Marked by Fate (Completed ✔️)

By LaurenCampbell234513

7.3K 290 20

Warning: Violence, swearing, abuse, and other sensitive topics - Read at your own discretion ... More

Chapter 1 - Everything's going downhill
Chapter 2 - The world comes crashing
Chapter 3 - Alone...I think
Chapter 4 - Meeting my doom
Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise
Chapter 6 - The beginning...
Chapter 7 - ...Of the end
Chapter 8 - The woods
Chapter 9 - Escaping hell
Chapter 10 - Making mistakes
Chapter 11 - Coming to
Chapter 12 - Starting our journey
Chapter 13 - Meeting others
Chapter 14 - Magical Bonds
Chapter 15 - Hunted
Chapter 16 - The past coming back
Chapter 17 - Out of the woods
Chapter 18 - Coming together
Chapter 19 - To close for comfort
Chapter 20 - Bonding
Chapter 21 - Home sweet home
Chapter 22 - A plan set in motion
Chapter 23 - Setting up camp
Chapter 24 - The bonfire
Chapter 25 - Mating
Chapter 26 - In the dark of night
Chapter 27 - Dreamscape
Chapter 28 - Escape
Chapter 29 - Coming home
Chapter 30 - Training begins
Chapter 31 - The first wave
Chapter 32 - The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Showdown
Chapter 34 - The aftermath


212 9 2
By LaurenCampbell234513

It's been about two weeks since the fight went down with Torah and one week since I was crowned queen. Thankfully, we were all settling back into the house and taking a well-deserved break from such a hard training schedule.

On our way home from the fight, my mother proposed we have a cookout to celebrate everything that happened and so everyone can relax and get to know each other more.

All of the girls were quick to agree, making the boys shake their heads and they laugh as they reluctantly agreed as well. While my mom, Emma, and I planned the coronation; Lisa and Avery had planned the cookout we were all currently at.

They had long picnic tables set around all about, covered with red and white checkered table cloths and adorned with all kinds of food. There was a bonfire going in the middle of the area that people were around, roasting marshmallows as the sun slowly disappeared.

We were all sitting at one of the tables talking and laughing when Luke ran up behind me and scared the daylights out of me. I screamed and swung, my fist connecting with his face as he stumbled back.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! You know you can't sneak up on me like that!" I yelled out as everyone else burst out laughing,  I got up scowled at them before running over to him. "So I've learned" Luke chuckled as he rubbed his face. "The hard way," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes before I leaned forward and kissed the red mark forming on his face.

My mother and father came walking up to the table just about that time and looked at us inquisitively. "What happened?" My mother asked worriedly. Emma tried explaining but burst out into another fit of laughter before she could.

"Whew.... that...that was funny," Zayn said as he calmed himself down. "Luke ran up and scarred Izzy making her jump out of her skin. She screamed and sucker-punched him right in the face" he explained as he shook his head, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah... didn't I warn you about that when we had our little talk?" My dad asked Luke cheekily as a smirk formed on his face. "Yeah.... but I didn't know you meant it," Luke said as he laughed, shaking his head before he swooped me up into his bridal style.

"I like my queens to have a little fire" he whispered huskily in my ear making me slap his chest. "Scare me again, you'll really see fire then" I threatened playfully making him shake his head vigorously. I laughed and kissed him "that's what I thought," I said happily as Luke rolled his eyes at me.

"See this is what I love. All of us being together and having fun. I'm so glad we all made it through everything and now I get to see my daughter and her wonderful mates and friends help change our world for the better." My mother said warmly as she gazed at all of us lovingly. 

Everyone chimed in, in agreement before Avery piped up. "I for one, am ecstatic that you are here, maybe now Izzy and then will finally go to their room instead of sucking face in the living room," she said playfully as she scrunched her nose at me.

My mouth dropped open in mock shock before I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. "Oh, you slut! Come here!" I yelled out as I ran at her. She laughed and took off weaving in and out of people hoping to trip me up.

