project: Nucleon

By Jamme35

842 403 580

Have you ever thought what will happen if Cov-ID led to the WW3? 3 years ago, hell broke down. 2020 will be f... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
chapter V

Chapter VI

37 21 19
By Jamme35

It was another beautiful day, well maybe not beautiful,

It had been two days since james left, prahast still seemed to be coping with the fact that he's best friend has left him alone to deal with a dangerous superior officer, a Japanese jerk and a complete bitch,

The last two days for prahast were a complete mess, his new partner nishimiya, walked off anywhere like he's the boss and acted like prahast was just weighing him down, like he was the better one, and everyone seemed to agree with him,

He was the new star cadet of the military research headquarters, 
He was as much of a jerk as prahast was, yet people seemed to like him more, and that really irritated prahast, he knew he was being jealous, but he couldn't help it, he always acted like he didn't care what people thought of him, but that wasn't true, he cared, he cared about the sort of image he wanted to portray,

And he succeeded in doing that, he was seen as the "never mess with me, troublemaker" kinda person, many hated him, but because they hated him, they remembered him, deep down somewhere in his heart he knew what he seeked attention,

His deep thinking and self reflection was stopped in its tracks with another one nishimiya's antics, apparantly he was helping the janitor clean the ventilation,

How you may ask??

By dangling himself to the vent and brushing with one hand while the other held on the the vent which was situated at the ceiling of a hallway,

"Get down you dumb brat!" 
Prahast shouted at him,

" Let him do it beta…he's just trying to help" 
The elderly janitor,

" Yeha… I'm just tryna help….pra pra" 
He said through the ventilator, now his head already inside the vent,

"You are not helping! And my name is not Pra Pra!!!!"  
Prahast shouted annoyed,

" Okay okay pra pra" 
He jumped back, 
"Sorry mr. Janitor but I can't help you out anymore, my partner is a real mood buster"

The pair of them had a training session with liuetenant  zahed, 
The same training sessions in which prahast normally had a kill count race with James,

"Hey pra pra" 
He began sarcastically, 
"I have an interesting idea!"

"What idea?" 
Prahast asked curiously,

" The only threat to our score in this training is the liuetenant,

Instead of walking back to back from one another and slowing each other , we'll split up, hit as many enemies as possible while cornering her, she won't have much place to run once I cover one side and you cover the other"

Prahast's eyes seemed to glow devilishly, 
"If your plan works she's as good as dead" 
He said through spikey demon teeth,

And soon both of them looked like two sneaky devil's plotting to kidnap a poor helpless elf, except the fact that the lieutenant was anything but helpless,

Nishimiya flanked from left while, prahast crept from the right, wanting to put his silencer to full use eliminating one fodder at a time,

People were confused and surprised to see loud and noisy prahast quietly sneak up on them,

By every second he seemed to inch closer to their target, the lieutenant, in record breaking time even, but not because Nishimiya was a better partner than James, That would never be the case,

It was because prahast had evolved he had got better, with practice,

3 more people to take down, an entire magazine remaining,

Prahast felt like this excersize was being a piece of cake, which felt weird since the lieutenant wasn't the type who made things easy for the opponents,

Across the field, on the other side, Nishimiya with his silver knife, which he couldn't use, since this was a training session,

He was face to face, with the lieutenant finally, and prahast was getting impatient, he wouldn't let all the fun,

With a lead, he pounced into the air, dodging the remaining two useless minions, getting ready for a badass landing straight in between the two idiots facing off, i.e. Nishimiya and the lieutenant,

But as he got closer he realised, his landing wasn't going to be as badass as he planned, in a last ditch effort he flanked his leg straight in the air, spear heading his crash landing, as his studded kick crashed straight into the rather kickable face of Nishimiya, a broad grin covered prahast's face,

The kick was unintentional, but he seemed to enjoy it nevertheless,

"Oops" he let out a cry as the liuetenant watched the two of them burying into the ground,

"You're supposed to hit her not me!"
Nishimiya scowled managing to get up,

Prahast however wasn't that lucky,

The silver pocket knife had dug into prahast's kicking leg, blood dripping out of it like a river,

"Dammit" prahast shouted,
"This is a drill not real fight, why do you have to keep this damn knife outside!"

