My Lover From The Stars

Por sanaxbip

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[Ongoing] This is the story of Tata(Kim Taehyung), an alien who comes to Earth for research. He chooses Seoul... Más

• ONE •
• FOUR •
• FIVE •
• SIX •
• NINE •
• TEN •

• TWO •

872 77 402
Por sanaxbip

Planet — Earth

Jungkook's pov,

The constant nagging of my best bud slash roommate's ringtone was getting on my nerves. Rolling on my side I curled my pillow around my head, in an attempt to bury my ears into the pile of cotton, and get a Goddamn sleep. But no use. The phone kept on groaning a hip hop song, which literally and metaphorically had no meaning. If anything, the word 'SEXY' kept on repeating like a sacred chant, making my blood vessels pop out of my head.

Sexy my ass!

"Jimin." I yelled. No answer came from the bathroom. That bathing fairy must have probably been under the shower, covered in body washes and shampoo, wasting our planet's assets like it was his great grandpa's property. I wonder just how much water he wasted everyday just to get refreshed! Hadn't he ever heard of Sahara?

After a pause it started again. That mothfucking sexy ringtone. Aaah!

"Park Jimin!" I screamed my lungs out, getting up in a sitting position, careful not to conk my head on the upper bunk. Then muttered violently, "If you aren't going to answer, then why did you not put your phone on silent? Did I ask you to put a fucken alarm for me?"

It was sharp enough to reach his ears. The door cracked slightly. —"Who is calling?" 

"I don't care. Just get your wet ass here and take the call."

Wrapping his private parts securely around a towel, the fairy finally came out of his Neverland and took the phone in his hand. Just as I thought, it was his one and only sister who was hitting on me since the day we met in their house. I had already sent her to my block list. To be particular, she was the only person ruling over my block list.  But almost everyday she called his brother first in the morning to know what I was doing, mainly to know if I was still single or not.

That girl really needed to grow up.

The floor was getting wet from the droplets of water dripping from Jimin's slapped-down hair. I ignored it. I needed to get some sleep before my classes began. At least an hour more.

My head started to slowly gravitate toward the ground as my eyes closed again. My soft pillow never failed to pull me in its warm embrace.

A minute and half past.

The shampoo fairy returned back to his shower. It was the peace that I wanted. But what could a single person do, when the heaven was against him?

Breaking the peace, the ringtone pierced my eardrums. But this time it was zazz, my personal favorite.

My hand moved on its own to my bedside table. Holding the device, I stared at the glowing screen for a moment, until it went all black. Namjoon must be mad at me for not picking up his calls. But now I wasn't in the mood to talk with someone.

I closed my eyes again, really needed to sleep. Also I needed to practice. And the problem was I had got to choose only one at a time.

After contemplating for a minute, I groaned and got up.

It was a nice October morning. Fall leaves lay in heaps on the ground beside the road. I pushed through the huge iron gate of my University and parked my bicycle just beside the main gate. Loosely hung my guitar on the back of my black hoodie.

  The office hours hadn't begun. Yet the never-ending campus road was full of black and brown heads. Some of the kids were reading, some of them were busy playing tennis and basketball, some came to just observe the atmosphere and people. And the modern arts students, wearing dull, paint coated clothes, holding canvas in one hand drawing something only they could understand.

Uhm! Sorry to say, but I could not find anything interesting in modern paintings. Even though I failed to understand contemporary dance. To me it was like doing gymnastics in a polish manner.

Anyway. I waded through suntanned bodies, smiling faces which were mostly jammed against their phones, getting in their last few minutes of airtime before they get into those heavyweight lectures. I made a beeline to the upper floor, where my bandmates would be.


  —the deep calm voice of my friend Namjoon, welcomed me as I opened the door of our little rehearsal room. His big buff body almost vanished behind his drum set, only his face and shoulder were visible.


  —another voice repeated the same thing, but with a tender note. It was my other bandmate Jennie's. Resting her hip at the front of her keyboard synthesiser, curling some hair strands around her finger, she beamed at me.

"Yeah." I walked in at my usual lazy pace. Didn't care of what others think. Why do I? Nobody was paying for my tuitions.

  "How many times do I have to remind you to not be late for practice?"

An expected question was thrown at me as soon as I took my position.

I turned back, stared at Namjoon and replied with another question, "How many times do I have to remind you that my boss is an absolute freak?"

