dear george, love fred

By thestralhair4

21 0 15

def didn't cry while writing this More

dear george, love fred <3

21 0 15
By thestralhair4

Dear George, thank you for your letter. But there is something you must become aware of. This may come of a surprise to you, and through this you will discover more than you originally knew before.

I already knew that Mum makes sure my side of the room stays the exact same. How she didn't touch or move a single thing around since I died. She gets all startled when she sees you sitting on my bed because you move the placement of the blanket, but she doesn't say anything because she knows it helps you.

And I already know how Dad pretends to be fine all day so he can look strong for Mum and all yous, then breaks down in the shed thinking how terrible of a father he was to let us fight in the battle and he should've sent us somewhere safe so after everything was over our family could still be whole.

I knew about how Ginny sleeps in my quidditch jumper and wears my jersey during her games. And how she doesn't like to be at home very much anymore because it reminds her of what life used to be like before I died. I know how she spends a lot of time with Harry, crying and laughing telling him stories about everything her and I used to do together.

I know that Ron tries his hardest to bring out the good old Georgie in you. He kicks himself every single day because he knows no matter how hard her tries, he won't be able to make you feel better. I know how he writes me a letter every-time Mum makes my favorite meal for dinner. And that he always burns it right after he finishes writing it.

I know Percy is very busy all day long but I also know when he comes home and settles down he always waits in his room for you and I to come in and do something to fuck with him and make him mad. But soon after he remembers that nobody is coming to do anything and he stairs at a photo of me thinking about how he should've loosened up and enjoyed the time he had when I was around. Check up on him a little extra for me will you? He needs it more than you'd think.

Oh and I know all about how Charlie named a Chinese Fireball Dragon after me. Son of a bitch is a real pain in Charlie's ass. Guess the name does really fit. I know Charlie wants to come home. He writes so many letters to Mum and Dad and crumples them up and throws them away because he feels selfish to be grieving this badly when he was never around. He hates himself for not being there at the battle, thinks he could've saved me if he was. I know that's not true but I don't think he ever will.

I know how Bill and Fleur spend a lot of time sitting at their dining room table together talking about all the great traits I had from when I was a child, up until the point that I died. And how Fleur is pregnant and all Bill wants is for the baby to be just like me so when the baby is older Bill can tell him how much he reminds him of his "Uncle Freddie who died a hero".

But you George. I know you sit in our room talking to my empty bed. I know how you break down in tears saying it should've been you every-time you think back to that day. How you stare at the ceiling half of the night wishing I was next to you to wake up so we could have another one of those bloody ridiculous 3am conversations that we are so tried during we burst into laughter and Mum gets up and yells at us. I know how much you miss those and I miss them too. Blimey, what I would give to be able to have one more of those. Just you and me like it always has been.

I bet this whole letter made me sound like a Git telling you you're stupid. But the reason I want you to know that I already knew all the things you told me. And even the things you didn't know, is because I have never once left your side since I died. Not yours, not Mums, Dad's, Ginny's, Ron's, Percy's, Charlie's, Bill's. No ones. I have been with all of you. And I forever will be until we meet again. My life was cut short, but yours. Yours is just getting started. And you mustn't forget that.

I want you to think of me and smile. Tears do nothing but waste time. There is no reason to be sad because I have always been there right next to you. And I will continue to be there every step of the way.

But hey I guess in the end, I'm the one who became Holy after all. Try not to miss me too much.


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