He said pulling the knife out of his leg and throwing it towards the wall,

"It's my lucky charm!
Anyways it was your dumb fault that you were hurt anyways!"
He said, turning to face the liuetenant carrying a p92, ready aiming at his fatals,

"Well you can consider this as karma for gunning my leg the other day
Now let's end it quick to we can give this kid a first aid"
He cracked his knuckles,

"Sure thing!
But to think that you think you're an adult.."
She smirked, dropped her gun and went for a jab, which was unusual for her,

The liuetenant prahast thought, was a rational and logical person, she wouldn't just drop a weapon just because her opponent doesn't have one,

Nishimiya had positioned himself for a classic karate block,

As her palm reached his belly, he blocked it with his wrist,

dawning a smile, he looked liuetenant into eyes, hoping to see disappointment on not hitting her target, but her eyes, burned with passion and her mouth was covered with a smirk that said "got ya"

Her second hand went into her back pockets, revealing a second gun, which in a split second went for his head,

And with a *spat* the fake cork bullet hit his head,

"Today's training session"
She said standing up looking even taller and dangerous than ever,
" Was a failure!"

"Each one of you are dismissed"
She said to all the cadets,
As she rushed towards prahast,

" Come here dumbass"
She called Nishimiya, and with his help she took prahast to the medical wing,


The same afternoon prahast ludged along the corridors with a support stick thanks to the brilliant stab given to him by his new partner.

The corridor looked very busy, everyone seemed to rushing towards somewhere,
Prahast had only seen this twice before, in the kashmiran quarters, at the time of an attack,

"Hey what's going on?"
He asked one of the fellow cadets as he walked passed prahast,

"They're setting up the experiments, she's finally coming!"
He vaguely answered and scurried off,

"What the fuck!"
Prahast groaned,

And the guy was gone,

"There you are!"
Called the lieutenant patting on my back,

"What do you want?"
Prahast groaned,

"Me? Nothing at all"
She shrugged,
"But the general seems to want something from you?"

He asked precariously,

But he has summoned ur partner too"
She pulled air quotes,

Let's go"
And he huddled along the liuetenant who was making rather long strides,


The general sat at his usual table, in his office, ordering everyone else around,
Barking orders,

He had everything going for him, to make him the boss, he had rank for someone like the liuetenant or James, he had the age for someone like smit, and he had strength and intimidation for handling prahast too,

"What exactly will he do with the Japanese monkey?"
Prahast wondered,

"You must've seen what a ruckus is taking place in the headquarters today"
He spoke in his usual, gruff and commanding voice,

" She's coming here right!?"
The liuetenant asked excitedly,

"She how?"
Prahast erupted,
"Everyone seems to know her, everyone seems to be talking about her, who is she?
And why am I the only one who don't know about this?"

"She is the lead scientist of the nucleon project, ms. Zeel lodaya,
And you don't know about her because you are a ignorant pr-"
She stopped looking at the general,

"We are preparing for the nucleon testings"
The general explained,

" That's why all of the cadets are busy,
So we need someone to be on the watch duty around the town,"

"It was Prahast and Nishimiya's turn today! "
The liuetenant stated,

"But he's injured.. "
Nishimiya argued,

" I know he's supposed to be on a injury leave from the watch duty, but we are short on men, that's why I want the three of you to go on the watch duty today"
He explained,

" But-"
The liuetenant protested,

" I'll do this to compensate"
He began,
" The liuetenant knows to fly a chopper, I'll let you to take the military assigned chopper on the mission"