Namjoon's face became softer in a blink—  "He told you to do overtime again? Why don't you resign from that nightclub?"

Sympathy washed over his eyes, which I didn't need at that moment. I needed sleep. I came back to my dorm at five in the morning, because some wealthy bitch-elors who liked to party dusk till dawn.

"Because he is paying me well." I stated the reason.

"But still.  You are the lead singer of our group and we just have one month left before our competition. That arrogant Kim Seokjin and his team is practicing day and night.  And just look at us!  We're doing nothing." —Namjoon slammed his drumsticks on the snare drum. I flinched at the loud thump, craned my neck to check whether it broke again or still in shape. This guy had a record of breaking things, mostly his drums.

I breathed through my lips, which came out as a whistle. It wasn't broken.

"Woah bro! Chill." I tried to maintain a sober tone. It wasn't my intention to make him mad again. "Yeah i know. Winning this competition is more important than anything to me also. Music is my life. And to make it my profession, we have to win no matter what. But also I need money to survive."

I unslung my guitar case, opened it up, and carefully lifted out my first love. The guitar was gifted by my father before his death, and after that incident, it became an important part of me. At first I gave it a fond look. My good and bad memories were tangled with its strings. Then I strummed a random tune in it. My heart beatboxed inside my chest.

  "Can't you ask your uncle for the money?" — Jennie asked, after staring at me for a moment. Her voice was gentle as her soft face. But that sympathy in her eyes irked me.

"He already refused me two times before. I don't want to go to him again." My alcoholic uncle didn't know anything but drinking alcohol to the limit where he couldn't consume anymore and pass out. Instead of helping me with my university fees, he sometimes asked me to lend some money. He even suggested that I should steal some bottles from my workplace for him. Could you imagine?

"But the way we're getting so little time for our practice, I don't think we can ever win this competition. And participating in a national platform? Do you think, that could ever be possible?" —Namjoon sighed deeply. I did not have the courage to face him and reply. Because I knew how true his every word was.

  "Hey don't say this." —Jennie spoke instead. Defending me. "Can't you see he is trying his best? Doing a job all night in a club is tiring enough, and the pressure of the classes is not easy for him. He is only human. How much pressure do you think he can take?"

  "So you are blaming me for all these? —Namjoon, the cool-headed guy busted out at her. "Because of him I took on this challenge and tried to make our band successful with every bit of my energy. And you two just-" He raised his hands in a surrender pose and layed back on his seat. "Fine. Let's stop it here. We are already late."

"Joonie," Sighing, I turned to him. "Bro. You are my inspiration and I'm extremely sorry for making you sad. This won't happen again. I will try to get up soon."

  "No." — he shook his head. His voice came across the line in honeyed tones. "Sleep is more important. You should take proper rest. I'm not sad. I am just worried about our competition."


  "If you two are done with your emotional hurt-comfort game," —Jennie said with a straight face, hands unfolded to both of his sides. "Shall we start practicing?"

  "Yep." —Namjoon picked up his sticks again, rolled them in his long fingers, ready to hit the bass.  "Let's begin."

  "Let us start with 'Euphoria'." I suggested, the other two agreed.

When the lights were turned on, I took a deep breath. Jennie's fourth finger lightly pounded on the certain keys. I ran my fingertips through the strings, and the guitar churned and rasped with acoustic chime. My lips started moving to the melodic and heartfelt lyrics, which was written by Namjoon.

      .•♫•♬• "You are the sun
                  that rose again in my life,
        The return of my childhood dreams
        I don't know what this feeling is
        Perhaps I'm also in a dream
       Dream is a blue mirage in desert
       A priori from deep inside of me
       I get breathtakingly euphoric
      My surroundings become more and
            more transparent.

      I hear the ocean from far away
      I walk across the dream over the forest
     And go towards there as it gets clearer
     Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria." •♬•♫•

Deep bass and softly crashing drums made the song more amazing. Three of us landed on the la-la land, where rainbows shone and the butterflies flew over our heads. Music was indeed magical. Made us forget the harsh reality that we were living in.

But magic had its duration. The door opened with a crack and it vanished. Lalisa, most of the students knew as Lisa entered, seeking for her friend Jennie.

I didn't notice when and how half an hour passed and the first bell rang into the corridor. Namjoon wanted to practice the song a few more times, but thinking about the attendance he got up to go. We decided we were going to continue the practice in the afternoon where there would be less chaos.

