Clumsy idiot." I muttered as we walked away leaving her fuming. "Thanks," I told Drew while slightly blushing, "H-huh? No problem." He replied while blushing and Max smirked. We reached and I sat down on the couch, Drew sat on the other end of the couch and Max went to my room to game. "So, what do you think they're doing right now?" I asked him trying to break the tension in the air. "God knows, making out?" he joked and I giggled, "Hm, I wonder who from each pair confessed first." I said, "Hm, well. For Leaf and Gary, I bet it's Gary. Ash and Misty, not really sure, Misty isn't exactly the feelings kinda girl so I'm guessing Ash. Dawn and Paul, once again, Paul doesn't exactly talk a lot so I'm guessing Dawn." He said and I nodded. Just then, the doorbell rang and I got up to open it, the gang came in pairs holding hands causing me and Drew to yell "FINALLY!" in unison. "Calm down, Calm down. You'll make our ears bleed." Misty said. "Sorry, I'm just really happy that you guys got together after 5 years of crushing!" I squealed. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, the attention will shift to you now," Dawn said. "Me? What?" I asked confused, then the girls pulled me to my room and shoved Max out. "Sorry Max, you can game with the others though, they also like gaming," Dawn said. "Really!?" Max yelled as he picked his laptop up and left the room. 

"Soo? What's all this about?" I asked them, "Oh, cut the crap. Do you like Drew?" Misty asked me. I turned instantly red and turned my face so they couldn't see, "No! I don't!" I said. "Sorry May, but judging by how red you are," Leaf said poking my cheek, "I'd say you got a little crush on Drew." she finished causing me to get even redder. Keep cool May. Keep cool. I kept chanting and got up and ran to the kitchen to get some pokemon food ready. Dawn came behind me and whined, "Come on May! We're not done interrogating you!" I sighed, "The interrogation is over." I said firmly, "But.!" she whined, "Calm down Dawn, you can interrogate her when she's half asleep." Drew teased looking up from his laptop. "Yeah, like that'll work," I said as I called out my pokemon. They started eating the food and Munchlax was about to eat Glaceon's food, "Na ah! Here!" I said as I threw my special poke block for Munchlax causing his stomach to bulge and for him to fall asleep. I returned him and sat on the couch, for the rest of the day we all just talked, but I had a question on the back of my mind, Do I like Drew?

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