I heard the table explode in laughter as I followed close behind Emma, almost having her within my grasp quite a few times. She darted off inside and ran upstairs.

I followed behind her and she ran to her room and tried to close the door when I barged in and playfully tackled her onto the bed, tickling her sides. She laughed and tried to push me away so I just tickled her more until she was out of breath and held up her hands and defense.

"Okay.... I give... I'm sorry" she said playfully as she tried to catch her breath. I giggled and shoved her lightly "damn right".  We sat there and talked for a few more minutes when suddenly my stomach flipped making me take off running towards her bathroom.

I barely made it to the toilet before everyone in my stomach came hurling back up. Avery stood at my side holding my hair back as she rubbed my back soothingly. This was the fourth or fifth time that has happened today and I'm starting to get worried.

As if she read my mind, Avery spoke up as she handed me a cool towel to wipe my face as I got to my feet. "Maybe somethings wrong. Here, come stand in front of me and I'll see if I can figure anything out" she said as she motioned to the spot in front of her.

I wiped my face and flushed the toilet before taking a shaky breath and coming to stand in front of her. She held her hands out in front of her and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, she mumbled something I didn't quite catch but it sounded like a spell and her hands began to glow lightly. She rose her hands and slowly started to move them from my head down, as she made it to my midsection though, she froze as her hands stopped glowing.

Her eyes went wide and a huge grin spread across her face as she bounced up and down giddily "Izzy, you're pregnant" she yelled out happily

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her for a moment. I thought back to the night where Luke, Tyler, and I had mated and realized we hadn't used protection. "Oh my god...I can't believe it" I whispered stunned as a smile slowly grew across my face. "I'm gonna be a mom." I yelled out happily and hugged her, "you're gonna be a mom! She yelled out just as happily and squeezed me back, wiggling from side to side in excitement.

A few minutes later we heard footsteps pounding up the stairs and left the bathroom to see that everyone else had made their way upstairs and was coming into Avery's room. "We heard yelling, What's wrong?" Tyler and Zayn asked In Sync making Avery and I laugh.

"Are you going to tell them?" She asked cheerfully as she bounced on her feet beside me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Tell us what?" Luke asked inquisitively as he walked over to stand beside me.

I looked around at everyone before my eyes settled in Tyler and Luke."I'm..pregnant" I said as happily as my hands unconsciously went down to my stomach.

They stood there for a moment before huge grins spread across their faces. The room was filled with cheers of delight as Luke stepped forward and swept me off my feet, hugging me to him as he spun us in a circle.

He sat me back down on my feet and kissed me passionately before pulling back "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad" he said excitedly as he kissed me again. "You have made me the happiest man in the world my beautiful Isabella," he said lovingly as he gently nuzzled his forehead against mine.

"She has made us the happiest men in the world," Tyler said aiming up behind us as he swept me away from Luke. He kissed me passionately and dipped me before pulling back and grinning from ear to ear as he looked at me lovingly.  "You are going to make a fantastic mother" he whispered in my ear before kissing me gently on the cheek.

"I hope so" I mumbled slightly worried. Tyler gently lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. "I know so. You are terrific at anything you do and this will be no different" he said lovingly before he pulled me forward gently and kissed me on the forehead.

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled away as I was enveloped into yet another hug, though this time it was my mom and dad. "I'm finally going to be a grandmother! I can't wait, I'm gonna spoil my grandbaby rotten" she said as she grinned ear to ear. I looked at my dad worriedly and he just shook his head.

"Don't look at me... I'm not going to be much better, it's my first grandbaby. I get to be the one to teach him all the fun stuff" he said as he winked at me.

I huffed and playfully narrowed my eyes at him. "If my munchkin starts walking around saying 'pull my finger' I'm going to beat you," I said jokingly making him grin as he pulled me into another hug. "No promises, little one," he said warmly as he kissed the top of my head.

'Whatever happens, this kid of mine was going to be in for one hell of a ride with this family' I thought to myself as I pulled back and looked at everyone conversing happily. I can't believe this is my life...but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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