The first class, the history of modern arts and music, was a common class of all my batchmates. The lecturer Mr Bang Si Hyuk, was a very serious guy. His serious lectures were so powerful that at the end of the class, most of the students found either dozing off for long snoozes, or falling momentarily asleep without consuming any sleeping pills.

There was a condition. If he ever caught anyone sleeping, which was rare, that student's whole week's attendance would be emitted. So you could guess how torturous this man was for sleep-deprived students like me.

But I had my ways.

Jimin and Hoseok, my two shiny armours were always ready to protect me from him. I could shut my eyes behind their back, without getting uninterrupted.

I slept after signing my attendance. The forty minute lecture bounced from walls to walls but did not enter my ears. Still I got a copy of my notes thanks to them.

Oh, I forgot to say about my other friend Hoseok. He was the coolest person, the fashion icon of our university. It was not like he was super rich, or had a billionaire grandpa and all that. His mother was a fashion designer, and used to run a small boutique. Every single design she created, applied on her son first and waited for the positive reviews from his college and neighborhood. To be practical this handsome boy was used as a guinea pig of her experiments. But favor was on their side. Her experiments turned out to be a huge success, orders came from right and left, so she made a lot of money just by selling her designs. And in this process, Hoseok became a fashionista the hot, unpaid model who was pretty popular among boys and girls.

Also he was a great friend.

Later that day, after when my vocal and instruments classes were over, I flew to the other side of the huge building, like I usually did, and caught my friend who was on his way to his dance class.

"Hey Jim, wanna eat something good for dinner?" With a toothpaste advertising smile I circle my arms around his shoulder to lend some of my bodyweight to him. He just shrugged my hands off.

  "Like you really are going to take me out for dinner?" —he snorted.

"Oh that's right, my shift is starting earlier from tonight." I forgot, "But I can take you out for an afternoon snack." I sounded positive. But he shook his head in a bold 'nah'.

  "I don't think you could. Aren't you going to rehearse with your band?"

My mouth shaped an 'o'. That thing I totally forgot, but he did not. He knew me so well, such a nice friend I had gotten.

We knew each other since middle school, and became close when we were in high school. Practically nothing was common between us; he was pro in dancing where I could only sing, he was short and tiny compared to my bulks, his scores were two-three times double of mine. That was a huge difference! And the last thing, he liked boys and I liked girls. Well untill now I liked only one girl.

But still we became friends.

"Hey." Out of excitement I smacked my left palm on his right booty. He didn't even bulge. "Isn't this better that I am walking you off to your classroom?"

  He halted, raised his brows at me. I noticed a mischievous smirk playing at the corner of his mouth, "Is it for me? Bitch! You make me just an excuse to see her there everyday." He rolled his eyes and walked on.

Aish! He knew me so well.

"Hey wait up!" I ran my legs faster.

I scanned the classroom as I stepped in. The dance department was huge. The classroom itself was like a mini auditorium; a big stage half with mirrors all over, velvet drapes from ceiling to floor, sunlight pouring from the huge windows, making it suffocatingly bright, everything was classy, attractive. I always wanted to perform here. But the thing was, I could not dance.

I tried to take private lessons for some days just after my high school finals, but my movements weren't as good as a dancer's. So after thinking thoroughly about it, I decided to choose vocal music as my career; the only thing I was good at.

The time showed 2.30. Students were already in. Chatting while bouncing, squatting, doing other free hand exercises before starting the class. I saw Jimin and Hoseok doing high five with a tall dark haired guy Kim Seokjin, the leader of their dance team, 'Tonight'. Out of all the teams participating in this year's best performing group, 'Tonight' was the best. So you could guess why Namjoon was worried in the morning.

My heartbeat rose spasmodically hearing a familiar sound. Eyes on the other side of the room, a door opened from where she always entered.

And then she came, the love of my teenage life, Lee Jieun.

Dressing in a milky white full sleeve dress shirt-long black slacks, hair tied in a top bun, lips cherry red, eyes smoky and she stood in the middle of the stage like a queen. My throat dried up immediately. She was just so beautiful.

A few more moments passed. I saw her discussing some new steps with her students.  The festival was coming in December, so everyone was untrabusy.

Finally her eyes fell on me. With a soft smile she approached, and the world around me took on a dreamy turn, as if time stopped, violins started playing in the background, and she was walking toward me in slow motion.

  "Jungkook,"  — she said in her sweet voice. I was too gone to respond. Just a small sound escaped from my parted lips. Her eyes scanned my face, "You are looking pale. Aren't you eating good?"