That seemed to cheer up all three off them, no questions asked,

It was like the general flipped a switch and let the childish sides of his underlings run free,

"Ohh- okay sir"
The liuetenant made a salute,

"We'll be right on our way"
Even Nishimiya saluted,

And pulling the one legged prahast, they rushed to the launch pad,


As the liuetenant switched the keys, slowly the blades of the chopper started to move, repelling strong waves of air everywhere,

The buzz filled the air, and the helicopter floated into the air,

"Chopper no.2 with pilot Zahed in air"
The Liuetenant spoke,

"And co-pilot shastri!"
Prahast exclaimed excitedly,

"He's useless more or less"
She replied,

Neither prahast nor the liuetenant seemed to trust Nishimiya so he went onto the backseat, making injured prahast, the co pilot,

"Guys thats so unfair!"
He cried folding his arms,

" Yeah...just ignore him!"
Prahast ordered,

" You think I'm gonna listen to you?"
She barked,

"Why did I decide to ride this again?"
He lamented,

"Let's focus on scouting"
Suggested Nishimiya, leaning out of the chopper holding a gun and looking outside, his sandy white hair waving in the air,

He decided that would be for the best,

He leaned out of the helicopter, having a look at the capital of commerce of worlds largest democracy, but it wasn't like you'd think, or expect or dream,

It was a desolate wasteland, without a single sign of nature or even life, if they found someone alive (which was rare)
They're supposed to be evacuated immediately,

All prahast could see anywhere, were ruins and non treatable soil,

"Non one here,"
He stated,

"No one here either!"
Nishimiya replied,

"Keep looking!"
The liuetenant ordered,

" You look up ahead, keep your eyes forward"
Prahast taunted,

" Yeah yeah, I'm doing that!"

That's when with a *whoosh* something like a bird, no birds are slower, a jet or a missile, braised by the chopper,

It was followed by a *thud* and then a loud disarming voice,

"What was that?"
The liuetenant asked,

"How would I know?"
Prahast shouted hanging off the chopper from one hand as he got knocked off because of the braisen Collison,

"Something hit us directly!"
Nishimiya explained,

" Wouldn't have guessed that genius"
Prahast replied sarcastically,

" Even on the deaths door, ur jerkface trap won't stop would it"
The liuetenant called,
" How can something hit us directly in this area?
There shouldn't be anything here"

" That means-"
Prahast pieced it together,

"Someone has attacked us!"
Nishimiya shouted,

"Maybe it's air division, mistaking us for an unidentified object of enemy? "
Prahast weirdly enough, was acting rational in the moment of panic,

Soon smoke begun to tail the chopper, increasing by seconds, the whole thing was about to burn down,

With a deep breath, the liuetenant pulled the only two parachute bags that were available in right next to her,

She pulled them up, and threw one of them at Nishimiya, while she pounced out of the chopper, one hand filled with the bag and the other clamping onto prahast, grabbing him and plummeting into the air,

With a *whoosh* she opened her parachute and slowly they slowed down,

Her grasp around prahast tightened, she couldn't let go, and she had to land on her own, he was useless especially with the wounded leg,

While prahast was cozy in her arms she crashed into the ground, landing perfectly on her long slender legs,

Slamming prahast onto the ground she looked left to right, so look for the cadet that was supposed to be under her, who was her responsibility,

There he was landing like he was having the time of his life doing an exciting extreme sport,

As he landed on the ground as gracefully as he could, he asked,
"Is he okay?"

"Apart from he being a complete burden to us?
Yes, he's okay"
She exclaimed,
"Scower the place, look for the person who attacked us"

That's when, somewhere from behind, someone called out,
" That won't be needed"

Standing right there was a large, not just large, the biggest person prahast had ever seen, long a four piece rpg launcher, empty and no smoke,

Smiling widely looking at the liuetenant and the crew, followed by six other distinct individual, each of them having this sickly dangerous aura about them


Update after a long time...

The next pit stop is
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