Wow! She noticed!

"Yes I am." I sharply nodded. Stammered, "A-actually I was a bit tired. Ummm. Because of studies."

  "Oh." —the corners of her lips turned downward, eyes became soft with sympathy; but I didn't mind. I was ok with everything she felt for me. "Take rest." —Oh boy, he was concerned.  "And if you need anything, books and other things, you can tell me anytime, ok?"

Definitely not. I was the man here.

"Ae- yes. Sure."

  "Are you going to stay?" —she asked. I knew what she meant. It was her time to teach, and I-was-not-her-student.

"Actually Jimin told me to come with him." My excuse. Like every time.

  "I see." —She turned her head to the rows of empty chairs. Was that a smile that she tried to hide? "Go and sit there."


Then she got busy with her students. Observing their dancing attentively, sometimes giving instructions, showing some ballet steps whenever they failed to copy her moves. Her lithe body moved with an ethereal fluidity and feminine grace. Just like that day I saw her first time, under the moonlight, on her terrace.

Yes. It happened long ago.

Let me give a quick recap of my past story. There were only a few who knew about it.

Seven years ago when I was just thirteen and some months, my parents died in a car crash. A truck, losing control, came and hit the front side. I was in the back seat. Maybe, that was how I survived. But could not survive from the trauma seeing my parents' death in front of my eyes.

Being an under age, I had to move into my only relative's house, my mother's elder brother, who had a job and a wife at that time. Even though his income was decent, he used to spend his money more than he earned. On alcohol to be particular. It became his habit to return home late at night being screwed and scream at my aunt.

At first, I used to get really scared. Hugging my guitar I weeped for hours. Just prayed that the night could get over soon and my uncle became sane again.

But that day never came. I still remembered it so clearly. I remembered how trapped I felt in that room. I couldn’t extricate myself; I couldn’t escape. Because of his bad temper not a single neighbor in his rented apartment talked with us. My aunt never tried to befriend me. So I felt lonely after when my classes were over and had to return to that muddle.

One day, in the evening when I pushed through the door and walked in, I heard some loud noises from inside. Curse words along with screams and breaking glasses were heard. Holding my breath I cracked their bedroom door and witnessed the disaster. Both of them were fighting like wrestlers, without caring about their injuries made by the broken glass pieces on the floor.

I ran away from there, but didn't know where to go. So for the first time I climbed all the stairs and reached the top.

Panting like a stray dog, I climbed up at the edge of rooftop. Not caring or fearing. My brain kept showing flashbacks of that accident where I lost my mom and dad. I cried again remembering them.

And then there was a voice, so sweet, like a songbird. My legs, on their own moved toward the other end of that huge terrace, and found a girl, at her late teenage, dancing ballerina under the full moon while singing a beautiful ballad.

I didn't know what magic she spelled on me, I stood there being checkmated. I had thought, this was it. There was no tomorrow for me. If the world were going to destroy, I would not leave this place. I would stay  to protect this fairy.

While I was captivated by and immersed in the performance, she noticed me and stopped her movement. Stared at me for a couple of seconds, then came near.

I couldn't remember that full conversation. Most of the dialogue I had forgotten. Only could remember, she smiled several times while talking to me. She said, sometimes she felt pity for me, but never dared to talk with me before because of my uncle. She even promised me she'd help in my studies. And she kept it. She tought me tough subjects like English and Math and helped me with other nessesery things as books and pens. My days were becoming bright again. Two years passed like this.

My aunt left my uncle during that time and before I became sixteen, he became jobless. We had to move into a cheaper apartment, far from there. Although I could not see her everyday like before, my love for her only grew.

The crazy vibration inside my pocket diverted my attention.

It was Namjoon again. Shit.

I bid a little bye and came out of the dance class.

The late afternoon sun rayed upon me. I didn't bother to cover my face. Warmth was what I needed, after love.

I had no idea if my band 'Euphoria' was ever going to win this competition or not. I did not know if I ever were going to make enough money to propose to her properly. 

But I would keep trying.

.•♫•♬• On days where I hate myself for being me, on days where I want to disappear forever
Let's make a door. It's in your heart
Open the door and this place will await
Magic Shop...•♬•♫•.


So this was Jungkook's daily life before he met Tata. I hope you've enjoyed reading it.

Purple you. Have a nice day/night 💜💚

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